It's Europe
N° 1
January 2024

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Member of the month
Products of the month
From our members 
Our activities
Business opportunities 
TTS Italia supports
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The interview by Morena Pivetti


“Twenty-five candles to celebrate in the name of the safety of mobility services and the national ITS plan”.
President Rossella Panero talks about the year to come

2024 will not be an ordinary year for TTS Italia. Of course, it is also true that there are no ordinary years, each one brings with it its load of confirmations and novelties, routines and surprises. But turning 25 doesn't happen every day, nor every year: it makes 2024 truly special and important for the National Association for Telematics for Transport and Safety.
Even more special because it really doesn't happen every day, nor every year, that an association whose social object is information technologies is led by two women. And what women! As a woman, let me tell you. Rossella Panero, the president, and Olga Landolfi, the director, as well as being passionate - a characteristic that I go so far as to define as common to the female gender - are truly competent, they know what they are talking about. How can their associates confirm.
In this conversation with President Panero, which opens the first newsletter of a very particular 2024, we begin with the anniversary that TTS Italia will celebrate this year.


“It's not just that we're turning twenty-five years old, a milestone in the life of any association – the president smiles, satisfied – and a duration that testifies to its solidity. We arrive there in full health, with a significant growth in activities and above all in the reputation that accompanies us as an authoritative player in the sector. Not only from the market, or from the companies that have chosen to join, also from national and decentralized bodies and institutions".

Let's remember when you were born, who the founding members were.
TTS Italia was established in March 1999. There are seven founding members, who I mention by their current names, because in these twenty-five years someone has changed their name. They were A4Mobility, Aci, Atac, Movyon, Sinelec, Swarco Italia and Targa Telematics together with the then Ministry of Transport and Navigation. The Ministry later left. Already from these initial members we can see how the audience of possible stakeholders was varied, how vast the perimeter was, well beyond the specific vertical theme of technologies: they ranged from the Automobile Club to motorway concessionaires, from local public transport companies to technological providers, to gradually touch on all areas of what we now call mobility and which we have deliberately cultivated. Traffic, telematics, transport safety and so on. To which the Municipalities have been added as stakeholders over the years, also through their mobility agencies, such Roma Servizi per la Mobilità for the Capital and 5T for Turin.

An Association that today covers the entire spectrum.
TTS Italia's strategy has always been to operate in an inclusive way, with a broad scope, a broad horizon, to bring different worlds into dialogue and make supply and demand interact. Our members include not only the producers of technology but also those who use it. A peculiarity that must be underlined.

Now an obligatory question: how will you celebrate your first 25 candles?
We will celebrate them worthily. As is our now consolidated habit, with a public conference in which we will involve institutions, bodies, associations but above all our members. The date, place and title are set: we will hold it on May 15th in Rome and it will focus on 'Solutions for the safety of mobility services'. We are already preparing it: in December we set up a working group with this same title and entrusted it with the task of developing the TTS Italia manifesto, which we will present at the conference. Then, there will be celebrations with a gala dinner.

I imagine that the second, important focus of the year will be the new EU Directive on ITS, Intelligent Transport Systems.
Yes, we will deal heavily with the EU Directive that came out on November 30th. An intense restart: we will be at the forefront with our work to follow the transposition process, with the aim of offering expert support to central bodies and Italian institutions to complete the process as soon as possible. Which is a regulatory obligation. Then there is the new national ITS plan to prepare, the last one dates back to ten years ago and is now obsolete. This is also an obligation that derives from the Directive. But above all an unmissable opportunity for the sector. I would add that the plan will have to be adequately financed to avoid repeating what happened with the previous one: not having its own resources, it had to seek funds from other appropriations. And it ended up being only partially realized. An economic allocation that could be found in the National Recovery and Resistance Plan or even in other spending chapters.

Are you applying to lead this work on the Directive?
Certain. Obviously we hope that TTS Italia will lead: we will ask for a commitment as coordinators of the working table with the aim of bringing together and involving all the associations in the development of the contents of the plan.

This year will also feature an important international activity.
The most important event will be in September in Dubai: the ITS World Congress. We are preparing a TTS Italia stand to promote the ITS sector with our members. We will then continue all the traditional activities, such as the Working Groups. In addition to the one for the May conference, we have three others in place: Enforcement, for road safety issues, coordinated by the TTS Italia secretariat, a round table on Financing for the digitalisation of Transport coordinated by Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, which provides periodic updates, and a round table on Logistics between the TTS Italia Secretariat and the Freight Leaders Council and OITAF.

What else?
Two more activities that are very significant for us: the local authorities’ platform and the European projects, which are in strong development. We will continue to support the Municipalities that have joined the platform and we will work to bring in new administrations. Also, during 2024 we will be involved in 8 European projects in different areas: smart roads, intelligent mobility and urban mobility, logistics and cooperative and connected mobility together with artificial intelligence. European projects are truly a feather in our cap for us. Finally, as in previous years, in the activities of this 2024 we will pay particular attention to dialogue with institutional decision makers: the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Department for Digital Transition, the Ministry of the Environment, the Transport Commissions of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, Ram Logistics, Infrastructure and Transport, the Agency for Digital Italy, the Department for Cohesion Policies of the Presidency of the Council and the trade associations.

