It's Europe
N° 1
January 2025

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Member of the month
Projects of the month
Product of the month
From our members  
Our activities
Business opportunities  
TTS Italia supports
The interview by Morena Pivetti


“Mobility as a Service and Smart Roads strategic priorities for 2025”
Interview with the President of TTS Italia Rossella Panero. The novelty of the ITS Days

As usual, this newsletter greets the new year and wishes all readers a happy 2025 with an interview with the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero. The aim is the same as always: to take stock of the association's initiatives in the twelve months that have just ended and present the work program for the next twelve.

President Panero, let's start from 2024, the year in which you celebrated the twenty-fifth birthday of TTS Italia, a truly important milestone. And you were among the protagonists of the 30th ITS World Congress in Dubai, the most eagerly awaited global event for businesses and public bodies in the transport technology sector.
Yes, for TTS Italia it was not really an ordinary year, it was a year to mark on the calendar. Having completed 25 years of activity is a source of great pride for all of us. And satisfaction. And yes, 2024 saw us participate in the front line at the unmissable event in Dubai, the thirtieth world congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, with an association stand and various networking activities. But there was much more: the year was particularly intense, full of initiatives, positive and constructive. Yes, a beautiful 2024.

Much more, that is?
Many projects, many things to do, many opportunities related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. We have studied the new European Directive on ITS, consolidated the Association's positioning on European projects, continued with the working groups on our usual topics: road safety and the new Highway Code, which is now awaiting the implementing decrees, in particular on speeding control, Mobility as a Service, funding for the digitalization of transport. Without neglecting the work with the Local Authorities Platform, to foster dialogue between supply and demand.

And the membership base? Does it continue to grow?
At each meeting of the Board of Directors, we continue to ratify new members, even with different profiles, thanks to the transversality of the Association, which covers a very broad scope, from the world of demand, local authorities, public agencies, local transport companies, motorway concessionaires, to supply, to content providers, consolidated technology operators and new start-ups.

What will be the focus of TTS Italia's activity in 2025?
Given that we will continue to deal with many of the issues that characterized 2024, starting from the valuable collaborations with the offices of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, 2025 will once again be the year of MaaS. The work group's activities restarted in September last year. This time the goal is to develop a second document of recommendations for the institutions, examining in depth the aspects that had remained in the shadows in the first phase. At the center of our attention are the business models, the data and the comparison with the experiences of other countries to understand how to make MaaS services operational on the territory and how to make them work also from an economic perspective. The results of these new analyses and elaborations will be presented at our annual public conference, which will be held on May 13, in Rome, as we have already anticipated in recent days.

Other priorities?
In addition to MaaS, we will launch, as requested by several parties, a working group on Smart Roads. The goal is to understand how to move from road trials to actual Smart Roads, where the necessary investments have been made. We still have problems with administrative regulations and regulatory-bureaucratic obstacles. For example, the founding decree provided for a so-called "stamp" of smart roads, but those who tried to certify them found themselves facing complex and sometimes very expensive procedures. Now it becomes necessary to identify, and of course submit to the Ministry, the ways to make the services tested in the experimental phase operational. Smart roads are certainly essential for testing self-driving vehicles on the road, but it should be remembered that smart roads also have their uses in the short term to improve and make the mobility of currently circulating connected vehicles safer. In the urban area, where interesting experiments are underway - and I am thinking of the Living Labs funded by the PNRR - we are working to improve traffic management and road safety in cities.

Whose requests to intervene came from?
From many of our members, both from those who represent the demand for services, such as motorway concessionaires and local authorities, and from suppliers of technologies and integrated systems.

The Highway Code, just approved, and which has already raised many discussions, remains a hot topic, with the implementing decrees to be issued.
The issue of speed cameras, on which we have been working for some time with the road safety sector of the MIT, remains current. I am thinking first of all of the approval of speed detection systems and dynamic weighing.

The implementation of the new EU Directive on ITS and the National Plan remains on the table.
In this regard, TTS Italia will urge the MIT to proceed with the process of transposition and implementation of the same. We will do the same with the Transport Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. Also, to take advantage of the possible funding still available from the PNRR.

Is the Local Authorities Platform still among your priorities?
Of course, it will be one of the strategic activities of 2025. We will continue to guarantee the same services as last year free of charge: the password to access the reserved part of the TTS Italia website where added value documentation is available; the organization of meetings and webinars between supply and demand on smart mobility issues; the organization of training activities and webinars for Local Authorities technicians on specific topics such as the management of ZTLs, traffic light priority, regulations; support for the organization of communication and dissemination events on ITS and free participation in events organized by TTS Italia.

We were talking at the beginning about the consolidation of European projects.
We are really satisfied with our collaborations in the European context: this year we have nine projects underway. I list them: AI4CCAM, eFTI4EU together with RAM of the Ministry, EMBRACER, GEMINI, IN2CCAM, KEYSTONE, SCALE, SPOTLOG and UPPER. They focus on crucial issues such as the use of artificial intelligence for local public transport, on electronic information in the transport of goods, on MaaS and integration with Tpl, on standardized digital solutions for transport and the creation of socially responsible logistics systems.

