It's Europe
N° 4
April 2024

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Member of the month
Project of the month
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The interview by Morena Pivetti


“Digitalisation, the main weapon for a new culture of local public transport service, closer to the needs of citizens”. Nicola Pascale, Sole Director of Anm Napoli, speaks.

Nicola Pascale often repeats this word, culture, always accompanied by the adjective nuova: a new culture. Of the local public transport service. I like to start from this combination, new culture, for the interview with the Sole Director of Anm Napoli, Nicola Pascale, which has at its center the digitalisation of this fundamental sector for the mobility of citizens. Because culture evokes an entire universe and not the simple design, programming and operation of the service.


“The digitalisation process – explains Pascale – paves the way for the affirmation of a new culture of public transport service because it simultaneously breaks down two barriers: it allows access to knowledge of the mobility network system that will be used, in real time , and the purchase of the travel ticket". Sorry if it's not much. “And it helps to improve the efficiency of collective transport, its performance – she adds – by enabling what I define as 'adaptive services'”.

Are we talking about so-called on-call services?
No, I mean to refer to a broader concept than the mere traditional call bus, now consolidated in its organization: it means extending the scope of the offer not only to local transport routes but to other service networks, for example parking. I always use this metaphor: it's as if we continued to install new coin-operated telephone booths while the main tool for communicating has become the mobile phone. This is the cultural leap to be made: service planning is too static; we are faced with very slow dynamism. Today the TPL company can know everything about its customer, it has a mountain of data and therefore could be in a position to calibrate its offer to the needs of individual citizens: this is what I define as adaptive services.

And the cultural leap to be made must also have been the beacon of Nicola Pascale's action when he was appointed Sole Director in 2018.
It was a very complicated phase: the company had applied for a composition with creditors and was losing 800 thousand euros a month. Together with the Region we have planned the incentivized exodus of almost 10% of the company population, recovered from tax evasion and implemented many other measures. The result was, first of all, the recovery of the balance sheet: since then, we have been in the black for six years. The one for 2023 has not yet been approved but it will certainly be positive.

To say that it is not a curse of TPL to have company budgets at a loss. Today Anm transports 100 million passengers every year on line 1 of the metro, on the 4 funicular railways, with surface transport totaling journeys equal to 20 million buses/km, manages 25 car parks in the structure and 25 thousand car spaces on the road, in addition at the Municipality's traffic lights. It has just concluded the tender for the purchase of 280 electric buses and is working on the transformation of three of its depots, in addition to the publication of the expression of interest for the installation of electric charging stations for car parks: already today Naples has the greatest number of recharges per kilometers of roads. Anm is no longer just a local public transport company but an all-round mobility company. Let's go back to digitalization.
We face two strategic transitions. That's not a problem. We have always managed trams and trolleybuses: the use of the electrical production chain is well consolidated in our corporate culture. The one destined to really change the patterns of shared mobility is the other, the digital transition. We have an enormous wealth of knowledge; we are crossed by an impressive flow of data on our activities but we use it very little. The challenge we face is how to transform them into tools to modernize service management, how to transfer them into the daily life of the company.

In addition to this new culture to be established, what else is holding back the full use of the data you have available?
We are faced with trade union issues, which are not trivial at all - Pascale replies - and concern working hours, the routes of the lines, the work we ask of the drivers. And issues that affect the service contracts with the local authorities on the basis of which we operate: for some time there has been talk of moving from the counting, and therefore from the payment, of the buses/km travelled, to the number of passengers transported, a virtuous mechanism that would impose on companies to focus on developing demand rather than on mileage. In a few words on how to get more people on buses, subways and trams.

Specifically, at Anm Napoli, what stage are you at with digitalisation?
We have recently released our new App, very nice, go and see it, which allows you to have real-time information on the services of the surface transport network and on the metro with the virtual pole and the route of the line on maps. Always with the App you can pay for TPL services and parking. In the future we plan to develop it by including other features such as electric charging of private cars and permits for the restricted traffic zone. And to then extend it with commercial agreements for other types of service. I would add that this App of ours can become a MaaS platform, the so-called Mobility as a Service.