So happy birthday TTS Italia!

Who is Rossella Panero. Graduated in Physics at the University of Turin, began her professional experience in the automotive sector with a particular interest towards innovation, contributing to the first R&D activities in the field of telematic technologies applied to transport (then Intelligent Transport Systems - ITS). In 2001 she started her career in Public Administration, first as Head of the R&D team at 5T, the first local agency in Italy dedicated to ITS, and then as ICT manager for the Gruppo Torinese Trasporti (GTT). Since 2010 she has been the director of 5T Srl, consolidating her managerial and administrative skills. In 2011 she was chosen, for her experience and expertise, as President of the association TTS Italia, the national ITS association that includes about 100 public and private members of smart mobility sector. In her first two terms, the association supported the Italian Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility for the implementation of the ITS National Plan, in compliance with the European ITS Directive. In her third term, currently running, the Association has become a strategic stakeholder for definition and implementation of new policies that look to a more sustainable and digital mobility.

Member of the month

Since 1988 Tattile has been developing and producing Automatic License Plate Reader (ANPR/ALPR) cameras for ITS, Mobility and Smart Cities.
Tattile is a pioneering company in the ITS sector with a clear international scope. Already in 1988 Tattile engineers successfully developed integrated cameras for license plate readers and application software for the ITS and mobility markets; since then, Tattile has become a world leader in intelligent traffic monitoring systems.
Tattile is fully committed to creating high-tech, cutting-edge ANPR (ALPR) and vehicle identification applications based primarily on artificial intelligence. These systems satisfy the most demanding applications in the ITS and Big Data Analysis markets.
Tattile is a global company that joined the TKH group in 2018.
Tattile counts among its partners a vast network of globally competent System Integrators and first-rate local partners who contribute to making Tattile a leading global company.
The average age of the team is 36 years; as many as 40% of the team works in research and development, making innovation, customer orientation and flexibility the fundamental values of the company.
All Tattile cameras, created to cover different applications, such as free-flow tolling and speed control systems, comply with rigorous quality standards, ensuring reliability and cost-efficiency.


Tattile, as a top international player in the field of Intelligent Transportation Solutions (ITS), sets itself high goals with the acquisition of the most important voluntary certification focused on cybersecurity: the IEC-62443 together with ISO-27001, a current and fundamental topic for the protection of IT infrastructure and sensitive data.
In recent years, the number of security bugs detected has continuously grown.
Reviewing the alarming cybersecurity statistics, we refer to the fact that the global annual cost of cybercrime is estimated to exceed $20 trillion by 2026 (source: Cybersecurity Ventures). 71% of all cyberattacks are financially motivated, followed by intellectual property theft and espionage (source: Verizon).
ANPR / ALPR cameras: like many other network equipment are not exempt from cyberattacks for several reasons: being placed in public areas, they could be approached by ill-intentioned people. Working inside the interconnection of networks, cameras can be part of larger systems and interconnected with other devices and systems.
Software and Firmware: Cameras may be vulnerable to unknown threats if they don't receive regular updates from the manufacturer or users due to software and firmware vulnerabilities.

Tattile, as a relevant market player, wants to lead the implementation of secure software in the ITS industry. With this aim, we, Tattile, developed the Stark software platform from scratch, having in mind to achieve the double certification, IEC-62443, focused on software security, and ISO-27001, focused on infrastructure IT security.
Highlights IEC-62443 certification: product-oriented solution
IEC-62443 certification has been established by several global Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) companies. The schemes are based on the referenced standards and define test methods, surveillance audit policies, public documentation policies, and other specific aspects of their program. Cybersecurity certification programs for IEC-62443 standards are offered globally by many distinguished Certification Bodies (CB), including Bureau Veritas.
Tattile chose the internationally acknowledged DevSecOps methodology for Stark platform development. This methodology ensures the best security standards from the design to the delivery phase and is recognized as a state-of-the-art tool.
The most tangible security benefits generated by DevSecOps methodology are:
Risk Reduction: DevSecOps allows timely identification of safety risks thanks to dedicated tools that continuously analyze all the code bases.
Product Reliability and Integrity: ensures products are secure by design, ensuring robustness and functional integrity.
The adoption of standard security-oriented methodologies, of which DevSecOps is the maximum expression, guarantees by design compliance with the stringent criteria established by the IEC-62443 certification.
As new types of cyberattacks are emerging on a daily basis, it is crucial to take timely action to ensure the system remains secure and compliant with IEC-62443. This can be achieved by promptly applying security patches and related software updates to the system. In this spirit, Stark by Tattile provides at least 12 annual updates.
Tattile has also acquired an infrastructure certification: ISO/IEC-27001:2013 (known as ISO-27001), the International Information Security Standard certification that describes best practices for an ISMS (Information Security Management System).
Our company implements best practices for information security and provides external expert verification (Bureau Veritas) that data security is managed in accordance with international standards. Information Security has a double impact for customers:
A) Ensure that the processing of information (including data provided by customers) is compliant with international standards for the management of sensitive data (for example, GDPR or Privacy Act).
B) Guarantee an adequate IT infrastructure to prevent "code injection," the introduction of malicious code with negative repercussions on the customer.
At this scope, Tattile has implemented a sophisticated IT infrastructure, including: - NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System)
- Periodic penetration tests
- SOC (Security Operating Center) 24/7
- Restricted and tracked access to Server Rooms
- Implementation of Local Security Policy on all Tattile's devices
Tattile, as a leading company in the ITS industry, feels responsible for ensuring the security and reliability of its products (software & hardware), contributing in a concrete way to making the management of sensitive data and infrastructures more secure, with tangible benefits for clients.

