N° 1
January 2023
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy. |
The interview by Morena Pivetti

TTS Italia in 2023. A busy agenda focusing on MaaS and LTZ. Interview to the President, Rossella Panero.
A very busy agenda, which alternates the confirmation of activities already underway and with sails in the wind with the launch of new initiatives and sees an expansion and acceleration of the European projection without precedent, thanks to the new European tenders won. No, they certainly won't be bored this year at TTS Italia, the program for 2023 that the Association anticipated at the Christmas toast is so dense. They range from services to associates to institutional and technical activities, from participation in EU projects to the organization of national events up to involvement in international initiatives.

In this interview with the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, we examine in depth some of the main lines of activity of this 2023 which opens under the banner of a new Parliament, therefore new deputies and senators in the Commissions of the two Chambers, a new government and therefore a new head of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT), both political and of the central public machine.
For the association, the priority for this year remains the Mobility as a Service theme, in particular by following the developments of the MaaSforItaly project. We believe it is a great opportunity that has opened up with the allocation of 40 million euros for its implementation. So, the working group that has been working on this issue for some time and which produced the TTS Italia MaaS guidelines in 2021 will now focus on the evolution of the project to make a contribution to the ministerial bodies that manage the project and coordinate its various fronts. We will discuss on the Local Authorities platform and with the six cities that have won the two tenders already assigned: Rome, Milan and Naples, which have won the first, and Turin, Florence and Bari which have joined the second. While we are anxiously awaiting the publication of the notice that addresses the territories.
Who can participate?
At this moment we do not know for sure but while waiting for the announcement we hope that participation can be very large to allow a wide diffusion of MaaS trials throughout the territory.
Are you worried that there may be delays related to the change of contacts? Could it prove to be an element of difficulty?
We sure hope not. We count on the fact that those who have taken over, both politicians and technicians, maintain the interest and priority on the dynamics of the MaaSforItaly that we have encountered so far. TTS Italia is in the field, as technical support both to MIT, also considering the collaboration protocol that we signed with the Technical Mission Structure, and to the Department of Digital Transformation.
What is the situation of the cities that have won tenders and are working?
We are having a dialogue with the first three, Rome, Milan and Naples, to encourage comparison between the cities and also check what critical issues they may be encountering to facilitate the cities that will follow, bringing the issues to the attention of the new ministerial representatives. For example, it is emerging that it is necessary to take due account of local specificities: the six cities experience rather different mobility situations and moreover, in the past they have already implemented initiatives that they rightly would like to capitalize on and safeguard. So, a single model cannot work if it does not respond to the needs of the different realities. I think we need to be sensitive to these critical issues and seek solutions together.
At what stage are the cities with the projects?
The first three cities have started the projects and have already published some tenders to carry out the experimentation; however, the real objective of the project is not to limit itself to the organization of good trials of MaaS but to arrive at fully sustainable services, to really make MaaS concrete. I mean economically sustainable, so that they can remain fully operational even when the investment to get them off the ground has run out. This aspect, i.e. the sustainability of the business model, has not yet been discussed either with the ministries or at the partnership table which has been set up and which has a large number of interested subjects and associations, but which has not recently met again. In our opinion, the table is fundamental and has a very broad perimeter, perhaps it could be structured and managed on vertical issues so that it can be truly productive.
Other particularly important initiatives?
I consider relevant a new working group that we will set up in 2023 on the regulation of restricted traffic areas, which constitute an important tool for the management of mobility demand and for sustainable mobility policies. It concerns both the legislation of the Highway Code and the revision of a Presidential Decree of the 90s, no longer able to offer adequate answers to the new needs of local administrations. On the contrary, the current rules have become a real brake on the innovative policies to protect the environmental quality that many Municipalities and Regions would like to implement. We will work as usual with the desire to help the Ministry define the regulatory evolution and in particular taking into account how ITS technological tools can support enforcement, including through the payment of tariffs or penalties for defaulters.
Any examples?
With the new digital technologies, dynamic management of accesses to Ztl could be carried out, linked to the levels of pollution, CO2 and dust in the air, with temporary and targeted closures and stops of the most polluting vehicles, also using information channels in real time already available. But they cannot be implemented because there is an obligation to install fixed signs at the entrance to indicate in which periods it is intended to prevent access for certain categories of vehicles. We would like to help speed up this review process, avoid having to spend years deciding the rules to encourage the adoption of new policies. The issue of 30 km/h zones should also be included in this framework, which is becoming quite hot also in terms of debate: several cities have already adopted measures in this sense.
