It's Europe
N° 9
October 2023

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Project of the month
From our members 
Our activities
Business opportunities 
TTS Italia supports
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The interview by Morena Pivetti


“From the Parliament's fact-finding survey on the use of digital technologies, the plans for Italian transport and logistics”.
Interview with Lorenzo Basso, vice president of the 8th Senate Commission

Maybe it's because in the parenthesis between the election as deputy which brought him to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013 and until 2018 and the election as senator in September 2022 he was involved in the sector, precisely in ICT as an entrepreneur, but when Lorenzo Basso talks about digital technologies and artificial intelligence in transport and logistics, you can feel not only the competence, you can actually feel the passion. Basso, 47 years old, elected in Liguria with the Democratic Party, is vice president of the 8th Senate Commission on Environment, Ecological Transition, Energy, Public Works, Communications, Technological Innovation. In this capacity he was the first signatory and promoter of the proposal for a "Cognitive survey on the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence in the planning, construction, management and monitoring of transport systems: vehicles and road, motorway, railway and port infrastructures, airports and logistics", also signed by Antonio Nicita, Silvio Franceschelli, Daniele Manca, Michele Fina, Nicola Irto and Ylenia Zscopio of the Pd group. The proposal was endorsed by the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, who incorporated it into parliamentary work: the hearings began at the beginning of October.


Basso has followed, albeit remotely, the work of TTS Italia on the digitalisation of infrastructure and is aware of the proposals put forward by the President, Rossella Panero, and the General Secretary, Olga Landolfi, at the conference promoted by the Association in Rome in July. Senator, what is your opinion? How do you evaluate them?
I find the request formulated by TTS Italia for the timely transposition of the revision of the 2010 Directive on ITS, a revision which has not yet been published, and for the contextual elaboration of the new National ITS Action Plan, with the definition of the deadlines and resources to be committed.

Many cases of virtuous experiments were presented at the conference.
Commendable and interesting initiatives thanks to a very advanced entrepreneurial fabric in the technological capacity of implementing digital systems in general, and in particular for the world of transport. But objectively, a national framework is missing that allows best practices to be extended in a structural manner and with concrete actions to the entire sector. Our logistics system, made up mainly of small and medium-sized enterprises, is suffering from a delay and is struggling in terms of digital infrastructure if we compare it with the vertical integration offered by the large private multinationals that have entered the Italian market. This makes the production system less competitive, raises costs and drives our companies out of the market.

What is the next step to take?
We must accelerate the digitalization process. We cannot limit ourselves to an experiment here, in a port terminal, an experiment there, in a city neighborhood, or even on a stretch of motorway, even if it is an excellent one. We urgently need to apply new technologies along the entire logistics chain, from the producer to the final consumer, to bring the intact value of the goods to the market and maintain a competitive advantage.

The problem, therefore, is not technological.
Absolutely not. The reflection of TTS Italia, which I have followed carefully, has centered the topic well: today the technology is largely mature, the providers are of quality and offer sustainable costs. The central theme, as emerged at the conference, is a business model that allows us to support the processes of digitalization and implementation of artificial intelligence and deep learning across the entire logistics chain of the country. Today many multinationals do not highlight logistics costs in a transparent manner, they drown them in the final cost of the product. How do we make this strategy of both the digital infrastructure of our businesses and the offering of digital services economically sustainable? Here, this is one of the questions to which the fact-finding survey aims to make a useful contribution for the country.

Why did you choose the cognitive survey tool?
It is certainly the most effective tool in this scenario. I had already experienced it as a deputy in the XVII Legislature, when I had the privilege of being co-rapporteur with engineer Alberto Bombassei of the fact-finding survey of the Chamber of Deputies on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, from which the Industry 4.0 measures subsequently arose.

Senator Basso, can you explain to us how it will work?
The investigation will unfold in three phases. In the first, which has already begun, we will hear all the interested parties, representatives of the vast business and trade union world, trade associations, academics, research centers, service providers, large international and Italian technology companies, innovative start-ups and cutting-edge SMEs, all institutional subjects, including economic representatives of the embassies of OECD countries. This first phase involves listening to the state of the art.