Technological solutions for the safety of mobility services will be at the center of the conference scheduled for May 15th in Rome by TTS Italia. Will digitalization help?
As regards the subway and its stations, and more generally rail services, i.e. closed systems, the camera network helps maintain a fairly good level of safety for operators and structures. Also due to the presence of security guards. For rubber the problem is much more serious: in recent months we have witnessed a resurgence of acts of vandalism, with broken windows, damaged seats and what you can imagine. Here the cameras don't help much: they are often children, minors. What's now? Also, in this case we return to a question of culture, of respect for public heritage, of use of collective means.

The other side of the digitalization coin is cybersecurity: there cannot be one without the other.
The guard must certainly be raised against hackers – agrees the Sole Administrator -. At Anm we haven't had any major attacks, other than a few brief site crashes. We have already defined an adaptation path by appointing a manager for this function, a highly trained person who oversees IT security and tests the resistance of the systems that support the company's production processes.

The very last topic is infrastructure safety.
With new IoT technologies and sensor detection systems – concludes Nicola Pascale – we can plan the maintenance of our iron network and prevent any damage. They are very important weapons, certainly worth using.

Who is Nicola Pascale. Since 2018 Sole Director of ANM - Azienda Napoletana Mobilità (approximately 2,000 employees and 200 million euros annual turnover). He joined the company with twenty years of experience in the mobility services sector, covering technical - management roles of increasing responsibility in different public and private structures (Municipality of Naples, Net Engineering, Automobile Club of Italy, Naples Metro, EAV - Institution Autonomous Volturno). Currently President of the "Full green" consortium between ATM Milan, ATAC Rome, Cotral, AMTS Catania and ANM Naples and member of the assembly of the Unico Campania consortium. Second level University Master's Degree in "Management of local public transport" at the University of Rome "Sapienza". Postgraduate scholarship in "Preparation, development and use of models for the simulation of urban traffic systems" at the University of Naples "Federico II". Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II” after an Erasmus study period at the Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle- Paris III. Author of numerous articles and technical-scientific texts in the mobility sector.

Member of the month

M.A.I.O.R. (Management Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research) is an Italian company founded in 1989 that designs and develops software solutions based on the latest results of operations research and artificial intelligence to help mobility agencies, local public transport companies, railway operators, airlines, and air traffic managers optimize the planning, scheduling, and management of the services they offer and of company resources.
With more than 35 years of experience in the industry, and with a solid foundation in Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence since its inception, MAIOR is the ideal partner to solve the most complex resource allocation problems thanks to its evolved and flexible mathematical algorithms, entirely developed in-house, that always allow finding the best solution while saving time and reducing costs.
MAIOR ( is to date one of the largest players in the scheduling field worldwide with more than 100 active installations in Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, Oceania and Asia. 


MAIOR Suite: Driver Assignment

At the end of June 2024, the new MAIOR Suite "Driver Assignment" module for driver assignment planning will see the light of day, with the first installation in the United States. After a year and a half of work, we are finally releasing the new full web product to replace our current solution, radically innovating it from every point of view.
The user will have a completely revamped and ergonomic interface, enabling him to use a powerful Rostering algorithm that will perform optimized assignment of drivers to driving shifts. The system has been redesigned to allow the user to be able to focus only on the exceptions that the algorithm cannot handle on its own. This module is already highly integrated with the rest of the MAIOR Suite, and in particular with the Driver Portal and Workforce Management.
The implementation of this module has allowed us to experiment, from a software development perspective, with Continuous Integration models and methods that radically increase the quality of the software and dramatically reduce the likelihood that the software contains bugs and has malfunctions.
The next step will be to integrate, in the same software module we are releasing, vehicle management and daily driver management features.

Lorenzo Sarti, Chief Technology Officer at M.A.I.O.R.

Lorenzo Sarti, PhD, is the driving force behind technology innovation at MAIOR. Since 2011 he has been part of the MAIOR Team, and since 2023 he has taken on the role of Chief Technology Officer of MAIOR, bringing with him experience and skills that help MAIOR make important strides in research and software development, including through collaboration with the University of Pisa and University of Milan. His commitment is critical in guiding MAIOR to a position of national leadership and international expansion.

How do customer needs contribute to the design and development of MAIOR software?
MAIOR has always established a close relationship with its customers, both management and the more operational figures who are often the end users of our solutions, in order to understand their needs and the way they work. It is precisely this contact that over time has enabled us to produce the software solutions that customers need.
In recent years, the organization of our technical area has evolved precisely to facilitate the establishment of these relationships. Both Product Owners and members of development teams are encouraged to interact directly with customers, without intermediaries, because our technicians have developed over time a great deal of knowledge of the application environment in which we operate, and this knowledge increases the value we are able to bring to the market.
In fact, all the best innovations in MAIOR Products are born from a real need of one or more customers, analyzed together, designed and developed, and finally made available to all customers in the MAIOR Suite.

