N° 5
May 2022 —
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
The interview by Morena Pivetti

Innovative tenders for Smart Mobility, call for the first 8.5 million.
Interview with Guglielmo de Gennaro, Public procurement and innovation purchases Manager, Technology and Security Department of AGID, Agency for Digital Italy
Around mid-May, both the European Official Gazette and the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic published the first call - worth 8.5 million - of the Smart Mobility topic of the Smart Italy program, which aims to improve mobility sustainable in Italian municipalities through the experimentation of new technologies: the deadline for submitting applications for participation is set for 30 June. In this interview, TTS Italia talks about it with Guglielmo de Gennaro, Head of the Procedure, Public procurement and innovation purchases Manager of the Technology and Security Department of the Agency for Digital Italy.

Smart Mobility is the first of the four thematic challenges defined by the Smarter Italy program. Let's start right here, what is Smarter Italy?
This is a program aimed at fostering innovation through the creation of new contracts, promoted and financed by the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Department for digital transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and implemented by AgID who have combined their skills and made a budget of 90 million euros available. The aim is, at the same time, to innovate the services and assets of the Public Administration, to allow the potential of the market to express itself by allowing dialogue, networking and synergies, and finally to innovate tenders by proposing a new relationship paradigm, open, between the actors of the offer and of the application, denominated Open Innovation Procurement which, following this experimentation, can be extended to ordinary tenders. The use of innovative procurement has been strongly urged by the European Commission since 2007, precisely because they offer the possibility of dialogue and partnership not only with the PA but between the market operators themselves, whether they are large companies, SMEs and start-ups. innovative, universities, research centers and third sector for the development of new products and new services, but above all for the creation of value networks that go beyond the results of the single tender procedure. The ordinary procurement market is characterized by dynamics of extreme competition between operators and there is a lack of tools and moments to facilitate the synergies necessary to make the System more efficient: we, in order to achieve these results and overcome the fragmentation of the supply world, make available events, virtual places, communities and other networking tools, as well as simple web pages in which one's willingness to work together as a team is manifested.
What does the program include and what are the four chosen themes?
The first areas of intervention will be Smart Mobility for the substantial improvement of services for the mobility of people and goods in urban areas, the enhancement of cultural heritage, people's social well-being and environmental protection. Smart Mobility, which is the theme we are starting with, intends to improve sustainable mobility in Italian municipalities by experimenting with new technologies. It provides for the publication of four tenders for the development of innovative solutions according to the Smart Landscape paradigm and to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agency SDGs, relying on resources of over 20 million euros.
What are you doing?
We conducted a market consultation, still open for the needs for which the call for tenders has not yet been published, which has shown enormous interest from operators, present over 900 members representing large companies, third sector, universities and research centers , public administrations, start-ups and innovative SMEs, resulting, at the moment, the most participated in Europe, even more than that implemented by the European Commission on the blockchain, which scored about 600 subscribers. Indicative of the different approach used and of the dynamics stimulated is the percentage relative to the participation of SMEs and innovative start-ups, over 40%, as well as that of the research world, over 10%, as the subjects belonging to these sectors are generally strangers. to ordinary procurement procedures, as is the third sector, equally present in our paths.
You have now launched the first call, which will be able to count on interesting resources, 8.5 million euros. What does it require?
The tender relates to "Innovative solutions for decision support with predictive / adaptive functions for Smart Mobility" implemented in accordance with the rules of the Innovation Partnership, governed by Article 65 of the Public Contracts Code. Participants in this first call for tenders will have to devise an innovative platform to support urban mobility in the territories involved, which have expressed their needs in terms of traffic, pollution, liveability of historic centers and usability of industrial districts. This 'umbrella' project with respect to what will be published later, has the ambition to create a national platform for Smart Mobility, without making distinctions based on the object of transport, whether people or goods but considering only the flows generated by it, to carry out its management. So MaaS, Mobility as a Service, a topic that is currently very much attention in the sector, but not only, that is a more complex and complete tool that allows the Public Administration to plan mobility and react to emergencies such as those caused by an accident, or to draw up Pums , Urban Sustainable Mobility Plans, as well as governing the PTL, but also available to integrated mobility operators to evaluate their investments by sharing data with and the Public Administration.
What should this platform be?
The platform will constitute a national infrastructure, composed of monitoring, management and simulation tools that will allow to support, verify and validate decisions in the sector of policies, strategies and interventions for mobility, also with a view to pursuing the objectives set. in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Therefore, it will have a national node and as many local instances as there will be the territorial bodies that will adopt it since, at the end of the 48 months of execution of the contract, if the results of the experimentation are those hoped for, its management will continue through conducted contracts from the ordinary channels of aggregate public demand so that all local authorities can adopt it.
From which cities will this first experimentation start?
There is a total of 23: the 11 cities that have joined the testing of the 5G network, Bari, Cagliari, Catania, Genoa, L'Aquila, Matera, Milan, Modena, Prato, Rome and Turin, essential for connections, and the 12 "Borghi of the Future ", that is Alghero, Bardonecchia, Campobasso, Carbonia, Cetraro, Concorezzo, Ginosa, Grottammare, Otranto, Pantelleria, Pietralcina, and Sestri Levante. Together they constitute a representative sample of the Italian territory. Therefore, the solution that will be proposed must be able to work both in large cities and in small and medium-sized cities, for which the market today does not offer any type of solution. It is clear that not all the functions and tools developed will be suitable for all realities regardless of size and infrastructures available, but the essential functionalities and tools must guarantee the utility of the solution for all contexts, assuming, for example, to simplify and trivialize, multiple levels of performance, a basic package, a gold and a premium one.
Which users is it aimed at?
To the entire universe affected by mobility: from central public administration to local authorities, from mobility operators to citizens for their travels.
What is the time schedule?