The timing of this first phase?
We think we can conclude it by March 2024. The second phase is that of developing the proposal, which we will already carry out at the same time as the first in order to conclude it by spring, I would say April-May. The final report will be brought to Parliament for discussion and vote and will include all the policies that will integrate and support the transposition of the ITS Directive and other EU initiatives such as the Digital Service Act, the Data Act and the AI Act , now in the trilogue phase to have a regulatory framework harmonized with the entire set of European directives. My hope is to work from a unitary perspective so that, as happened with Industry 4.0, the report can find unanimity in Parliament and target more than one government to give stability to the market.

And the third phase?
At that point Parliament will pass the word to the Government in office which will have to find the resources and identify the best tools so that from the policy proposals we move on to the implementation with the definition of the concrete actions that it deems necessary to accept and support in order to implement the policies outlined. Industry 4.0 has involved four ministers of the ministry that is now called Enterprise and Made in Italy: Carlo Calenda, Luigi Di Maio, Stefano Patuanelli and Giancarlo Giorgetti. There is still funding today in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan that incorporates the proposals of the fact-finding survey on Industry 4.0. However, I want to remember here that the first step of that project was the creation of the control room: today this tool is even more decisive for bringing the use of digital technologies into a system in the logistics and transport sector. And to involve the manufacturing industry - and all manufacturing companies - so that it can better interact with the sector, along the entire value chain.

What should be the role of this control room?
First of all, bring together all the actors and develop the first measures starting from the policy priorities identified by the report. At the beginning, as happened with Industry 4.0, strong public investment will be needed to get fully operational: as I have already said, experimenting is not enough because Italy presents strong critical issues. I think of my Region, Liguria, crushed as it is between the mountains and the sea: more urgent than physical infrastructures, which must certainly be continued and completed, are investments in IT networks and digital infrastructures because they can give us concrete results in time short. Either we just continue to 'dig', with increasingly longer times, increasingly unsustainable costs and increasingly serious environmental impacts, or we accelerate the construction of 'digital twins' so as to monitor and plan road and traffic flows with real-time simulations. highways and, for example, synchronize traffic light systems to improve vehicle disposal; or deciding, for example, when to slow down the entry into the port of trucks carrying containers for ships that need to dock, stopping them first in a rest area, and avoiding congestion and also the related extra fuel consumption. The examples can be endless. This is the real turning point for a congested country like Italy, rather than the large pharaonic projects in which we end up getting bogged down. Digitalizing means accelerating the recovery of efficiency of our infrastructures. And it also means having the data, numbers in hand, to plan and design the best solutions with respect to the directions of passenger and goods traffic. At the beginning, public resources will be the driving force to kick off the process and subsequently allow the establishment of a business model capable of supporting itself in the market.

At the TTS Italia conference, the lack of dialogue and involvement of the large car manufacturers and also the big telecommunications companies was highlighted by many. What is your opinion?
Their involvement is fundamental but the one who must orchestrate is the State, which has the duty, the obligation to make everyone sit around a table and build a mechanism of interaction between the parties. When the EU imposed common standards, all Telcos adapted. It is up to the public to indicate the interoperability standards, which will necessarily be European, and define certain objectives and timescales. So that everyone can then adapt to the new scenarios in time.

By co-financing the projects?
Absolutely yes. I go back to the Industry 4.0 model again. It is not the State that creates jobs or that has to choose which technologies to adopt: if the private sector invests personally at risk - because it believes in it - to digitize and modernize, the State can and must co-finance the project, taking on part of the risk change of an increase in competitiveness of the country system.

Who is Lorenzo Basso. Born on 19 February 1976 in Genoa. Computer scientist. Entrepreneur. Passionate about innovation. Senator. Promoter of the "Industry 4.0" strategy in the XVII legislature. Secretary of the PD-IDP group from 25 October 2022. Vice President of the 8th Permanent Commission (Environment, ecological transition, energy, public works, communications, technological innovation) from 10 November 2022.