Among the confirmations of activities that TTS Italia has been carrying out for years, in December you launched a new initiative: the ITS Days. What are they?
In addition to the annual event that distinguishes us, we want to establish moments dedicated to our members with technical content at the center: we held the first meeting on December 18, on the theme of Smart Roads. These meetings allow us to compare supply and demand in a super partes environment, to encourage dialogue, allowing the real needs of the territory and its institutional representatives, the Local Authorities, to emerge, and therefore the solutions available to address them. Given the breadth of the world that we represent, the variety of our stakeholders, it is very important for us to stay up to date and work as a team. Understanding the new needs that emerge and the new responses that the industry prepares, in a sector that evolves at great speed. On a periodic basis, we will each time address a different theme linked to intelligent and safe mobility, with particular reference to the areas of interest of the updated ITS Directive. This year there will be four ITS Days: the next one is scheduled for March 12 and will deal with the “Potential of Artificial Intelligence for TPL”.

Who is Rossella Panero. Graduated in Physics at the University of Turin, she began her professional experience in the automotive sector, dealing with innovation in the first research projects dedicated to telematics technologies applied to transport (then Intelligent Transport Systems – ITS). In 2001 she began her experience in the world of public companies, first as R&D Manager at 5T, the first company in Italy dedicated to the development and management of ITS for Local Authorities, and then as Chief Information Officer for the Gruppo Torinese Trasporti (GTT). Since 2010 she has taken on the role of director of 5T Srl, consolidating her managerial and administrative skills. In 2011 she was chosen, for her experience and expertise, as President of TTS Italia, a national ITS association that sees around 100 public and private members operating in the smart mobility sector. During its first two mandates, the association supported the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility in the implementation of the National ITS Plan, in compliance with the European ITS Directive. Today, in its fourth mandate, the Association has become a key stakeholder in the definition and implementation of new policies that look to more sustainable and digital mobility.

Member of the month

Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, a company wholly owned by Roma Capitale, carries out strategic planning, supervision, coordination and control of public and private mobility; it manages the design, development and implementation of mobility services and communication support for the Municipality and other participating companies. It draws up strategic mobility planning plans such as the PUMS (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan). The objectives of its action are: the reduction of traffic congestion, the reorganization of the public transport offer, the increase in individual and collective road safety, the promotion of mobility choices and conscious and responsible behaviors to contribute to the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the city.


Fabio Nussio was responsible for the International Cooperation and Sustainability Group of Roma Servizi per la Mobilità until December 2024. He was responsible for the international partnership for innovation in mobility projects of the Municipality of Rome, representing the city in many international associations such as POLIS, C40 Group and IMPACTS.
He was part of the technical coordination table of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PUMS) of Rome, approved in February 2022 and conceived according to a climate-neutral approach, at the same time as the presence of the Captale among the 100 cities of the Mission Cities of the European Commission.
He supported the Campidoglio in the financial aspects of the projects, in particular those coming from the European RRF fund (PNRR) and the EU FESR programs for mobility (PON Metro Italia and POR Lazio programs).
He has a degree in electronic engineering and has about 40 years of experience gained in companies of the Municipality of Rome, in the private sector and in the Finmeccanica Group. He has worked all over the world, mainly in the European Union, Eastern countries, Russia and China.


What have been the interactions between RSM and TTS Italia in recent years?
TTS Italia is the National Association for Telematics for Transport and Safety that aims to promote the development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), which are becoming increasingly important in the management of mobility in cities and in particular in metropolises like Rome: just think of traffic detection systems, traffic lights increasingly equipped with monitoring and analysis functions, control systems for ZTLs and low-emission zones. TTS Italia has understood this need, establishing the Local Authorities Platform in 2014, in which both RSM and Roma Capitale participate, to promote the planned implementation of the National ITS strategy, thus creating a discussion table in TTS Italia between the world of supply, strongly present in the Association, and the demand on the topic of ITS represented by Local Authorities. TTS Italia then makes available to Local Authorities, especially to the technical staff of the Authorities, support, information and training services on ITS, necessary for the implementation of ITS systems and services in the territory.
It promotes Working Groups on the topics of interest in which the technical staff of the Associates and therefore also of RSM participate: the MaaS Working Group comes to mind, the one on Road Safety and above all the Financing Working Group of which I was the coordinator until last December and whose aim was to try to catalyze requests for funding for mobility towards ITS applications useful for urban areas and for connection to external areas in a multimodal and sustainable way. It has seen a continuous reconnaissance of the funding available for the development of ITS in which the main national funding institutions have also participated, including AGID, the Agency for Cohesion and MIT and has produced guidelines as a tangible result of this experience. It also produces a series of newsletters, both weekly and dedicated to specific focuses with all the updates of the sector that I have tried to spread both within RSM and to the DMST and the Mobility Department.