Here is the summary of the 2023 programme. Activities for associates will continue with news updates and the newsletters, the institutional bulletin, visits and networking, also with workshops and webinars; institutional activities include, in addition to MIT and the Digital Transformation Department, the Agency for Digital Italy and the Agency for Territorial Cohesion. There will be eight active working groups: Enforcement, LTZ Management, MaaS, ITS for the Environment, Logistics and Intermodality, Financing for the Digitization of Transport, Inclusion in Mobility and Innovative Start-ups. Participation in European projects includes: AI4CAAM, C-Roads Italy 2, EMBRACER, Fenix, IN2CAAM, PriMaaS, SHOW, SPOTLOG, UPPER.
As we have always done, also in 2023 we will work side by side with central institutions and local administrations to develop and best implement the Intellingent Transport Systems, the real tool for smart mobility.
Who is Rossella Panero. Rossella Panero, graduated in Physics at the University of Turin, began her professional experience in the automotive sector dealing with innovation in the first research projects dedicated to telematics technologies applied to transport (later Intelligent Transport Systems - ITS). In 2001 he began his experience in the world of public subsidiaries, first as R&D Manager at 5T, the first subsidiary in Italy dedicated to the development and management of ITS for Local Authorities, and then as Chief Information Officer for the Turin Transport Group (GTT). Since 2010 she has assumed the role of director of 5T Srl, consolidating her managerial and administrative skills. In 2011 she was chosen for her experience and competence as President of TTS Italia.
Intercomp S.p.A., with its Smart Parking Systems, is among the leading designer and producer of hardware and software for on-street parking management. An experience background which starts from 2004 with the first on-street smart parking implementation in Italy and still in use.
Intercomp is an Italian company based in Verona which has been studying, designing and industrializing IT hardware and software technologies since 1983, mainly oriented towards industry 4.0. It is a highly skilled company with an important propensity for innovation. Back in 2002, Intercomp developed a strategy aimed at design and production of advanced technologies for the "cities of the future". After an ambitious research and development process, the Smart Parking Systems division of Intercomp has managed to create the first IoT system for the digitization of all activities related to parking management.
They have developed a system made up of a series of sensors which detect the occupancy status of each parking areas in real time; this information is transferred to its own Polis platform hosted in the cloud, which, again in real time, compares the occupation data with the payment data or with the use of a permit dedicated to the user.
The processed data is shared through Intercomp software platform with the various roles who take an active part in the parking management processes, facilitating their task. Through dedicated interfaces, each person involved in the management will have access to the data for which they are responsible of, such as financial flows, any fines or any other necessary operational activity. This approach allows the Administrations to use the data to adopt operational strategies dedicated to the covered urban area. Users, on the other hand, will have the possibility of obtaining information in real time regarding the availability of parking, filtered according to their needs (parking spaces reserved for the disabled, for loading and unloading, for residents...) and will be able to pay or use the permits dedicated to them.
Our smart parking system has produced many advantages for the Administrations: in Treviso, for example, and Pafos (Cyprus), the latter among the most recent installations, it has been possible to significantly reduce the so-called "parasitic" traffic linked to the search for parking and collections were increased thanks to a considerable decrease in parking payment evasion, together with the reduction in management costs thanks to the lower use of human resources in the field. Today Intercomp has installed the Smart Parking Systems solution in over 40 countries with several pilot projects and commercial installations. The Company is open to collaborating with managers, service and technology providers and obviously with municipalities that intend to set up an advanced urban mobility plan.

Just as it is not possible to identify a single model of city, it is not possible to define the mobility of the future in a single scheme that can be replicated in all the different realities. There are certainly intelligent solutions that can be adapted to every city, but it is essential to consider that every transformation project must be studied taking into account the intrinsic characteristics of the geographic and demographic context in question, the already existing infrastructures and, last but not least, the needs of the citizens who live there. The interoperability of the various systems in the field is the basis of the mobility of the future. These systems create the flow of data necessary for public bodies and private companies to allow the achievement of the objectives of sustainability, optimization, efficiency, safety and digitization which are fundamental for improving everyone's experience. We have to use technology to get information. Remember that “without data, you are just a person with an opinion. However, if we relate all the collected data to each other, we take a big step towards enhancing our level of knowledge” allowing us to improve both the mobility and livability of our cities.
Sonia Zanotti, Member of the Board of Directors of Intercomp

In a competitive and constantly evolving sector such as the one of technological innovation, what distinguishes Intercomp S.p.A.?
First the experience and consequently the supervision of all processes: starting from design, installation up to maintenance.
Experience because we have been building Smart Parking solutions in Italy and around the world since 2004. This allows us to have an incomparable awareness of all the phases necessary for the realization of complex urban projects, with the empathy and skills necessary to support all the phases and the players who integrate operations and technologies inside this type of projects.
Our know-how is the result of years of experience in the field, through which we have trained and acquired skills to govern all phases of design, production and implementation not only of the sensors, but of all the parts that make up the system, providing a "turnkey" solution to guarantee our customers and citizens a high-quality service.
Currently Intercomp S.p.A. Which Smart Parking projects are you involved in?