Project of the month

Trenitalia Regional Digital Ticket: collaboration with IBM

Digital ticketing is a classic phenomenon of irreversible business transformation, which is not limited only to the introduction of new technological solutions, aimed at benefiting from the advantages of a mobile device, but to re-invent processes altogether to achieve strategic objectives.

Trenitalia's recent introduction of the Regional Digital Ticket (BDR), is a good example of how the adoption of a digital solution, as a new process for accessing mobility services, has enabled the introduction of new processes and related benefits:
For Travelers;
- simplicity in accessing local and regional mobility services;
- flexibility in the choice of mobility solution;
- timely access to information about the chosen train/bus;
For mobility service providers:
- passenger evidence on trains and transportation services, to improve the caring;
- Containment of fraud, thanks to the difficulty in duplicating the travel ticket;
- knowledge of traveler flows and possible forecasting to improve the level of services offered.

The value of digital transformation manifests itself, in mobility, with the goal of changing and re-inventing reference models, with benefits for all stakeholders. The identification of the traveler on board a specific train, which is obtained solely thanks to check-in, is also the essential prerequisite for the development of advanced caring, which provides specific information, but also solutions for re-protection and other requirements of the European Regulation.

Case Study
Trenitalia, the lead company of the Passenger Hub of the FS Group, introduced, starting August 5, the new digital ticket for regional trains, which can be purchased on the App, Trenitalia's website, travel agencies and other enabled operators. This is an innovative way to travel in an even more flexible way: once the ticket is purchased, it will be possible to make an unlimited number of date and time changes until 11:59 p.m. on the day before the trip, while on the day of travel it will be possible to make an unlimited number of time changes until 11:59 p.m., anticipating or postponing the departure.
The other important new feature is the check-in that validates the ticket and that the traveler will have to perform before boarding the chosen train. The check-in can be done, as a registered user in the "my trips" area of the website, or of the Trenitalia App. Those who are not registered can check in by connecting to the link in the e-mail or SMS received when purchasing the ticket.
The check-in function is available from 00:00 on the day of travel and until the scheduled departure time of the train selected at the time of purchase: the button displays the message, "check in and travel." Once checked in, the ticket is valid for travel.

The adoption of digital ticketing for regional transportation has not only brought operational benefits for travelers and operator, but more importantly has opened up the era of digitization of mobility.
By introducing a new way of accessing mobility services through a mobile solution, Trenitalia, with the support of IBM Consulting, has set up tools and processes to extend the model to other uses and secure new benefits.
With a mobile device, travelers will (for example) be able to activate an Account Based Ticketing solution, which provides the ability to access a mobility service (e.g., regional train) by simply tapping on its device, to activate a ride, and with subsequent tap-out will be calculated the route and its fare. Fare calculation also enables a Best Fare model, in which the customer is charged the best possible fare over the reference period (i.e., week, month).
In addition, this solution enables the re-establishment of a direct relationship with customers, who currently adopt a contactless credit card-based model. The customer will, therefore, be able to access via mobile by activating his or her ride, and will not necessarily have to interact with a card reader. Also notable are the savings associated with the fact that a digital solution will not require maintenance of field equipment (i.e., readers, turnstiles) and allows for greater accuracy of information (e.g, on the chosen train), which is derived from the traveler's experience.
Further application of digital ticketing is related to the possibility of real time interaction with the traveler. Thanks to the specific train choice (in tap-in), Trenitalia can know who is traveling and where, if personal data consense has given and interact via the app, for operational communications (e.g. info on mobility) and commercial (e.g. a dedicated proposal for mobility services).
Dedicated caring processes can be enabled thanks to the travelers recognition onboard (via tap-in/out), to manage customer satisfaction: provide an automated refund / bonus in case on train delays.

