N° 9
October 2022 —
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
The interview by Morena Pivetti

"The availability of data and information is the basis of technological innovation".
The economist Mauro Bonaretti, Head of the Mims department speaks: "We need the concrete contribution of all the stakeholders"
Mauro Bonaretti, economist and advisor to the Court of Auditors, a long career as a civil servant behind him, as Head of the Sustainable Mobility Department at the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, was the prime mover that set the process that led to the writing of the strategic document “Sustainable mobility and logistics. Analysis and strategic directions for the future". Published in recent days on the Mims website, its construction saw the participation of the country's leading experts and research centers and was shared in four events in Milan, Naples, Florence and Rome with stakeholders, actors, public and private individuals, in the sector. With him we talk about technology, which is playing and will increasingly play a primary role in the evolution of transport and logistics and in the lives of all of us, technology that has been the subject of a specific chapter of the Document, entrusted to the expert hands of Professor Vito Mauro.

Where do we start to talk about technology?
Whether we are talking about MaaS, Mobility as a Service in the transport of people, or the National Logistics Platform for goods, we immediately encounter a single, big question, namely the availability of data and information that are continuously produced by the universe of the sector. The phenomenon of the Internet of Things offers great opportunities: the data and information available today allow us first of all to know how passengers and goods move, an indispensable basis for deliberating and planning and secondly to design and build services geared to changes. needs of citizens and of Italy's strategic production chains.
Where will they get the data from?
Obviously from the subjects that offer services, the companies, but also from the users themselves, from the consumer citizens: I am thinking of the smart roads that communicate with cars and that will make it possible to collect valuable information to start the MaaS. Or connected vans and trucks for FaaS, Freight as a Service, which others call LaaS, Logistics as a Service. In both cases, the data helps us to integrate and build the best routes to move people and goods from one point to another and to choose the least impacting methods on the environment.
Let’s better explain the advantages of using and interpreting big data.
The effects they can produce are manifold, from greater effectiveness in moving goods, avoiding empty journeys and therefore the transport of air, to modal integration with the expansion of traffic by rail and sea, up to the optimization of schedules, even of city life. For people it will be more or less the same: they will help us plan the journeys, choosing from time to time the most suitable ones, for travel times, means used, cost of the service.
What are the main enabling factors?
Information systems, and therefore technological platforms, need to be able to communicate with each other, to exchange data and information, which presupposes the construction of standards that favor the birth of a competitive services market. In addition to open and interoperable technological solutions, the second condition concerns governance: the capacity of public administrations to design urban mobility plans must be strengthened, moving from the planning and management of local public transport to an integrated and shared mobility concept, and the potential of area mobility managers to plan and rationalize processes has been developed.
And here the people come into play, on whose legs the unprecedented opportunities offered by the growing amount of information, have to walk.
The third condition, in fact, is the behavior of the actors, of the service providers, their willingness to create the conditions for everything I have described to happen. Not only by working on technology to build adequate IT standards but also by acting in a cooperative and non-competitive way in sharing data, also thanks to public incentives. And finally, to the ability of entrepreneurial actors to do business. So, to organize MaaS and FaaS. Investments in smart roads and the digitization of vehicles implement this process also in relation to infrastructures.
The scenario you describe includes an increasing digitization.
Of course, starting with the technological equipment of the Public Administration and the continuous training of employees and officials. Together with the digitization of transport infrastructures, logistics companies, passenger services and vehicles. At the same time, great attention must be paid to cybersecurity, which becomes crucial to avoid attacks and intrusions. At the same time, we need to reform the school system and the university that have failed to keep pace with innovation, to organize the digital skills essential to manage big data.
The change of technological paradigm fits fully into the great challenge of sustainability.
Sustainability that must be declined in three meanings. The first is economic sustainability, or the ability of the players to evolve and follow a changing scenario, in which logistics is no longer a commodity but the last link in the manufacturing value chain. Then there is the strategic challenge of environmental sustainability, which has three legs. The first: the efficiency of the system thanks to the use of technology to reduce times and empty trips; the second: the modal shift, overcoming the infrastructural bottlenecks caused by the availability of railway tracks and the saturation of the railway terminals also by virtue of the completion of the Tent-T corridors and confirming the incentives for goods, the marebonus and the ferrobonus; the third: the sustainability of the motorway vehicle fleet for first and last mile journeys and where modal shift is not possible. Finally, the last meaning, social sustainability, which is expressed in safety at work, in bargaining and trade union relations and in the formation of human capital.
Finally, the involvement of stakeholders.
Everything I have just described can only be achieved with the involvement and concrete contribution of all the players in the system: it is up to them, to the stakeholders, to create and live this new market, both for passengers and for goods.
Who is Mauro Bonaretti. Counselor of the Court of Auditors, Economist is currently Head of the Department for Sustainable Mobility of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility. He was Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Head of Cabinet of several Ministers, Director General of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and President of the Association of General Managers of local authorities. He has coordinated some of the most important national government reform programs. On the issues of organizational innovation, he has collaborated with numerous universities, research and training centers, consulting firms. He is a member of several scientific committees of specialized journals.
The comment of Olga Landolfi – our secretary general