The deadline for submitting applications will expire on 30 June and must be sent via the www.acquistinretepa.it. If we have met the requirements for participation well, there should be at least twenty candidates, obviously including business groupings, with a heterogeneous and balanced composition between Start-ups and innovative SMEs, large players and research institutions. We have modulated the requirements in order to eliminate obstacles to the participation of smaller entities, so that they can really see the grouping as an option and not as an inevitable choice, being in a position of equal negotiating strength with respect to large companies; at the same time we believe that we have avoided that this intention would lead to a request that obstacles be placed on larger operators, in particular as regards the costs incurred in the field of research and development which, if it had referred to the fixed percentage, would have led at oversized values, as turnover grows, compared to the need for selection related to the tender. Starting from the second half of August and at the latest in September we will send the invitation letters for the presentation of the final offer and we aim to complete the award procedure at the beginning of 2023.
How will you entrust the tender?
At the beginning we will choose three subjects who will have 12 months to do research, collect data and create the prototype. At this point we will reduce the subjects to two, who will have an additional 12 months for the first test on a sample cluster. Finally, we will proceed with the final phase of the execution with a single subject that will have 24 months of implementation of the proposed solution on the complete cluster.
The calls on the other three themes?
The next one will focus on freight, their mobility and also logistics hubs and the first and last mile and we plan to release it in July. We have set a similar goal for further calls for tenders for the needs of areas with low demand and for those of villages / historic centers.
For further information visit Appaltinnovativi.gov.it
Who is Gugliemo de Gennaro. Expert in the procurement sector for innovation and sustainability, he cultivates the hybridization between Open Innovation and public procurement in the pursuit of a new relational paradigm between the players in the supply and demand market that leads to the overcoming of the current conflicts that cause inefficiency and ineffectiveness in purchasing procedures. He was born as a jurist but works towards the change and contamination of knowledge through a transversal working path which, passing through various roles in the Public Administration, first in the military and then in the civilian field, has been completed by experiences in the forensic, entrepreneurial sector, didactic, leading him to tackle the issues of innovation and sustainability with an adequate vision for the search for structural and system solutions. |
M.A.I.O.R. (Management Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research) founded in 1989, is an Italian company founded in 1989 that designs and develops software solutions based on the latest results of Operations Research to help mobility agencies, local public transport companies, airline companies, and air traffic managers to optimize the planning, scheduling, and management of the services they provide and of their resources.
With more than 30 years of experience in the field of Operations Research, MAIOR is the ideal partner for solving the most complex resource scheduling problems thanks to its advanced and flexible mathematical algorithms, entirely developed in-house, that always allow finding the best solution while saving time and reducing costs..
MAIOR (www.maior.it) is to date a global leading company with systems in production in over 100 cities in Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Oceania, and Asia.
Maior Transit Scheduling Suite for electric vehicles
The MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite is the software solution for resource optimization and management for urban, suburban, and mixed services, allowing vehicle schedules and driver duties to be planned quickly and at the lowest possible cost to the public transport authority and operator. Moreover, MAIOR’s solution eases operations management and service performance monitoring.

Continuously evolving, MAIOR's made-in-Italy solution is fully developed in-house, including the optimization algorithms, so that the installed solution is in full control and can be adapted to various market needs and demands. The algorithms within the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite cover different needs of the transit company, including, for example: optimized creation of trips that meet company objectives, such as available vehicles, frequencies, or passengers to be transported; calculation of optimized travel times, using historical data relayed from ITS systems; optimization of vehicle blocks and driver duties, in full compliance with regulations, national and company rules; optimization of driver assignment; and daily operations management, also called dispatching.
The MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite helps users to easily configure all structural constraints and operational parameters for optimizing the schedules for electric buses. Elements that can be managed and configured include, among others, vehicle autonomy, battery consumption profiles and charging types, such as 'overnight' or 'opportunity', safety coefficients on minimum battery level, etc. In addition, the integrated scenario modeling tool (which includes 'what-if scenario' evaluations) simplifies the transition to a full electric fleet, simplifying, for example, the planning and management of mixed fleets, helping transit companies identify the best distribution of recharges on the network, the best charging strategy, and needed charging stations at the depot.
Learn more MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite:
• https://www.maior.it/en/evscheduling
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6oZhb4sEd0
Leopoldo Girardi, CEO at M.A.I.O.R.

Leopoldo Girardi is the CEO of MAIOR. He has been part of MAIOR since its foundation, and he has closely helped MAIOR to become a leading company in Italy and later to gain importance in the international market as well.
What differentiates MAIOR from its competitors?
Our main goal when we start working with a customer is to bring that company to generate an optimal scheduling solution with just one click. At that moment we feel we have achieved the goal for which our intervention was requested. This is an approach that we and few other companies most likely have.
However, what differentiates MAIOR most from other players in the market is, in my opinion, another aspect, something we have innate since our founding days: the Italian soul and spirit. In fact, I am convinced that MAIOR brings a bit of Italy abroad: imagination, creativity, the ability to approach problems in a different way, in short, the Italian spirit that has been in our DNA for over 30 years.
We are now aware that we have developed a powerful and well-structured software, the result of more than 30 years of hard work and innovation, but we are also convinced that that software, without the human component, in terms of MAIOR staff, partners and customers, does not work and will never work. I want to bring in a sports comparison that one of our founding partners, Angelo Davini, would have loved: having a great car in a formula 1 is certainly important, but without a team of good mechanics and a good driver, championships are not won.
It is essential to have skilled personnel at understanding customers’ needs in our opinion and with the experience needed to map those needs onto the tools offered by the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite. This is because each reality (authority or operator) has unique characteristics that must be understood and correctly interpreted. Ours is a market with few players and we all play internationally, and MAIOR has a relatively small number of clients but large volumes. In this sense, the focus must be constant, each customer has its own specificities and wants to maintain them, and our ability to provide highly customized solutions is the key element that distinguishes us most from our competitors. I believe that the high retention rate of our customers is due precisely to this, to the fact that we always provide solutions that are flexible and tailored to specific needs, which grow and change over time together with our customers.
What will be the future the public transportation industry?
