The Councilor for Mobility of Roma Capitale, Eugenio Patanè: "We work on a single MaaS for the country, our project is a piece of the strategy for sustainable mobility in the city and the fight against private cars"
It will not be a metropolitan MaaS, a prototype of Mobility as a Service that stops at the entrance to the Grande Raccordo Anulare (Gra) in Rome. But just like in the acronym of the program launched by the National Recovery and Resistance Plan, it will be a MaaS4Italy, a national service that proposes itself as the final recipient the country, the Italian citizens. And which is already today a piece of the overall strategy that Rome is developing against the use of private cars and to encourage the use of public transport, bicycles, sharing mobility and the so-called soft mobility. feet. While preparing the Jubilee of 2025. Thus, the Councilor for mobility of the Municipality of Rome, Eugenio Patanè in this interview with TTS Italia.

Patanè is convinced of this and repeats it every time he has the opportunity to tell the path taken after winning the first tender published by the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility and by the Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition. Like the Municipality of Milan and the Municipality of Naples, which with Rome gained the podium. "We are really happy to be among the top three winners - comments the Councilor immediately -. MaaS4Italy takes its first steps in the three main and populous cities of the North, Center and South, which constitute a very important critical mass. Together with honor, however, comes responsibility: we represent the country and we must coordinate actions, achieve the objectives set by the project and allow all Italians to take advantage of this fundamental innovation that will allow them to move better, to choose between different solutions. of travel, slower or faster, and to pay for the entire door-to-door movement with a single operation".
The Councilor for Mobility of Rome fears parochialism and leaps forward, which would make this first experiment partial and less effective. “We must avoid that the MaaS - Patanè reiterates - results in a fragmentation of the national territory, in the multiplication of platforms. Let someone take the box and run away. We strongly support the line of action indicated by the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, we believe it is right, it must be followed: we work side by side, we feel the responsibility of being the capital of the country ".
Capital where between 700 thousand and 800 thousand people enter every day for work and for various activities. “Precisely for this reason I argue that we cannot close ourselves inside the Gra. Those who enter the city do not come only from the metropolitan area, they move from all over the region and beyond, from Campania, Abruzzo, Umbria and Tuscany, I am thinking of nursing cooperatives, teachers, employees of the Ministries and High Court officials. They arrive from Perugia and Terni, from Caserta and L’Aquila, with regional trains and high-speed trains from Florence and Naples. We are the capital of the country and the world capital of Christianity, a broad horizon is a must, a national strategic choice".
A single national MaaS, therefore. "Yes, we are inside that flow - confirms the Councilor of Rome -. And perfectly aligned with the idea that starting from this single national MaaS, from this shared and interoperable platform, the market will be open and different operators will enter. For our part, we have identified Roma Servizi per la Mobilità as the so-called MaaS Integrator and Atac as the MaaS operator but we are aware that it will not be the only one. Others must be able to do so, with integrated ticketing that allows you to pay for the entire trip".
How many resources can you rely on? “We reach almost 10 million because to the 2 and a half million that the tender has awarded us, as a Municipality we have added another million European funds. We are also participating in the second call from the Ministry, this time for the Living Lab, to start testing technological innovations here too, such as autonomous driving on the road integrated with MaaS."
MaaS which is only one of the pieces of the overall strategy for the mobility of people and goods and policies to combat the use of private cars that the new Giunta di Roma Capitale and the Mobility Department are developing. “In the city there are more cars than driving licenses, compared to 1.7 million cars we register 1.5 million driving licenses. Over half of the vehicles, about a million stop on the street. An unsustainable situation - confirms the Councilor -. We work on three lines of action: make entry bans into low emission zones effective, reshape the parking rate and return physical space to public transport, bicycles and pedestrians".
Let's start with the first. "It is necessary to implement the prohibitions that already exist and are not respected: the only way is to install electronic control gates. We work in three bands with concentric centers: the largest is the green band, which is located between the Gra and the railway ring; the railway ring, which we call the ZTL -VAM area (motor vehicles) and the Ztl Centro Storico introduced in 1993, which however covers just 0.4% of the municipal area and is now largely insufficient. We have finished installing the gates in the LTZ-VAM and by 2023 we will complete the green belt. We absolutely must reduce the number of vehicles in circulation in the city and in particular the most polluting ones”.