Project of the month

Consorzio UnicoCampania: the pass is now smart!

From 1 January 2024, Consorzio UnicoCampania has abandoned the magnetic monthly pass forever to launch the monthly one only on Smart Cards, the UnicoCampania APP and the Apps of consortium member companies.
A great innovation, intended to benefit users and the environment.
This is an epochal transition, for which a massive communication campaign has been planned to inform users of the new purchasing method.
The magnetic monthly pass was used, on average, by almost 20,000 users and accounted for 57% of the titles sold, while 43% were already issued on Smart Cards, APPs and semi-automatic systems.
A third of the magnetic subscriptions distributed were then returned, generating costs, diseconomies and impacts in environmental terms (wasted paper).

The digital ticket, however, has a lower climate impact and has the great advantage for users of being able to be "duplicated" in the event of loss.
Another extraordinary prerogative is the ease of recharging: once the smartcard has been requested, it is possible to recharge the season ticket at company ticket offices, UnicoCampania info points and PuntoLIS tobacconists throughout Campania, eliminating the problem of obtaining the travel ticket.
Precisely the integration with the PuntoLIS sales network represents one of the strong points of this innovation, as it expands the possibility of charging for the user to the over three thousand commercial establishments present in the entire Region, with a truly widespread offer across the territory.

The abandonment of the magnetic system contributes to giving an important boost to the digitalized ticketing project envisaged at a regional level and represents a decisive step towards the modernization and simplification of the ticketing system.
Within days of launch, over 20,000 passes were sold for the month of January, demonstrating users' rapid adaptation to new purchasing methods.
A further step forward that the Consortium has made in the field of technological innovation linked to TPL ticketing and which is also bearing fruit at an international level. It is no coincidence, in fact, that in November 2023, UnicoCampania received, in Paris, the award for Best Customer Service 2023 from the Calypso Networks Association, a non-profit organization that brings together the most prestigious representatives of the transport and mobility community and services, created to encourage the exchange of ideas, experiences and requirements with the aim of developing open systems that meet the needs of an integrated ticketing system for consumers.
The prize was awarded for the development of the UnicoCampania system and the multi-profile card, a single card on which the end user has the possibility of "loading" multiple contracts, i.e. different public transport fares (from the monthly to the annual season ticket). Since July 2023, the Consortium has also enabled the regional smartcard for the sale of Trenitalia tickets.
Indeed, Campania is the only Region to have implemented this integration between the national carrier Trenitalia and local public transport, thanks to the collaboration and investments of Trenitalia and the UnicoCampania Consortium.
Integration which translates into the possibility of also having the "Trenitalia profile" on the new generation UnicoCampania smartcards.
On the card, therefore, it is possible to purchase, in addition to the tickets managed by the Consortium (corporate and integrated), also all Trenitalia tickets available in electronic format.
The card can be requested online, at the UnicoCampania ticket offices but also - and this is the great news - at the Trenitalia ticket offices.
The technological integration, in fact, allows all users to purchase monthly and annual season tickets integrated into Trenitalia ticket offices and the 150 self-service machines that it has installed in Campania.
All users who have Consortium cards can already use these machines to purchase monthly and annual passes.
An innovation that makes purchasing travel tickets even easier for public transport users.

From our members 

5 mobility trends in 2024 according to Geotab: the road to safety, efficiency and sustainability
Mobility in 2024? It must be efficient, safe and sustainable, from an environmental and economic point of view. This is what emerges from the picture drawn by Geotab - global leader in the field of technology for connected vehicles and TTS Italia ordinary member, which highlights how companies are today called upon to operate in an increasingly challenging context, where it becomes essential to reduce costs, improve performance and learn to adapt to changing market needs. In this scenario, Geotab has identified the 5 trends that will characterize the telematics sector for 2024.