We recently completed the implementation in Pafos (Cyprus) where the system govern three thousand parking spaces, without using any parking meter. To satisfy the visionary indication of the client to operate only in cashless mode, we have also provided the Municipality with our 4 Park mobile app for parking guidance and paying. The Smart Parking solution we have supplied to the municipality is allowing them to monitor the area promptly and understand parking user needs. Thanks to this implementation, the municipality of Pafos has begun to understand the real parking behavior of its citizens, applying a series of policies aimed at simplifying the lives of all users and facilitating protected categories.
The installation of a new Smart Parking system in the city of Cantù (CO) will be completed in a few days, where 650 parking stalls will be monitored. We have several projects in the studio both in Italy and abroad of which we will certainly keep you updated.
We are clearly available to all TTS Associates to support their projects.
Why according to Intercomp is it relevant to integrate Smart Parking into a MaaS plan?
The integration of various systems and services for mobility, both traditional and innovative, are today the main road for the development of efficient mobility plan. The traditional concepts of multimodality, co-modality and modal integration, which refer to the possibility of using the best possible combination of transport modes to satisfy a given mobility demand, have recently evolved, as we all know by now, into the vision of «mobility as a service» (MaaS – Mobility as a Service).
To provide an adequate and effective service it is essential to have "the data". Only through well-defined data can we achieve the objectives we set ourselves, reducing the margin of error in planning strategies.
With our system we provide municipalities, mobility managers and managers with complete, integrated or integrable tools to govern the complex transformation that we are all starting to face.
For further information, click here. |
MOOVA Mobility Connect: major sporting events move with MOOVA

After Mondiali di Sci di Cortina 2021, Giro d'Italia and Fiera Cavalli, Almaviva's commitment to supporting major sporting events continues. CAV has confirmed the choice of the MOOVA Mobility Connect service to support mobility for Coppa del mondo femminile di sci alpino, held in Cortina d'Ampezzo from 20 to 22 January. With the "Situation Room", set up at the CAV headquarters in Mestre, the control room of the integrated mobility system of Cortina becomes operational. From the operations room, in fact, traffic and events are constantly monitored to provide citizens with all useful information in real time, such as traffic, traffic, parking and points of interest.
MOOVA Mobility Connect: the digital service that simplifies mobility
MOOVA Mobility Connect is the digital service, provided in the cloud and available as a service, which enables the functionality of the Situation Room by supporting the main actors, public and private, in the management and monitoring of mobility and allowing to provide timely and timely information to all those who move on the territory.

In the name of integrated and sustainable mobility, MOOVA Mobiliy Connect offers information on traffic, traffic flows and events, local and long-distance public transport, sharing services and soft mobility, but also on parking lots and interchange areas, charging stations, points of interest, etc.
It also allows to monitor mobility services and manage critical situations or service changes.
MOOVA Mobility Connect enables digital transformation quickly and for municipalities, local authorities, event organizers and public and private entities interested in governing micro-mobility ecosystems (Universities, Hospitals, Shopping Centers, Sports Centers, etc.).
It is modular and allows incremental adoption according to the needs and times of the individual realities.
MOOVA Mobility Connect tools
The Situation & Control Room offers a unique and operational view through integrated features and georeferenced information for the management and monitoring of mobility on the territory.
An application dedicated to road operators allows you to report events in the field that have an impact on mobility (for example construction site, detour, accident), while people moving on the territory can consult traffic information and mobility services on the web application that can also be integrated into existing apps and portals.
MOOVA with Mobility Connect, after the umpteenth confirmation in Cortina, proves to be a solution that can guarantee safety, efficiency and sustainability for the challenges of digital transformation, satisfying a user who today chooses mobility just a click away. |
Cds sanctions for foreign citizens: solid performance for inspection bodies with Overseas

The notification and collection of administrative sanctions for violations of the Highway Code by foreign citizens have always represented an operational obstacle for the enforcement authorities. The management of the fine for collection purposes, in particular, is too often left to chance. Also in this area, the laBconsulenze group offers a range of innovative services to the benefit of the investigating bodies.
The secret is the AI
The key to success is services for people who have received the fine. In the process known as Overseas, the laBconsulenze group, to which KRIA belongs to, thanks also to the internalization of the skills and experience of Euten, a historical brand in this field, has devised an overall system of global assistance to the sanctioned: the user, via the front-office web platform, is assisted 24/7 by a virtual operator which is able to manage all the information needed on how to pay or refer to the fines. Furthermore, payments are enhanced by several new telematic channels. The virtual assistant adds to the traditional multilingual channels, such as the IVR call center, FAQs and live chat available during service hours. All call centers are located in Italy.
The management of violations of the Highway Code committed by foreign citizens with Overseas is clear, simple and accurate. The service guarantees:
- creation of multilingual texts;
- international notification;
- reminders;
- reporting of deeds;
- multilingual web portal;
- multilingual call center;
- extrajudicial, legal and international judicial debt collection;
- data certainty, service reliability and qualified personnel.