What results/analysis did the synergy achieve or improve/integrate?
Da sempre, uno degli obiettivi di TTS Italia è mettere a confronto Domanda e Offerta in un ambiente super partes, per favorire il dialogo, lasciando emergere le reali necessità del Territorio e dei suoi rappresentanti istituzionali, e dunque le soluzioni a disposizione per affrontarle. RSM, grazie ad una importante serie di finanziamenti esterni ed a valle dell’adozione del PUMS cittadino, ha potuto realizzare una profonda ristrutturazione dei sistemi ITS di proprietà di Roma Capitale ma gestiti da RSM Stessa e che hanno portato alla cosiddetta “Nuova Centrale della Mobilità”. Essa è ora pronta a soddisfare al meglio le esigenze di monitoraggio, analisi e controllo della mobilità cittadine in questo Anno Giubilare, mettendo a disposizione dei cittadini e uristi di Roma una pluralità di servizi e di informazioni mai viste prima. In questo processo, TTS Italia è intervenuta sin dall’inizio con la promozione del Gruppo di Lavoro “Gli ITS per i PUMS nelle città italiane” coordinato dal sottoscritto e che ha rilasciato le proprie Linee Guida nel 2019. TTS Italia ha poi organizzato un incontro ad hoc dell’offerta di sistemi ITS con RSM per informarla sulle potenzialità esistenti per la realizzazione del miglior progetto possibile.

What developments do you foresee in the coming years for the collaboration between the two entities
The development of urban areas is increasingly linked to European integration and to the development policies of the trans-European mobility network TEN-T of which urban nodes are now an integral part. It provides for the mandatory adoption and development of PUMS in each node. This development will have to be continuously monitored and ITS are therefore essential. Furthermore, transport decarbonisation and air quality control policies will have a significant impact on urban areas and ITS can support this process and automatically measure the effects of the measures undertaken. RSM and TTS Italia will therefore have to continue their collaboration in an even more coordinated manner to allow Rome to be in line with European regulations and to aspire to the role of central node as well as retain that of capital of the ancient world that history attributes to it.

A personal memory that has remained impressed on you during your collaboration with TTS Italia?
The personal collaboration with TTS Italia began right from its establishment and I remember its first steps, when no one knew the word ITS and the first participations in international conferences (ITS World): in this sense I like to remember the experiences of Turin, where there was the first stand of the Mobility Agency and Beijing, where we presented the work done by the Agency for the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Finally, I remember with pleasure the technical meetings organized a few years ago in Reggio Calabria and Messina, also together with the MIT and the Cohesion Agency.

Projects of the month

Almaviva together with AMT to innovate maintenance

A new web application solution for maintenance is coming to Genoa, developed by Almaviva with the support of Almawave– the Group company active in the field of Data & Artificial Intelligence.
AMT is a multimodal company that ensures public transportation throughout the entire Metropolitan City of Genoa through seven different modes of transport.

The use of Artificial Intelligence has now entered various fields of work, as well as study and leisure, supporting various daily activities. In this context, Almaviva has developed for AMT, the company responsible for public transportation services in the Metropolitan City of Genoa, a solution dedicated to maintenance that uses artificial intelligence algorithms.
The new application facilitates the retrieval of information in technical manuals, including the search for suitable materials and the optimization of procedures for the periodic and corrective maintenance of the large and heterogenous AMT vehicle fleet. It also allows maintenance requests to be entered quickly and easily, even when they refer to information and data available on multiple components of the complex business system already in use for maintenance management in a completely transparent way for the user.

The innovation program developed on the Moova Platform provides:
⁃ Integration with the relevant application back-end context (business system provided) for the simplified management of maintenance alerts.
⁃ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – RESEARCH: users support in efficiently retrieving information contained in the company’s technical manuals through an interactive chat bot, both textual and in natural language.
⁃ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – ALERT: integration with the new Application provided to support the vocal creation of alerts consistent with the data.
⁃ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – DISRUPTION: integration with the Artificial Intelligence engine to support the procedures for fault detection and interventions.
⁃ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – STORAGE: optimization of maintenance processes through the rapid identification of the spare parts needed to perform each activity.
⁃ MONITORING DASHBOARD OF THE SCHEDULED AND CORRECTIVE ACTIVITIES: enables, from a unique point of access, the accessibility of information resident in multiple application context and necessary for the planning of maintenance in the workshop (scheduled deadlines, corrective measures, types of intervention, operational needs, etc…) resulting in the optimization of downtime and activities.

The solution implemented for AMT therefore offers a range of functionalities for optimising activities related to the operational management of maintenance alerts and the planning of workshop activities.
The benefits brought by the application of AI algorithms are numerous: from the reduction of processing times for maintenance alerts and orders, to greater speed and accuracy in document searches within technical manuals, as well as the progressive reduction of paper thanks to digitalization. Additionally, the significant reduction of human error, the standardization of maintenance planning and execution processes and the increase in productivity, thanks to the activity planning dashboard, leads to cost reductions for the company and to an improvement in the maintenance process also in terms of Time to Market.
The solution is characterized by scalability: it is able to adapt to specific business context and planning and maintenance specific processes in different areas, offering solutions and extensions to standard functions ranging from the complete operational management of alerts and orders to a wide range of reporting data, up to the full digitalization of processes related to the technical recording of faults through AI, even in diagnostic and predictive contexts.

The Research Report on the results of the Pollicino project is now available

The Research Report detailing the findings of the project conducted in Cagliari to analyze urban mobility is now available. This was made possible through the IoPollicino Cagliari app, developed by GreenShare.