I think that the new normal and the social distancing related to the consequences of the pandemic, the tendency to use more and more alternative methods of mobility, such as car sharing, bike sharing, scooter sharing, as well as the development of new technologies, such as electric and self-driving vehicles, are all elements that will play an important role in the coming years.
It has always impressed me that even though Italy is a country made up of so many cities with an ancient history, where historic city centers were mainly for walkers and carriages, today, soft mobility has not yet succeeded in establishing itself. People who move by foot, bicycle or electric vehicles are not many.
Urban planning chaos necessarily goes hand in hand with transportation chaos. On the other hand, if urban planning works properly, transportation can work as well. The future will depend mostly on the hands we put it in. If the choices that are made are appropriate, new forms of mobility, also related to new technologies, will be very successful.
Read the interview with Leopoldo Girardi: https://www.maior.it/en/blog/interview-ceo.
Is it possible to prevent accidents caused by wrong way drivers?

It is now clear enough that road signs are no longer sufficient to avoid wrong way direction. The big amount of road accidents proves it. It is therefore time to use the technology to prevent this from happening again.
In fact, drivers who enter the wrong way direction on roads and highways endanger not only their own lives but also that of others. If this eventuality is not detected and reported IN REAL TIME, the consequences can be catastrophic.
Comark has in its portfolio since several years a wrong-way detection system that has already been installed and tested to prevent such accidents. After all, drivers entering the wrong way must also have the chance to correct their action.

The detecting system is composed of:
• Red light to alert the driver to stop
• Fixed or luminous signs for further notice to the driver
• Camera to detect the event
The system can also send the alarm to the control center.
Here you can find some technical features: the RADAR DOPPLER MD01 is installed at the side of the street. It is connected to a control unit based on IP technology. MD-01 devices are designed to minimize the impact on the environment and consume a very limited amount of energy.
The radar is a solid product, it does not need any maintenance (it hasn’t any optical parts to be cleaned), it is not affected by atmospheric conditions (it does not fear dust, sun, etc.) and it is therefore very reliable.
If you want more information on the benefits of the detection system and want to prevent those kinds of accidents, contact us at the following email address: info@comarkud.it |
S*GATE, free-flow toll collection solution from SINLEC

For road operators, toll systems that enable the rapid detection and accurate classification of vehicles are of paramount importance.

S*GATE is a state-of-the-art free-flow toll collection solution that guarantees accurate vehicle detection and classification in all conditions. One of the well-known problems with traditional free-flow systems is poorer performance in bad weather, poor lighting and congested traffic, resulting in a high level of back-office input to properly process each toll transaction. S* GATE, on the other hand, uses video analysis, artificial intelligence and does not use in-road sensors, guaranteeing the highest level of accuracy and detection regardless of environmental factors. Furthermore, the platform can be integrated with other devices to meet different market demands.
Sinelec, Ecorodovias and Ecopistas have decided to collaborate on the construction of Brazil's first multi-lane free-flow system, leveraging the flexibility and modularity of the S*Gate solution to adapt it to the specific needs of the country's motorway system. The three companies belong to the ASTM Group, the world's second largest operator of motorway networks under concession and a global leader in the design and construction of major infrastructure works. Sinelec is its technological arm, Ecorodovias is its concession platform in Brazil, and Ecopistas is the concession within which the project is being developed.

The specific nature of the initiative can be traced back to the local classification system, which is essentially based on the number of axles on a vehicle. For example, unlike in most European countries, in Brazil, the vehicle size is only identified to differentiate certain types of trucks from buses.

To comply with the S* GATE design principles aimed at reducing the Total Cost of Ownership, the decision was made not to install sensors on the asphalt but to integrate Comark laser sensors to determine vehicle size and volume. New axle counter cameras by Tattile, number plate recognition cameras optimised for use in Brazil, and ETC antennas compatible with Artefacto, Brazil's RFID tag communication protocol, were also used.
S* GATE is able to collate all the information collected by the devices and encapsulate it in a unique digital fingerprint attributed to the vehicle:
• shape, size and volume,
• front and rear number plate,
• number of axles read from the left and right side, identifying any raised axles,
• manufacturer model and colour,
• tag
The digital fingerprint is correlated with the precise date and time, associated with the GNSS position data, and then transferred with an encrypted protocol to a customised data lake for further processing. The data correlation algorithm that generates the toll transaction is based on a combination of application logic, machine learning models and artificial intelligence aimed at minimising the need for back-office intervention.
A web application with a responsive architecture will enable registered users to access the Toll Collection System Host interface from anywhere and with any type of device, where they can view all of the data produced by S*GATE, as well as a series of dashboards and reports for KPI verification.
The pilot project involved the installation of a new portal at the Itaquaquecetuba toll station and the collection of data to compare the performance of the free-flow system with that of a traditional system, defining a series of KPIs that were shared with ARTESP, the Transport Agency for the state of São Paulo.
The test phase is still ongoing, but results show that the system performs comparably with the traditional system, providing important benefits for public authorities and the companies involved.
For further information: info@sinelec.it
MaaS: a unique pilot with Piemonte Region and 5T

The Piemonte Region, member of the TTS Italia Local Bodies Platform, and 5T, ordinary member of TTS Italia, are about to launch a unique MaaS (Mobility as a Service) pilot. During the summer of 2022, our citizens will experiment a MaaS app created especially for them and have access to many of the city’s mobility services.
But there is more, because a great new feature has been added to the pilot! For the first time in Italy, users participating in the trial, will take advantage of a 50% cash back of the amount spent monthly on different mobility services (up to a maximum of 15€ per month), which can be used on the BIPforMaaS app for next trips. The cash back wants to incentivize multimodality and analyze the behavior and choices of users, who will not only be provided with a MaaS app, but also with the opportunity to gain an economic benefit from their trips.