What are the cybersecurity measures implemented by MAIOR to ensure optimal protection of the information it manages?
The data held within our systems is a critical asset for our clients, which is why we are working hard to guard it as best we can. We are seeing exponential growth in cyber attacks, and at MAIOR we are acting ahead of the curve by working hard to achieve ISO 27001 certification.
This international certification confirms that our processes ensure the secure handling of data and information, both those that strictly relate to MAIOR's life and operations and those of our customers. As part of this, we have also defined rules and best practices for the development of secure software.
A group of our developers is trained and updated periodically on cybersecurity, we have equipped ourselves with tools that automatically check for vulnerabilities in our systems, and we have changed the software development life cycle by adopting "Security by Design": from the analysis of a Customer's User Need to the production release of our solutions, we are constantly concerned with managing cybersecurity-related risks and vulnerabilities.

In what projects does MAIOR integrate Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Operations Research to help and improve decision making for operators?
The acronym that has represented our brand for 35+ years speaks about how Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research play a key role in our company.
For many years, we have primarily leveraged operational search algorithms to provide our customers with resource optimization tools. During this long period, artificial intelligence was a promising field whose boundless possibilities were sensed, but whose successful and affordable applications were struggling to emerge. Today, we are in a different world: the resources needed to train these sophisticated mathematical models to perform tasks typical of human intelligence have become more accessible, and some innovations such as deep learning and generative AI have finally become mature; therefore, an infinite range of possibilities and integrations between artificial intelligence and operations research are opening up. Right now we are conducting two projects in collaboration with the University of Pisa and the University of Milan. The first project uses machine learning algorithms to help our Customers in the management of service contracts. The second project, on the other hand, would like to significantly impact our core business: the development of algorithms for optimizing.

Project of the month

SWARCO MetaMyCity - the latest virtual reality for mobility

The concept of mobility is constantly changing, not only in traditional methods of travel but also in innovative technologies that launch us into previously unimaginable worlds. In this rapidly moving landscape, a new innovation has appeared that is certainly different from the ordinary: the launch of MetaMyCity and SWARCO's virtual reality visor, which allow users to be transported far beyond the boundaries of visible reality.
These visors, produced by Meta, are equipped with an app created by SWARCO and developed by MediaSquad, an app that dives you into a highly interactive virtual world. During the demo, the user is brought into a virtual control centre, where he or she can visualize and solve problems in a symbolic city by addressing four different challenges: traffic congestion, pollution, parking shortages in urban areas and the safety of vulnerable road users.
SWARCO's solutions are divided into three strategic approaches: the 'Core' solution, which requires minimal infrastructure investment; the 'E2E', which integrates SWARCO's core technologies; and the 'CCAM', which anticipates future changes in mobility and provides V2X solutions. By opting for one of these solutions during the demo, the user can explore it on a 1:1 scale through the 'Deep Dive' mode, which allows direct interaction with the infrastructure and detailed observation of the implementation in real-life context.
The experience offered by the VR glasses is unique and interactive, designed not only to entertain but also with an educational purpose. They are an integral part of SWARCO's GoGreen campaign, an initiative to raise awareness among municipalities, public authorities and citizens about the importance of decarbonisation and environmental sustainability.
Innovation is the key engine that leads SWARCO to remain at the forefront of the mobility industry. With these new VR glasses, the company not only confirms its leadership in terms of advanced technological solutions, but also sets out to explore new dynamics and approaches, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to the future of sustainable mobility.
In conclusion, a special invitation to all those interested: on 15 May, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of TTS Italia, SWARCO will hold a demo open to the public of VR visors. An unforgettable opportunity to personally immerse oneself in the innovative solutions that could redefine the way we experience the city and mobility of tomorrow. Don't miss it!