Revenue well over 65%
The service boasts solid results. Suffice it to say that the collection performance is on average, in the ordinary phase alone, between 40 and 45% of the entrusted violations. These are Important results, which can be improved through the out-of-court, legal and executive recovery phases for a further substantial increase in the success of the collection.
laBconsulenze group provides its services dedicated to the notification and debt collection of sanctions destined abroad to over 100 entities throughout the national territory, including important provincial capitals.
A unique and reliable partner
The laBconsulenze group is the most important corporate organization in the sector of supplies and services to local police 0in the field of detection and processing of infringements of the Highway Code. This dominant position makes it possible to satisfy every operational need: from the supply of electronic devices for detecting infringements to the administrative management of violations, up to debt collection at both international and national level.
The company authorized to carry out the activities of settlement and assessment of taxes and those of collecting taxes and other income of the entities (registration in the Register of concessionaires n. 191) and all the processes of management of services delivered comply with the quality management standards established by numerous international certifications. Among the quality certifications, those referring to contact centers stand out, which define high performance standards for customer relations through call and contact centres.
A set of services and contents with high added value, for an accurate action in support of the Public Administration, which obtains an economic benefit as well as a special prestige among citizens.
www.labconsulenze.it |
Aep Ticketing Solutions: ticketing systems by the Florentine company installed on new metro lines in Mumbai
Aep Ticketing Solutions, TTS Italia ordinary member, has embarked on a new journey, this time to Mumbai. Metro lines 2A and 7 were inaugurated in the Indian city in the past few hours. On this occasion, the Aep Ticketing Solutions company, based in Signa (Fi), supplied and installed around 450 gate validators and 160 ticket readers for both lines. Furthermore, it proceeded to install almost 200 automatic ticket and transport card issuers, built on an Aep project and license by the partner Datamatics with local collaborations. «The ticketing system of the Metro in Mumbai, thanks to the EMV systems designed and produced by Aep in collaboration with the partner Datamatics, is able to accept payments by means of both Indian (Rupay NCMC) and international bank cards – said Giampiero Luzzi, International Sales Director of Aep -. We are happy and very proud, together with our partner Datamatics, to be part of such an important project with the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) and to have reached a milestone of this magnitude. Finally, again for India, we are also working on a project involving public rail transport in the State of Delhi (NCRTC-National Capital Region Transport Corporation)». Aep Ticketing Solutions a Modaxo Company is among the international leaders in the field of ticketing electronics for public transport. The company has its headquarters in Signa (Fi) and other offices in Milan, Genoa and Brescia. The company, founded in 1998, with over 600 customers in public transport worldwide, directly and indirectly employs approximately 170 people. Aep designs and manufactures systems and equipment for electronic ticketing for local public transport and since December 2021, while maintaining the management of the same group of entrepreneurs who created and made it grow, it has been part of the international Modaxo group. It is a company pioneer in the creation of "cashless" systems on board vehicles and solutions that include all types that are today at the forefront (contactless cards and tickets, tickets with QR codes, dematerialized tickets on smartphones, "Card centric" and "Account based" systems). In Italy there are already many cities that use Aep's electronic ticketing systems, starting from Milan (ATM), Bologna (Tper), Turin (Gtt) and many other realities.
Source: Ferpress
CIRCLE Group will provide "Port Community System" services to a primary port in the Mediterranean
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”) – group specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the digitization of the port sector and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on Green Deal and energy transition issues led by Circle S.p.A., listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana, and TTS Italia ordinary member - will provide "Port Community System" services to a leading Mediterranean port. Developed to act as a sort of "one stop operational, document, customs" in capable of digitally connecting public and private actors, effectively implementing the community processes of a port, this solution networks numerous actors – from the Customs Authority to the Coast Guard, from shippers to transport providers, from last mile logistics operators, to internal terminals. Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE explains: “The Port Community System allows On the one hand, it will aim to increase the efficiency of traffic arriving and departing from the port and, on the other, to offer a valid monitoring tool, in the name of increasingly predictive logistics based on federated digital services".
For CIRCLE, the order has a value of over € 130,000 and represents a further evolutionary step in the 2024 Connect 4 Agile Growth path for the simplification and modernization of the port logistics market.
Source: CIRCLE Group
CIRCLE Group signs numerous contracts in the logistics field
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”) – group specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the digitization of the port sector and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on Green Deal and energy transition issues led by Circle S.p.A., listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana, and TTS Italia ordinary member of – has recently signed numerous contracts.
A new contract has been signed with a leading Italian logistics operator active in intermodal container transport for the supply of the Milos® MTO suite and Milos® Federative Services. The value of the contract is over €650,000.