The pilot will run from June to September, will involve 250 testers, and through the new BIPforMaaS app users will be provided with various mobility options, that will allow them to move freely around Turin. The mobility services included in the BIPforMaaS app will be:
- e-scooter services from Bird and Helbiz
- taxi services (via Wetaxi)
- trains from Trenitalia
- payment for parking on GTT's blue lines
- vouchers to access car sharing from LeasysGO! and ShareNow, car rental from Leasys Rent
- moped sharing by MiMoto, through the service provider's apps.
The pilot is the result of work over the past three years, during which we have studied the MaaS phenomenon, both theoretically and practically, and pooled our knowledge to design the MaaS we would like in Piemonte! During these years, we had the opportunity to engage with all the players in the MaaS and digital mobility ecosystem, both in Italy and on the international scene, creating a network full of valuable contributions that have helped us to arrive better prepared to seize the new mobility challenges of our territory.
BIPforMaaS is the strategic project of the Piedmont Region, coordinated by 5T, launched in 2019 with the aim of creating the conditions for the deployment of MaaS services in the urban and metropolitan area of Turin and throughout the Piedmont region, starting with the BIP electronic ticketing system.
BIPforMaaS has stimulated and initiated the digital transformation of our mobility system, initiated the definition of the set of rules for the future market of MaaS services, enabled by a Regional MaaS Platform, embracing all aspects related to the development of MaaS services: user needs in an increasingly digital mobility; the system of rules, policies and the public governance role; business models and commercial agreements between different transport operators and new providers of digital mobility services; technology platforms, data and standards.
BIPforMaaS has also led to a Memorandum of Understanding between the Piemonte Region, the City of Turin, the Metropolitan City of Turin, and the Piemonte Mobility Agency, which seals the commitment of the entire Piedmont territory toward the common goal of developing a truly functioning local and regional MaaS ecosystem capable of producing community benefits.
We want to show that MaaS is possible, intuitive, and is the future of mobility, much closer than we think, and we can't wait to get started!
More information will be available soon on the project website:
https://www.bipformaas.it |
ACI: "CityTrips", the app integrating public and shared transport
"Integrating public transport and sharing services - using a private car only when strictly necessary and thus rediscovering the pleasure of driving - is the only real way towards more efficient, cheaper, safer and cleaner urban mobility.". This was stated by the President of ACI, TTS Italia founding member - Angelo Sticchi Damiani - commenting on the signing of the collaboration agreement between the Automobile Club of Italy and RACC (Reial Automòbil Club de Catalunya), allowing to use the app “CityTrips”, in various Italian cities.
“Apps like “CityTrips ”- added the ACI President - allow each of us to create a customized mobility. For the first time, we can choose and combine ideal means, rates and routes, speeding up travel, reducing time, risks, costs and polluting emissions: an opportunity that we cannot miss - not only in times of crisis like the one we are experiencing - and that must become our new way of getting around the city".
"This agreement - said Xavier Pérez, General Manager RACC - strengthens the international presence of RAAC as a Mobility Services Club. It is an important step forward in promoting multimodal mobility in Europe, which will make life easier for thousands of citizens by providing them a simple and useful tool".
Developed by the RACC with the support of the FIA Innovation Fund, “CityTrips” is an aggregator - completely free - of mobility services, which facilitates the way to move around the city, making city mobility more sustainable, efficient, clean and healthy.
The app allows you to choose the ideal route, integrating public and shared transport. In particular, it allows you to know - in real time - the timetables of public transport, to book cars, motorcycles, scooters and bicycles for sharing services and to map the safest routes for bicycles.
Main objective of "CityTrips": to develop a complete global MaaS (Mobility as a Service) solution: a single application that - allowing access to all mobility services - represents a valid alternative to the use of private vehicles.
Source: ACI
Anas presents the Smart Road Center, an international best practice
On April 26, Anas, TTS Italia ordinary member, illustrated the Anas Smart Road Center, the Control Room on the A91 "Rome-Fiumicino Airport" motorway to Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group (FS Group), and tested the functioning of the new connected motorway with a car test.
The Smart Road Anas is an enabling technology for the development of Smart Mobility, preparatory to future scenarios of autonomous driving of vehicles. The project is aimed at improving road safety and making traffic flows more efficient based on a complex digital platform that is articulated on the road network as a 'nervous system' with the support of technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI ( Artificial Intelligence), Big Data and advanced sensors through the development of the national ultra-broadband network.
The Company's goal is to provide the country with an efficient road network, which is progressively improving and open to the new challenges of the future: from electric power to assisted driving and beyond, as in the case of self-driving vehicles, to the reduction of accidents, the improvement of travel comfort and traffic conditions.
To date, the Smart Road project represents the largest European Smart mobility laboratory. A revolutionary transition, from the road seen as a mere civil work of asphalt and concrete to the intelligent, interconnected and intermodal road. The total investment is 1 billion euros and a first phase is underway with an investment of around 250 million euros, also thanks to contributions from the European Union which has recognized the high value of the initiative.
The first trials are already underway along the A91 "Autostrada Roma-Aeroporto di Fiumicino", the state road 51 "di Alemagna" (Veneto), where last year in Cortina d'Ampezzo the first test bench was held for the Smart Road mobility in Europe, and the A2 “Autostrada del Mediterraneo”, while they will shortly be launched on the A90 “Autostrada del Grande Raccordo Anulare di Roma. The Smart Road project will subsequently also be implemented along the E45-E55 "Orte-Mestre" itinerary, in Sicily along the Catania ring road and the A19 "Palermo-Catania motorway", in Lazio along state road 4 "Salaria".
FS Group tested the operation of the smart road on board three vehicles equipped with a GPS antenna, the internet connection and the 'smart road Anas app. 'developed by Almaviva, TTS Italia ordinary member, to receive useful information for safe driving, in real time.
Source: PIARC
Circle awarded with the recognition for "Innovation"
It has been assigned to Circle S.p.A. - Innovative SME listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market at the head of the homonymous Group specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the innovation and digitization of the port and intermodal logistics sectors as well as in international consultancy on the issues of the Green Deal and of the energy transition, and TTS Italia ordinary member - the “Innovation” award in the context of the Finance Gala & Summit organized by Integrae SIM.