From our members  

CIRCLE Group: primary Mediterranean port strengthens the choice of Port Community Services
Circle S.p.A. (“CIRCLE” or the “Company”) – Innovative SME listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market at the head of the Group of the same name specialized in the analysis of processes and the development of solutions for the innovation and digitalisation of the port sectors and intermodal logistics as well as in international consultancy on the issues of the Green Deal and energy transition, and TTS Italia ordinary member - announces that a primary Mediterranean port has strengthened its choice of the Port Community Services proposed by the Group through the signing of a new contract. The value of the contract exceeds €700,000 and has a duration of approximately 24 months. Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE Group: “We are enthusiastic about the appreciation that our Port Community Services have received for the evolution of railway, intermodal and customs procedures by the operators. This new contract is further confirmation of the quality of the Connect for Agile Growth industrial path within which the Milos® Federative Services and the Port Community Services play a role of great value".

Source: CIRCLE

Data Advances Decarbonisation in Connected Transportation: Geotab's Sustainability Report Reveals Progress, Recognises Challenges Ahead
Geotab Inc. (“Geotab”), the global leader in connected transportation solutions and TTS Italia ordinary member, released its 2023 Sustainability and Impact Report, “Trust. Transparency. Transformation.” highlighting how data-driven insights are helping Geotab and global organisations better measure and achieve their climate goals. The report also delves into the tougher challenges of managing business and environmental impact, including increased business travel and much-needed transparency associated with Scope 3 emissions. 
“The climate crisis demands action. The transportation industry is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions with a tremendous opportunity in the near term to make a positive impact. As a close partner to that industry, we have a moral obligation to do our part in supporting carbon reduction — not just for ourselves, but for our customers too. This has to be a collaborative approach. There are too many challenges to address and solve in isolation,” said Neil Cawse, Founder and CEO of Geotab.
Geotab’s greatest impact is in supporting customers and partners to drive transformation through data-driven insights and AI, enabling informed decision-making as they report and track progress on all stages of the sustainability journey. In a recent survey by Geotab, 87% of U.S. fleet professionals expected their cost of business to rise in 2024, and 40% confirmed they use data intelligence to create a more sustainable fleet by flagging and improving fuel economy and idling.  Data insights regarding fuel use, better routing, emissions management, better driving behaviour such as reducing harsh braking, and the integration of EVs into fleets help address cost and improve the bottom line.
As part of its commitment towards a more sustainable world, Geotab has pledged to reach net-zero emissions by 2040 — a decade earlier than called for in the Paris Agreement — and is aiming for a 50% reduction in emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2030.
The latest report shows Geotab has made progress in reducing direct and indirect operational emissions over the past year:   
• In Scope 1, which tracks emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by Geotab, the company saw a 41% reduction in GHG emissions in 2023 (from the 2019 baseline). 
• In Scope 2, which tracks the indirect emissions resulting from electricity purchased by Geotab, the company saw a 35% reduction in GHG emissions in 2023 (from the 2019 baseline). 
• Vital R&D progress — Opening the Geotab Automotive Innovation and Research Hub in High Wycombe, dedicated to advancing the data intelligence required to support the electrification of the transportation sector at scale. The facility is behind much of the success of the innovative technology used to achieve support for over 300 EV makes and models globally. It also provides vehicle telematics for the British Antarctic Survey (the United Kingdom’s National Polar Research Institute) as the first commercial telematics provider to go live in the Antarctic.
• Sustainability leadership and performance awards — Receiving a Bronze medal from EcoVadis for sustainability performance, Bronze Stevie® Awards for Sustainability Leadership and Sustainability Product of the Year, and recognition as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers (2023).
• Customer success stories — Helped Milk & More (the UK’s leading online grocery and milk delivery company) save over £2 million and 4,920 metric tonnes of CO2 annually, through Geotab solutions including the Green Fleet Dashboard. 
• Partnerships to drive change — Forming the Geotab Sustainability Alliance of 28+ partners offering integrated solutions to help fleets achieve their sustainability goals.
Geotab’s report identifies areas of improvement which reflect similar challenges experienced in the industry in general: 
• For Scope 3, which tracks indirect emissions like supply chain activities, Geotab saw a 11% increase in 2023 (from the 2019 baseline) mainly due to higher purchases of goods and services and increased business travel and commuting by staff. 
• Challenge in gathering accurate and reliable Scope 3 emissions data across the value chain, primarily due to varying data availability across different regions.
This underscores the importance of further collaboration with supply chain partners and manufacturers to achieve comprehensive tracking, from raw materials to end-of-life, and greater use of data insights will also help provide more transparency and understanding in addressing challenges.
“We are proud of the accomplishments we’ve made so far, but we know there is much further to go if we want to fulfil our journey to net zero, particularly in addressing Scope 3 emissions. We’ll be accelerating our pace to tackle Scope 3 targets, and tapping into the power of data, to realise our and our customers' ambitions,” added Cawse.