“We are delighted with this important result, in line with our mission to make the Supply Chain increasingly federal and green, and of great importance and visibility in the strategic perspective of the 2024 CONNECT 4 AGILE GROWTH roadmap – comments Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE Group – We are convinced that, thanks to the collaboration started with our reality, the Customer will obtain significant advantages related to the ability to manage the entire intermodal process digitally and in an interoperable way with the actors with whom it interfaces within the transport chain multimodal".
In addition, a new contract was signed through the Log@Sea company network for the supply of advanced Gate Automation solutions to a primary Tyrrhenian multipurpose terminal.
“The order, the value of which exceeds €145,000, involves the implementation of a complete project of Milos® specialist hardware and software components for the management of access control procedures at the vehicle gate and Intermodal Transport Unit.
The topical moment and the market's confidence in the solutions underlying our Connect 4 Agile Growth plan are confirmed” explained the President & CEO of CIRCLE Luca Abatello.
More specifically, a reader for recognizing the driver's badge and the technology for automating the opening / closing of the barrier at the gate, and a totem in the lane will be installed; moreover, the reading of the license plates of the tractors and trailers will take place thanks to the use of OCR technology.
A new contract was also signed which provides for the supply of the Milos® MTO suite and the related Federative Services to an important logistics operator active in the management of import and export railway shipments for leading companies in northern Italy and central Europe. The value of the order is over €400,000.
Luca Abatello, President & CEO of CIRCLE comments: "Thanks to a remarkable effort and the distinctive skills of the people who work for the group, CIRCLE closed 2022 and started 2023 in a brilliant way, with new contracts that are very significant in terms of economic value, prestige of the collaboration and quality of work that we have the honor of carrying out for our Customers during 2023. We are really excited about the recognition received from the market for our technological solutions for simplification, federated digitization and the ecological transition of logistics multimodal".
With this order, CIRCLE further confirms the alignment of the Connect 4 Agile Growth strategic plan to the needs of market operators to enjoy an increasingly green and federative network of logistics services.
CIRCLE has been selected by a primary inland terminal in northern Italy to support the automation and digitization process.
The order, whose value exceeds € 210,000, provides for the implementation of a complete project of specialist hardware components, the Milos® TOS software including the Federative Services for the management of access control procedures at the gate of containers and Transport Units Intermodal, as well as the interoperability components with the reference ports.
“Digitalisation, interoperability, intermodality: three words that the market recognizes more and more often and in a particular way in this moment of great attention to logistics and ports, which are two of the cornerstones of our Connect 4 Agile Growth plan – comments the President & CEO by CIRCLE Luca Abatello – and which we believe will be even more focal with Next Generation EU and the PNRR, which reach their climax during 2023”.
Finally, CIRCLE was selected by an important multimodal group in northern Italy to support the automation and digitization process of its procedures, ensuring complete visibility of each phase of the Supply Chain. The order, whose value exceeds € 270,000, concerns the implementation of the Federative Services of the Milos® software, stems from the need to standardize the information flows exchanged by the companies of the group with the various players in the logistics chain, and to have a technological tool capable of guaranteeing full monitoring of shipments through a single highly intuitive dashboard, updated in real time and federated with customers and partners. Luca Abatello, CEO of CIRCLE comments: “Once again, we confirm our enthusiasm for a new important assignment. I must honestly say that the new contracts signed, all very interesting, followed rapidly between the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 and are excellent proof of the market's appreciation of the commitment and passion that we put every day into our work, giving more and more concreteness to the objective of simplifying and modernizing the logistics sector and realizing step by step the design outlined by the Connect 4 Agile Growth business plan".
Source: CIRCLE Group |
OpenMove establishes two partnerships to market its solutions in South America and India
OpenMove, TTS Italia ordinary member, keeps expanding internationally by signing two important partnership agreements at the end of 2022, one for South America and one for the Indian market.
Internacional de Eléctricos S.A.S. is a company that provides advisory, design and supply for technology projects applied to transport systems and road infrastructure, electrical projects, telecommunications, electronic security, control, surveillance&comfort, lighting, generation, and transport of energy in medium and high voltage. Internacional de Eléctricos is going to promote, market and integrate OpenMove’s solutions in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Panama, where the company has a strong presence.
Teer Mobility Solutions private limited is an Indian company that wants to offer seamless, integrated travel solutions for the public and private entities, exploiting OpenMove technology. Teer intends to do this by applying the power of technology and AI into the existing fleets (both Public Transport and Demand-Responsive Transport) owned by private and public operators. Teer’s goal is to innovate transport solutions in an integrated manner and provide an innovative, sustainable, cost-efficient way of moving people and goods in Indian cities. The Teer-OpenMove partnership already won a first project to bring Mobility-as-a-Service in India, of which more details are soon going to be revealed.
These two partnerships will combine OpenMove’s transport software solutions with the market knowledge, excellent service and wide experience of Teer Mobility Solutions and Internacional de Eléctricos in their respective territories to accelerate innovation in the smart mobility sector and change how people move thanks to MaaS.
