It's Europe
N° 6
June 2023

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Member of the month
Project of the month
From our members 
Our activities
Business opportunities 
TTS Italia supports
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The interview by Morena Pivetti


"Immediately the Decree and the National ITS Action Plan to speed up the digitization of infrastructures": speaks the Honorable Vincenzo Amich. Wednesday 12 July at the TTS Italia conference in Rome.

On Wednesday 12 July, in Rome, TTS Italia promotes the conference "Solutions for the digitization of road infrastructures" in which it will present the position paper that the association's working group of the same name has drawn up in recent months. After the opening speech by the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Bignami, and the institutional-regulatory framework, national experiences and proposals on road and motorway transport will be presented. In the afternoon there will be a round table on "Criticalities and prospects for Smart Roads in Italy".
After the interview with the Coordinator of the Technical Mission Structure of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, engineer Elisabetta Pellegrini, to continue the reflection in preparation for the conference, this newsletter opens with an interview with the Honorable Vincenzo Amich, Deputy of the Transport Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.



Honorable Member, how strategic do you consider the digitization of infrastructures for the management of the country's buildings and major works, in particular road infrastructures?
For the purposes of managing buildings and major works, especially roads, the digitization of transport infrastructures plays a strategic role in promoting the growth of our country. The advantages deriving from digitization are undoubted: I am thinking, for example, of the improvement in the management of intermodal nodes, road safety, the quality of journeys both for the movement of people and for the handling of goods.

What contribution could Smart Roads make to the efficiency of Italian mobility?
Thanks to their marked ability to interact with vehicles and with all the structures necessary for safety, comfort and environmental sustainability, smart roads will make an important contribution to the efficiency of our mobility. Intelligent mobility will make it possible to significantly reduce the environmental impact produced by the circulation of vehicles, through a more dynamic management of traffic flows so as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by vehicles. Smart roads will be safer than conventional roads because they will be able to cooperate in real time with vehicles, traffic lights, traffic control and law enforcement agencies, assistance services and road signs. The result will be a 'technological ecosystem' that will help reduce the risk of accidents, reduce journey times and break down queues.

What will be the contribution to monitoring the works so as to be able to intervene in advance with maintenance, and avoid disasters such as the collapse of the Genoa bridge?
Interesting question...I start by saying that it is not enough to 'digitize' an infrastructure to acquire real-time information on its situation. It is advisable to compare this information along the time axis and in the different conditions of use and also to evaluate the seismic and hydrogeological risk. I am thinking, for example, of the extension, both in urban and extra-urban areas, of the 'Digital Twin', i.e., the digital model, a virtual copy of the physical area which allows the manager to monitor the conditions of the infrastructures - roads, bridges, viaducts and tunnels - and the consequences of any changes, before they actually occur.

Will road safety also improve, will we have more efficient and timely checks?
The contribution that smart roads can make to road safety is potentially significant. However, a massive intervention on the regulatory framework is necessary in order to allow the automatic detection of offenses for failure to comply with speed limits, for failure to insure and inspect the vehicle, for using a mobile phone while driving, for failure to compliance with pedestrian crossings and the like. It is basically those incorrect behaviors that are the basis of most serious and fatal accidents.

The data that will be available thanks to the digitization of infrastructures will also help mobility planning by public bodies, both at national and local level.
Digitization would represent a strong impetus towards the much-desired transformation that will make the entire transport system more efficient, safer and more comfortable. The public entities involved in various capacities must implement the project of disseminating ITS as strategic, necessary to implement truly sustainable mobility: diffusion of zero-emission vehicles, promotion of personalized mobility services, optimization of road traffic flows, etc.

What are the critical issues to be overcome in order to give digitization legs?
Unfortunately, there are still many critical issues to overcome. These are critical issues of a technological, organizational and bureaucratic nature, which concern the implementation of smart roads, delaying their full diffusion. Above all, these are limits: limits in the coverage of the telecommunications network and in the availability of the information necessary in real time to support decision-making processes, in the diffusion of the 'Digital Twin' of urban and extra-urban road infrastructures and in cybersecurity. Added to this is the insufficient number of recharging points and methods for electric mobility on the entire urban and extra-urban network, the still very high costs of implementing smart roads and too long times for issuing authorisations/approvals/approvals of smart mobility devices by the Public Administration, which does not yet show an appreciable level of expertise in this area.

To conclude: what policies should the government adopt for the digitization of road infrastructure?
To take a decisive step in the digitization of infrastructures, the Government must immediately implement the text of the new ITS Directive, which will soon be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will enter into force 20 days after its publication. The text contains the essential lines of the new European policy on ITS 'to promote multimodal, connected and automated mobility'. Furthermore, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport should promulgate a new ITS Decree and, above all, a new National ITS Action Plan, which identifies and defines the priorities, for the next five years, in the field of ITS and smart roads. In addition to this, we should proceed expeditiously to resolve the numerous critical issues that I mentioned earlier.

Who is Enzo Amich. Born in Casale Monferrato (Alessandria), on 26 July 197. Technical school diploma for business experts; Spokesperson, Chief of Cabinet of the city of Casale Monferrato, Mayor of Coniolo, President of the 5T company, ex soldier at the Folgore.

Member of the month

Active since 2006 in the heart of Veneto, Traffic Tecnology is an established entity and a point of reference in the road safety sector for over 250 Public Administrations in central-northern Italy.
Over time, Traffic Tecnology has constantly evolved to offer its customers increasingly high-performing and cutting-edge services and technologies that span from video surveillance of traffic-light violations to vehicle access-control in restricted traffic zones (ZTL); from a wider scope of video surveillance with the exclusive project "Città Sicura" (translated Safe-City) to speed limit enforcement.
Customer support service is the standout feature of Traffic Tecnology. It is provided directly and ensures continuous and constant support both from a technical point of view, and from an administrative and legal perspective.
This approach allows for the development of bespoken solutions capable of positively respond to each customer’s needs and requests.