Then pay parking and public space. "We will reshape the tariff parking - explains Patanè -, with higher hourly costs for the areas of greatest value and traffic and lower in the other areas and we will remove the possibility of parking the whole day by paying 4 hours to guarantee the rotation of vehicles. The number of stalls will rise from the current 70 thousand to 100 thousand. And we will subtract public space from the private car to return it to public transport, trams, trolley buses and buses with new dedicated lanes, bicycles, micro-mobility and pedestrians. For the sake of completeness, I would add that we continue not to give up our grip on the Italian railway network so that it finally closes the railway ring so as to have a regional and metropolitan train service at the level of the capital".
Last but not least, sharing mobility, which is being reorganized. "The council should issue the guidelines at the end of June and publish the new public notice in July since the authorizations in force all expire on December 31 of this year. We intend to reduce the number of scooter operators from 7 to 3 and bicycles from 6 to 3, together with the means available, from 14 thousand to 9 thousand scooters and from 12,500 to 9 thousand bicycles. We are working on a new type of contractual authorization with the introduction of penalties, with services extended to the entire Roman territory and distributed over three free floating bands, for a duration of three years. As a last mile supplement to public transport”.
Let's close by returning to MaaS, what are the implementation times? “We intend to start testing as soon as possible, if possible by the end of the year or at the latest at the beginning of 2023. We start with a thousand users and then extend the service to all citizens. Atac already has its own app but we don't want to throw our hearts over the obstacle. As I said, this project must have a national significance: Rome has no doubts".
Who is Eugenio Patanè. Mobility Councilor. 49 years old, lawyer. In March 2018, for the second consecutive legislature, he was elected regional councilor of Lazio in the lists of the Democratic Party and was President of the Infrastructure, Public Works, Mobility and Transport commission. From 2006 to 2008 he was a city councilor of Rome, from 2007 he held the position of head of the Mobility Department of the Democratic Party Lazio and in 2010 he was elected president of the PD Rome. From 2002 to 2005 he collaborated with the Department of Mobility Policies of the Municipality of Rome and was President of the Advisory Commission of the offline public service. |
Almaviva is synonymous with digital innovation. Consolidated experience, unique skills, continuous research and in-depth knowledge of the different market sectors, both public and private, make it the leading Italian Group in Information & Communication Technology. Almaviva guides the country's growth processes by taking up the challenge that enterprise realities must face in order to remain competitive in the age of Absolute Digital, innovating its business model, organization, corporate culture and ICT.
Almaviva's global network operates through 17 companies in 66 locations, with a major presence in Brazil, as well as in the United States, China, Colombia, Tunisia, Romania and Brussels, the nerve centre of the EU. With 45,000 employees, 10,000 in Italy and 35,000 abroad, Almaviva is the 5th largest Italian private group in terms of number of employees worldwide, with a turnover of EUR 891 million in 2020.
With a value proposition that enables the opportunities offered by the emerging paradigms of digital mobility, Almaviva is also a leader in Italy in the field of ICT applied to the Transport and Logistics sector and an increasingly significant player in the international market. Thanks to its exclusive skills in the railway sector, Almaviva's offer has been enriched with a new and complete mobility platform.

MOOVA is a technologically advanced Almaviva platform to meet the growing needs for the management of complex ecosystems, with constraints of operational efficiency, interoperability between multiple players and a strong orientation towards quality and flexibility of services.
Smart Road
Almaviva's collaboration with Anas resulted in the realization and testing of the IT Smart Road platform for the SS51 state highway and the A91 motorway. The platform allows real-time traffic management and monitoring through a large number of sensors and devices installed on roads and vehicles, enabling communication between infrastructure and vehicles and between vehicles themselves.

The user is at the center of a new travel experience characterized by safety, guaranteed by assisted driving, and timeliness, as critical situations, related to traffic, environment, weather and infrastructure conditions, are detected in real time.