Source: OpenMove |
PTV Group, Econolite, and Conundra Continue their Integration by Creating Two Strong and Distinct Businesses Mobility and Logistics
Bridgepoint, the quoted private assets growth investor, and Porsche Automobile Holding SE (“Porsche SE”) announced the further integration and strategic reorganization of PTV, TTS Italia ordinary member, Econolite, and Conundra into two strong and distinct businesses serving their respective end markets Mobility and Logistics.
Under the new Mobility brand Umovity, Econolite and PTV Mobility are integrating their respective resources and expanding their Research and Development (R&D) capabilities to deliver innovative and cost-effective solutions aligned with the needs of traffic and mobility planning and operating management agencies worldwide. From hardware to software, and services including traffic planning, simulation, and optimization, as well as maintenance of Smart Mobility systems, Umovity will serve as the One-Stop-Shop for smart and sustainable mobility solutions.
In order to form a new pure-play software Logistics business, PTV Logistics and Conundra are integrating their respective resources to offer state-of-the-art software solutions for route planning and optimization with best-in-class algorithms and data, as well as additional use cases to enhance savings in logistics costs and emissions. Rebranding for Logistics is in progress and will be announced shortly.
Structure and leadership is as follows:
• PTV Mobility and Econolite merge to form the industry’s premier ITS systems provider Umovity, to be led by newly appointed CEO, Christian U. Haas, formerly CEO of PTV.
• The PTV Logistics group joins forces with Conundra to form a global software provider for logistics solutions in route planning and optimization. This combined group will be led by newly appointed CEO, Steven De Schrijver, former CEO and Co-founder of Conundra.
• Abbas Mohaddes, former CEO of Econolite is appointed to Chairman of the Advisory Board for both businesses.
Abbas Mohaddes, Chairman of the Advisory Board, said “Our focus remains to be market and demand driven, offering superior products and services to better plan and manage our transportation systems, sensitive to desire and needs of users, travelers and alike. We are committed to embrace Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in support of global Mobility for Humanity.”
Carsten Kratz, Partner, and head of the DACH region at Bridgepoint, added “We made great progress during 2022 with the integration of PTV and Econolite, while acquiring Conundra and other enhancing assets. This rebranding and reorganization are the logical next steps in enhancing our growth and our quest for global market leadership. This is a big milestone for us, and we’ll continue to invest in both businesses.”
Lutz Meschke, member of the board of management responsible for investment management at Porsche SE, stated “The new strategic setup of the mobility and logistics businesses marks yet another important milestone in the development of PTV, Econolite, and Conundra. We look forward to further supporting the development of both businesses.”
Christian U. Haas, Umovity Chief Executive Officer, commented “I am excited about the forthcoming opportunities and in knowing we will seize these opportunities with an outstanding expanded staff. Econolite and PTV team members have already been working together closely and will continue in development of innovative products and services and go to market strategies.”
Steven De Schrijver, Logistics group, Chief Executive Officer, added “Our goal is to provide exceptional optimization tools, that meet and exceed the expectations of the global Logistics marketplace.”
Source: PTV Group |
Targa Telematics to receive the 2022 Europe Enabling Technology Leadership Award by Frost & Sullivan
Targa Telematics, a tech company specialised in the development of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions and digital platforms for connected mobility, and TTS italia founding member, has been awarded the 2022 Europe Enabling Technology Leadership Award by Frost & Sullivan.
This research unveils the key strengths of Targa Telematics, which is specialised in providing bespoke solutions to meet a wide range of clients’ needs. The Italian tech company is particularly recognised in the European market for supplying high-tech solutions, such as complete and customisable Internet of Things, smart mobility solutions, and advanced digital platforms for mobility operators.
The award follows Frost & Sullivan’s previous recognition of Targa Telematics, having already awarded the company as winner of the ‘2022 Technology Innovation Leader’ within the European vehicle leasing and rental telematics sector.
Nicola de Mattia, CEO at Targa Telematics, commented: “Research and Development has always been a fundamental pillar of the company. This new award is just another milestone which confirms the pivotal role of the company in the current hi-tech scenario and its goal in enabling and supporting the customers’ digital transformation.”
Manuel Albornoz, a best practices research analyst for Frost & Sullivan, added: “Targa Telematics provides an outstanding portfolio of technological solutions. From claims management solutions to driver profiling and security, to telematics boxes to monitor the asset and optimise the fleet performance, Targa Telematics is one of the key players in the field and a partner of the biggest names in the insurance sector.”
Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognise companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.