Luca Abatello, CEO & President of the Company, in receiving the award commented: "Innovation has always been at the heart of our business and one of the pillars of the Connect 4 Agile Growth 2024 roadmap. Both through proprietary software and CIRCLE federative services and through the consultancy we offer in the field of organizational and process evolution, in fact, we introduce technologies and tools capable of innovating the transport and logistics market. Furthermore, our services aim to simplify, integrate and optimize procedures, increasing the level of automation and efficiency of operational activities, reducing waste and the impact on the environment related to them ".
The event promoted the meeting and knowledge of the financial world with the enterprise one - specifically of small and medium-sized enterprises - by creating connections, collaborations and sharing projects and strategies, also through one-to-one and one-to-one meetings. many with institutional investors.
The institutional presentation is available in the Investor Relations / Presentations and research section of the website: www.circletouch.eu
Source: Circle
Electric mobility: IVECO supplies the E-WAY bus to Seville transport
IVECO BUS will deliver five E-WAY electric buses that will help make Seville's urban transport fleet (TUSSAM) more sustainable after winning one of the tender lots. These new buses will improve their routes without generating polluting emissions, protecting the environment and urban air quality.
IVECO BUS E-WAYs are a real solution that responds to all transport challenges. It is a mature technology, already operating successfully in public transport networks in France, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria and Germany, where they operate daily and have already completed tens of millions of kilometers.
IVECO BUS offers with the E-WAY the most complete range of electric buses on the market, offering a solution that adapts to the specific needs of each customer. A wide choice of lengths is available (9.5, 10.7, 12 and 18 meters) and charging modes (slow overnight charging or fast pantograph charging). This range benefits from over 20 years of development and production experience acquired by IVECO BUS in alternative energy and, in particular, in electric mobility.
The IVECO BUS E-WAY incorporates an electrically driven synchronous electric motor with a nominal power of 160 kW, capable of driving the vehicle very efficiently thanks to its high torque, up to 2,500 Nm. It is equipped with ZEN Lithium batteries -Ion NMC with capacity up to 460 kWh, integrated both in the roof and in the rear part of the vehicle, to lower the center of gravity. The charging process is very simple and completely safe through its Combo2 socket (CCS2), which admits about 100 kW of power which allows it to complete the charge in less than four hours.
IVECO BUS E-WAY buses offer the best accessibility for people with reduced mobility and for passengers in wheelchairs or in wheelchairs, thanks to the flat floor throughout the vehicle, which optimizes the flow of passengers. In addition, the E-WAY offers the possibility of identifying two spaces for wheelchairs.
Source: Ferpress |
FIA awards Luceverde and ACI Drive
"Luceverde" - the infomobility channel of the Automobile Club d'Italia, TTS Italia founding member - was awarded the "BECOMING A MOBILITY CLUB" AWARD, while "ACI DRIVE" - the voice assistant for artificial driving, based on intelligence - ranked second in the "FIA INNOVATION" AWARD, two prestigious awards that the International Automobile Federation assigns, every year, to promote entrepreneurial ideas in terms of innovation and new technologies, created by the 101 Automobile Clubs of Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
The official announcement, in Rome, during the Plenary Assembly of the FIA Region I, held as part of the Spring Meeting 2022.
“This is the second international recognition for ACI Luceverde - underlined Geronimo La Russa, President of ACI Infomobility and ACMilano - and we are deeply proud of it. After receiving the UNPSA award from the United Nations, the commitment of our Infomobility service also awarded by the International Automobile Federation, a fundamental stimulus to continue moving on the path of constant innovation at the service of citizens. An award that I want to share with those who have been with us in the project since the beginning: local institutions and the municipal police”.
"ACI Drive - explained Vincenzo Pensa, Director of the Information Systems and Innovation Department of ACI - summarizes our current commitment on the side of innovative technologies aimed at increasing road safety, greater protection of the environment and with an eye to savings that, these days, it's not male. These are the three key objectives of ACI Drive, the voice assistant to artificial driving, based on artificial intelligence, which provide the driver with real-time road safety information by monitoring the driving style”.
Source: ACI |
Iveco and Eni together for the sustainable mobility of commercial vehicles
Eni and IVECO, TTS Italia ordinary member, announced that they have signed a Letter of Intent. The two companies will bring together their competencies to explore potential cooperation on sustainable mobility initiatives in the commercial vehicle sector in Europe and accelerate the decarbonisation of transport, in which both have been active for some time.
Eni and IVECO aim to define an integrated sustainable mobility platform for commercial fleets by offering innovative vehicles powered by biofuels and sustainable energy vectors ‒ such as HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) biofuel, biomethane, hydrogen and electricity ‒ and the related infrastructure.
The areas of collaboration envisaged by the LoI include Eni's offer of 100%-pure HVO for IVECO heavy trucks equipped with engines able to operate on it. High-quality HVO biofuel can be used in its pure form in all of the most recent diesel engines. It is a high-quality biofuel derived from materials of vegetable origin and waste, produced using the proprietary Ecofining™ technology at Eni’s Venice and Gela biorefineries. 100%-pure HVO enables CO2 emission reductions of 60% to 90% (calculated throughout the lifecycle) compared to the standard fossil fuel mix.
Moreover, Eni and IVECO – Europe’s leading manufacturer of natural gas-powered commercial vehicles – also intend to speed up the market availability of biomethane, a renewable fuel made from agro-industrial waste, which can be both compressed (CNG) and liquified (LNG). This will be made possible through partnerships in Italy and abroad.
The non-exclusive collaboration also embraces initiatives in favour of battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as well as the related infrastructure. IVECO has a launch plan for new battery electric and then hydrogen fuel cell models, while Eni intends to set up a network of charging points. The Eni Live Station in San Giuliano, near Mestre (Venice), is the first hydrogen filling station in an urban area in Italy; this will be followed by a second station in San Donato Milanese.