Paolo Pisani, Almaviva's Industry Road Director

The Smart Road project of the moment involves the use of innovative technologies. What is the weight of technology in the process of digitalizing the road? What investments must companies prepare for?
The Anas Smart Road is the new concept of road mobility management and is linked to road infrastructure and everything that revolves around it. The standards required are increasingly challenging and the role of safety and environmental sustainability have become central. For these reasons, technology, innovation and experience, which enable us to realize state-of-the-art solutions, are bringing benefits that were unexpected only a decade ago. Vehicles are playing a key role, becoming increasingly intelligent, connected and cooperative as they integrate with the road infrastructure through the exchange of information between the RSU - Road Side Unit - field systems and the OBU - On Board Unit - devices in the vehicles themselves.
For traffic operators and road management bodies with an innovative vision and a willingness to participate in the creation of this new experience for road users, Almaviva proposes cutting-edge solutions and enables easy integration with technologies already present on road infrastructure (traffic light systems, video surveillance systems, variable message panels, etc.), preserving investments made in previous years and consolidating the use of existing assets. It is essential to innovate by integrating existing devices, vehicles and systems, and also simplifying their management.
How does communication take place between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure? And what distinguishes the Almaviva Road Solution?
The monitoring of road mobility, in real time, takes place thanks to the communication between the sensors and devices installed on the road section and the OBUs present on the vehicles themselves, through cooperative solutions. The users, therefore, through the C-ITS OBU installed on their vehicles, are alerted in real time (a few hundred milliseconds) to critical situations and emergencies, through applications based on short-range wi-fi networks (ITS-G5 and LTE-V) and mobile telephony, at long range. The main benefits of Almaviva's Smart Road solution are increased safety and travel comfort for the road user, but also improved road mobility management and environmental sustainability.
With respect to Smart Road solutions, we act as a one-stop-shop from design, to software for the management of ITS G5 and LTE-V channels, to the supply and installation of field ITS devices, from innovative sensor applications to Command and Control room applications, thanks to proprietary solutions and important partnerships with leading companies expert in the various skills.
The effectiveness and comprehensiveness of our technologically advanced solutions can be experienced first-hand in the Demo Centre at the Casal Boccone site in Rome, where we are ready to show you what it means to move and make move with MOOVA. |
Atac presents the first experimental Tap & Go bus with contactless reader
The first experimental Tap & Go bus comes with a contactless reader to pay for the ticket on board using payment cards. The vehicle is part of a project, currently being implemented with the collaboration of Mastercard, which will lead to equipping the entire surface fleet with contactless readers. the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ATAC, TTS Italia founding member, Giovanni Mottura, the General Manager of ATAC, Alberto Zorzan, the Vice President Business Development Italy of Mastercard, Luca Corti. The success of Tap & Go in metro convinced ATAC to develop the project extending it also to the surface service. The first “Bus Tap & Go” equipped with a contactless validator will be in service for the next 15 days on line 51, which crosses the historic center. ATAC staff will be on board to illustrate the initiative to passengers, assist them and evaluate their satisfaction. The experimental phase will allow to optimize the service and to test the devices in operation, therefore in real conditions. Starting from October 2022, Tap & Go will be gradually extended to the entire surface fleet. The operations will be completed by the end of the year. Rome is the first major Italian city and one of the first in Europe to offer the possibility to pay for travel tickets with credit, debit, prepaid and contactless devices on the entire transport network. The Tap & Go service records numbers in constant growth. Over 20% of the validated BITs on the meter are purchased with paper, with peaks of over 40,000 taps per day. Since the service was inaugurated in September 2019, over 11 million taps have been made. Tap & Go was launched by ATAC in collaboration with Mastercard to allow customers to access the metro transport service by purchasing the card ticket directly at the turnstile. A simplification also enriched by some advantages: the best fare rate, automatic application of the most convenient rate based on the number of trips made, and the white list function, with which you can buy the monthly subscription online on the payment card and use it directly to access the service without the need for a Metrebus card.
Source: Ferpress
CIRCLE Group: consulting contract signed to support the customs and railway management path of a leading Italian intermodal freight operator
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”), TTS Italia ordinary member, has signed a consultancy contract with a leading Italian freight operator.