Source: Geotab

Geotab expands OEM integration: together with Mobilisights, Geotab extends its Stellantis partnership into Europe
Geotab Inc, a global market leader in connected transportation solutions and TTS Italia ordinary member, announced an expanded partnership with Mobilisights, a business unit of the world's leading automotive group and mobility provider Stellantis.
Stellantis, headquartered in the Netherlands, manufactures brands including Opel, Vauxhall, Abarth, Fiat, Jeep, Lancia, Alfa-Romeo, DS Automobiles, Citroen, and Peugeot, making it a powerhouse of the automotive sector. Mobilisights was set up last year as an independent business unit, fully dedicated to growing the company’s data services business. 
The partnership with Geotab brings the connected car concept closer to reality. Data from the Stellantis vehicle-embedded telematics system can now easily integrate into the MyGeotab platform. This web-based management software tool helps fleet companies manage vehicles in near-real time.  Via this expanded partnership, fleet managers with Stellantis-branded vehicles can now benefit from the seamless combination of Geotab solutions and data from Stellantis-embedded telematic systems. 
"With Mobilisights, we have established a new business unit under the Stellantis umbrella that enables forward-looking, data-based services. We are proud to partner with Geotab, permitting Fleet Managers to optimise their fleet efficiency for 14 automotive brands," says Sebastien Fraysse, Head of Sales EMEA in Mobilisights.
"Thanks to the integration with Geotab, Geotab’s fleet customers can now also easily and intuitively access the telematic data from their Stellantis vehicles without the need for additional hardware or software," he adds.
Modern connected vehicles, including Electric Vehicles (EVs), and Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs), can analyse a wide range of data points: location, speed, braking and acceleration, to tyre pressure and battery charge monitoring. The new partnership will allow Geotab to build on Mobilisights’ extensive data and enhance its offering with deeper insights into fleet performance across all ranges of vehicles. 
MyGeotab oversees the health and intricacies of a mixed fleet, using its proven integration and analytics capabilities to deliver the greatest value to fleet managers. Geotab can integrate data not only from different proprietary OEM telematics devices but also from different sources (such as third-party devices or Geotab’s own GO9 telematics device) via a multi-functional API (a software interface that supports multiple operations or functionalities within a single system). 
Geotab's particular strength in harmonising data from multiple sources, including the unique aspects of electric vehicle operations, underscores its commitment to supporting the transition and management of electric fleets. This will ultimately contribute to more efficient, productive, and sustainable fleet operations.
Specifically, the partnership will deliver the following benefits to users:
Time savings: fleet managers no longer have to switch between different proprietary platforms and manually extract and aggregate data. 
No additional hardware: As vehicles are equipped with telematics devices from Stellantis at the point of manufacture,  no external devices are needed.
No downtime: When using factory-fitted telematics devices, the data can be activated remotely, eliminating downtime and the need to visit the installer’s workshop
Integration of different powertrains: Data from internal combustion engines, hybrid, and electric vehicles is available at a glance.
Rich, near real-time data set: Stellantis native connectivity provides near real-time data, up to every 1 second for some signals 
Powerful tools: Analyses and reports on various aspects such as fleet activity, and driver behaviour, such as harsh acceleration and braking that contribute to road safety.
Future proof: Integration with Geotab's fleet management provides access to the Geotab ecosystem, including its Software Development Kit (SDK), API and the marketplace with third-party hardware and software add-ins. 
Christoph Ludewig, Vice President OEM Europe at Geotab, says: "The cooperation with Stellantis, a heavyweight in the automotive industry, is a significant milestone. Our customers will benefit from the efficient and straightforward use of telematics. Advanced data analytics is essential for the future of mobility, including electrification and the integration of autonomous vehicles. This is why partnerships between OEMs and data specialists are so important today and why we continue to expand our ecosystem.”
In addition to Stellantis, Geotab already has OEM agreements with BMW-Mini, Ford, Renault and Mercedes-Benz Connectivity Services, among others.
*In a first phase, the Mobilisights integration for Geotab will be available in Europe for the leading Stellantis brands Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Citroen, DS Automobiles, Jeep, Lancia, Peugeot, and Opel/Vauxhall. 