With almost twenty years of experience in close collaboration with Local Police Offices, Traffic Tecnology has developed the innovative application TT-Suite with its in-house software development team. This application has been qualified as SaaS (software as a service) by AGID (Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, translated Agency for Digital Italy) and aims to greatly facilitating the daily activities of Local Police Offices.
TT-Suite consists of a series of interoperable modules that are capable of managing efficiently those data generated by detection systems:
• TT-View, for traffic light violations.
• TT-Speed, for speed limit violations.
• TT-Safe with its app “Città Sicura” (translated “Safe City” app) for urban safety (real-time insurance coverage control, vehicle inspection, environmental classification or inclusion in a blacklist).
• TT-Gate, for restricted traffic zones (issuing permits and managing violations).
• TT-Fine, for managing the entire sanctioning cycle.
• The “Sito del Cittadino” web portal (translated as "Citizen Website") allows citizens to view violation snapshots and pay a penalty. It is accessible through SPID (Public System for Digital Identity).
With this comprehensive range of solutions, Traffic Tecnology is ready for the "Cloud for Public Administrations". This is a process overseen by ACN, the new National Cybersecurity Agency, which evolved from AGID.
Lastly, Traffic Tecnology is a Technological Partner of PagoPA, and provides support in managing technical aspects for the benefit of public entities that plan to join the Digital Notification Platform.


Domenico Pesavento, CEO of Traffic Tecnology

What are the key success factors to compete in the Public Administration market?
We strongly believe that the service’s quality is the key to succeed in this sector. Over the years, our efforts have been focusing on providing timely and high-quality services, thus allowing our clients, the Local Police offices, to concentrate on their core activities. The combination of quality services and efficient technologies has earned us the reputation of a reliable partner for all our clients.

Handling large amounts of personal data requires taking special precautions. What initiatives has Traffic Tecnology taken in this regard?
Traffic Tecnology has always been very sensitive to privacy and data security issues. To this end, we have obtained several process certifications, including the ISO/IEC 27001 certification for information security. This certification guarantees customers that information is handled correctly in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

What are the next objectives for Traffic Tecnology?
In anticipation of the new Public Procurement Code effective on July 1, 2023, Traffic Tecnology intends to promote its native cloud platform for the entire sanctioning cycle to Public Entities. At the same time, Traffic Tecnology also aims to position itself as a partner in the implementation of projects for integrated solutions for goods and services. These projects are related to citizen safety in inhabited areas and on the roads, and they can involve collaboration with other companies and the use of public-private partnership models.

Project of the month

New Operational Room of AMTS in Catania: A Leap Forward for Urban Mobility

The recent inauguration of the new operational room of the Metropolitan Transport and Parking Company SpA (AMTS) in Catania marks an innovative advancement in the management of the city's public transport. Realized in collaboration with SWARCO Italy, the new control center is a pioneering example of technology in the transport sector.
"We had announced its inauguration and its full operation in the previous months and this goal has also been promptly achieved," says the sole administrator of AMTS, Giacomo Bellavia, with satisfaction. "The new AMTS Operating Room indeed represents a significant step forward for the city and its public transport, both in terms of efficiency and safety. As already emphasized, these are cutting-edge high-tech systems, which make the Catania operational center a reference point for the entire circulation, able to simultaneously and immediately control all public transport, our buses, the frequencies, and compare them with our programmatic table, to better manage exchange parking and Car and Bike sharing sites. Not forgetting," concludes Giacomo Bellavia, "the delicate issue of safety, both for our personnel and drivers, and of the vehicles and the company's assets, ensuring immediate and constant synergy also with law enforcement agencies".
To these words, the president of SWARCO, Luigi Giacalone, expressed great satisfaction for the important milestone reached, stating: "We mobilized our best resources to achieve this result and we are honored to establish a collaboration with AMTS Catania."

The operational room, operational 24 hours a day, is dedicated to the management and control of key systems for the safety and efficiency of traffic operations. Among these, three fundamental systems regulate the operation: the Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) system, the tele-assistance system for parking, and the video surveillance control of bike sharing stations.
At the heart of the new operational room, the AVM system is the fundamental element. This tool allows careful observation and meticulous control of the entire fleet of 200 city buses, refining the routes, ensuring greater precision in schedules, and increasing safety. In addition, it allows timely intervention in case of dangerous situations ensuring the safety of the driver (and passengers) who can communicate at any time with the operational center. Besides, the system promptly identifies any traffic anomalies and provides real-time updates to drivers and passengers, conveyed through 150 electronic displays installed on poles scattered throughout the city. However, the city of Catania does not limit itself to these conventional solutions: in a perspective of continuous technological and digital evolution, it offers its inhabitants the opportunity to access all transport information via a dedicated channel on the Telegram application (it is possible to subscribe to the channel called SWARCO - AMTS Catania).

But public transport in Catania is no longer an isolated entity, but is entering a new era thanks to the introduction of the OMNIA solution by SWARCO recently purchased by the city. AMTS Catania is planning to convert the existing operational room into a unified mobility center, marking a radical change towards more efficient traffic management.
One of the key innovations in this evolution is the integration of the OMNIA system with the AVM system, with a particular focus on the centralization project of 40 important intersections. This project has two main objectives. First, it aims to create a green wave of traffic lights along the city's main arteries. This will improve the coordination and management of traffic, reducing waiting times at traffic lights and allowing for faster and safer transit.
Second, the project plans to give priority to public transport. This will not only improve the punctuality and efficiency of bus services, but will also give buses an additional tool to be competitive in urban mobility solutions. The result will be a public transport service that can better respect schedules and provide a more reliable service to passengers.
In conclusion, the recent inauguration of the new AMTS operational room thus marks significant progress not only in the monitoring and control of public transport, but also in the management of the city's traffic as a whole. These innovations represent an important step in Catania's digital transformation, improving the quality of life of its residents. This is transforming Catania into a model of a smart and connected city, where urban mobility is managed efficiently and innovatively.