The technological and economic development of a country can no longer ignore the concept of sustainable development. There is a European agenda for 2030, where common sense is lacking, which requires us to have environmental and social sustainability.
Inevitably, mobility and logistics are also moving in this direction, primarily at the institutional level, and therefore in terms of implementations. The strategic document that outlines the guidelines of the various transport sector plans for the next 10 years is proof of this.
A document that plans, but not too much, wanting above all to give indications, while remaining in the perspective of flexibility, necessary in the current times. And flexibility which also means knowing how to leave room for innovation that has always run at full speed.
It is a Document that not only shows itself in line with specific European targets, but also with world trends. TTS Italia participated in the ITS World Congress held in Los Angeles in September. Among the key themes of the event, which brought together the main stakeholders from all over the world for the Intelligent Transport Systems sector, we find precisely those addressed by the Document in the chapter dedicated to Technological Innovation: Autonomous and Connected Driving; MaaS; Logistics, defined by the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility as a “game changer” (together with Ecological transition of vehicles, Renewal of public transport fleets, Urban Air Mobility, Infrastructures and transport systems), now ripe for large-scale pilot projects.
The parallelism between a global event and a national document seems important to us to underline because great small revolutions are always common, always require a multiplicity of actors and hopefully aim for improvement. Which in this case turns towards digitization and automation. So, we have to say, full speed ahead on the ITS! |
SINELEC is the technology company of the ASTM Group, the 2nd toll motorway operator in the world and a global player in the engineering and construction of major infrastructural projects. The company is specialized in the development, implementation and maintenance of innovative solutions for electronic tolling and intelligent transportation systems (roads, tunnels and bridges).
Sinelec's solutions are used, in Italy, in about 900 toll collection gates and process more than 500 million transits worth about 3 billion euros annually, in Europe Sinelec's toll collection solutions have been chosen in Portugal by Lusoponte, Ascendi and AEDL, as well as for two of Europe's most significant tunnels: the Frejus one between Italy and France, as well as in the Great St. Bernard tunnel between Italy and Switzerland. Sinelec connects and manage road-side devices and equipment located along a road network of more than 1400 km, managing the transmission of critical data to Traffic Control Canters, 24/7/365. Besides, with 2000Km state-of-the art fibre optic network Sinelec also operates of Telecommunications infrastructure.
Today, thanks to more than 20 years of experience in the motorway sector, Sinelec is actively involved in the digitalization process of transport infrastructure in Italy to enable road operators to meet the challenges of the future mobility, more sustainable and connected.
Future mobility According to Sinelec
For Sinelec, Smart Road represents a new road management paradigm that requires a multi-level technological and operational transformation process to be gradually applied to the entire infrastructure system.
This approach is embodied in the project of modernization, technological innovation and ecological transition of the A4 Turin-Milan, in which Sinelec plays the role of technological partner. This is a "digital transformation" intervention that will project the motorway into a new dimension, among the most modern and advanced in Europe. The project includes the extension of vehicle-infrastructure communication systems, the increase of the sensor monitoring system of the road structures, the introduction of anti-fog systems, the use of weigh – in – motion solutions for the management of heavy traffic, of counter-manoeuvre detection systems and the detection of dangerous goods. Sinelec will also take care of environmental sustainability: green pavements, water recovery systems, and the introduction of additional electric charging stations and hydrogen dispensers are planned. A first part of these interventions will be carried out by 2024 on the Milan-Novara pilot section and then, subject to MIMS approval, they will be extended to the entire motorway.
Sinelec is also developing innovative toll collection solutions such as the "multilane free-flow" system, soon to be installed on the A33 and A21, and currently being tested by one of the most congested barriers in the urban areas of São Paulo, Brazil.
Technological advances have as their primary objective the improvement of the quality of travel for users, that comes through the level of infrastructure safety, connectivity and respect for the environment. The development of innovative solutions for the safe and intelligent management of traffic and transportation infrastructure is one of the priorities of Sinelec which believes, in line with the ASTM Group's vision, that the creation of a sustainable mobility model is a key prerequisite for the growth of a country and the well-being of its citizens.