“The collaboration with IVECO forms part of Eni’s strategy for achieving its aim of net zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this transition - Giuseppe Ricci, Energy Evolution Business Director, Eni, declared - it is essential to use all available technologies with a complementary approach that can contribute to supplying emissions-reducing products. Together with IVECO, we will be able to push forward with more sustainable haulage since the partnership comprises both technologically ready, immediately available solutions such as HVO biofuel, of which Eni is Europe’s second largest producer, and biomethane, as well as the joint development of solutions which will be ready in the medium and long term. Those include the hydrogen network and the electrification of commercial vehicles, bearing in mind that the energy transition is highly complex and requires the synergic, forward-looking contribution of all industry players.”
“We are continuing on our path towards decarbonising freight mobility, using all the currently available options and pursuing every potential area of development,” commented Luca Sra, President Truck Business Unit, Iveco Group. “This collaboration with Eni is a further step forward to achieving Iveco Group's goal of net zero CO2 emissions by 2040. It will enable us to leverage the vast experience of both companies, built up through years of research and application in the field, and to design new customer solutions that are environmentally effective and efficient in terms of reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).”
Source: Eni |
OCTO FLEET ESSENTIALS increases efficiency and enhances fleet safety
OCTO Telematics - a leading provider of telematics services and advanced data analytics for the insurance industry, fleet telematics and smart mobility, and TTS Italia ordinary member- announced the availability of OCTO Fleet Essentials, an innovative and smart digital solution to improve fleet efficiency, safety, costs and overall sustainability easily and quickly.
Both private and public transport sectors today are increasingly coping with the issues of a fast-changing urban mobility landscape. Managers of corporate, short renting and long lease fleets must optimize their fleets in terms of fuel consumption, maintenance, insurance costs and vehicle uptime to remain competitive and profitable.
More than just a digital platform, OCTO Fleet Essentials provides quick and easy access via web, smartphone, and tablet to provide a detailed view of mobile assets’ status and performance to fleet managers.
OCTO Fleet Essentials solution includes:
• _Scheduled Reports to access accurate data regularly and manage driving hours, fuel usage, workforce time and business exceptions.
• _Event-based Alerts to respond promptly to critical instances that impact the business, such as geofencing, vehicle diagnostic alerts, crashes.
• _DriveAbility® Advanced Scoring to monitor Fleet Driver driving habits and behaviours. This market leading highly predictive risk score allows negotiation of better insurance rates.
• _Scheduled Maintenance reminders manage timely Service events, to reduce unexpected downtime and optimise fleet vehicle health.
• _Diagnostics to monitor the vehicle health status for a prompt reaction to diagnostic alerts.
• _Accident and Crash Reporting to receive prompt accident notification to provide timely driver support as well as automatically collect relevant data to accelerate claim management and reduce fraud.
OCTO Fleet Essentials supports all fleet stakeholders while easily, conveniently, and safely managing fleets, regardless of vehicle manufacturer or fleet size.
Source: OCTO Telematics |
Scania and Einride sign deal to accelerate electrification of road freight with fleet of 110 trucks
The Swedish freight technology company Einride, a leading provider of end-to-end digital, electric and autonomous shipping solutions, will begin the roll out of 110 Scania trucks, TTS Italia ordinary member, starting in the second half of 2022. Einride already has one of Europe’s largest heavy duty electric fleets, and will further expand their market presence with this partnership.
The full fleet of trucks will be built to Einride's hardware specifications and powered by their first of its kind operating system Saga, that ensures electric shipping is efficient and optimised. Fleet data insights that are generated through the Saga platform will be provided to Scania for continued product co-development between the teams. “We are looking forward to the beginning of this vital partnership as we expand across Europe. These 110 trucks will make a substantial contribution to increasing our fleet, while we will continue to join forces with renowned industry players such as Scania to drive innovation and product development in the global transport industry,” says Ellen Kugelberg, Chief Product Officer, Einride.
Einride’s order is the largest deal to date of electric heavy-duty vehicles in Europe for Scania. It is also only the beginning of a new long-term partnership that will contribute to both companies’ ambition to scale up electric road freight: “We share the same vision of decarbonising heavy transport. It has been rewarding to work with Einride on joint new technical solutions and digital services that will sustainably advance our industry”, says Fredrik Allard, Head of E-Mobility, Scania.
The fleet of 110 Scania trucks will be implemented throughout Europe during 2022 and the first half of 2023.
Source: Scania |
Smart City: interest is growing among Italian municipalities
The Smart City Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, TTS Italia ordinary member, presented the Report "Smart City: the point of view of Italian municipalities" with the results of a survey administered to Italian municipalities to detect the state of the art of Smart City Projects to 2021, which shows the increase in Smart City Projects, also in relation to the funding provided for in the PNRR, even if it is above all cities over 15,000 inhabitants that are equipped with smart technologies and solutions, and there is no shortage of difficulties related to the skills of the staff.
Almost one in three Italian municipalities (28%) has started at least one project in the last three years, a percentage that rises to 50% in the largest ones, with over 15,000 inhabitants. A percentage destined to grow further in the next three years, with 33% of municipalities that want to invest in smart cities by 2024, also driven by the PNRR which provides for over 10 billion in dedicated funding within the various missions.
Half of the Smart City projects in Italy are in the execution phase, in 2020 they were only 1 out of 4, a sign of a consolidation of solutions, which are no longer simple experiments. The active projects mostly concern the safety and control of the territory (58% of those surveyed), smart mobility (57%) and public lighting (56%). In the face of this increase in interest, however, barriers remain which ensure that the potential of this revolution is only partially grasped. The main obstacles encountered in the implementation of smart projects for the city are the lack of skills, which affects as many as 47% of Italian municipalities, and the lack of economic resources (43%), while bureaucratic complexities have a lower weight (24%). ), the difficulties of coordination with other actors (14%) and internal resistance within the Municipality (9%).