Digital Ticketing is not just a new processes supported by a mobile device, but it’s mainly a way to redefine the entire traveler engagement model, simplifying the methods of access to mobility services and travel-related information, with a positive impact on operating costs for the company. Pushing travelers to adopt a digital solution allows to generate high-value data through real-time travel information, enable or simplify reprotection routines, reimbursement and refund, supporting the end-to-end user journey of the client.

From our members 

Electric mobility: Free To X and SEA ultrafast charging stations in Milan Malpensa
In Milan Malpensa, the Superfast Charging Station inaugurated, thanks to the collaboration between Free, a company of the Autostrade per l'Italia Group, and supporting member of TTS Italia, and SEA, the management company of the Milan Linate and Malpensa airports, travelers will have access to ultra-fast charging stations powered 100% with renewable energy.
One year after the inauguration of the charging station in Milan Linate, users of Milan Malpensa airport can also enjoy the ultrafast columns for charging electric vehicles. The station offers various charging options, including Alpitronic columns with power up to 300 kW and an EVTEC Cappuccino&Charge column with power up to 64 kW, representing a technologically advanced and sustainable solution.
Renewable energy and ultra-fast charging stations are making a difference at Milan Linate, where a total of 355,000 kg of CO2 has been saved in just 12 months. This exceptional result demonstrates the commitment to sustainable mobility and the effectiveness of the partnership between Free To X and SEA in reducing environmental impact.
Milan Malpensa thus joins Milan Linate in this mission for a greener and more sustainable future, offering travelers the opportunity to embrace electric mobility with ultra-fast charging stations powered by renewable energy, a key solution in the fight against climate change.


Geotab recognized by Stevie® Awards and Google Cloud for its results in terms of innovation, sustainability and business growth
Geotab – global leader in the field of connected vehicle technology, and TTS Italia ordinary member, has recently been awarded a series of awards and recognitions, further confirming the efforts made by the company in terms of product innovation, commitment towards sustainability and continuous growth.
These achievements were recognized by Google Cloud and the Stevie® Awards, an organization that rewards companies and professionals on a global scale, on the occasion of the twentieth edition of the Annual International Business Awards®.
Geotab received first prize in the Google Cloud Customer category for the communications and service provider industry. The results obtained by the company in collaboration with Google Cloud demonstrate an innovative approach in using data and analytical solutions to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the transport sector.
This is the third consecutive year in which Geotab has been named a winner among Google customers for its ability to drive innovation and develop, through Google Cloud, fit-for-purpose solutions and tools. This award recognizes Geotab's ability to provide, with the support of Google solutions, recommendations, benchmarks and performance evaluations based on artificial intelligence, allowing customers to optimize, streamline and scale data relating to their fleet.
Geotab and Google Cloud also recently launched a new video series titled “Sustainability On Board-The Power Of Data Insights,” which explores the role of data in promoting sustainability. The result of the combination of the Geotab platform with the Google Cloud infrastructure translates into a sophisticated solution that aims to respond to customer needs, supporting them in achieving their decarbonization and ESG objectives.
Geotab also won four Stevie® Awards at the 20th Annual International Business Awards®, including first place in the Company of the Year – Transportation – Large category. Additionally, the company earned bronze in two new categories, introduced for the first time this year, related to sustainability applied to overall leadership and product respectively. The awards ceremony was held on the evening of Friday 13 October in Rome, at the Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and saw the participation of Franco Viganò, Director, Strategic Channel & Italy Country Manager of Geotab, and Fabio Maio, Sales Manager by Geotab Italia.
More and more companies are setting precise decarbonisation objectives and creating reports on the emissions and sustainability of their fleet: in this scenario, it is essential to have access to quality data and insights. In this framework, Geotab's solutions help companies manage fuel consumption by reducing emissions, simplify the transition to the use of electric vehicles and measure progress towards sustainability goals.
For this reason, Geotab's Green Fleet Dashboard was also awarded, winner of the Bronze Stevie® Award in the Sustainability Product of the Year category, which is a tool that exploits the power of data to provide a complete system for tracking fuel, emissions and levels of use of electric vehicles.
“We are thrilled and honored to have received these awards, which testify to our continuous efforts to promote innovation and sustainability,” said Franco Viganò, Director, Strategic Channel & Italy Country Manager of Geotab. “The transport sector continues to strive to achieve its decarbonisation objectives and we seek to constantly support our customers in this journey, through technological innovation. These awards confirm our belief that we are on the right path: we are proud to be at the forefront in achieving shared objectives."
As the world's leading commercial telematics platform, capable of connecting to more than 3.8 million vehicles, Geotab helps accelerate and scale decarbonization in the transportation sector by providing information that helps fleets assess their environmental impact and to adopt more sustainable practices, reduce emissions, simplify the electrification process and optimize the operations of electric vehicles, as well as make progress on their sustainability journey.