From our members 

ATAC: new Mild Hybrid buses are in service. By July 118 means
The first Mild Hybrid buses have entered service, part of the new supply of 118 vehicles which will be delivered entirely to Atac, TTS Italia founding member, by the end of July. The purchase of the new vehicles was completed by ATAC through the Consip platform thanks to public funding from Rome and partly allocated by the Lazio Region, in application of a Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport decree.
All the new buses will be located in the Portonaccio garage, which serves both the central and peripheral lines, and will replace the old 3 euro vehicles. Technical characteristics. The new buses are Mercedes, Citaro model. These are Mild Hybrid vehicles that allow for savings in fuel consumption of up to around 8% compared to a traditional bus. They guarantee superior comfort for passengers, thanks also to the three doors, and greater safety for the driver, having a separate driver's cab. They accommodate 24 seated and 79 standing passengers and have a seat for people with motor disabilities. All are equipped with the new Tap&Go validators, for the immediate purchase of the ticket with a payment card, present on board the entire ATAC fleet. The purchase of the 118 new Mild Hybrid vehicles is only the first step of a wider journey which, through a purchase plan of over 1,000 buses over the next four years, will make it possible to offer users an increasingly "younger" and increasingly greener fleet. The average age of the bus fleet will in fact be 5 years already at the end of 2024, against the 10-year average value in the EU. An integral part of the renewal of the vehicle fleet is the purchase, with 292 million of Pnrr funds, of 411 electric buses, of which 109 will arrive by the end of 2024, which thanks to the zeroing of emissions and the conversion of 5 depots in the center city (Portonaccio, Tor Sapienza Trastevere and Grottarossa and Tuscolana), will contribute to making public transport in the capital increasingly sustainable.

Source: Ferpress

Autostrade per l'Italia, new experimentation of a system to support autonomous driving on the network
The network of Autostrade per l'Italia, TTS Italia founding member, is ready for a new phase of projects dedicated to autonomous driving. After the first 50 km of Intelligent Roads came into operation on the A1 between Florence South and Florence North and on the urban hub of Bologna, Aspi started testing a system that will allow the vehicle to communicate with the infrastructure while maintaining the same level of autonomous driving, even in the absence of a satellite signal. To date, two trials have already been carried out: both in a protected environment and in a motorway section, more precisely in the “Le Croci” tunnel, located between Calenzano and Barberino, a tunnel currently closed for the redevelopment of the section. In July the tests will continue on the A8 and on the A26 with the first experimentation of autonomous driving on a stretch open to traffic. The Intelligent Roads projects are part of the "Mercury" Program, in which all the Group companies are involved in the construction and implementation of the plan dedicated to innovation. The goal is to guarantee safer infrastructures and participate as protagonists in the revolution that decarbonisation, digitalisation and new transport services are bringing to all mobility systems. A journey without interruptions. Movyon, the ASPI Group's research and innovation center and leader in the development and integration of Intelligent Transport Systems solutions, is at the forefront of the implementation of technologies that allow the infrastructure to support autonomous driving. Together with the Politecnico di Milano, it has devised and tested a technology which, based on wireless communication between the vehicle and the RSU (Roadside Unit) antennas already distributed along the network, allows the car to receive information useful for precise positioning and to maintain constant level of automation along the way. During the tests, the potential ability of the car, suitably set up and supported by the infrastructure, to proceed without the intervention of the driver was verified, thus being able to maintain Level 3 autonomous driving (*) even in tunnels, or in any case in the absence of satellite signal. “The road transport sector – says the CEO of Autostrade per l'Italia Roberto Tomasi – is going through a phase of transformation and innovation characterized by numerous evolving trends: the electrification of vehicles, new services digital mobility, connectivity and autonomous driving. With cutting-edge experiments we look to the future and become protagonists of change with the aim of making our infrastructure increasingly safe, innovative and connected. Thanks to the Mercury programme, we support the development of self-driving vehicles, working on the continuous improvement of reliability and safety levels". "With our innovation, we want to give an active role to the road operator to favor what will be a great revolution in mobility ”, declares Lorenzo Rossi, CEO of Movyon. “We are experimenting with new solutions that support self-driving vehicles through the development and integration of advanced technologies and the use of communication devices already installed along the motorway network. It is in fact the infrastructure which, equipped with sensors and monitoring systems for traffic and safety management, has a complete and always up-to-date vision of the road network and can integrate or redundant the technological capabilities that vehicles are acquiring, increasing their levels of reliability and promoting its diffusion”.Because it is essential to develop the infrastructure. Thanks to the use of C-ITS systems it is possible to guarantee the continuous exchange of data between the vehicles and the infrastructure. In this way, cars can communicate with each other (V2V or Vehicle to Vehicle) and with the motorway site (V2I or Vehicle to Infrastructure) to increase safety and traffic flow. In the near future, the development of infrastructure will be essential to make autonomous driving even more performing, efficient, safe and comfortable. The vehicles will be able to communicate with the infrastructure thanks to the technological innovation that Movyon is bringing to the motorway network and which one day could also be extended to urban centres. The digitization of the road network will make it possible to overcome the phase in which the vehicle autonomously collects data only thanks to its sensors and will therefore allow the vehicle to receive more information, even in the presence of conditions of poor visibility or obstacles.(*) The Level 3, according to SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standards, allows driving without human intervention in specific situations.