CIRCLE will have the task of supporting and accompanying the Customer in all the activities necessary to face the customs evolution path and, more specifically, the implementation of innovative customs procedures, including Temporary Custodies and Rail Fast Corridors, with full management digitized version of the terminals (port and inland) involved and the accompanying railway procedures and documents.
Divided over a time horizon of 3 years (i.e. with the first term in June 2025 and the option of subsequent two-year renewal), the order is worth approximately € 280,000.
Source: CIRCLE Group |
Conference “Electronic ticketing systems in Lombardy: current situation and prospects. The Governmental Navigation System of Lakes"
Conduent Transportation, a business division of Conduent Incorporated, and TTS Italia ordinary member, ASSTRA Lombardia (association of transport companies of the Region) and Gestione Governativa Navigazione Laghi, a company that provides the public service on the Maggiore, Garda and of Como, presented an event on Electronic Ticketing Systems under construction in the Lombardy region. The meeting took place on June 16 in Desenzano del Garda, aboard the Andromeda motor ship belonging to the fleet of the Governmental Navigation Lakes Management. local public transport operators, sector associations to share the progress of electronic ticketing projects in Lombardy. Participants were provided with an overview of the state of the art of Electronic Ticketing Systems being implemented and their evolution in the short to medium term. The Navigazione Laghi experience was also shared as a case of success: the new Electronic Ticketing System, implemented by Conduent Transportation, however, follows the implementation of the real-time monitoring and tracking system for the fleet and the infomobility platform. At the end of the speeches, a round table discussion was held on the topics presented.
Source: Ferpress |
Geotab Launches Integrated Telematics Collaboration with Renault to Provide Turnkey Connectivity for Fleet Managers
Geotab, a global leader in IoT and connected transportation solutions, and TTS Italia ordinary member, announced its collaboration with Renault to combine its vehicles' telematics capabilities with the MyGeotab fleet management platform. This will provide a single point of access for fleet operators to make informed decisions and provide connectivity solutions to fleets of any size.
Customers can select from Renault models built in 2010 or later and get a factory-fitted or retrofitted telematics solution for vehicles in the field. As a result, users benefit from first-hand, high-quality OEM data – aggregated in the powerful, vendor-neutral MyGeotab platform – to manage their entire fleet. The new telematics solution is available immediately in 21 European countries, including France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK and Ireland*.
Renault’s connectivity capabilities can be activated via remote and contactless access. Customers can therefore selectively record brand-specific data points, including unique Electric Vehicle (EV) data.
The combination of Renault's high-quality data and the power of the Geotab platform offers fleet operators a turnkey connectivity solution. Fleet managers can benefit from data and analytics insights related to productivity, compliance, efficiency, optimisation and driver safety.
Additionally, data can contribute to sustainability efforts. For example, fleet operators can access data to help optimise its routes, increase fuel efficiency and minimise idling times. The platform automatically processes the data sets into useful information while providing fleet managers with the insights needed to bring a real understanding to their fleet performance.
Use of the MyGeotab platform is generally available to all Renault car and van operators. These include transport and logistics, construction, courier and delivery, food and beverage, fleet, leasing and rental companies. On top of that, the open MyGeotab platform offers optimal conditions for managing mixed fleets of any size.
"Future mobility will be data-driven. The electrification of fleets will reinforce this trend and pre-installed telematics will become state of the art. We are pleased to have found a partner in Renault who has also recognised this trend and with whom we can continue to drive innovation and sustainability in transport," states Christoph Ludewig, Vice President OEM Europe at Geotab.
“The ability to handle mixed fleets is essential as we transition to an Electric Vehicle future. We will see the co-existence of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) and EV technology for many years to come, so we need a telematic solution that is suited to handling both seamlessly, across one platform,” he says.