“Sustainability, intelligence and resilience will be the three words that will guide the decisions of those who operate in the world of transport in the next 12 months,” comments Franco Viganò, Director, Strategic Channel & Italy Country Manager of Geotab. “Reducing the environmental impact of fleets and containing their costs, while ensuring an efficient, safe and reliable service: the challenges to be faced in the coming year are ambitious and will require the joint commitment of companies, vehicle manufacturers and technology suppliers who, together, will be able to transform them into opportunities".

Mobility trends for 2024:

The road is increasingly greener: from the Sustainability Report to the new prospects of electrification
In 2024, also as a result of regulatory pressure, companies in every sector will be asked to continue to commit to reducing their environmental impact. Starting from 1 January, the obligation to present the Sustainability Report was introduced for companies that fall within certain parameters and then gradually for all in subsequent years. This report must include, among other information, the measurement of the polluting gases produced and the strategies that will be implemented to reduce their emissions. For this purpose, the aid of telematics can prove fundamental, allowing for example the analysis of real data relating to fuel consumption by fleets and the identification of any deviations.
Looking in particular at the transport sector, the European Commission, within the Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy, has outlined an ambitious plan which aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with it by 90% by 2050. Achieving the decarbonisation objectives is closely linked to the transition towards electricity. The market is still struggling to take off in Italy, considering that in the first 10 months of 2023 electric cars represented only 3.9% of total registrations, but the pace of interventions on the charging infrastructure front is growing: the installations of charging stations have in fact marked an annual leap of 44.1%, exceeding 47,000 stations by the end of 2023 (Motus-E data). With a national network ready to become a reference at European level, it is likely to assume that, in 2024, Italy will make progress on the adoption and use of electric propulsion vehicles.
(Truly) intelligent mobility, thanks to generative AI that enables immediate and informed decisions “Intelligence” will also be a key word for the transport sector in 2024: digital innovation will in fact open up new scenarios for the optimization of mobility, in terms of efficiency of operations and safety of people and vehicles. The evolution of generative AI, in particular, has the potential to enable fleet managers to leverage the analytical insights generated by data processing to take even more informed and, importantly, immediate actions. Speed of response will prove to be indispensable in an increasingly changing scenario, in which the companies that emerge will be able to adapt with maximum promptness to sudden changes in the scenario. For this reason, in the coming months, organizations are expected to make significant investments in platforms for data governance and metadata management, in order to improve the effectiveness of generative AI.

Vehicle manufacturers will play an increasingly active role in telematics, integrating it natively
It is estimated that in 2024 the majority of vehicles manufactured will be equipped with integrated telematics (source: Global Automotive OEM Telematics Market” by Berg Insights), consequently, there may be a decline in the installation of aftermarket telematics devices.
The advantages of OEM telematics are many, both for vehicle manufacturers (who can have access to valuable data on the performance of the vehicles) and for users (who do not have to purchase any external peripheral, given that it will simply be an integral part of the vehicle).
However, there are also limits: for example, costs could increase and, furthermore, fleets tend not to be single-brand and/or may include vehicles still without integrated telematic devices. In the coming months, the need to adopt a telematics platform capable of uniquely connecting data from different sources will therefore increasingly emerge.

Attention to costs, especially in road transport: the importance of analyzing behaviors and training drivers
In 2023, inflation has finally returned to falling below 2%, but the credit channel remains blocked by excessively high rates, which slow down consumption and investments, especially for businesses (source: Congiuntura Flash, Confindustria Study Centre). In this scenario, it becomes even more urgent to optimize every aspect of company operations, including fleet management, with a view to reducing costs.
Those who are particularly sensitive to the issue are the companies that operate in road transport, for which fuel expenses represent one of the main budget items: according to Conftrasporto estimates, in normal conditions, 30% of the costs incurred by this type of businesses is used to power vehicles. Telematics, combined with training courses aimed at drivers and programs to encourage good driving habits, can significantly contribute to containing these costs. According to Geotab estimates, by following this strategy, trucking companies will be able to save up to 10% on operating costs.

Resilience objective, between systems integration, adaptation to standards and IT security
To cope with market changes, daily challenges and unexpected crises that recent years have accustomed us to, it is essential to work on the creation of a resilient transport system: this implies, among other aspects, the improvement of infrastructure, adaptation to the effects of climate change and the strengthening of the single transport market.
In this scenario, the integration between information systems, understood as the possibility, through the most advanced technological tools, of putting telematics data in direct correlation with other company information systems, represents an ace in the hole for greater coherence in the organization and reliability of the services offered. To further avoid the risk of interruptions, as well as to comply with standards, it is also necessary to pay maximum attention to IT security, of the importance of which fleet managers are increasingly aware: today, vehicles must no longer be thought of as simple means of transport, but as connected mobile devices part of a global network, which store a mass of data of inestimable value and which, consequently, can be the subject of cyber-attacks.
For further information on Geotab, click here.

Source: Geotab.