Source: Geotab

MaaS: 5T seeks transport 'integrators'. The notice has been published
The future "transport integrators" are the recipients of the public notice of expression of interest published by 5T, the in-house company that is a TTS Italia member, and which manages smart mobility systems on behalf of the Municipality of Turin and partner of the City in TOMOVE projects of "Pilot MaaS" and "Living Lab CCAM" financed with resources from the PNRR Complementary Fund as part of the "MaaS4Italy" call promoted in collaboration between the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition (MITD) - Department for the Digital Transformation (DTD) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility (MIMS).
At the basis of "MaaS - Mobility as a service" is the idea of "Mobility as a service", which integrates, coordinates and makes transport services managed by different operators accessible to all, with a single tool. The single digital channel, the platform at the center of the service, must offer information and the possibility of planning, booking, managing and purchasing a "multimodal" trip in the simplest way and with personalized solutions.
After the announcement in July last year of the financing of the projects given at the conference "MaaS4Italy: in Italy the future is Mobility as a service" organized by TTS Italia in Rome, 5T is now starting the public tender procedure to identify the subjects with which to develop it.
Expressions of interest may be submitted by public or private entities, organized in the form of a company, in the form of a ATI or even in a consortium form, which meet the requirements indicated in the Notice, available on the 5T website.
More information is available on MATO, the infomobility website of the City of Turin.
Applications must be submitted by November 15, 2023, while citizens will be able to use MaaS services starting from April 2024.

Source: TorinoClick

Targa Telematics receives the Il Sole 24 Ore "Sustainable Enterprise 203" award for the digital sustainability category
Targa Telematics, a tech company specialized in the development of IoT solutions and digital platforms for the management and monitoring of its vehicle fleet, and TTS Italia founding member, is the winner of the 2023 Sustainable Enterprise award from Il Sole 24 Ore, for the Digital Sustainability category. During the 2023 Sustainability Forum, promoted by Il Sole 24 Ore in collaboration with the Holy See, Targa Telematics was awarded for offering innovative intelligent mobility solutions for the benefit of people, companies and the environment, exploiting interaction between connected vehicles, drivers and mobility managers and guaranteeing resource savings, greater safety for drivers and reduction of emissions. The recognition shortly follows the publication of the first sustainability report by Targa Telematics, a book that reflects the constant commitment to innovation, responsible growth and the contribution of the IT company towards intelligent and sustainable mobility.“Sustainability and social responsibility are crucial elements for companies: now, given their very close interconnection with a multiplicity of internal and external subjects in their activity, modern companies and those who manage them cannot escape the responsibility of actively and constantly promoting virtuous behaviour, taking care of all issues relating to sustainability. This has to do with respect for the environment, for new and future generations, for all the stakeholders involved, but it has also now become a key element in determining the success of any entrepreneurial and industrial initiative." declared Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics. In the report, drawn up with reference to the GRI Standards, in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Standard, and to the SASB indices, Targa Telematics describes the path undertaken to increasingly integrate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in corporate strategies: from the calculation of the carbon footprint to the process for obtaining the Ecovadis evaluation (silver medal) and the ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 certifications. Added to this is the formalization of membership of the United Nations Global Compact. “To further consolidate our commitment to increasingly responsible corporate management, we promote a more efficient use of resources, reducing the environmental impact of our activities and promoting the well-being of the communities in which we operate” continued De Mattia “We want to be a positive example for the sector and the economic fabric in general; the award received from the Jury Committee of the Sustainability Forum of Il Sole 24 Ore is a further incentive to continue on this path". The plan for the future of Targa Telematics, which is based on the results of the materiality analysis and is in line with the corporate vision and values focuses on three areas: people, business and environment. For each of them, the company has identified as many specific strategic objectives to pursue and an investment plan for their development. The implementation of this approach will allow Targa Telematics to be more effective in achieving the global sustainable development goals according to the UN Agenda 2030, identified for each specific area. The 2022 sustainability report is available on /sustainability/