The combined solution in cooperation with the OEM offers fleet operators further advantages:
• Access to rich, proprietary data: OEM-specific vehicle information is recorded seamlessly
• No vehicle downtime: Since no hardware installation is required, activation can occur during regular vehicle operation
• Vehicle compatibility: Renault’s hardware is integrated in the vehicle and tested on the listed models
• Future proof: Renault's connectivity capabilities help ensure that customers will continue to receive all relevant data points in the future
• Extensible: Users can access a wide range of third-party software that offers special extensions via the Geotab Marketplace |
IVECO and Alpega Group partner on decarbonisation services on their path towards a zero-emission transportation ecosystem
Road freight transport is working towards a new future that pays more attention to sustainability. In the face of this new approach, all players in the sector are looking for solutions to achieve a zero-emission scenario in the medium term.
Such decarbonization objectives are pursued by Teleroute and Wtransnet, part of the Alpega Group (www.alpegagroup.com) whose customer base comprises the largest transport community in Europe, with more than 85,000 professionals connected in real-time to optimise routes and improve business margins.
With Alpega and IVECO, TTS Italia ordinary member, sharing identical values, the Italian manufacturer has chosen the leading global software services company as a strategic eco-mobility partner. They will join IVECO’s cluster of partners that tackle energy services and ecosystems powering zero-emission and electric transportation, and advancing sustainable technology and solutions.
The two companies will join forces on the 2030 Agenda, increasing their focus on sustainability and reducing cost pressures while promoting the development and use of electric vehicles, and creating a more environmentally friendly future. Digitalisation and the development of intelligent systems, such as those already provided by Alpega, will play a key role in their partnership.
This partnership extends the collaboration agreement signed in 2021, whereby Alpega offers IVECO customers in Italy and Spain promotional access to its freight exchanges, Teleroute (teleroute.com) and Wtransnet (www.wtransnet.com). The aim is to provide transport companies the ability of managing their trucks more efficiently to reduce empty kilometres while improving their carbon footprint.
Fabrice Douteaud, General Manager Freight Exchange at Alpega Group, commented: "IVECO's decision to choose us as a strategic partner highlights our commitment to achieving a sustainable and efficient road freight transport ecosystem. Both companies have made a firm commitment to reducing their customers’ carbon footprint and thanks to this initiative will be able to make further progress towards achieving the goal of zero emissions.”
Fabrizio Conicella, Head of Digital and Advanced Technologies at IVECO stated: “This partnership with Alpega, which fits within Iveco Group’s ESG strategy, confirms IVECO’s resolution to provide transport companies with digital services specifically designed to increase vehicle productivity, whilst reducing fuel consumption and improving business sustainability.”
Source: IVECO |
Leonardo joins the Information Technology for Public Transport (ITxPT) Association
Leonardo, TTS Italia supporting member, has officially joined the ITxPT (Information Technology for Public Transport) Association as a “principal member”. ITxTP is a non-profit international consortium in which the major players in public transport find technological solutions based on shared and constantly updated specifications, to optimise mobility and improve services for the public. This objective is shared by Leonardo which, with MATRICS (MAss TRansIt Complete Solution) - the complete ecosystem of solutions for the transport world, from digital transformation to the safety of vehicles and infrastructures and the improvement of services for the public – is a leader in the revolution in intelligent, sustainable and secure mobility.
Created on the initiative of the EU as a European standardisation project, ITxPT brings together over 160 members including public transport operators, mobility agencies, motor vehicle manufactures and technology suppliers.
The specifications drawn up by ITxPT are public and freely accessible. They provide operators and transport authorities with recommendations and requirements to help them adopt interoperable IT architectures, and they give suppliers a framework of reference to develop individual solutions.
There are three main areas in which interoperability standards are defined: hardware, communication protocols and services.
The standards defined by the Association are likely to become the model for European regulations and are already a fundamental requirement for participating in competitive tenders for public transport in the United Kingdom and Ireland. By means of a specific label, for example, ITxPT certifies that a device or means of transport complies with the standard and can therefore be used in ‘plug&play’ mode, i.e. without onerous installation work. This avoids the need for supplementary operations - very expensive for the public purse - to make a new system compatible with those already in use, and creates a technological ecosystem that is easier to update and more flexible for future upgrades. At the same time, being able to work within a defined framework encourages continuous innovation in the sector.