ESRI: applications for awards and scholarships in the geospatial sectors are now underway
Also this year, Esri, TTS Italia ordinary member, and Women In GIS will reward 3 people and make 6 scholarships available for women who work or study in the geospatial sectors.
The WiGIS awards recognize the contributions of women in geospatial fields, while the scholarships provide funds for educational expenses for undergraduate and graduate students and grants for women in professional or academic fields, to support projects and research in a wide range of geospatial areas.
The competition is open to women from any country and in particular those belonging to under-represented categories are encouraged. It is possible to self-nominate or nominate other people, applications are made online and you can participate for only one award or one scholarship for each award cycle.
In addition to the recognition, all honorees and scholarship recipients will receive a free one-year license of ArcGIS and StoryMaps. Additionally, all winners will receive a free one-year membership to Women in GIS.
Applications will be accepted until February 21, 2024, 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
The categories for the 2024 Awards are:
• Women in GIS Contribution of Excellence Award
• Women in GIS Award for young professionals
• Women in GIS Service Award
Two scholarships will be awarded for each category:
• College students - $500
• Graduates - $1,000
• Professional and Academic Scholarships - $2,000
For more details click here.

Source: ESRI.

Geotab presents the Sustainability Alliance, created to support electrification and decarbonization
Geotab – global leader in the field of connected vehicle technology and TTS Italia ordinary member, announces the birth of the Geotab Sustainability Alliance, a group of technology and service providers who will work on the creation of cutting-edge solutions specifically designed to help fleets to operate more efficiently, reducing their environmental impact. The Geotab Sustainability Alliance, which currently includes 28 partners and is expected to continue to grow, has the expertise and experience needed to support fleets in achieving a wide range of objectives, including improving sustainabilit , risk reduction and compliance with regulatory requirements.
The decarbonisation of transport is a complex challenge that requires close cooperation between the various parties involved. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the main international body for assessing climate change, the sector is in fact responsible for 23% of greenhouse gas emissions globally, and Italy does not differ from these numbers: according to ISPRA data, approximately a quarter of the emissions generated at a national level are attributable to transport. The Geotab coalition will help drive the adoption of electric vehicles and enable sustainable transformation by providing companies with innovative solutions and data-driven analytical insights that will enable them to make informed decisions, measure progress and achieve their goals.
“Data is key to measuring and managing environmental impact – it can really make a difference on the sustainability front. The Geotab Sustainability Alliance is accelerating change, helping organizations not only achieve goals, but also improve the bottom line” , says Neil Cawse, Founder and CEO of Geotab.
Partner companies enable different aspects of the transition towards a more sustainable future.
Among the members of the Geotab Sustainability Alliance we find:
• electric vehicle manufacturers, to offer Geotab solutions and connect vehicles in the factory, cloud-to-cloud or through our GO9 device, in order to simplify the management of electric fleets
• providers of charging and charging station management solutions, to optimize performance and ensure that electric vehicles are ready when needed, while helping to reduce costs and emissions.
• companies specialized in fuel management, to track and reduce consumption with the aim of a better environmental impact.
• partners that enable route optimization, to support fleets by determining the most efficient ways of using electric vehicles and reducing kilometers travelled, costs and emissions.
• consultancy companies expert in sustainability and management of electric vehicle fleets, to contribute to strategic planning by improving, thanks to analytical insights, professional services and software solutions aimed at managing electric vehicles and increasing sustainability.
• emerging solutions: companies developing innovative ESG software, as well as providers of charging services and technologies for optimizing battery status.
Geotab Sustainability Alliance partner solutions integrate seamlessly with telematics to accelerate the benefits in terms of efficiency and decarbonization of fleets.
In addition, the offering of products and services already integrated within the Geotab Marketplace simplifies the management of electric vehicles for fleet operators by enriching MyGeotab, the management platform used to analyze in-depth data. Finally, Geotab's leadership, capable of supporting data collected from over 300 different electric vehicle models, further strengthens the value of the integrated solutions proposed.
For more information, visit

Source: Geotab.

Swarco Italia: Driving the Technological Revolution of Romanian Traffic
In Romania, a wave of innovation is changing the face of traffic management and public transport systems. In this transformation scenario, Swarco Italia, TTS Italia founding member, confirms its leading role, contributing significantly to the modernisation of Romania's urban centres through its advanced OMNIA solutions for urban traffic and NEXT for public transport, bringing significant benefits in terms of efficiency and safety and creating a tangible impact on urban mobility.
Among the cities involved in this technological change are examples such as Bacau, where the traffic control system manages 90 intersections, ensuring effective optimisation of vehicle flow.
The city of Brasov also benefited of an advanced traffic control system, with 83 traffic light-prioritised intersections, as well as a public transport monitoring system.
Cities such as Alba Iulia, Calarasi, Slatina, Drobeta and Bistrita have been also involved in a focused renovation process, with more than 90 total intersections, improving substantially the efficiency and safety of urban traffic.
This phase of technological revolution is only the beginning of a longer process that will bring additional benefits to traffic optimisation. Swarco Italia's innovation fosters a future in which urban mobility is intelligent, safe and environmentally sound, with tailor-made solutions for increasingly connected and sustainable cities.