Source: Targa Telematics

Targa Telematics supports TCH Leasing in developing proactive service management for its clients by leveraging OEM data
Targa Telematics, a tech company specialising in IoT solutions and digital platforms for connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member, is excited to announce its new collaboration with TCH Leasing, one of the UK’s top 30 contract hire and fleet management companies. This partnership aims to provide proactive service maintenance by offering real-time alerts about the vehicle’s condition in advance, helping TCH Leasing avoid Vehicle Off-Road (VOR) situations and preserve the vehicle’s health.
Targa Telematics leverages its relationships with vehicle manufacturers to ingest data from embedded sensors within TCH Leasing’s vehicles, including odometer (ODO) readings, service countdowns and dashboard warning lamps. The solution enables TCH Leasing to strategically plan vehicle maintenance, reduce VOR incidents and pre-book courtesy vehicles when necessary. Furthermore, it allows for increased reactivity in dealing with any potential issues indicated by the vehicle’s warning lamps, minimising potential damage to the vehicle.
Utilising OEM data has many advantages, including avoiding vehicle downtime during the installation of aftermarket devices, a fast and simple remote activation process, and the provision of secure and reliable data. However, for any vehicles manufactured without the embedded sensors to support OEM data, Targa Telematics can install its own devices to transmit the required information, allowing TCH Leasing to cover the entire fleet, regardless of the brand or model of the vehicles.
The new partnership with Targa Telematics provides TCH Leasing with the information and visibility needed to better manage its fleet and take a proactive approach to vehicle maintenance.
“Targa Telematics is positioning itself as a leader in managing OEM vehicle data and delivering innovative digital mobility solutions to its customers, regardless of the data collection method” said  Chris Horbowyj, Sales Director Targa Telematics UK. “Thanks to its expertise in the vehicle leasing and rental industry, Targa Telematics delivers tailored solutions addressing the needs of this sector, facilitating their operations and enabling the development of new services and business.”
As well as the proactive service management solution, Targa Telematics supports TCH Leasing to enhance the security of their fleet by providing a Stolen-Vehicle Recovery (SVR) solution that empowers swift recovery in the event of theft.
“We reviewed many telematics providers in the marketplace and found Targa Telematics to be an industry leader in the services that they are able to provide” said Jennifer Jones, Systems & Compliance Manager TCH Leasing. “With OEM connectivity available across a wide range of manufacturers, the service enables us to easily turn on the functionality within each vehicle, not only to provide security of our assets, but also to provide information to our maintenance controllers and to better manage our customers’ fleets. The availability of Targa Telematics’ online system provides easy access to our data and allows us to schedule reporting to integrate with our internal systems to ensure we are always as informed and up to date as possible.”