Leonardo, now one of the principal members of the Consortium, is already following ITxPT guidance and has implemented this in some solutions designed for public transport. One of the most recent examples is the new e-Nobu intelligent on-board platform, which ensures security, connectivity and reliability for buses, metros and trains. Leonardo’s entry into the Association confirms and further strengthens its commitment to the constant search for innovative technological solutions for intelligent, interconnected, multimodal and secure mobility.
For more information: cyberandsecurity@leonardocompany.com
Source: Leonardo |
Mobility: “Travel with PagoBANCOMAT” starts in Campania, for a contactless tpl
BANCOMAT S.p.A., with the support of Consorzio UnicoCampania, TTS Italia ordinary member, and the local public transport companies, has inaugurated the "Travel with PagoBANCOMAT" service, the payment system that allows you to travel on public transport in Campania using your own PagoBANCOMAT contactless payment card, without the need to have a paper ticket with you.
With the PagoBANCOMAT card it will be possible to have access to authorized local public transport: EAV railway lines, ANM underground network and Alibus shuttle. The service will then also be extended to the buses of the consortium companies.
The system, through the contactless payment method, allows you to activate the travel ticket by bringing the card close to the terminals enabled at the entrance to the stations. The service also allows, in the event of multiple journeys during the day, to count the taps made by the cardholder and automatically pay the most convenient rate based on the day's movements and the entry and exit stations. In short, the new system automatically calculates the best fare, from a single journey to an integrated ticket or an urban day ticket.
The Campania Region is the first in Italy to enable the PagoBANCOMAT circuit for access to local public transport services. The project for the use of contactless cards, which started experimentally in November 2021 - and which has already had a very positive response in terms of use by travelers - thus grows further, thanks to the technical adaptation developed by UnicoCampania and Bancomat, offering users the ability to use virtually any payment card.
The introduction of this new service represents a further advance in the field of mobility, and is in line with the national digital evolution, particularly concentrated in the most widely used tool in Italy: debit cards.
The transactions carried out with the PagoBANCOMAT have in fact recorded continuous growth, especially in recent years, exceeding two billion in 2021: 45% more than in 2020 and 39% over 2019, the last pre-pandemic year. The total value of the transactions was 100 billion euros, the average expense ticket went from 56 to 50 euros in 12 months. Contactless is the tool that has seen the greatest use in Italians' everyday life: in 2021 c-less transactions made with PagoBANCOMAT were over 857 million, 43% of total payments, against 23% in 2020 and 5% of 2019. Campania, at national level, according to the latest market surveys, is among the main users of payments without pins.
Source: Ferpress |
PNRR: the Innovation Ecosystem for digitization and sustainability is launched in the North West
The proposal presented by the Politecnico di Torino, TTS Italia ordinary member, together with a network of 24 public and private partners, "NODES-Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile", a project selected in the '' scope of the investments envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan which will bring 110 million euros to the territory of Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta and the westernmost provinces of Lombardy, Como, Varese and Pavia and 15 million euros for research and cascading tenders in favor of the southern regions of the country. The project was assessed as capable of producing a considerable impact in terms of territories and industrial systems intercepted, because it involves a Macro-Region in which it will be possible to create a system of a consistent number of actors, which will generate the possibility of increasing the ability to sharing of skills and to create a wide and available network for use by multiple territories, making the model scalable even once the PNRR has been concluded. The ambitious goal of the project, which will end in three years, is the creation of research and industrial chains in seven sectors linked to advanced manufacturing: Industry 4.0 for mobility and aerospace, Industrial sustainability and green technologies, Tourism industry and culture, digital and sustainable mountains, health industry and silver economy, primary and secondary agro-industry.
Source: Ferpress |
PTV: New simulation study examines impact of self-driving services on public transport in Gothenburg
How will the advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and new mobility trends affect public transport systems and the traffic situation in cities? A new report based on a simulation model provided by PTV Group, TTS Italia ordinary member, explored potentials and risks of electric, shared, and self-driving vehicles in the Swedish city of Gothenburg.
The aim of the research was to analyze how self-driving vehicles will affect the city by modelling different scenarios, using Gothenburg’s multimodal modelling platform in PTV Visum software. The project brought together researchers and traffic analysts from Trivector and the Swedish knowledge centre for public transport, K2. In the virtual environment of PTV Visum, the researchers examined numerous possible developments. They focused on two forms of AV usage: car-sharing, where people use self-driving services privately, like today’s cars; and ride-sharing, where AVs are shared with other passengers, who have a similar destination.