This was the first future mobility survey conducted in the Sardinian capital, soon to be implemented in other cities as well. Pollicino is a study of urban mobility made possible by the city’s residents, who, through the IoPollicino Cagliari app, agreed to have their movements anonymously tracked in exchange for rewards offered by local partners. The data collected is crucial for understanding how the city moves, enabling the development of future mobility solutions that are more sustainable and considerate of the urban fabric's well-being. The data tracking system provides an accurate representation of the city's mobility patterns, making it more reliable than traditional survey methods, such as telephone or online interviews. Moreover, the enthusiastic participation of the respondents highlights both a growing awareness of sustainability issues and the appeal of the reward system supported by local businesses.


In Cagliari, the initiative involved 1,626 citizens, of which 1,075 active users, creating a representative sample of 600 Pollicini. The report analyzes various urban mobility habits, distinguishing five main clusters:
Metabolici: Move on foot or by bike.
Sostenibili: Use only shared transport or walk.
Megamixer: Combine various modes of transport.
Autonomi: Use private means (car, motorcycle, bike, walking).
AutoMoto dipendenti: Travel exclusively by private car or motorcycle.

The Pollicino project in the metropolitan area of Cagliari was promoted by the Municipality of Cagliari as part of the activities conducted by the Cagliari Digital Lab, the city's institution recognized as the National House of Emerging Technologies. It was developed in collaboration with the Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile and the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, sponsored by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI), and the Network of Sustainable Universities (RUS), with technological partnership from GreenShare.
In addition to institutional partners, the Pollicino project was supported by local companies that provided prizes for participants in the survey. These companies include: CTM, Playcar, Teatro di Sardegna, Cinema Notorious, Open Campus, The Net Value, Sa Marigosa, J4 Sport, Centro Medico I Mulini, International English Centre via Roma, Innoversity, Birrificio 4Mori, and Cantine Su’Entu. The project was also promoted by partners such as Decathlon, Dedoni Sardinia, Despar, Fondazione Kalaritana Media, the University of Cagliari, Up School, and Tour Baire.
In its general outlines, the Pollicino project – pioneered in Bologna in 2022 – is an initiative of the Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, and the Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, with the support of GreenShare and Nordcom as technological partners.
For more information about the service, contact the sales department at:

You can consult the full report at the following link: Pollicino Cagliari Report 2024

Product of the month

SWARCO's solution for highways and tunnels

On the D4 motorway in the Czech Republic, the testing of SWARCO's OMNIA platform marks a major revolution in transport infrastructure management. Thanks to advanced technologies and highly intuitive tools, travel on highways and tunnels has become safer, more efficient and comfortable for drivers, while offering operators a powerful and agile control system.

OMNIA: simplicity and innovation at the service of transport
Core of this transformation is the OMNIA platform, a system designed to manage and integrate seamlessly a wide range of road infrastructure control applications. OMNIA's strength lies in its ease of use, allowing operators to monitor and manage ITS systems through an intuitive web interface and a unified control centre.
OMNIA VMS is at the heart of this solution. Through a flexible and open approach, the system provides advanced functionality for traffic supervision, tunnel control and Variable Message Sign information management. All these features are designed to provide a smooth experience for both operators and road users.

Safety and customisation: OMNIA's priorities
The OMNIA platform not only simplifies management, but places a strong emphasis on security. Using TLS encryption, the system protects sensitive communications, ensuring that any information exchanged between the control centre and field devices is protected from external attacks. In addition, VMware-based virtualisation ensures a reliable and scalable environment, minimising downtime and increasing operational efficiency.
One of OMNIA's most innovative features is the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) message editor, which allows operators to easily create and edit content displayed on highway signs. This tool combines creativity and convenience, allowing timely and customised information to be delivered to road users, thus improving traffic safety and efficiency.

Real-time integration and control
OMNIA also stands out for its ability to integrate with external systems, making it a flexible and scalable solution for transport infrastructures of all sizes. From traffic flow management to real-time visual monitoring, the system gives operators a clear and detailed overview, allowing rapid and targeted intervention in the event of emergencies or anomalies.
Monitoring combined with the ability to customise messages on the VMS panels provides drivers with real-time updates on road conditions, accidents or closures, improving traffic flow and reducing journey times.

A step into the future of transport
The roll-out of SWARCO's OMNIA solution on the D4 in the Czech Republic proved that the future of mobility is already here. It is not just a matter of adopting advanced technologies, but of creating a system in which safety, efficiency and user-friendliness are seamlessly integrated.
Thanks to OMNIA, drivers can approach their journeys with greater peace of mind, knowing that they are supported by an intelligent system that ensures continuous monitoring of the infrastructure and optimal traffic management. At the same time, infrastructure operators can rely on a flexible and efficient platform that simplifies day-to-day operations and improves the quality of service provided.
With its open, secure and future-oriented technology, SWARCO's solution represents not only a breakthrough in the transport sector, but a concrete step towards a world in which travelling will be increasingly easy, safe and sustainable.