Source: Targa Telematics

Targa Telematics recognised with the 2023 Best Practices Company of the year Award in Europe by Forst & Sullivan
Targa Telematics, one of the leading global players in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member, has received Frost & Sullivan’s 2023 European Company of the Year Award.
This award marks another valuable achievement for Targa Telematics, which specializes in creating a range of IoT solutions fitted with a wide array of features and capabilities. As the second-largest telematics company in Europe, the IT company serves more than 950 clients, including the majority of Italian insurtech firms and globally renowned brands across different industries. Its approach leverages the synergy between drivers and connected vehicles to reduce costs, enhance driver safety, and lower carbon dioxide emissions.
This award follows Frost & Sullivan’s two previous recognitions of Targa Telematics: the 2022 Europe Enabling Technology Leadership Award and the 2022 Technology Innovation Leader in the European vehicle leasing and rental telematics sector.
Nicola De Mattia, CEO at Targa Telematics, commented: “This award further highlights the company’s added value in this field and its enduring commitment to Innovation, Research and Development – a fundamental pillar of our organization— as well as collaborative customer partnerships. It also strengthens the market positioning in our areas of expertise: the rental and leasing industry, as well as insurance. Our continuous investment in cutting-edge technology and co-creation with clients empowers them to extract maximum value from advanced digital solutions like AI and machine learning, leveraging our profound industry knowledge and expertise. Additionally, our recent acquisition of Viasat Group positions us to provide even greater international support to our clients as they embark on their digital transformation journey and explore smart mobility solutions.”
“With unlimited custom IoT and smart mobility configurations and strong core architecture, Targa Telematics enables businesses, organizations, and communities to utilize connected technologies fully. The company has a reputation for offering the overall best in the telematics connectivity market,” added Elizabeth Whynott, Best Practices Research Analyst at Frost & Sullivan.
The Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards acknowledge companies operating in diverse regional and global markets that have exhibited remarkable accomplishments and exceptional performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. A team of industry analysts assesses market participants by conducting thorough interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to pinpoint industry best practices.

Source: Targa Telematics

Our activities

Sustainable last mile logistics: the event of the Municipality of Rimini and TTS Italia in November
As part of the Interreg Europe SPOTLOG, project, the 2nd EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE EVENT will be held on 8 and 9 November in Rimini, organized by the Municipality of Rimini and TTS Italia, both partners of the project. The “Approaches and solutions for a collaborative and socially responsible last-mile logistics” aims to be a moment of discussion between the project partners and expert stakeholders in the sector. The focus, as the title suggests, will be on the challenges of urban logistics, in particular that of last-mile millet, analyzing the specific case of Rimini, but also collecting numerous European best practices. Among the topics covered: sustainable mobility and transport; microbility; multimodal mobility; green urban logistics. November 9th will instead be dedicated to a technical visit to the pilot area of Rimini, and one of the main cycle-pedestrian routes in the city.

Take a look at the preliminary agenda and register!

At the end of November "Genova Smart Week" returns, TTS Italia among the sponsors
Digitalization and development of smart cities, artificial intelligence and cyber security, urban regeneration, ecological transition, sustainable mobility, infrastructure and logistics at the center of the ninth edition: from 25 November to 1 December a packed program of conferences and events open to the public to involve everyone the city.
“Innovation Everywhere” is the framework within which the ninth edition of the Genoa Smart Week is organized, an event promoted by the Genoa Smart City Association and the Municipality of Genoa with the organizational support of Clickutility Team. TTS Italia is among the sponsors of the event.
The event will open under the banner of the "Smart City Experience", a two-day event aimed at all citizens over the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th November, during which it will be possible to carry out test drives of cars, scooters, bicycles and scooters on display and discuss the issues of sustainable mobility and road safety.
From Monday 27 November to Friday 1 December, however, the prestigious venue of the Salone di Ricerca of Palazzo Tursi will host conference events which will focus on the digitalisation and development of smart cities, artificial intelligence and cyber security, projects and systems for territorial monitoring and environmental, urban regeneration, circular city, construction 4.0 and ecological transition, smart mobility and logistics.
There are also hosted events dedicated to start-ups and local projects, networking moments reserved for the event's partners and promoters and some initiatives designed to involve schools. For all the updates and useful information on Genoa Smart Week 2023 it is possible to subscribe to the newsletter directly from the website, to which please also refer for the complete programme, currently being defined.