Targa Telematics enhances smart mobility and fleet management solutions with HERE Technologies
Targa Telematics – one of the main global players in the field of IoT and the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member– has announced the new collaboration agreement with HERE Technologies, a leading technological platform in data location. By leveraging the APIs of the HERE platform, Targa Telematics will further enhance its fleet management offering, providing its customers with unparalleled insight into the operation of their vehicles.
HERE platform APIs, including HERE Routing API and HERE Map Attributes, will be integrated into Targa Telematics' smart mobility and fleet management solutions, allowing customers to collect comprehensive information on driver routes. An integration that will allow Targa Telematics to offer various essential advantages, including the ability to reduce vehicle management costs, the support of services such as car sharing and car pooling, the reduction of insurance costs thanks to better analysis of driving behavior, increased driver safety through proactive monitoring and global data consistency for customers. This data is valuable for both real-time monitoring and post-trip analysis, and allows Targa Telematics to offer a wide range of benefits to its customers. As a result, end customers benefit from fresh data available with equal consistency globally, as well as the latest innovations in vehicle electrification and CO2 footprint reduction.
Giorgia Paladin, Head of Procurement at Targa Telematics, said: “Always at the forefront in promoting sustainable and safe mobility solutions, Targa Telematics continues to strive to progress in this direction. The integration with the HERE Platform API strengthens our commitment in this regard. Thanks to this collaboration, our customers will continue to benefit from cutting-edge solutions, with exceptional coverage across Europe.”
For Gino Ferru, SVP and General Manager EMEA of HERE Technologies: “Real-time knowledge, visibility and efficiency are fundamental to optimizing fleet management. We are thrilled to partner with a global leader like Targa Telematics, helping them save time, reduce costs and improve driver safety with our HERE platform APIs, building a more sustainable future together.”
Targa Telematics and HERE Technologies are dedicated to developing innovative solutions that enable fleet managers to make informed decisions, reduce operating costs and promote a safer and more sustainable future for mobility. Thanks to this new collaboration, Targa Telematics continues to develop solutions capable of satisfying the increasingly advanced needs of its customers and to further grow its fleet management solutions.

Source: Targa Telematics

Targa Telematics grows in the digitalisation of the insurance sector: Earnix's Drive-it business unit acquired
Targa Telematics – one of the main global players in the field of technologies dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member – announces the acquisition of the telematics business of Earnix , a world leader in the development of intelligent SaaS solutions for insurance companies and banks. Specifically, Targa Telematics takes control of Drive-it, the Israeli-based spin-off, headquartered in Haifa, which boasts a solution capable of developing behavioral analysis of drivers, leveraging machine learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies. From the integration of this highly advanced solution into its portfolio and the Israeli technological development hub, Targa Drive was born, the Targa Telematics solution dedicated to the digital transformation of insurance sector.Targa Drive is a UBI telematics solution based entirely on smartphones, which combines an app capable of collecting a large set of data relating to specific driving situations, such as braking, acceleration, driving distractions, speed or cornering. Furthermore, the solution allows you to distinguish the journey by car from other means of transport, as well as the driver from the passenger. The application also allows you to generate predictive and personalized scores useful for insurance companies to define the risk level of their insured and goes to complete the range of products for the insurance world of Targa Telematics and Viasat, analyzing new sources of behavioral data, including people's distraction while driving, one of the most frequent causes of accidents on the roads.“We continue to invest in the integration of innovative companies that allow us to constantly raise the level of effectiveness of our solutions to design the mobility of the future", commented Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics. “Thanks to the synergies deriving from the integration between Drive-it's know-how and latest generation technologies, Targa Telematics will further strengthen its leadership in the insurance market, offering its customers an increasingly wider range of services and supporting them in customization and in making their products profitable”.

Source: Targa Telematics.

The quality of Tpl: how do we perceive it? The survey of the Polytechnic of Turin
The Polytechnic of Turin, TTS Italia ordinary member, developed the questionnaire entitled "The quality of public transport: how do we perceive it?", part of a research project coordinated by Prof. Pronello. The research aims to help transport companies to design their services to better adapt to users' needs. The survey, which takes about 10 minutes and is anonymous, focuses on mobility habits and the user's opinion on public transport and its characteristics.
For the questionnaire, click here (available also in English).

Source: Polytechnic of Turin.

Our activities

TTS Italia at the NEXTGEN MOBILITY CONFERENCE, the President among the speakers. Appointment on January 31st in Milan
The NEXGEN MOBILITY CONFERENCE will be held on January 31st in Milan, organized in partnership with UNICREDIT START LAB, which this year also features TTS Italia, networking partner, and speaker with the participation of President Rossella Panero. The country system has need to design, especially in critical areas such as Northern Italy, the so-called Next Generation Mobility: sustainable, connected, safe and accessible. In this event we will talk about technology, research, innovation, investments and how to involve companies and institutions. Great attention to the themes of MaaS, AI and how digital technologies are enablers of the "revolution" in mobility, both public and private. The President of TTS Italia will be involved in the round table "Towards Smart Land 2030: what role for next generation mobility? ” But we will also talk about "NexGen Mobility: energy, services and sustainability at the center of the evolutionary and competitive scenario" and "Mobility in the AI era: what opportunities? What are the risks?
For more details and to participate, click here.