Source: Targa Telematics |
The 5 mobility trends 2023 according to Geotab
The two-year period that has just ended was characterized by unprecedented phenomena in the contemporary historical and economic scenario, leading companies and consumers to deal with new lifestyles that have also changed the approach to mobility. In a context where optimization is the watchword, it is important that companies know how to seize the opportunities offered by digital transformation also in the automotive and transport sectors. Whether it is a question of managing small or large fleets, Geotab – global leader in the field of IoT and connected vehicles and TTS Italia ordinary member, has identified the 5 trends that will characterize the telematics sector by 2023. “Never before has it been fundamental that companies learn to manage change, transforming factors of discontinuity into opportunities. After COVID-19 and the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the energy crisis and rising inflation are the dynamics that will dominate the coming months”, explains Franco Viganò, Director Strategic Channel Development and Country Manager of Geotab Italia. “In Italy, SMEs have started to team up by collaborating in larger associations, reaching greater organizational maturity that will allow them to adopt virtuous strategies in terms of cost management and achievement of sustainability objectives”.
Mobility trends for 2023:
1) Today (and tomorrow) the challenge is to shape data
By now it is well known: the true value of companies is the data. However, the information is an end in itself if it is not interpreted and used for the user's benefit. For this reason, it will be increasingly strategic for companies to know how to exploit telematics with a view to real monetization of data, with the need to precisely monitor costs, optimizing them. In 2023 there will therefore be a growing focus on return on investment (ROI) to identify areas and technologies of real benefit. In Italy, where the entrepreneurial fabric is largely made up of poorly structured SMEs, this model has yet to spread on a large scale: however, we are beginning to see greater managerial maturity, which in the next 12 months will also lead to a more deeply rooted awareness of importance of analyzing one's own data also from the point of view of costs. Regardless of the corporate structure, the most reactive and fastest realities in understanding this change will be the ones to gain competitiveness and make a difference in the market. In this context, the anonymised datasets made available by telematics will be essential for effective benchmarking - i.e. a comparison of performance and driving patterns with those of other companies with similar fleets, so as to identify any room for improvement on the basis of concrete evidence.
2) Electric mobility, the new frontier will be telematics connected with the infrastructure
The recent study The value of sustainability: the potential of electrification in European fleets conducted by Geotab quantified the average savings per vehicle at €12,035 that an Italian fleet manager could expect by switching to electric. Despite this, in the period January-November 2022 the Motus-E association recorded around 15,000 fewer electric car registrations in Italy than the previous year (44,942 in 2022 vs 61,327 in 2021). The causes of this phenomenon can be found in various factors: from delays in the delivery of new cars to the increase in the cost of energy, up to the infrastructural deficiencies that still characterize our country. In this scenario, the new technological frontier for effective and efficient management of electric vehicles will be connected solutions that can communicate with the network infrastructure: telematics algorithms will have to be able to understand not only when it is smarter to recharge vehicles based on their specific needs (battery level , kilometers travelled, etc…), but also when it is more appropriate to do so on the basis of electricity costs and time slots. However, the importance of investments, both public and private, must not be forgotten for the strengthening of an infrastructure that in Italy is still far from the level of development of other European countries. If we consider that electric commercial vehicles are destined to increase (especially in urban areas where the last mile delivery segment is constantly expanding and the limits on the circulation of fossil fuel vehicles are increasingly stringent), the urgent need for interventions part of the institutions to improve the network.
3) On-board telematics: the technology that OEMs will no longer be able to do without
Already available for some time, the on-board devices have undergone a process of evolution that will continue in 2023 and beyond: according to the report "The Global Automotive OEM Telematics Market" by Berg Insights, in fact, as many as 82.7% of the vehicles produced in 2024 it will have integrated telematics. Although the quality of the data still has ample room for improvement, already today the factory installation of the device removes the barriers to entry and allows the on-board devices to offer undoubted advantages in terms of simplification of the access to information. Furthermore, the analysis and insight platforms typically offered by telematics suppliers offer advanced functions: the connection with the manufacturers therefore represents an important added value both for the end user and for fleet managers and companies.
4) Heavy vehicles and remote monitoring, the way to achieve compliance and sustainability
The entry into force of the regulation requiring the installation of a digital tachograph on heavy vehicles has favored the increase in safety levels on the roads. At the same time, it has placed companies and drivers in front of the need to comply with the impending compliance requirements: 2023 will be the right year to equip themselves with remote device reading tools, bringing important advantages not only from the point of view of compliance, but optimization too, since it will be possible to download the data without having to stop the vehicle. Digitizing the chronotachograph data will therefore make it possible to analyze and correct any errors, increasing the safety of the driver and consequently also of road users. Furthermore, having clear indications on behavior behind the wheel will make it possible to intervene on wrong habits also from the point of view of consumption: a better driving style (in line with the so-called eco-driving rules) favors the reduction of fuel consumption, optimizing costs and emissions. Therefore, for an industry with a high environmental impact such as that of heavy transport, the digitization of data will be a key to promoting virtuous behavior and improving the sustainability of the vehicles themselves.