Source: Movyon

Brescia Verona Vicenza Padua motorway ESA4 programme: the evolution project of the A4 motorway from Brescia to Padua
An efficient, innovative and sustainable proposal, conceived through an articulated and fruitful dialogue with all the interested territories of the Lombardy and Veneto regions and which aims to anticipate and resolve future critical issues related to the saturation of one of the busiest motorway sections in Italy, the one between Brescia and Padua, which has always been a strategic road infrastructure for connections with Europe and an engine of development, not only industrial, of the entire North-East of Italy. In November 2021, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility confirmed to the Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova Spa concessionaire the need to prepare a feasibility analysis to evaluate possible interventions aimed at mitigating the effects of the increase in traffic on the section of the A4 under its responsibility. The continuous and fruitful dialogue between the grantor and the concessionaire has led to the elaboration of an overall strategy for the development and development of the A4 Brescia-Padua motorway, through the elaboration of the "Feasibility Document of Design Alternatives" (acronym DOCFAP), which evaluates jointly the needs of the community, the service levels and traffic conditions together with the possible and effective modal and route alternatives, and which will be presented to the competent Ministry at the end of June 2023. The starting point of the document is the assumption that the motorway section between Brescia and Padua, over 146.1 km long, and which insists on an area of about 5 million inhabitants, is the only one still served by 3 lanes in each direction, if one takes into consideration the several variant sections of the A4 motorway between Milan and Venice (such as the Bre.Be.Mi and the Passante di Mestre). From the initial discussions with the Ministry, the A4 motorway in this section has reached pre-pandemic traffic levels , totaling just under 90,000 average daily theoretical vehicles (data referring to the year 2022) of which 30% are heavy vehicles and now presenting congestion phenomena for long stretches of the day, with a consequent decline in transport service levels, called LOS.I LOS qualitatively measure the operating conditions of the traffic flow on the motorway and are determined by the ratio between the amount of traffic circulating and the available lanes. When the traffic becomes too high for the available lanes, there is a decline in the vehicular outflow with low travel speeds, queuing and stop and go, increased travel times and inadequate driving comfort. The works planned or under construction in the area (such as the completion of the Pedemontana Veneta highway or the third lane on the A22 between Modena and Bolzano, or the new high-speed railway line between Milan and Venice), even when they come into operation, they are not and will not be able to subtract the traffic necessary to significantly reduce congestion phenomena, also considering a modal shift (road - iron) with the High Railway Capacity equal to 10%. In fact, the projections made to 2040 show a further growth in the level of traffic of 6 .5%, exceeding 95,000 average daily theoretical vehicles, which will lead to a further decline in LOS. Hence the need to arrive at a unitary and decisive design idea in the long term, capable of harmonizing the different needs of travelers with those of those who live and work in the territories intersected by the motorway axis. To do it in the best possible way, Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova Spa has developed and launched, for the first time in Italy, a new method of sharing and dialogue with stakeholders and institutions in the Veneto and Lombardy regions, collecting critical issues and advice, information and suggestions for analyze first and then design the best solution for the A4 for the next few decades. An innovative model of stakeholder engagement was thus prepared, which in 2022 produced over thirty targeted interviews and five public discussion tables on a provincial basis: activities in which involving almost 250 entities including administrations, territorial bodies, associations and economic realities of Veneto and Lombardy, and which is now preparing to enter its third phase. This dialogical relationship with the stakeholders led to the subsequent and composite step of analysis of the specificities of the territories involved which was divided into environmental, settlement, infrastructural, landscape, geological and geotechnical studies, as well as in-depth hydrogeological and seismic studies. thus to the solution called ESA4 (acronym for Sustainable Evolution of the A4 motorway between Brescia and Padua), which in the DOCFAP sums up all the different objectives of technical performance, sustainability, process, design and management. The ESA4 project rationalizes the interventions infrastructural, providing for the construction of the fourth motorway lane on the A4, in the section between the Brescia Est toll booth and the Mestre bypass. The upgrading of the remaining part of the motorway corridor, which corresponds to the Brescia urban section of the A4, is proposed to be carried out "off site" with respect to the historic route of the motorway, through the upgrading of the Brescia Est motorway junction up to the locality of Fascia d' Oro, with connection and continuity to the Ospitaletto – Montichiari motorway junction (called Corda Molle).ESA4 is the efficient design hypothesis that will be able to optimally manage the expected traffic flows, to further improve the safety standards for travelers , to facilitate and implement the connection between the territories. Thanks to the adoption of innovative smart mobility technologies, it will be able to better face the challenges of future mobility, while also simultaneously integrating all aspects of sustainability and mitigation of environmental impacts. A new sustainable and resilient infrastructure model, which will be able to harmonize with the needs of the ordinary viability of the provinces involved in the route and which will allow the development strategy of the territories it crosses to continue. The transport analyzes carried out show how ESA4 is able to guarantee good transport service performance levels in the long term (medium-high LOS), with full recovery of system functionality even in the hypothesis of greater growth in demand. Furthermore, the cost-benefit analysis has shown that the benefits of the ESA4 project are over two times higher than the budgeted costs (the expected investment is estimated at 3.5 billion euros) and that the construction of the work is economically sustainable. implementation of ten years.Considering the imminent presentation to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of the feasibility document of the ESA4 project, a supra-regional seminar was already held today at the headquarters of A4 Holding for discussion between the heads of the regional, provincial and municipal administrations and economic and environmental associations, to present the results of the studies and analyzes carried out, following the collection of needs by the local administrations and stakeholders. The second phase of dialogue with the territories will open after summer 2023 , with the aim of collecting, analyzing and sharing indications and suggestions that are able to further improve the project and make it even more responsive to the needs of the interested realities. Finally, to further support and enrich this phase of continuous dialogue with the stakeholders, Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova Spa has equipped itself with a specific Arup Engage virtual platform called "ESA4", which will allow interested parties to access information, view maps and project drawings, navigate between videos and GIS systems and share feedback from anywhere at any time.