Source: Geotab

OCTO Telematics: Corrado Sciolla is the new CEO
Corrado Sciolla has been appointed the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and member of the Board of Directors of OCTO, a leading company in telematics and data analytics services for the Insurance, Fleet Management, and Intelligent Mobility sectors, and TTS Italia ordinary member.
Corrado Sciolla, previously general manager of Wind, President of BT Group Europe and CEO of Cedacri, will lead the global company from Italy, with the aim of consolidating its leadership in the connected mobility sector. With his new role, he brings extensive experience in leading international renowned organizations, a focus on technological development and data management, together with the skills acquired in over 20 years of service development in vertical markets, all key factors for ensuring the company's success.
Fabio Sbianchi, Founder and President of OCTO, comments: “We are happy to welcome Eng. Sciolla and entrust him with the mission of turning the page after a difficult period of change. Corrado is a highly experienced leader, who has already demonstrated his ability to draw the best from technology and digital service companies. We count on his skills to grow our Company and achieve all our goals."

Source: OCTO

PLUSERVICE technology for public transport tickets also in the Marche region
The completely digital system is called MARTA, which will allow you to purchase tickets and passes for the entire regional network 24 hours a day, seven days a week. MARTA represents the state of the art of technologies applied to local public transport, and with it the Marche Region is the first to activate a regional ABT system. The system is supplied by Pluservice, the Senigallia company that has been producing technological solutions for passenger mobility for over 35 years, and TTS Italia ordinary member.
“The ABT – explains Giorgio Fanesi, founder and CEO of Pluservice – is a system in which tickets for traveling on public transport are not encoded on a physical medium, but are registered in the regional center in the name of the traveller. The traveler is recognized on board via a rechargeable electronic card, a QR code, the App on a smartphone or with a credit/debit card."
There are multiple channels for purchasing your ticket or season ticket: from the app on your smartphone, or on the internet portal, at affiliated ticket offices or via self-service, with printed tickets bearing a unique security QRCode, or with a credit/debit card.
The numbers of the system created give an idea of the complexity of the project: 33 carriers involved grouped in 5 provincial basins, 1,500 buses, 2,800 validators, 18 self-services and 70 terminals for controllers.
There are many advantages for transport companies who, with the new system, will be able to acquire timely data on the actual use of the service, and possibly recalibrate it to better respond to the new mobility needs of citizens, also with the introduction of innovative dynamic tariff systems. Furthermore, an important impact will be the expected reduction in fraud thanks to social control, which will allow a recovery of funds that can be used for future investments.
“I am doubly proud – adds Fanesi – of this achievement. Firstly because, after many cities, such as Milan, Rome, Turin, Genoa, Venice, Verona, Bari, Treviso, and important regions, such as Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, finally for Pluservice a prestigious reference also in our region. And then because MARTA represents a flagship for the 300 Pluservice professionals who every day from Senigallia study and develop innovative solutions for sustainable mobility in Italy and abroad, selected among other things by important strategic partners such as Toyota and Hitachi, as well as by the new shareholders Intesa San Paolo and Enel.”

Source: Pluservice

Tap & Tap: train tickets can now also be purchased at the validator at the station
Neither apps, nor emails, nor even paper tickets: on the Verona-Venice, the first line of the Trenitalia Regional on which this pilot project starts, it will be possible to purchase your travel ticket by placing your physical payment card or one loaded onto the your smartphone or smartwatch on the validator at the station, both upon departure and upon arrival at your destination.
“Tap&Tap” was presented in Venice, the new method of purchasing tickets for the Regional Trenitalia (lead company of the Passenger Hub of the FS Italiane Group). The pilot project will be active on the Venice-Verona route and was illustrated by Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto Region; Elisa De Berti, Vice President and Councilor for Public Works, Infrastructure and Transport of the Veneto Region; Renato Boraso, Councilor for Mobility of the Municipality of Venice, and Maria Annunziata Giaconia, Director of the Regional Business and Intermodal Development Division of Trenitalia.
The new purchase method adds to those already available to travelers and allows them to obtain tickets through the validators present in the stations.
To purchase the travel ticket, it will be sufficient to hold your contactless payment card to a validator at the departure station and, upon arrival, repeat the procedure with the same card used.
The customer will also be able to use the service through a digital device, such as a smartphone or smartwatch, on which they have loaded their contactless payment card.
Furthermore, after registering on the Trenitalia website, the customer will be able to access and check their transactions and, above all, take advantage of the "best fare" function for the calculation of the best applicable tariff, on a weekly and monthly basis (for the best tariff on a daily basis you don't need to register).
Thanks to "Tap&Tap", travelers will automatically be applied the best available rate based on the type and frequency of trips. If the sum of the price of single tickets purchased for the same route reaches the threshold of the weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual rate, the amount spent will be transformed into a subscription and subsequent trips will be included until the end of the reference period.
On board the train, at the time of control, the passenger will only have to communicate the last four numbers of their card, to allow their presence to be associated with the activated transaction. The registration of the payment will then be charged according to the methods applied by the customer's banking circuit.