World ITS Congress in Dubai, ITS Directive and MaaS: the interview with the General Secretary of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi, on Mobility Press
In the new issue of Mobility Press, the interview with the General Secretary of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi. Focus on the 30th ITS World Congress which will be held in Dubai from 16 to 20 September, and in which TTS Italia will take part with an associative stand, but also on MaaS and the new ITS Directive, published on 30 November 2023.
To read the interview, on page 5, click here (available in Italian).

TTS Italia supports eMobility Expo World Congress. In February, Valencia will be the protagonist with the latest innovations for mobility
From 13 to 15 February, eMobility Expo World Congress returns to Valencia with the latest innovations and sustainable solutions for the electric, autonomous, connected and sustainable mobility industry. TTS Italia is among the supporting partners of the event. Over three days, eMobility Expo World Congress will bring together more than 6,000 professionals to discover the latest trends, vehicles and technological solutions to enhance the mobility of the future.
The event, with an international dimension, will bring together all the actors of integral mobility at the Feria Valencia. Over 200 exhibiting companies specializing in urban mobility and micromobility, automotive industry, technology industry, producers of electric batteries and charging systems, new fuel sources such as hydrogen, products for automated and autonomous driving, component industry, logistics, mobility air, rail and maritime transport, as well as the startups that are revolutionizing the sector, will present their latest innovations and solutions for the future of mobility. As part of the eMobility Expo World Congress, the eMobility World Congress will take place, where over 300 international experts will share ideas and solutions to implement new business models and present the most cutting-edge technological and sustainable trends in the field of mobility. The congress will have several vertical forums for each industrial segment (energy, batteries, hydrogen, urban and micro mobility, cities of the future, logistics, automotive, rail, maritime transport and air mobility), as well as specialized agendas for each professional profile: CEOs, CEOs, fleet managers, governments and manufacturers. There will be no shortage of opportunities for networking and synergies between all professionals in the sector. An example, the eMobility Innovation Awards 2024 – the awards that recognize leadership, innovation projects and solutions that will transform the mobility industry -, the eMobility Startup Forum – a forum that will host the entire ecosystem of startups that are revolutionizing mobility sector - and the Leadership Summit - a lunch with the executives of the main leading companies in the sector.

For more details and to participate, click here.

ERTICO – ITS Europe and the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) will host the 30th ITS World Congress, from 16 to 20 September 2024, at the Dubai World Trade Center. Exploring the theme “Mobility Driven by ITS”, the focus of the ITS Congress will be on many key themes of the current debate: urban and clean mobility, innovation and digitalisation in transport and logistics, autonomous vehicles. The Call for Demonstration of the Congress is now also open! The Congress offers a large-scale interactive demonstration platform to showcase technological innovations in the field of ITS. In addition to the conference program and technical tours, visitors will have the opportunity to experience and participate in demonstrations of advances in urban and clean mobility, autonomous and self-driving vehicles, as well as the latest innovations in transportation and logistics. you have until March 1, 2024 to send your proposal. The initiative is reserved for Congress exhibitors only. For more details and to join, click here.

UPPER project, in Rome from 30 to 31 January 2024 we will talk about Public Transport
The third General Assembly of the European project UPPER - Unleashing the Potential of Public Transport in Europe - which aims to strengthen the role of public transport as the cornerstone of sustainable and innovative mobility, will be in Rome today and tomorrow 31 January. The project coordinated by UITP (2023-2026), and which also includes TTS Italia among the partners, will implement a combination of measures aimed at pushing people away from private cars and towards public transport in cities across Europe. The strategic objectives of the project are closely linked to those of the "Mission Cities":
• Lead the transition towards zero-emission mobility in support of the “Mission Cities”
• Strengthen the role of public transport as a fundamental element of mobility sustainability and innovation in cities
• Increase the modal share of public transport
• Use cities as Living Labs of innovation
During the General Assembly, over 60 experts from the UPPER consortium from 10 European cities and regions will gather to discuss the state of the art of the project and its over 80 measures, divided into five innovation models, to positively influence choices of users and outline next steps to address key transport challenges by sharing effective and proven solutions. Furthermore, on 29 January a delegation from Lisbon will be received at the offices of Roma Mobilità within the twinning activities envisaged in the project and coordinated by Eurocities and Fit Consulting.
The Capitoline councilor Patanè and the CEO of Rome Mobility Services Donati will participate in the work.