Source: A4 Holding

CIRCLE Group and 21 other European partners win the eFTI4EU project for a total value of €28.3 million
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”) – Group specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the digitization of the port sector and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on Green Deal and energy transition issues led by Circle S.p.A., listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market of Borsa Italiana, and TTS Italia ordinary member – was awarded the eFTI4EU project which will support 9 European countries in the implementation of EU Regulation 2020/1056 relating to electronic information on freight transport (“eFTI Regulation”). Funded Under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF2) program for an amount of €28.3 million and a duration of 36 months, the eFTI4EU project brings together 22 partners from 9 different Member States (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal) and Italy also sees the participation and coordination of MIT and RAM.
The objective of eFTI4EU, which is worth €562,500 for CIRCLE, is to create a unified approach and to implement a reference architecture for transport and logistics data exchange which will be tested through a series of case studies in all 9 Member States.
The eFTI Regulation addresses the need to create an efficient logistics network by facilitating the digitization of freight transport through the sharing of information in electronic format between private operators and public administrations.
This will make it possible to contribute to reducing costs and increasing the efficiency and sustainability of freight transport, thus strengthening the economic growth and competitiveness of the European Union and improving the functioning of the internal market and the social and economic cohesion of all regions. “EFTI4EU represents the perfect complement to the work we have already been doing since 2021 by supporting the European Commission for the development of the Regulation on the electronic transport document, being able in this case to support 9 European countries towards a harmonized approach to the legislation to be validated also through various pilot projects nationally and internationally” comments Alexio Picco, Managing Director of CIRCLE Group.

Source: CIRCLE Group

CIRCLE Group: Magellan Circle launches new Fast Track to Innovation service to support Ports in their transition to “Energy Communities”
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”) – Group specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the digitization of the port sector and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on Green Deal and energy transition issues, and TTS Italia ordinary member – launches through Magellan Circle the new Fast Track to Innovation service for Energy Communities in Ports. The service was created in response to the need of the port market to take advantage of national and European funding opportunities for the transformation of ports into Renewable Energy Communities (“CER”), as per the EU RED II and IEM Directives, transposed by the Italian legislator through the laws L.91/2022 and L.14/2023 (conversion of the Aid Decree and Milleproroghe).
With the Fast Track to Innovation service, Magellan Circle will make available its twenty years of experience in European consultancy related to transport, logistics, mobility, environment and circular economy and its expertise in identifying strategic and investment plans that can benefit from financing on national and European measures, acting as the only interlocutor able to select the best scenarios and development paths. Alexio Picco, General Manager of CIRCLE Group and President of Magellan Circle comments: "With this new service we want to support the System Authorities in the challenge of building and managing their own energy communities together with the actors that revolve around the port community". Among the most energy-intensive infrastructures, ports occupy a central role in the strategies and processes for the green transition and can favor the production, storage and the use of green energy to meet the energy needs of the entire port cluster (port companies, port companies, agencies, technical-nautical services, shipowners, Coast Guard, etc.) and inland areas.

Source: CIRCLE Group

Green Mobility and Smart Cities: the call for start-ups for an acceleration program has been launched
From September 2023 to December 2023, as part of the Invitalia Bravo Innovation Hub program, aimed at stimulating innovation in the South Italy, a vertical acceleration program will be implemented in Cagliari on the themes of Green mobility and Smart Cities.
The program provides structured support, provided by Nana Bianca, Apply Consulting, StartupItalia and the collaboration of GreenShare, TTS Italia ordinary member, consisting of capacity building, strategic advisory, mentoring, matching with corporates and companies in the sector and interaction with professional investors operating throughout Italy.
Startups proposing innovative solutions to revolutionize the mobility and management of cities and meeting the requirements of the call for startups can participate in the program.
Businesses and corporates operating in the Green Mobility and Smart Cities sectors interested in seizing the opportunity to connect to the program with a view to open innovation, will be able to get to know the startups closely and scout for innovative solutions and technologies from the same proposals.

Source: GreenShare

Logistics: primary airport operator relies on CIRCLE to develop multimodal digital services
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”) – Group specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the digitization of the port sector and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on Green Deal and energy transition issues led by Circle S.p.A., listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market of Borsa Italiana, and TTS Italia ordinary member – was selected by a leading European operator to support the development of innovative digital airport, multimodal and customs services. Strengthened by its experience in advanced cargo and customs manifests , of Import, Transit and Export procedures, of Fast Corridors (about 30 have already been activated by CIRCLE over the years, in addition to the pilot projects of International Fast & Secure Trade Lanes which have involved 4 different countries and involved 10 ports and 4 companies of navigation), as well as having contributed to the implementation of the first S.U.DO.CO project in Italy, CIRCLE Group will support the Customer for the 9-month duration of the contract, the value of which exceeds € 130,000.“Thanks to the union of airport, multimodal and customs procedures it will be possible to improve the process of transferring incoming and outgoing goods, allowing the owner or person in charge of the goods and their shipping, logistics and transport partners to transfer the latter in a simplified, efficient and optimized way – explains Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE – Multimodal customs procedures thus become even more flexible and efficiency and real-time tracking a daily reality". The new contract and project constitute a further advance within the Connect roadmap 4 Agile Growth which aims to connect all the Supply Chain stakeholders in a digital, green and federative logic.