Source: Gente Veneta

Vehicle thefts: with “SMART VEHICLE PROTECTOR” by Targa Telematics over 30% less than the national average incidence in 2023
In a context in which vehicles represent a fundamental asset for companies and fleet managers, Targa Telematics, TTS Italia founding member, and Viasat announce a particularly significant result in combating the phenomenon of theft. According to the statistics obtained from the data collected by network of Targa Telematics and Viasat Operations Centers, during 2023, the incidence of thefts within fleets with monitored vehicles aged less than 5 years - equal in total to over 1 million vehicles - was reduced by more than 30% compared to the national average incidence. A significant result obtained thanks to the implementation of Smart Vehicle Protector in the fleet, the technological solution based on Artificial Intelligence and characterized by predictive functions. The lower incidence of theft is mainly due to the preventive activity carried out thanks to the technological solutions of Targa Telematics and Viasat, which allow the identification of a large number of situations considered to be at risk of theft, through the development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms, based on data collection and know-how consolidated in 20 years of activity in this sector, and in the actions undertaken proactively, even days before the event occurs. The adoption of Smart Vehicle Protector brings tangible advantages for customers: for a fleet of around 100 thousand vehicles, a cost saving of around 7 million euros can be expected from not having to replace stolen vehicles; a lower restoration cost on vehicles recovered promptly (sometimes even before the customer reports it), quantifiable at around €475,000; last but not least, the greater number of scams identified, which allow customers to have more information, and to draw up an index on the reliability of those who rent a car. "We provide our customers with a complete asset protection service", declared Massimiliano Balbo di Vinadio, Vice President Sales Large Account of Targa Telematics and Viasat. “With our many years of experience acquired with large fleet customers, such as rental companies but not only, we have acquired considerable expertise in this sector, and we have created constantly updated behavioral patterns, through the development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine algorithms. Learning, which allow us to build numerous risk models, cross-referencing various types of timely and contextual data, with the aim of being able to intervene in a preventive manner, in order to avoid theft". The same hardware components installed on board perform a vast range of functions simultaneously, integrating theft prevention with a variety of services designed to optimize business operational processes. Furthermore, they allow companies to diversify and innovate their market offerings through increasingly sophisticated and personalized contracts, adapted to the specific needs of end customers.

Source: Targa Telematics

Le nostre attività

Transport and mobility in the name of digitalisation: on Mobility Magazine, double interview with the President and General Secretary of TTS Italia
The President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, and the Secretary General of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi, spoke about many things with Mobility Magazine. The conference on 15 May, "Technological solutions for the safety of mobility services", is now upon us and will be an opportunity to focus on safety and security and on recommendations to improve the safety of mobility services thanks to technology. With the event, which also celebrates 25 years of TTS Italia, a Manifesto focused on these themes will be presented. But the interview is also an opportunity to reiterate the importance of the digitalisation of the sector, discussing the critical issues that still remain to face.

Read the full interview! (From page 5 – in Italian).