From our members  

AEP Ticketing Solutions completes the project for public transport in Poland
The electronic ticketing system of Aep Ticketing Solutions, TTS Italia ordinary member, is running on public transport in Pomerania (Poland). The work has continued from 2021 to today and has led to solutions for both road and rail transport.
The project started in 2021, when the company, a leader in the sector for years, won the tender, called by InnoBaltica and awarded to the temporary consortium composed of Asseco Data Systems (ADS) and Aep, for 105 million zlotys (about 23 million euros).
The aim was to create a ticketing system, called “Fala”, including both contactless Emv and Qr code technology. This project, the “Fala system” (Integrated Mobility Services Platforms), consists of a unified payment method for public transport throughout the Pomeranian Voivodeship (province).
«This is a big challenge, which has now become a goal successfully achieved, working hard since 2021 – comments Alessandro Sansone, CEO of Aep -. Our supply included 6,690 hardware devices, of which almost a thousand dedicated to rail transport, installed in the Pomeranian Voivodeship which includes the three large cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot. This result strengthens our historic relationship with ADS, one of Aep's largest partners, with whom we have already created the ŚKUP Card system, used in the Silesia region of Poland».

Source: AEP

Almaviva Accelerates Innovation in Transportation and Logistics with AWS Cloud
Almaviva drives innovation in the transportation and logistics sector with AWS cloud. Almaviva’s extensive experience with the MoovA platform - a modular, cloud-ready solution that leverages advanced digital technologies to enable new paradigms of sustainable mobility - combined with its secure, reliable, and high-performance AWS cloud services, aims to deliver innovative solutions to its clients in Italy and North America.
One of the successful use-cases of these technologies is the Azienda Regionale Sarda Trasporti (ARST): “The unique expertise of the Almaviva Group and the strength of AWS solutions have made it possible to effectively proceed with the digital transition outlined in our corporate strategic plan by digitalizing ARST's ticketing system, improving company processes, and enabling the evolution of regional mobility services,” said Carlo Poledrini, General Manager of ARST S.p.A.
“The solid and long-lasting collaboration with AWS, which, over the years, has helped Almaviva hone its skills and improve its role as a partner, is now being expanded and strengthened in the field of cloud technologies dedicated to the transportation and logistics sector, an area in which the group is a leader in Italy and in which it is increasingly present and prominent abroad as well. With the implementation of the AWS Cloud, our MoovA platform solutions for sustainable mobility will offer more innovative and efficient services at the international level,” said Smeraldo Fiorentini, General Manager of Transportation and Logistics at Almaviva.
Almaviva is among a select few partners worldwide to boast the AWS Digital Sovereignty Competency, which recognizes the ability to support clients in meeting digital sovereignty requirements within the European Union, particularly in highly regulated sectors such as public administration, finance, healthcare, energy, utilities, and telecommunications.
In 2023, Almaviva received the “State or Local Government Partner of the Year - EMEA” award, dedicated to the top AWS partners with government competency who have achieved innovative results working with central and local public administrations. Today, the two companies continue their work also in the Transportation and Logistics sector, where, when it comes to ticketing and MaaS for example, technological innovation goes hand in hand with the evolution of resident services.

Source: Almaviva

Autosped G Group relies on Geotab technology to optimize costs and improve safety and sustainability
Geotab – a global leader in connected vehicle technology and TTS Italia ordinary member, has supported Autosped G, an industrial group controlled by the Gavio family, a leader in the transport and logistics sector, in adopting advanced telematics solutions, with the aim of responding to the challenges of cost optimization and environmental sustainability. The solution, provided by an authorized partner and based on Geotab technology, involves the integration of a vehicle performance and driving style monitoring system, in order to improve the performance of the over 3,000 vehicles in the Autosped G fleet operating every day in Italy and Europe. In a scenario that sees the logistics sector constantly evolving, driven by economic, technological and climate challenges that require innovative solutions, companies are called to rethink their operating models, focusing on digitalization and efficiency. With this awareness, Autosped G was looking for a solution that would guarantee a detailed analysis of consumption and allow constant feedback to be provided to drivers to improve their performance behind the wheel, in order to reduce accidents, operating costs and environmental impact.
“Our goal is to reduce road accidents in our fleet by half: it is an ambitious goal and, without a doubt, a lot of work is needed from this point of view, especially in terms of discussions with drivers,” says Barbara Agogliati, Project Manager at Autosped G. Monitoring vehicle performance not only improves safety, but also significantly contributes to the company’s sustainability goals. By analyzing data on consumption and driving styles, it is possible to identify inefficient behaviors, such as vehicles idling, which, in the case of Autosped G, is responsible for using 2-3% of the total fuel, with a consequent increase in costs and CO2 emissions. All this is part of a broader strategy, aimed at promoting a real corporate culture attentive to environmental sustainability and performance optimization. "From our estimates," continues Agogliati, "drivers who improve the use of cruise control rather than coasting, or who limit sudden braking and acceleration, manage to obtain significant reductions in consumption, in some cases even 10%." The solution developed by Geotab shows the impact that the use of data can have on corporate transformation and sustainability, in three different areas:

Monitoring and reducing consumption
With the implementation of Geotab telematics solutions, Autosped G has obtained detailed monitoring of vehicle consumption in different operating conditions, including fully loaded, empty and in all types of driving. This data, correlated with driving styles and the use of cruise control, provides key information for the implementation of strategies to reduce consumption. Currently, Autosped G has already recorded significant improvements and now sets a concrete goal of reducing fuel consumption by 4-5%. Considering that the company uses approximately 36 million liters of diesel annually, a saving apparently limited to a few percentage points implies significant savings, both in terms of money and CO2 produced.