Source: CIRCLE Group

Mobility, rental and telematics: the results of the survey by the Feet&Mobility Study Center for Targa Telematics
On the occasion of the event: "La Capitale Automobile corporate", the appointment that brings together the protagonists of the automotive sector in Rome, Targa Telematics, a tech-company specializing in the development of IoT solutions and digital platforms for connected mobility and TTS Italia founding partner, presented the data of the survey commissioned to the Fleet&Mobility Study Center on the theme: "Mobility, rental & telematics".
The survey, which involved over 140 industry professionals, representatives of car manufacturers, long and short-term rental operators, sector service operators, such as finance and insurance companies, as well as car dealers, investigated how the telematics is perceived by those who offer mobility services, in particular by renters.
Compared to the market, the data shows that the interviewees are aware that this is evolving, so much so that 70% think that in the near future rental operators will provide both exclusive and shared mobility services, effectively expanding their offer for satisfy all types of requests.
An expansion of the offer that requires an important paradigm shift due to the intrinsic differences of the different types of exclusive and shared mobility services, which emerge above all with regard to the contact points that need to be located throughout the territory and the organizational processes: the relative differences the first aspect have a significant weight for 72% of respondents, those of the second for 64%. Financial capacity also impacts on the drive to expand one's business, albeit to a lesser extent: 48% of those interviewed believe that the financial capacity of those who offer mobility in shared and occasional mode compared to those who offer it exclusively and continuously is " completely different”, while it is “slightly different” for 35% of them.
Telematics can play a crucial role in concretely supporting the transition which, in particular, a long-term rental operator is called upon to make in order to continue to remain competitive on the market.
While car sharing is accessed through an app, on the contrary, short-term rental involves passing through a rental station. According to 43% of the respondents, this difference is due to a technology and process lag. In this regard, 86% of respondents believe that telematics can facilitate the provision of short-term rentals without the physical passage, speeding up the service.
With particular reference to telematics services for vehicle data management and travel, 50% of respondents believe that these are essential for long-term rental; a percentage that even rises to 77% if considered in relation to short-term rental and to 70% for car sharing.
“The data from the survey confirm how telematics can be the technological enabler to allow rental operators to expand their offer” commented Massimiliano Balbo di Vinadio, Vice President Sales Large Account of Targa Telematics. “For over twenty years, Targa Telematics has been committed to supporting its customers in their digital transformation by co-creating tailor-made solutions for specific telematics-based needs. In addition to ensuring better use of the asset and optimization of operating processes, this enables the transition to new forms of mobility that are appearing on the market, such as pay per use. Furthermore, from our observatory, we see that many long-term rental operators are further expanding their offer by activating, for example, corporate car sharing solutions for their customers with the consequent need for different solutions than those typical of the sector. The boundaries between market operators are becoming increasingly thinner with increasingly overlapping needs, in which our experience in the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility can play a crucial role".

Source: Targa Telematics

OCTO Connected Forum 2023: a dashboard to measure the sustainability of mobility in urban centres
Everything is ready to roll for the OCTO Connected Forum, Italy’s main event on connected and sustainable mobility and one of the most important in the world. On the 13th of October, in Rome, OCTO Telematics, TTS Italia ordinary member, and The European House - Ambrosetti will present the third instalment of the Connected Mobility 2025 Strategic Study on Connected and Sustainable Mobility as well as an important innovation: the Sustainable Mobility Dashboard (SMD). The SMD is a governance tool created in collaboration with businesses and public administrations, which will help municipalities in measuring the sustainability of mobility in urban centres.
OCTO and The European House - Ambrosetti have been working together for three years on the initiative called “The Italian Way to Connected Mobility”, with the goal of promoting a new model of Mobility, one which sees the digitalisation of mobility systems as an essential element in the development of Smart Cities, with a particular focus on issues of environmental sustainability (reducing emissions) and social sustainability (accessibility, inclusivity and well-being).
In order to bring the project’s vision to fruition and spark a discussion on the development of urban mobility, it is essential to maintain an open dialogue with public administrations. With this in mind, the next forum will be preceded by a series of countrywide roadshows to meet with the main representatives of regional and local public administrations, local public transport leaders, as well as local businesses, research institutions and universities, known to foster innovation.
The roadshows will ensure the needs of administrations are taken into account in finalising the “Sustainable Mobility Dashboard”, which is designed to measure and assess the performance of a city’s mobility in terms of sustainability. Based on ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) criteria and in line with OCTO’s Vision Zero, a vision of mobility with zero crashes, pollution or congestion. The new governance tool available to administrations will serve the purpose of promoting a model of growth capable of combining economic development and sustainability.
OCTO and The European House – Ambrosetti firmly believe that the development of the cities of the future must take an approach that focuses on ESG sustainability:
• -  Environmental: Helping to reduce the environmental impact of cities, by adopting all available solutions in accordance with the principle of technological neutrality and by intervening on different aspects of urban ecosystems (mobility, construction, infrastructure, resource management, data, etc.);
• -  Social: Developing an inclusive and cohesive urban system for all the city’s social and cultural groups, addressing their different needs and improving their quality of life;
- Governance: Creating an “innovation-driven” ecosystem which facilitates relationships between the different stakeholders in the city (both public and private) and defining mechanisms for monitoring the development of the city from a broad perspective.
Over the next 10 years, the number of megacities in the world — cities with over 10 million inhabitants — will multiply by 10, while the proportion of the population living in urban areas will rise from 50% to over 66%. In Italy, there are seven metropolitan cities which are home to over one-third of their respective regional populations. However, it is essential to bear in mind that 84.8% of the Italian population live in small-medium sized cities which are also cultural centres and popular tourist destinations. Therefore, it is important to draw up plans for them which integrate urban and extra-urban mobility, with an approach based not on the geography of the territory, but which sees the cities as extensive, interconnected areas defined by their “demand” for mobility.
In order to understand the role of connected technologies and of Connected Mobility in particular in paving the way for a new model of sustainable urban development, an analysis of the academic literature based on over 41,000 scientific papers has been carried out. It confirmed the central role of data, connectivity and mobility systems as essential in enabling the Smart City. Moreover, 165 international case studies have been mapped (in relation to Smart Cities) with the aim of learning more about the opportunities linked to Connected Mobility and the actions of public decision-makers in orchestrating and governing the mobility ecosystem.
The initiative is led by an Advisory Board consisting of Nicola Veratelli (CEO of the OCTO Group), Valerio De Molli (CEO & Managing Partner of The European House – Ambrosetti), and a scientific committee which includes Enrico Giovannini (Scientific Director of ASVIS; former Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility and former President of Istat) and Giorgio Ventre (Professor of Information Processing Systems at the University of Naples Federico II and Scientific Director of the Apple Developer Academy). The Advisory Board will be responsible for providing guidelines for the task, fostering innovative ideas, checking the state of progress, encouraging the development of relationships relevant to the project and acting as an advocate for the various proposals.
As useful tools for guiding the strategic decisions of policy-makers (governments, European institutions, etc.), the Strategic Study and the Sustainable Mobility Dashboard will be made available to all relevant stakeholders in the mobility ecosystem.