Towards the decarbonisation of transport: the article by TTS Italia on WAVE
WAVE Magazine dedicates its new issue to “Smart ways: NET Zero destination – towards the decarbonisation of transport”. TTS Italia also made its contribution, focusing on the benefits linked to MaaS. The provisional political agreement reached by the Presidency of the Council and representatives of the European Parliament on a proposal that defines air quality standards at European level to be achieve zero pollution, thus contributing to a toxic-free environment in the EU by 2050. The proposal is in line with standards and recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). the latest data from the European Environment Agency (EEA) said it: Italy is among the first countries in Europe for deaths attributable to air pollution with around 47 thousand premature deaths per year due to PM2.5 on a total of 253,000 deaths in the 27 member countries. Even Legambiente, with Mal'Aria1 at the beginning of February, had spoken of a fight against smog in Italian cities that was still on the rise. So, what to do? Especially in a sector like road transport to which the majority of polluting emissions are still attributable? We have been talking about Mobility as a Service, or MaaS, for some time now. We know that it is a new mobility concept that integrates various forms of transport services into a single digital mobility service accessible on demand, which puts the user at the center. But perhaps little attention is paid to the benefits it can bring in social and environmental terms. The private car will continue to be the preferred means of transport for users until digital and integrated mobility services of comparable perceived value are offered in terms of usefulness, convenience, reliability and, last but not least, freedom of movement. To achieve such an objective, it is therefore necessary for MaaS to include an ecosystem in which multiple organizations act in collaboration, sharing the traditional boundaries of sectors and companies and involving users.

Read the full article here (in Italian).

TTS Italia and its partners at Intertraffic in Amsterdam!
TTS Italia participated in the new edition of Intertraffic Amsterdam, which took place in the Dutch city from 16 to 19 April.
Intertraffic Amsterdam is the platform to exchange know-how, build relationships and create contacts, the ideal opportunity to meet traffic and mobility professionals from over 120 different nationalities.
TTS Italia had the opportunity to meet its many members who showcased the most innovative and advanced solutions for intelligent mobility at their stands: Aesys; Comark; EngiNe; Kria; The traffic light; MOVYON; OpenMove; Smart Parking Systems a division of Intercomp S.p.A.; Sprinx Technologies; Tattile S.r.l; SWARCO AG; PTV Group; Adaptive Recognition; Cyclomedia.
Since January 2024, TTS Italia, represented by the Association's Communications Manager Laura Franchi, has been elected to the Coordination Committee of the Network of National ITS Associations, the European network of national associations for Intelligent Transport Systems, of which it is also a founding member.
Intertraffic Amsterdam was a new opportunity to meet members of the Network of National ITS Associations, with a plenary meeting on 17 April to discuss current activities and next steps. Furthermore, as part of the event, the Network took part in a Special Session, on the same day: “National experience in ITS, C-ITS and smart mobility”, during which experts from ITS Austria, ITS Czech Republic, ITS Ireland and ITS Slovenia presented good practices related to the implementation of ITS at local and national level, with a focus on smart mobility, C-ITS, digital infrastructure, data space, MaaS.

Read the newsletter dedicate to Intertraffic! (Available in Italian)

TTS Italia at the working table "Intelligent city - Algorithms, predictive data analysis and IoT at the service of cities to reduce emissions and optimize transport networks and services"
PwC, TTS Italia ordinary member, Inrete and Yunex Traffic Italia, on the occasion of the G7 Transport Ministerial Meeting, in Milan from 11 to 13 April, organized a closed-door working table on 12 April entitled “Intelligent city – Algorithms, predictive data analysis and IoT at the service of cities to reduce emissions and optimize transport networks and services".
TTS Italia participated in the works, represented by the General Secretary, Olga Landolfi.
The objective of the table was to discuss the challenges, opportunities and best practices for the twin transition of Italian cities, offering ideas on the importance of intelligent management of urban mobility. This aspect, in fact, is currently essential for achieving the Net Zero objective and for improving transport efficiency, the fluidity of urban traffic and the quality of people's daily lives.
Among the institutional stakeholders called to participate in the event, the Mayors and Councilors of the major Italian cities, the representatives of local public transport companies and the main sector companies.

Our activities  
Certification services
Traffic monitoring services
Data management services
Air pollution monitoring services
Measuring devices

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Save the date 

Next Mobility Exhibition
8-10 May 2024, Milan
For further information, click here →

10-11 May 2024, Verona and online
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2nd Transport Cybersecurity Conference
2 May 2024, Brussels, Belgium
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14-16 May 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany
For further information, click here →

The 19th ITS Asia Pacific Forum
28-30 May 2024, Jakarta, Indonesia
For further information, click here →

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TTS Italia

Via Flaminia 388, 00196 Roma /
T +39 06 3227737 / F +39 06 86929160

Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.