The researchers looked at different scenarios: For example, what happens if 33% of today’s car trips shift to AV ride-sharing? What effects occur if 100% of people shift from private cars or public transport to car-sharing or to shared, self-driving services? The project team analysed different parameters such as travel times, number of vehicles and vehicle mileage.
The simulation results show that an increase in the use of self-driving vehicles does not automatically lead to less traffic, as often predicted. The total number of vehicles in the traffic network can vary without reducing the vehicle milage.
With shared self-driving vehicles, the total number of vehicles in the traffic system might be significantly less, but each vehicle drives more. Several of the simulated scenarios resulted in an increased traffic volume, despite a reduction in the overall number of vehicles.
Here are some other main findings of the study:
The transition to AV car-sharing leads to a 25-30% higher traffic volume than the transition to AV ride-sharing. If people switch from private cars to electric, self-driving ride-sharing options, traffic volume decreases by up to 6%. The shift from today’s private cars to AV car-sharing makes traffic rise up to 15%. If in addition to today’s car users, public transport users switch to AV services, traffic increases in both the car-sharing and the ride-sharing scenario. The transfer from today's car traffic to AV ride-sharing and AV car-sharing reduces the volume of vehicles on the road by up to four-fifths of today’s volume. This would likely reduce the need for parking spaces and purchase of new vehicles
The way new self-driving services will be designed, and how well they are integrated into public transport, will have a major impact on cities and the traffic situation in particular. The report points out the importance of knowing and understanding possible effects of new mobility services in order to minimize negative impact. The researcher conclude that planning, legislation, and regulations must be aligned around AV ride-sharing services to ensure that AVs contribute to a sustainable mobility ecosystem in the future.
The entire report can be found online (Swedish only) here.
Source: PTV |
SWARCO: Smart bus priority leads to a better traffic flow
Luleå Municipality (located in the north of Sweden) has long had a priority system to give buses a green light at traffic signals and thus promote public transport in the city. In the past, older technology based on radio transmitters has been used, which send out priority requests to a receiver at the traffic signal when the bus approaches the intersection. But an outdated system can create some problems, as it does not consider whether the bus actually needs priority or not. In many cases, this can create an undesirable traffic situation and contribute to traffic jams, which ultimately also affect local traffic timetables. Luleå Municipality wanted to take its bus prioritisation to a new level by introducing intelligent bus prioritisation with the help of SWARCO Smart Priority, by SWARCO, TTS Italia founding member.
SWARCO Smart Priority is a cloud-based solution for customised priority requests in traffic signals based on the bus position as well as other input data provided by the vehicles which is then weighted between different vehicles in the system. When a bus approaches a traffic signal, a priority request is sent to Smart Priority and processed based on the rules that have been set. The request is then forwarded to the traffic controller which processes the request according to the configuration and existing algorithms. The priority request sent out from the bus is based on GPS data from an on-board device on the bus or Smart Priority's mobile app. This means that the bus is only given priority if it is necessary, for example, to keep to the timetable.
The system has a web interface that gives an overview of the traffic flow and provides real-time data. The interface also makes it easy to change or add routes and traffic signals, adjust detection zones, or change the parameters that controls whether the bus is given priority (e.g., timetable, traffic situation, number of passengers, special events, road works etc.). This makes it possible to adapt the solution to each customer's needs.
The installation covered 17 intersections in the city Luleå and was carried out in three stages, the first two in the less busy and sensitive areas outside the city centre to avoid excessive traffic disruption during the tests, and the third involving the city centre. An advantage of the project was that Luleå Municipality's traffic signals were already connected to SWARCO Cloud, which meant that the municipality did not need to make any hardware investments to communicate from Smart Priority out to the traffic controllers. Smart Priority's app was put to great use during the tests, as a regular passenger vehicle could be simulated as a bus to test that the priority was working properly.