Continuous feedback system for drivers
Autosped G has started a pilot project with Geotab, which includes a continuous feedback system to optimize vehicle efficiency and allow drivers to improve their habits behind the wheel. Thanks to this approach, drivers can easily identify areas for improvement, adapting and optimizing their driving style. The company has also organised training sessions to explain the aims of the project and promote shared responsibility.

Continuous fleet renewal
Another element for reducing consumption is the continuous renewal of the fleet. Autosped G adopts a policy of replacing heavy vehicles every six years, maintaining their average age at around three years. This approach ensures the use of modern technologies, including more energy-efficient vehicles, contributing to the reduction of emissions and the containment of operating costs.
Autosped G aims to continue to exploit the power of data for new and multiple integrated functions. Today, the possibility of having real-time visibility on the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) of vehicles is already a reality, eliminating the need to submit telephone requests for updates. In addition, in the long term Autosped G plans to adopt emerging technologies such as autonomous driving and deepen the use of artificial intelligence, in order to further optimize logistics operations. “We are very proud to collaborate with Autosped G on this project, embracing the company's goal of placing the principle of 'Responsibility in motion' at the center of its activities. Geotab in fact fully shares the concrete commitment to driver safety and operational efficiency: it is a value that is reflected in our common vision”, says Franco Viganò, Director, Strategic Channel & Italy Country Manager of Geotab.

Source: Geotab

Autostrade per l’Italia signs agreement with Renault Group to develop e-mobility
Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A. (ASPI), TTS Italia founding member, following a broad competitive process, has reached an agreement with the Renault Group through its subsidiary Free to X – through the brand dedicated to mobility Mobilize – with the aim of further developing the e-mobility business outside the motorway network. The operation involves the sale of a share of the capital of Free to X, a start-up founded in 2021 and which has become an Italian excellence in just a few years. Established to meet the needs of the ASPI Group with a view to increasingly sustainable mobility, in recent years Free To X has created 100 high-power charging stations on the motorway network it manages with an average distance of approximately 50 km between one station and another, exceeding European targets. Today, the company that has developed a range of diversified solutions to extend the project beyond the motorway asset, presents itself as a leading player on the national scene, attracting the attention of large international investors. In line with the guidelines of the current energy transition process, the initiative is aimed at supporting the growth and development plan of Free to X launched by the ASPI Group; in particular, the agreements with the Renault Group provide that ASPI will continue to maintain control (as Charging Point Operator) over the charging infrastructures located on the motorway, furthermore ASPI will operate to support Mobilize for the growth of activities outside the motorway network under management. Autostrade per l'Italia expresses satisfaction with the agreement: the interest of a leading player such as the Renault Group confirms the effectiveness of the strategic vision of the ASPI Group, highlighting the value of Free to X, which has become a leading operator in the sector in a very short time.

Source: Ferpress

Mobility in 2025: 5 trends according to Geotab, led by AI
What are the scenarios for 2025, in terms of mobility and connected transport? According to Geotab - global leader in connected vehicle technology and TTS Italia ordinary member, the year that has just begun promises to be full of challenges and opportunities, with artificial intelligence driving innovation. It is precisely AI, in the experts' view, that forms the backdrop to the 5 trends that will characterize the telematics sector in the months to come. "Our forecasts for 2025 start from a premise: it is now clear that artificial intelligence, in the coming months and years, will be the main driver of technological progress. This is not a distant future, but a reality that is already part of the daily life of the most far-sighted organizations. Mobility is no exception and the impact of AI will be evident in all major industry trends, from evolving security needs, to balancing sustainability and efficiency, to specific vertical needs,” comments Franco Viganò, Director, Strategic Channel & Italy Country Manager at Geotab.