Webinar/Meeting on "The new ITS Directive: opportunities for intelligent mobility", watch it and download the documentation!
On January 23rd, the webinar/meeting "The new ITS Directive: opportunities for intelligent mobility" took place.
On November 30, the new ITS Directive was published which takes into account the objectives of decarbonisation, digitalisation and greater resilience of transport infrastructures. It therefore reflects technological developments, such as connected and automated mobility, on-demand mobility applications and multimodal transport offerings. It also aims to accelerate the availability and improve the interoperability of digital data that powers services such as multimodal journey planners and navigation services. The new ITS Directive is not only the guiding document for our sector, but also a great opportunity.
Speaker of the day, Olga Landolfi, General Secretary of TTS Italia who illustrated and commented together with the participants on the new contents, priorities and related deadlines.
Watch the event (English subtitles can be activated) download the documentation (available only in Italian).

Connected, cooperative, automatic mobility: the experience of PAVE Europe, the IN2CCAM Project and the City of Milan - WATCH THE WEBINAR AND DOWNLOAD THE PRESENTATIONS!
On 16 January, organized by TTS Italia, the webinar "Connected, cooperative, automatic mobility: the experience of PAVE Europe, the IN2CCAM Project and the City of Milan" took place.
In collaboration with PAVE Europe, Polytechnic of Bari and Municipality of Milan, we will explore the topic of connected, cooperative, automatic mobility (CCAM) by discussing ongoing projects at European and national level.
Speakers: Guido Di Pasquale, Managing Director, PAVE Europe; Maria Pia Fanti, Professor of Control Systems Engineering, Polytechnic of Bari; Veronica Bellonzi, Director of the Urban Mobility Innovation Systems Unit, Municipality of Milan.
Moderator of the webinar, Olga Landolfi, General Secretary of TTS Italia.

Watch the webinar (you can activate English subtitles)
download the presentations!

A 2023 balance and the prospects for 2024: the interview with President Panero on Mobility Press
There is also the interview with the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, in the special issue of Mobility Press dedicated to the 2023 budget and the 2024 prospects in the transport and logistics sector.
Over forty interviews between key figures, in what is proposed as a handbook for the new year, with interesting ideas also for investigating the "sentiments" prevalent between companies, companies, associations, experts and analysts in the sector.
The interview (available in Italian) is on page 41: Go to pdf.

TTS Italia in the Coordination Committee of the Network of National ITS Associations
Recently, the Communications Manager of TTS Italia Laura Franchi was elected to the Coordination Committee of the Network of National ITS Associations, the European network of national associations for Intelligent Transport Systems.
“Laura's election is a source of great satisfaction for us”, declares Olga Landolfi, General Secretary of TTS Italia, “both because it marks her return to the Coordination Committee of TTS Italia after a few years, and because it confirms the profound interest of our Association for international and internationalization activities, in which we strongly believe for the growth of the ITS sector, and for the benefit of all our members who can benefit, among other things, from an increasingly solid and broad network of contacts.”
Launched in October 2004, the Network was created with the aim of ensuring that knowledge and information on ITS is transmitted to all actors at local and national level and supporting the promotion of ITS from the bottom up. Gi objectives: mutual inspiration; raise awareness of the common interests of ITS within the European Union; support cooperation and projects in EU Member States.

For further information, click here.

Sustainable last mile logistics: the opinion of stakeholders
TTS Italia is among the partners of the SPOTLOG (Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions) project co-financed by the European Commission within the Interreg Europe programme.
SPOTLOG wants to involve local communities in the creation of socially responsible logistics systems, based on zero carbon emissions methods and through the intelligent use of available resources and the digitalisation of goods and passenger transport services.
In this context, SPOTLOG launched a survey aimed at sector stakeholders to investigate specific issues related to the planning and regulatory framework of last mile deliveries in the various countries represented in the consortium, including Italy.
The investigation is anonymous and aims to:
– collect the general perception of stakeholders on the impacts of last mile logistics
– understand how effective public/private collaboration is in the management of last mile logistics
– understand the role of technological development and the degree of innovation brought by Public Authorities
– define the key players in promoting sustainable last mile logistics
– determine how Public Authorities are managing the environmental impact of last mile deliveries
– determine the optimal ways to promote more sustainable consumer behavior in order to minimize the negative impacts of last mile logistics
– understand the stakeholders' vision of the main difficulties that hinder the use of sustainable means for last mile deliveries.

The survey is available here.
We would appreciate your feedback by February 20th. Thanks for support!

Business opportunities 
Devices for road traffic control
Traffic lights maintenance
Consuting and developing of software
The Netherlands
Devices for road traffic control
The Netherlands
Information system
Traffic lights maintenance
Videosurveillance system
Videosurveillance systems
Traffic lights maintenance
Information systems
Environment control services
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TTS Italia supports
Save the date

RTR Conference 2024
5-7 February 2024, Brussels, Belgium
For further information, click here →

eMobility Expo World Congress
13-15 February 2024, Valencia, Spain
For further information, click here →

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TTS Italia

Via Flaminia 388, 00196 Roma /
T +39 06 3227737 / F +39 06 86929160

Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.