5) The future of data passes through the intelligent management of video telematics
If today companies are learning to monetize the data obtained from telematics, the next step will be to use Artificial Intelligence for the interpretation of the video image, which will enrich the insight itself. Currently, in fact, the potential of video has not yet been fully exploited: dashcams already available on the market, for example, can be associated with data collected by telematics for the reconstruction of accidents and for monitoring the driving style of drivers. However, the real revolution will come with the development of technologies which – thanks to features such as facial recognition – will allow the collected video frames to be interpreted smartly and in real time, so as to intervene promptly if necessary.
Source: Geotab |
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructures and Transport visits Almaviva
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini visited the general management of Almaviva, the Italian group of digital innovation, and TTS Italia supporting member, in Rome on 12 January.
The president of the company, Alberto Tripi, and the managing director, Marco Tripi, had the opportunity to present to the Minister the projects implemented by Almaviva, in Italy and abroad, in the field of ICT applied to rail, road and maritime, to mobility in metropolitan areas, to intermodal logistics.
The meeting was also an opportunity to illustrate the Group's activity and role in the digital transformation processes of strategic sectors for innovation, security and the growth of the country - also in view of the major events linked to the Jubilee 2025 and the possibility of Expo 2030 – enhancing solutions developed in Italy with cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, internet of things (IoT), blockchain, digital twins and mixed reality.
During the visit, the Minister then lingered in the Moova Demo Center, the space dedicated to the Almaviva platform for integrated and multimodal mobility, set up with technological laboratories, a simulation area, control rooms and coworking spaces.
Minister Salvini expressed his appreciation to the top management for the growth path and the results achieved also abroad by the Group, which proves to be an important reality of the Italian digital sector, an essential sector for the country's competitiveness.
Source: Almaviva |
Global Summit 2023: in August the ITS Australia event for intelligent mobility
The Global Summit 2023 organized by ITS Australia will be held in Melbourne from 28 to 31 August 2023. TTS Italia is among the Association Partners of the event which aims to accelerate the issues and strategies of smart, safe and sustainable transport.
Bringing together institutions, industry and academia, the Summit will focus on:
- Smart Infrastructure and Data Ecosystems
- Sustainable and Equitable Transport
- Electric, Connected, Automated Transport
- Future Mobility
- Policy and Harmonisation
- Freight, Logistics and Drones
There are several opportunities for participation, in fact the Call for Papers is open thanks to which it is possible to send proposals until 1 March 2023.
For more details, click here.
The Call for Sessions is also open, thanks to which it is possible to send proposals until 1 March 2023.
For more information click here.
Finally, it is possible to join with an exhibition space, for more details, click here. |
AI4CCAM: artificial intelligence at the service of autonomous, cooperative and connected driving. TTS Italia among the partners.
TTS Italia is among the partners of the AI4CCAM (Trustworthy AI for CCAM) project recently funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, lasting 36 months and coordinated by Simula.AI4CCAM will develop an open environment for 'integration of AI-based models to predict pedestrian/cyclist behavior in an urban traffic context, including aspects of trust and ethics. TTS Italia is in particular involved in the activities of: definition of the reference framework of the project; identification of ethical, social and cultural implications; implementation and validation of use cases; communication and dissemination. Officially launched on 1 January 2023, the project held its first meeting on 26 and 27 January in Oslo, TTS Italia was among the participants. |
UPPER: a new European project to strengthen the role of public transport towards sustainability. TTS Italia among the partners.
TTS Italia is among the partners of the UPPER (Unleashing the Potential of Public Transport in Europe) project recently funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. UPPER, with over 40 partners and 20 million grant, wants strengthen the role of public transport for real sustainability, leading the transition towards zero-emission mobility. By testing a combination of 84 push and pull measures in 10 pilot cities (Valencia, Ile de France, Rome, Mannheim, Oslo, Lisbon, Leuven, Hanover, Budapest, Thessaloniki), UPPER aims to increase public transport use by 30% and user satisfaction of 25%.TTS Italia is particularly involved in the following activities: definition of the user base and related needs; planning and development of a user-centric and public transport-oriented infrastructure; innovative solutions to increase the efficiency, reliability and attractiveness of public transport; technologies and strategies towards citizens' behavioral change in favor of public transport; integration of measures and tools and large-scale demonstration in living labs, especially supporting the City of Rome and Roma Servizi per la Mobilità; impact assessment. Finally, TTS Italia is involved in the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project. Officially launched on 1 January 2023, the project held its first meeting on 24 and 25 January in Brussels, and TTS Italia was among the participants. |
• Italia-Bressanone
Videosurveillance system
• Italia-Palermo
Parking areas management system
• Italia-Puglianello
Traffic control services
• Italia-Roma
Parking areas management services
• Italia-Torino
Devices for parking areas management
• Italia-Verbania
Data management services

RTR Conference 2023
14-16 February 2023, Brussels, Belgium
For further information, click here →