In the post-installation phase, a clear difference in traffic flow was noticed, especially at previously heavily trafficked intersections. Buses that were on time or behind schedule were given priority to further promote public transport, while Smart Priority did not give priority to buses that did not need it, creating a smooth flow of traffic. The solution not only helped improve traffic flow, but also made it easier for the customer to collect and compare traffic data, and to identify and resolve any incidents and problems more easily than before, when an engineer usually had to be dispatched to the site to identify the problem.
Source: SWARCO |
Targa Telematics responds to high fuel prices with the new release of Targa Lite
Targa Telematics, a tech company specialising in the development of digital solutions in the telematics field, and TTS Italia founding member, has released Targa Lite, the proprietary solution that helps fleet managers to identify and reduce waste in corporate fleets respecting privacy, and to efficiently manage refueling, one of the major expense items in fleet management.
Targa Telematics has been committed to develop ad hoc solutions to facilitate the implementation of the ecological transition plan, with particular reference to the use of electric cars. In recent times, the geopolitical situation has created a need to find solutions to deal with the rise in fuel prices: new gas prices are estimated to affect at least 20% of the cost of a fleet, with the same number of gallons and miles driven.
One of the innovations presented by Targa Lite is an algorithm that analyses whether the mileage traveled by a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is powered by an industrial combustion or electric engine. As a result of Targa Telematics' data, it was found that 80% of the monitored PHEVs only use the electric mode 30% of the time. Thanks to this new feature, fleet managers can promote the use of the electric mode by attributing PHEVs to drivers with suitable trips for this type of vehicle. In addition, if necessary, corrective measures may be adopted not only to encourage electric mode use, but also to pay attention to recharges: the greater the number of recharges, the lower the fuel costs and CO2 emissions.
Based on Targa Telematics' analysis, it is estimated that if a PHEV car were driven in electric mode 42% of the time, its CO2 emissions and fuel costs would decrease by 33% and 37%, respectively, compared to a vehicle powered by a diesel engine.
“Car related costs are high and represent an important part of the financial management of a company. For this reason, fleet managers are required to mitigate the various issues associated, for example, with the purchase, sale or rental of vehicles and their logistical management. On top of this, they also need to prevent costs arising from maintenance, tolls, insurance claims and fuel, on which Targa Lite pays particular attention thanks to the new functionalities introduced.” commented Alberto Falcione – Vice President Sales of Targa Telematics.
More generally, through telematics, Targa Lite enables to highlight costs that are usually unaccounted for, and the waste related to fleet utilisation. The algorithm allows the automation of operations that would otherwise be done manually, such as refueling reconciliation, discrepancy identification and refueling monitoring, average consumption and fuel card usage.
Additionally, it is possible to quantify mileage for non-work purposes, defining ad hoc company policies so that drivers can use company vehicles privately at a fixed rate. The implementation of Targa Lite allows a reduction in operating costs of up to 20%.
Source: Targa Telematics |
Targa Telematics technology still at Aon's service: the new Flee feature enables shared rental
Targa Telematics, tech company specialized in the development of digital solutions in the field of telematics, smart mobility and IoT platforms for mobility operators, and TTS Italia founding member, supported Aon, the first group in Italy and in the world in risk consulting , human resources and insurance and reinsurance brokerage, in the evolution of Flee, the mobility brand of Aon Mobility Solutions, which now integrates its rental service with Flee + peer-to-peer car sharing. In fact, the Flee project dedicated to mobility is enriched with new features to allow customers to share their rental car with trusted people, thus adopting a personal car sharing formula. experience long-term rental according to consumption, which offers benefits to all actors involved: in Aon, which strengthens Flee's commitment to sustainable mobility ever greener and offers an even more innovative service to customers, who can optimize their monthly rental rate and rely on a safe and transparent tool - the MyFlee app - that monitors the use of the car, for correct sharing and transparent expenses; to the environment, which with fewer cars on the road, many of which green, sees CO2 emissions reduced. In particular, Targa Telematics' IoT platform, based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data, allows drivers to manage the booking calendar, define the area where to leave the car so that it can be used by those authorized to do so and, thanks to key-less technology, open and lock the vehicle without a key. Added to this is emergency assistance available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Source: Targa Telematics |