The majority of municipal administrations (69%) are ready to resort to PNRR funds for the Smart City, investing above all in digitization and innovation interventions (76%), sustainable infrastructures (61%) and ecological transition (56%). According to the Observatory's estimates, funding dedicated to smart cities exceeds 10 billion euros.
Funds from the Horizon Europe 2022-23 Program are also available to launch routes for smart and innovative cities. The EU Commission has just announced the 100 EU cities that will participate in the Mission "100 smart and climate-neutral cities by 2030", among which there are also 9 Italian cities.
Smart City applications allow you to collect a lot of data. From the habits of citizens, to the detection of energy consumption up to the monitoring of the territory. A real gold mine which, if carefully studied and analyzed, can generate value and be used to improve the lives of citizens. However, 40% of municipalities still do not use the collected data adequately, even if 33% intend to do so in the future, recognizing its strategic importance and giving positive signals for the next few years.
As part of the research, six ways of enhancing data deriving from smart city projects were formalized, which both public bodies and private actors can implement. Among them, some are: process optimization, support for the definition of public policies and monetization of products and services.
Source: Regione&Ambiente |
Targa Telematics to receive the 2022 Europe Technology Innovation Leadership award by Frost & Sullivan
Targa Telematics – a tech company specialised in developing digital solutions in the field of the connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member – has been recognized with the 2022 Europe Technology Innovation Leadership Award by Frost & Sullivan, which assessed the European vehicle leasing and rental telematics industry, for its capacity to develop best-of-breed high-tech solutions, such as complete and customizable Internet of Things (IoT), smart mobility solutions, and advanced digital platforms for mobility operators.
According to Frost & Sullivan, telematics track vehicles in real time and monitor their mileage, location, maintenance status, driver behaviour, and claims costs. Targa Telematics’ technology helps leasing and rental companies significantly minimize expenses while maximizing customer satisfaction.
Among the characteristics reported in the analysis, Targa Telematics understands the various unique client needs. Thus, Targa Telematics takes steps to equip them with the most up-to-date and cutting-edge solutions. Moreover, the company’s orderly and systematic product development journey begins with extensive research and development conducted by tenured industry professionals.
Ojaswi Rana, Frost & Sullivan Best Practices research analyst, emphasized that: “The open innovation approach involves co-creating with its customers, partners, and universities to discover new technologies. The company’s open platform allows embedding third-party and internally developed technologies, supporting mobility operators in quickly developing new mobility products.”
“As a company investing in technology and innovation, we are very proud to have received this special award,” commented Nicola De Mattia, Ceo at Targa Telematics. “It is great to see that the hard work done by the whole Targa Telematics’ team over the last years has been recognized by such a leading firm. This recognition will be a further boost for making a difference in creating value for our partners and supporting them in the transformation of their business. Aiming that we will continue to develop co-creation projects with our customers, supporting them during their digital journey and developing best-of-breed connected car solutions to increase their market competitiveness”.
“Targa combines unique smart mobility features and fleet management solutions with IoT, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to make connectivity in the vehicle leasing and rental space a hassle-free experience. Targa’s transformational technology reshapes market boundaries. Sustainable leadership, client testimonials, and commercialization success are testaments to its remarkable impact on the vehicle leasing and rental telematics industry,” explained Rajesh Depores, an industry analyst for Frost & Sullivan.
Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development.
Source: Targa Telematics |
Torino tests a new kick scooter, safer and more flexible. 5T among the actors involved
The pilot test of the European project DREEM has started in Turin. This aims at testing a new electric scooter to make city travel safer and more flexible.
Financed under the Horizon 2020 program, it involves three important Turin companies in the sector as partners: PUNCH Torino Spa, which in the PUNCH Group has the role of leading the development and engineering of innovative propulsion systems, TO.TEM S.r.l., an innovative start-up company part of the PUNCH Group that develops innovative micro-mobility means, and 5T Srl, an in-house providing company of the City of Turin, Piedmont Region and the Metropolitan City of Turin that deals with smart mobility services, and TTS Italia ordinary member.
During the experimentation, which will last until June 2022, PUNCH and 5T employees will use the electric scooter and the inflatable helmet developed within the project, in order to evaluate their satisfaction, performance and related services.
The DREEM electric scooter is based on the current LYNX by TO.TEM and has been designed to make moving around the city safer: the stability of the vehicle is guaranteed by three large wheels and a wide platform. It is also equipped with rear direction indicators for correct visibility by other road users and an Alert Collision system thanks to a control camera. Even the inflatable helmet, as part of the project, is up to three times more protective than a traditional helmet. Finally, the vehicle is easy for users to drive: it is foldable and can be carried like a trolley thanks to a convenient handle, while the helmet can be easily deflated, reducing it to a pocket size.
The 50 testers, selected on a voluntary basis, will have at their disposal the new means of transport for home-work and personal travel for a period of 7 days each: each tester will be asked to compile a daily diary on the experiences of use and to participate in a final focus group to collect further feedback.
Thanks to the results that will be collected during the experimentation, the DREEM project will be able to provide important indications for the development of a new urban micro-mobility, more attentive to personal safety and more integrated with the transport system of a city: one of the objectives of the project is to analyze and define new business models to offer a personalized service on the needs of users, and multimodal in synergy with other mobility services present.
Turin is not the only city to participate in the DREEM experimentation: the cities of Gothenburg and Brussels are also involved in the project.
Massimiliano Melis, Chief Technology Officer TO.TEM/AITEM says: “Safety and sustainability are two pillars of our company and the implementation of circular economy logic, in the development of micro-mobility products, is an integral part of our DNA. The application of artificial intelligence to make these same products increasingly safe completes the picture. DREEM gives us the great opportunity to test our product on the road and we can only be proud of this.”
For Enzo Amich, President of 5T: “After the pandemic experience, in cities micro-mobility has grown and is becoming one of the main elements of urban transport systems. Being a partner in the DREEM project gives us the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills on this issue to provide our Members with the appropriate support for a greater integration of Turin’s wide mobility offer.”
Source: 5T/Punch |
MaaS: a concrete step towards sustainable mobility. Read the editorial by the President of TTS Italia.