Sustainable last mile logistics: the opinion of stakeholders
TTS Italia is among the partners of the SPOTLOG (Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions) project co-financed by the European Commission within the Interreg Europe programme.
SPOTLOG wants to involve local communities in the creation of socially responsible logistics systems, based on zero carbon emissions methods and through the intelligent use of available resources and the digitalisation of goods and passenger transport services.
In this context, SPOTLOG launched a survey aimed at sector stakeholders to investigate specific issues related to the planning and regulatory framework of last mile deliveries in the various countries represented in the consortium, including Italy.
The investigation is anonymous and aims to:
• collect the general perception of stakeholders on the impacts of last mile logistics
• understand how effective public/private collaboration is in managing last mile logistics
• understand the role of technological development and the degree of innovation brought by Public Authorities
• define the key players in promoting sustainable last mile logistics
• determine how Public Authorities are managing the environmental impact of last mile deliveries
• determine the optimal ways to promote more sustainable consumer behavior in order to minimize the negative impacts of last mile logistics
• understand the stakeholders' vision of the main difficulties that hinder the use of sustainable means for last mile deliveries.
The survey is available here.

We would appreciate your feedback by November 10th. Thanks for support!

Innovation: in TTS Italia the meeting between the players in the ITS sector
The meeting between large and small/very small/medium companies that are part of the Association took place on 19 October in Rome, at the TTS Italia headquarters.
The aim of the meeting, in addition to the more general aim of introducing oneself, was to be able to evaluate possible collaborations and synergies between players of relevance for the sector of Intelligent Transport Systems and intelligent mobility.
The day was an opportunity to focus on some of the key themes of smart mobility: parking solutions; artificial intelligence for road safety; bike sharing; V2X technology to support the safety of pedestrians and cyclists; telematics for fleet management; infomobility; Cooperative ITS.
The companies, all associated with TTS Italia, which participated: Almaviva, Famas System, IBM, Swarco Italia, Selea, Pin Bike, SPRINX, Berenice, X Comit, T Bridge, Geotab, Autoroute, Trafficlab, TecSen.

TTS Italia meets the top management of RAM – Logistica, Infrastrutture e Trasporti Spa
On 12 October, the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, and the General Secretary Olga Landolfi, met the new Sole Director Davide Bordone and the Operations Director Francesco Benevolo of RAM SpA.
RAM is a key player in the logistics panorama, and the aim of the meeting was to present the Association and the smart mobility sector.
Possible synergies in the field of logistics digitalisation were also assessed, in light of the activities carried out on the topic both by TTS Italia (European FENIX project, activities of the Logistics Working Group) and by RAM (eFTI4EU project for the implementation of the Regulation EU 2020/1056, availability of the PNRR on the digitalisation of logistics, valorisation of the National Digital Logistics Platform).

Digitization of infrastructure. The new article by TTS Italia on Strade & Autostrade
The collaboration between TTS Italia and the sector magazine Strade & Autostrade continues.
In this new article, we talk about the digitalisation of infrastructures and smart roads: the transposition of the EU Directive on ITS, the Decree and the ITS Action Plan. These are the fundamental steps according to TTS Italia to achieve the goal.
It was discussed in July, during the conference organized in Rome by TTS Italia to present the paper "Solutions for the digitalisation of road infrastructures".

Read the full article (in Italian).

New shared mobility services: the survey of the GEMINI project
TTS Italia is among the partners of the European progetto europeo GEMINI, financed by the European Commission as part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation program.
GEMINI wants to involve experts, users and stakeholders in the co-creation of promising innovative shared mobility solutions. To this end, a survey was launched to define the reference framework for aligning the development of new shared mobility services with societal trends, technological innovations and corporate objectives.
The anonymous survey is available here and takes a maximum of 15 minutes.

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7-10 November 2023, Rimini
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eCharge 2023
16-17 November 2023, Bologna
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Genova Smart Week
25 November – 1 December 2023, Genova
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Smart City Expo World Congress
7-9 November 2023, Barcelona, Spain
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Greentech Week
11-17 November 2023, Tallinn, Estonia
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IRF Global R2T Conference & Exhibition
14-17 November 2023, Phoenix, USA
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TTS Italia

Via Flaminia 388, 00196 Roma /
T +39 06 3227737 / F +39 06 86929160

Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.