Mobility trends for 2025
The Rise of Autonomous Fleet Management. A fleet that is managed in the most efficient way possible, with every vehicle operating at peak performance – with minimal human intervention? With virtual assistants powered by generative AI, Autonomous Fleet Management is already becoming a reality and is set to become even more popular through 2025. Solutions like these reduce operator effort by simplifying complex operations, such as real-time route optimization and maintenance planning. The most advanced tools act as co-pilots for fleet management, transforming the way fleet managers interact with data, helping to build a future where immediate, intelligent analytical insights will remain an increasingly crucial tool for an organization’s success.
Sustainability: from words to practice, to improve efficiency and reduce costs. According to the European Environment Agency, the transport sector is responsible for approximately a quarter of total CO2 emissions in Europe – 71.7% of which are produced by road transport. In this scenario, for years now we have been wondering how to contain its impact, often without achieving concrete results. In 2025, for many organizations the time may finally have come to move from promises to facts, also driven by practical and contingent needs, such as the need to improve operations and, at the same time, contain costs. In the year that has just begun, sustainability will therefore be closely linked to efficiency and the strategies to achieve this dual objective are many: from electrification to improving routes, through reducing downtime and waste. For example, more careful fuel management alone, enabled by telematics within a broader dedicated program, can significantly contribute to containing consumption and, consequently, the related expenses (which, according to some estimates, for road haulage companies can represent up to a third of operating costs).
Telematics increasingly native, thanks to integration with manufacturers. As has been the case for several years now, in 2025 more and more vehicles will leave the factory with telematics devices already integrated. Considering the growing number of manufacturers offering telematics hardware pre-installed on new vehicles, organizations will therefore be called upon to carefully select the OEM and/or aftermarket solutions best suited to their needs. In this context, which will see more and more mixed fleets, the support of reliable technology partners will also be crucial, capable of acting as a bridge between natively and non-natively integrated telematics devices. It is in fact essential to have a fleet management system that allows access to the data of all vehicles and connected assets, regardless of their specific characteristics, through a single and easy-to-interact control panel (also thanks to the support of generative artificial intelligence).
Attention to driver well-being and safety, through gamification and coaching programs. Istat estimates have recorded, in the first half of 2024, an increase in the number of road accidents resulting in injuries to people, as well as in the number of injured and victims within the thirtieth day, compared to the same period of the previous year. To reverse this worrying trend, it is necessary to contain (also) collisions involving commercial vehicles, promoting road safety and the well-being of drivers, through initiatives aimed at promoting good driving practices. In 2025, therefore, fleet managers will need to focus on proactive training, while increasing in-cabin technology and the ability to provide real-time feedback on driver habits. AI-based telematics tools will facilitate this path, helping to identify and manage risks related to vehicle performance, allowing time to be spent on driver training and enabling operational decisions based on data and predictive analysis. In this scenario, gamification programs will also find ample space: rewarding correct driving behaviors will increase driver involvement and loyalty, helping to attract the best talent in a competitive market.
Specific models for specific needs, from the cold chain to the last mile. In the immediate future, also thanks to the support of AI models, it will be possible to respond with ever greater specificity to the fleet management needs that come from different market segments. An example is cold logistics, i.e. the transport of perishable goods, such as food and pharmaceuticals, which require specific requirements for temperature control: 2025 will see a great focus on this constantly evolving segment, between the birth of new hubs and recent acquisitions involving the most important players in the sector. Another theme that will prove crucial is the management of last mile logistics, to face the challenges imposed by the continuous growth of e-commerce: in Italy, according to data from the Digital Innovation Observatory of the Polytechnic University of Milan, in 2024 the value of online purchases exceeded 58 million euros, marking a +6% compared to the previous year.

Source: Geotab

New data from the A4 Holding Driving Styles Observatory
Road safety starts with the analysis of traveler behavior. The A4 Holding Group's Driving Styles Observatory constantly monitors driving habits on the A4 Brescia-Padova and A31 Valdastico motorways. The Driving Styles Observatory is a project that annually monitors risky behaviors by motorists and truck drivers traveling on motorways: use of cell phones while driving, use of seat belts and direction indicators, maintaining safe distances, respecting speed limits and correct use of lanes. The data collected allows us to develop targeted preventive actions to reduce risks and promote more responsible mobility. Looking at the 2024 data, exceeding speed limits remains high, often accompanied by failure to respect safety distances and the percentage of those who use their cell phones inappropriately while driving does not decrease. On the other hand, the good practice of using seat belts by drivers is growing and the freest lane on the right is increasingly being used. From this year, the Observatory has equipped itself with an additional detection method (in addition to the usual fixed and mobile ones on the motorway) carried out through a specific survey, the analysis of which has revealed some risky behaviours by travellers, such as driving when tired, exceeding the speed limit, driving after drinking alcohol and lastly using the phone to check messages and social media while driving. For more details on the 2024 results, click here.

Source: A4 Holding

Targa Telematics Recognized as a Sample Vendor in the “2024 Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Property and Casualty Insurance
Targa Telematics – a leading global player in the field of IoT and the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility, and founding member of TTS Italia – has been recognized as a Sample Vendor for the Insurance Telematics 2.0 category in the 2024 Gartner® “Hype Cycle™ for Property and Casualty Insurance” report. According to Gartner, “This Hype Cycle shows the development, adoption and maturity of technologies and trends in the property and casualty insurance industry. Insurance CIOs in these regions can use this Hype Cycle to inform investment and strategy decisions.” The Gartner report states that “As telematics matures as a business model, insurers need more advanced telematics offerings that combine additional data, hosting and integration to provide a new range of behavior- and usage-based products and to support initiatives such as loss and fraud prevention programs. This is enabled by telematics 2.0, which supports CX needs, especially in terms of consumer engagement, personalization and reward programs.” Targa Telematics offers a complete portfolio of solutions for the insurance market, using different data sources such as aftermarket devices, OEM data streams and mobile-as-a-sensor technology. By leveraging these advanced digital solutions, Targa Telematics enables insurance partners to fight fraud, streamline claims management and create accurate risk profiles through automatic accident reconstruction and driving behavior analysis. Targa Telematics also provides customized insurance solutions through the innovative UBI (Usage-Based Insurance) telematics solution “Targa Drive”, which allows pay-how-you-drive and pay-per-drive pricing based on actual driver behavior, including distances traveled. Additionally, through a smartphone application, Targa Drive collects driving data, enabling insurers to generate predictive and personalized risk scores. By focusing on innovation, Targa Telematics strengthens its commitment to the insurance industry to provide more flexible, accurate and customer-oriented policies, based on operators’ needs.