Source: OCTO Telematics

Pin Bike and MaaS
The launch of the pilot activities of REACTIVITY, the European project funded by EIT Urban Mobility (the European Institute of Technology for Urban Mobility) which will test the new platform of Pin Bike, TTS Italia ordinary member, for sustainable urban mobility is just around the corner starting from July 2023 in Braga (PT) and Lecce. In line with the objectives of the European Union urban mobility framework, which plans to cut CO2 emissions by 90% by 2050, the new Pin Bike platform will certify all sustainable means of transport in urban areas: walking, micromobility (bike, scooter, skate, hoverboard, etc.), carpooling, public transport. Thanks to this development, Pin Bike will be able to expand the possibilities of its collection and data monitoring, gamification and support to cities and urban planners in the definition of data-based interventions, strategies and financing. What's more: Pin Bike will be able to easily integrate into MaaS platforms as a plugin for monitoring active private mobility, as well as shared micro-mobility (bike sharing and scooter sharing). The gamification platform will be able to integrate with all MaaS platforms and with sales platforms of e-tickets already present in the area. In this way, when a travel document is activated, GPS tracking of individual users who have joined the initiative through the gamification app via server-to-server integration will begin. The gamification app represents an incentive for users to share their travel data. In fact, MaaS applications are not sufficient tools by themselves to change travel habits, especially in a country like Italy characterized by high rates of private car ownership and use. Unlike other gamification apps on the market that base tracking on the self-declaration of the means of transport or on simple logics based on speed limits, the proposed system will certify the trips made in LPT thanks to an integration with electronic ticket resellers (such as MaaS platforms) already present on the territory that will initiate GPS tracking following the activation of a travel document. The same logic will be applied for sharing micro-mobility services. Furthermore, gamification will not be limited to the mere accumulation of points in the app, as citizens will be able to redeem cheap vouchers in the form of vouchers to spend in local businesses, which they will gain visibility on a platform with millions of potential customers. In this way a virtuous circle will be implemented between the adoption of sustainable mobility and the promotion of proximity trade. The presence of real economic rewards to spend in local commercial activities will guarantee a sufficient incentive to involve users in adopting sustainable mobility and in sharing their journeys. The gamification platform integrates a notification system for public utility with geolocation and support textual and photographic, especially relating to architectural barriers and infrastructural disservices (potholes, illegal occupation of cycle paths, damaged road signs, etc.). Cities can also administer surveys and questionnaires to evaluate the qualitative impact of the available services.

Source: Pin Bike

Service Vill selects Targa Telematics to manage its Chauffer Service fleet
Service Vill, a chauffeur-driven car rental company operating in Italy and Switzerland, has chosen Targa Telematics, a tech-company specialized in the development of IoT solutions and digital platforms and TTS Italia founding member, to monitor its large fleet, consisting of several models of luxury and high-end cars used to provide reliable and tailored logistics services to its customers.
The digital Fleet Management platform developed by Targa Telematics allows the entire Service Vill fleet to be managed and monitored, helping to achieve their three main objectives: greater control of costs, increased operational efficiency, and improved safety for drivers and vehicles, supported by Targa Telematics’ network of 24/7 Control Rooms.
Targa Telematics utilizes information from connected vehicles, ingesting and normalizing data from the data stream of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) supplied devices. The normalization process aims to make data uniform, consistent and usable, thereby improving information management, analysis and integration. Through this innovation, Targa Telematics enables numerous services for mobility operators and provides an important step forward for customers such as Service Vill, which can digitize their fleets quickly, accessing native data provided by car makers. This leads to economic and operational benefits for Service Vill, and provides a competitive advantage to Targa Telematics, thanks to its partnerships with major vehicle manufacturers, such as Stellantis, Mercedes Connectivity, BMW and MINI, and most recently Ford, to integrate their data streams into its platform. Targa Telematics' platform provides Service Vill with consistent information and a complete fleet view from a single dashboard, regardless of car make and model. It also simplifies commercial and legal issues related to the variety of data acquisition.
All this is made possible by Targa Telematics' established experience in managing large fleets, such as those owned and operated by rental companies, which include a variety of different vehicle brands and models. Furthermore, Targa Telematics' platform also integrates cars equipped with post-production installed devices in order to provide fleet managers with a complete and simplified view of their assets.
“Our main focus is building digital platforms for connected cars, collecting, integrating and analyzing data from cars from any car manufacturer”, commented Alberto Falcione, VP Sales of Targa Telematics. “The goal is to simplify and accelerate customer adoption of our technologies, regardless of whether the data comes from OEM or after-market solutions”.
“We relied on Targa Telematics for its extensive experience in the field”, added Paolo Valsecchi, CEO of Service Vill. “Having a large fleet and managing customers mainly related to business travel, speed of response is a big advantage over competitors. Constantly monitoring the fleet helps the operations department satisfy the most demanding customers with an immediate response".