The EU is committed to becoming climate-neutral by 2050. To this end, the transport sector must undergo a transformation that will require a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, while ensuring affordable solutions for citizens. In this context, and in that of the resources made available by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, there is the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) which has already been igniting national and international debates for some time, having in fact to do with the future of our mobility.
Read the editorial by the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, on Strade &Autostrade, click here (available in Italian).
Source: EDI-CEM Srl – Magazine “Strade & Autostrade” |
MaaS: TTS Italia at the PriMaaS stakeholder meeting for the design of an integrated MaaS offer
As part of the Scottish stakeholder meeting of the Interreg PriMaaS project, of which TTS Italia is a partner, on 26 May we presented the methodology for the design of an integrated MaaS offer (bundle of services and incentives to discourage the use of private cars and more sustainable forms of mobility, bundles accessible through subscription plans).
The event aimed to trace a status of Mobility as a Service in the SEStran area, also in consideration of the Regional Transport Strategy which identifies both the critical points in the transport sector and the policies that can support MaaS by 2035. |
TTS Italia sponsors the Campania Digital Summit
It will be held in Campania, the ninth stage of the "Digital Regional Summit Project" with which The Innovation Group pursues mission to accompany and promote innovation in the Public Administration and in territorial systems, in collaboration with Local Governments, Universities, Research Centers, Companies and Start-ups, Digital Innovation Hubs, Local Health Authorities, Chambers of Commerce, Public Bodies and Consortia , Foundations, Trade Associations.
The III Edition of the "Campania Digital Summit", organized in collaboration with the Campania Region, the Idis-City of Science Foundation and the Maggioli Group, as part of the "Digital Italy Program 2022", and which sees TTS Italia among the sponsors, it is divided into a full day of work and foresees the realization of 5 Sessions dedicated to the main topics: Digital innovation; Digitization of the Health System; Digital ecosystem of tourism and culture; Transport, PNRR, Integrated Planning and Strategic Infrastructures; Connectivity, Cloud, IT Security and Data Protection.
The Summit aims to outline the main initiatives underway in the Campania Region and in the territorial systems for the development of digital infrastructures, to promote the digital growth of businesses and to improve the quality of participation and services to citizens, through innovation. technological and organizational.
The event also has the objective of identifying, evaluating and enhancing the best practices of regional development and innovation, so that they are known at a territorial and national level and operate in a context of connection and synergy; create a moment of confrontation between the subjects active in institutional, organizational and technological innovation of the Campania Region for the activation of projects and ideas in a collaborative work perspective. |
TTS Italia at the ACI workshop on the MaaS ecosystem
The "Muoversi con Intelligenza" Observatory continues its work with a workshop, held on 11 May, dedicated to services for automation in transport and in particular to the role of the autonomous and connected car in the new mobility system as a service: “MaaS ecosystem: a possible future?”. The workshop aimed to take stock of the Italian situation and the commitment of the main players in the development of a multimodal urban mobility system in sharing and on demand, which will increasingly have to respond to the problems associated with traffic and pollution in many Italian situations, comparing the different sensitivities in the field.
Olga Landolfi, Secretary General of TTS Italia, took part in the event illustrating the revision process of the ITS Directive 40/2010 on the general framework for the diffusion of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the road transport sector and in the interfaces with others modes of transport. The review began in December 2021 and should be completed by June 2022, with the expiry of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union. TTS Italia, as a National ITS association, is supporting the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility (MIMS) in defining the new ITS directive.
During the workshop, the stakeholders involved investigated and tried to anticipate how mobility in large urban agglomerations will evolve in the coming months and years. Together with TTS Italia, the following discussed: MIMS, Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, AMAT Milano, Municipality of Naples, Links Foundation. |
The FENIX Project to the General States of Logistics in the North West
On 21 April, the "States General of North West Logistics. The relaunch of logistics between PNRR and new economic scenarios: networks, means, technologies, work, training" were held at the University of Alexandria, and signed with a Memorandum of Understanding in 2015 with the aim of adopting a common strategy to overcome the criticalities of the infrastructural network and develop synergistic effects for the entire macro-regional territory. The event aimed to provide an overview of the new logistics scenarios in the North West with the participation of the main public and private stakeholders in the sector. Thanks to the joint action of the Regions of Liguria, Lombardy and Piedmont, a control room was created, in order to monitor the issues of road freight transport, "green" logistics, the encouragement of intermodal transport and the launch of a process to evaluate the possibility of promoting forms of territorial collaboration for the Mediterranean Corridor.
Thanks to Links Foundation, the event also talked about FENIX (A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics), a project co-financed under the CEF 14-20 Program started in April 2019 with a duration of 4 years. FENIX is coordinated by ERTICO and the Ministry of Sustainable Mobility Infrastructures (MIMS) is a national beneficiary with 21 implementing bodies coordinated by TTS Italia. Links Foundation is the implementation body involved on the Italian part of the Reno Alpi pilot (ports of Genoa and Spezia and Malpensa airport). The objective of FENIX is to promote the digitization of customs corridors, the automatic pre-compilation of documentation, the planning and rescheduling of land transport, the tracking and automatic recognition of Intermodal Transport Units and the reuse without passing through the warehouse, localization / booking of parking spaces with map and sending information to the driver and sending composition of trains / waybills. |
• Italia-Campobasso
Videosurveillance system
• Italia-Ceccano
Services for parking areas management
• Italia-Napoli
Parking meters supply
• Italia-Roma
Research and development activities
• Italia-Treviso
• Italia-Venezia
Parking meters supply

20 June 2022, Naples, Italy
For further information click here →

ITS European Congress
30 May- 1 June 2022, Tolouse, France
For further information click here →
ERTS 2022
1-2 June 2022, Tolouse, France
For further information click here →
European Mobility Expo
7-9 June 2022, Paris, France
For further information click here →
Connecting Europe Days
28-30 June 2022, Lyon, France
For further information click here →