Source: Targa Telematics

Our activities

The prospects for 2025: the interview with the President of TTS Italia on Mobility Magazine
Mobility Magazine opens the year with an issue dedicated to the prospects for 2025, with interviews with the protagonists of the transport and logistics sector. The President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, focuses on what has been a complex year, 2024, for national strategies, yet full of important results such as in the field of road safety and cybersecurity. Space also for the objectives of TTS Italia for the new year which will be characterized by the digitalization of transport and logistics, MaaS, road safety, ITS Directive thanks to technical and institutional activities and the organization of ad hoc events to fuel dialogue and gather valuable input.
Leggi l’intervista a pagina 29!

Save the date! On February 27th in Turin we will talk about autonomous driving and its potential with the IN2CCAM2 project
Organized by TTS Italia, 5T and Links Foundation, on February 27th, from 9:00 to approximately 16:00, the IN2CCAM Awareness Event will be held in Turin, a project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe framework program, which aims to accelerate the use of innovative CCAM technologies and systems for passengers and goods. IN2CCAM wants to develop, implement and demonstrate innovative services for connected and automated vehicles, infrastructures and users. Turin is one of the 4 Living Labs planned by the project, which will see the new technologies of the autonomous driving panorama tested on public roads. In particular, the city of Turin is pioneering a type of experimentation that is still new in Italy and whose bureaucratic process is currently unclear. The purpose of the event will be to raise awareness of the potential of the self-driving shuttle oHMIo Lift, which has recently been put into circulation on the streets of Turin for the experimentation foreseen by the project. Furthermore, in the second half of the day, it will be possible to see the shuttle in motion, starting from the GTT parking lot. More details on the agenda and participation methods will follow.

The second edition of the NexGen Mobility Conference in Milan: TTS Italia among the speakers
After the success of 2024, with over 200 participants, the second edition of the strategic conference on next generation mobility organized by IoMOBILITY and involving important Mobility Makers and analysts took place on January 28 in Milan.
The President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, was among the speakers of the day.
The keynote speech by EY Italy on “convergence between sectors, new players, stakeholders: state of the art and trends of the Smart Mobility market”, opened the event.
Rossella Panero spoke in the session immediately following and dedicated to “Ecosystems in motion: how the mobility business is evolving, between new players and the expansion of the offer of services”. New operators focused on digital mobility services are competing with traditional transport operators, who in turn are expanding their service portfolios thanks to the opportunities that digitalization offers: the mobility business is being redefined and must meet the increasingly specific needs of users, while pursuing sustainability objectives.
Finally, a look at the near future: technological and service development trends, to discover the innovation prospects in the “hottest” areas of Smart Mobility.

federMobilità training school: TTS Italia among the speakers
The Vice President of TTS Italia, Bruno Pezzuto, was among the speakers of the training module, on January 21 and 22, 2025, relating to the 4th Course of the federMobilità training school dedicated to the topic “Information systems, tariffs and revenues”, organized by Isfort.
In particular, on January 21 the focus was on Cities and infomobility; Traffic and mobility management systems; smart cities. Bruno Pezzuto spoke on this last topic.

The IoMOBILITY AWARDS are back! TTS Italia among the Networking Partners
The IoMOBILITY AWARDS are back again this year, now in their 5th edition, and once again TTS Italia is among the Networking Partners of the initiative!
The Awards were created to identify, select, highlight and reward the best innovative services and projects on the market today. They are dedicated to the entire ecosystem of Next Generation Mobility players: both large Mobility Makers and SMEs and Startups can apply, to which a special category is dedicated.
An opportunity for branding, networking and direct contact between service and technology providers and mobility operators.
The Jury is made up of mobility players who have always dedicated their time to analyzing the applications because they are interested in learning about innovative companies and scouting for collaborations. This year, TTS Italia will also be on the Jury!
You can submit your application by February 1, 2025, free of charge. All information is available at the following link:
The IoMOBILITY AWARDS include the NEXTGEN Mobility Conference, on January 28, 2025 in Milan, which will also involve TTS Italia among the speakers; and the Gala evening for the awards ceremony that will be held on March 20, 2025, at the Sala Polene of the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.

TTS Italia launches the “ITS Days”. The first meeting in Rome on December 18
One of the objectives of TTS Italia has always been to compare Demand and Supply in a super partes environment, to encourage dialogue, allowing the real needs of the Territory and its institutional representatives to emerge, and therefore the solutions available to address them.
The ITS Days were born in TTS Italia precisely as a new opportunity for Demand/Supply to meet, which, periodically, will address a different theme related to intelligent and safe mobility, with particular reference to the areas of interest of the updated ITS Directive.
The first meeting, reserved for TTS Italia members, took place on December 18, in Rome, at the TTS Italia headquarters. The topic of discussion was Smart Road, and therefore the digitalization of transport infrastructures, which represents a key factor in promoting sustainable, intelligent and inclusive growth in our country. Many members participated, as well as the public, as speakers on this first day, to share solutions and experiences: Municipality of Verona, Almaviva, Berenice/, Trafficlab, Autostrade per l’Italia, Sinelec, Satap A4, Autostrada Brescia-Padova, 5T, CAV. The day was opened and moderated by the General Secretary of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi, while the conclusions were by the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero.

TTS Italia in 2024, the activity report is online
2024 is now coming to an end and for TTS Italia it has been an intense and productive year between technical, networking, institutional activities, without neglecting the organization of national and international events and participation in conferences in Italy and abroad, always with an eye on internationalization.

Read more from the report (available in Italian)

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Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.