Source: Targa Telematics

Telematics for fish transport: the technological revenge of Eurofish thanks to Geotab
Geotab – global leader in the field of technology for connected vehicles and TTS Italia ordinary member, has supported Eurofish – a Campania fishing company, in optimizing the management of its fleet of light vehicles and heavy vehicles. Geotab's telematics solution has allowed the company to monitor its fleet with positive consequences on route management and vehicle maintenance. At the same time, it was possible to improve the operational plan and the management of the drivers thanks to the automatic identification using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. Eurofish achieved savings in terms of both costs (-8% on the expense for replacement vehicles ) and time (each driver saves 15-20 minutes in the daily routine). Not only that: the company has been able to benefit from greater flexibility, so as to maintain a high quality of service and remain a point of reference at a local level. The company boasts over 50 years of experience in the fish sector: with a strong family , has grown to expand abroad with the opening of a second office in Roquetas de Mar, southern Spain. In the food sector, monitor movements throughout the entire supply chain and safeguard compliance with food safety standards it is essential to guarantee the freshness of the products. Furthermore, the growing complexities also linked to the diffusion of e-commerce have placed Eurofish faced with the need to improve the organization and management of the 55 vehicles in its fleet. After an initial experience in 2018 with an old generation telematics solution with generic functions, such as vehicle tracking and fuel level monitoring in the tank using analog probes, Eurofish therefore went looking for a complete fleet management solution, which would allow it to manage the business all-round: from the supply chain to logistics, from consumption monitoring to maintenance management. Collaboration with an authorized Geotab partner has allowed the company to obtain a tailor-made service suited to its needs. In fact, the proposed technological solution stood out for being scalable, integrable and based on open standards, therefore accessible and collaborative. “When we came into contact with the functions offered by Geotab, we understood that it was the right solution for our operational as well as with respect to the needs related to deadlines, costs and maintenance", explained Giorgio Parisi, Chief Financial Officer of Eurofish. In particular, in line with the typical approach of the logistics sector and the trade of fish products, Geotab has gone beyond the simple GPS tracking of the fleet, providing a wide range of information and data that allow to maintain excellence in the service, while guaranteeing speed, transparency and security. The implementation of the Geotab telematics platform has brought fleet management of Eurofish to a higher level, improving the experience of both fleet managers and drivers. Fleet monitoring has brought immediate benefits, including the optimization of travel routes based on the daily schedule and accident situations, which is it is now possible to better manage thanks to the sending of alternative indications. Furthermore, the continuous and constant tracking of the vehicle status has a positive effect also in terms of maintenance: Eurofish is now able to schedule interventions throughout the year, optimizing the technical downtime and reducing annual rental costs by 8% in reference to vehicles taken to replace vehicles stopped in the workshop. Among the further advantages highlighted by the company, the possibility of having a dynamic and customizable platform: for example, it is It is possible to create customized reports, which can be easily viewed, exported in Excel formats and notified via email or via digital alerts. Fleet managers can thus enjoy a clear and precise overview of the data of greatest interest to them, essential for the daily management of the commercial activity.

Source: Geotab

To Trafficlab the monitoring of the PUMS and the PCSS of the Municipality of Pescara
Trafficlab, TTS Italia ordinary member, has been entrusted with the monitoring of the implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PUMS) and the Municipal Road Safety Plan (PCSS) of Pescara for the next three years. The PCSS, as a sectoral instrument of the SUMP, plays a preponderant role in the orientation and planning of the improvement of road safety at the municipal level. The task assigned to Trafficlab involves various essential stages, including the implementation of the management software, staff training, and surveillance of the PCSS and the PUMS. To specify:
- Implementation of the management software for the benefit of the Municipality of Pescara, with the activation of functions in support of the Internal Area (for the use of municipal staff) and the External Area (for the use of the public) of the Platform.
- Maintenance, assistance and updating of software and hardware.
- Training of designated internal personnel for the use of the PCSS and PUMS monitoring platform.
- Supervision of the PCSS and the PUMS, which includes the recovery of data relating to road accidents and their geolocation, the revision/update of the municipal road register (and related surveys), the classification of roads/intersections in relation to accidents, the updating of data relating to interventions on infrastructure and "Traffic Calming", the analysis of transport demand and the vehicle flow survey campaign, updating of data relating to infrastructure inspections and the planning and execution of inspections.
- Surveillance of PUMS based on environmental monitoring indicators and plan policy monitoring indicators.
- Creation of a multi-criteria analysis procedure for the identification of the priority interventions to be carried out on the infrastructures to increase road safety.
For Andrea Marella, founder of Trafficlab, “Trafficlab's contribution to this project is essential. The experience and skills we have acquired over the years allow us to use advanced techniques, such as computer vision and artificial intelligence, to collect accurate and reliable data. In particular, for this project we will use our Wetraffic platform, with the implementation of the data analysis module (based on the video streams captured by the video cameras and the floating car data of the connected cars) and the Safety Manager module, specific for the of road accidents. These technologies allow us to analyze traffic images in real time, identifying patterns and trends that can help improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. The data collected will be essential to monitor the effectiveness of the measures adopted under the SUMP and the PCSS and to plan further future interventions.”

Source: Trafficlab

Our activities

Smart City Expo&World Congress: registrations are open for the Spanish event
The Smart City Expo & World Congress is back again this year in Barcelona and online, from 7 to 9 November 2023, with TTS Italia among the Institutional Partners. The event, born in 2011, is among the largest in the innovation sector urban. The ultimate goal is to act as a connector between leaders of companies, governments and various organizations to lead cities towards a better future. The motto of this new edition is "Welcome to the new urban era": a new paradigm is redesigning urban planning, and collaboration, ethical technology, the common good, environmental sensitivity as well as the real needs of people are at the center of all agendas. The Congress also co-hosts Tomorrow Mobility, the platform for smart and sustainable urban mobility. Registration for the event is already open! And, only for TTS Italia members, there are discounted rates/free entrances.

For more details on the event, visit

ITS funding: the TTS Italia webinar
On 24 May, open to TTS Italia members only, the update webinar of the Working Group (WG) "Financing for the digitization of transport" was held, which produced, in October 2021.
The objective of the WG, coordinated by Fabio Nussio, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, is to promote the knowledge and availability of European and national funds on the topic of smart mobility; create the conditions to make the most of their use; make proposals to resolve critical issues.
The May webinar, in particular, focused on new opportunities from MIMIT and Europe, with hints at the new European transport policy, as well as the PNRR and MaaS4Italy.

Logistics: the solutions of the FENIX project. The TTS Italia article on Strade&Autostrade
The collaboration between TTS Italia and the Strade&Autostrade magazine continues.
In this new article, we talk about FENIX (A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics), a 48-month project that started in April 2019 and which involved 45 beneficiaries, including the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (Directorate Road Safety, Div 4 CCISS, ITS).
TTS Italia participated in the project as MIT's own implementing body to coordinate the national activities carried out by the other 22 implementing bodies, including the Bari Polytechnic, leader of the Trieste pilot, and the Universities of Modena and Reggio Emilia/ICOOR, leader of the national pilot Rhine-Alps.
And they themselves tell us about the concrete solutions developed within the project.

Read the article (available in Italian) here.

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Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.