Free Flow system

Weigh in motion
Andrea Nicolini, CEO at Sinelec

What sets Sinelec apart in an industry as competitive and ever-changing as that of technological innovation?
Over 20 years of industry knowledge, a solid industrial approach and proven operational capabilities: these are our distinctive traits. Sinelec uses its experience in digital innovation sector to design and implement solutions that make transportation infrastructure smart, making a difference in the daily mobility of thousands of people. As the technological arm of the ASTM Group, a leading operator in the concessions sector, we know the world of motorway operations inside out and we are able to satisfy its specific needs: Sinelec is today the "best in class" player when it comes to Smart Road system implementation processes.
Sinelec is currently engaged in multiple motorway infrastructure digitization projects. What are the main ones?
In addition to the A4 Turin-Milan initiative, carried out on a section under ASTM's responsibility, Sinelec is involved in an important extra-group project on the A4 Brescia-Padua and A31 Valdastico motorway sections, promoted by A4 Holding, which involves the construction of a new traffic management operations centre and a connected mobility platform.
In addition, Sinelec recently achieved an important result, i.e. awarding the tender for the design and implementation of Smart Road and dynamic monitoring systems on the A24 Rome-L'Aquila and A25 Torano-Pescara motorways. This award reinforces the leadership of ASTM Group in developing advanced technological solutions for increasingly modern, safe and sustainable motorways.
Is an integration between Smart Roads and Smart Cities being studied by the company?
We are designing a future in which urban contexts will increasingly integrate with suburban contexts; the V2X platform, which ensures two-way vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, will therefore become an indispensable element of digital innovation in both contexts. The technology will optimise information distribution, employing it only on stretches where it is effectively relevant and as early as possible. For example: if I am planning on taking the motorway and an accident has occurred, I will not learn about it as I enter or as soon as I enter, I will be informed in time to plan an alternative route. Conversely, if I'm on the motorway and need to get to the city centre, urban agencies will be able to branch off information to the motorway segment of interest, so travellers can choose the best route without slowdowns. |
SELEA smart parking

A solution that regards the smart parking market and in general the access control of vehicles (light and heavy).
A sector whose main objective is to reduce costs and times, increase safety and automate processes in controlling vehicle entrances, both in public and private facilities. A sector that has been growing in recent years and offers operators an opportunity for both business and economic growth.
In the IT sector, just to name one, license plate reading is increasingly being used in the field of smart parking, particularly in combination with applications (APP) that allow users to know in advance how many free spaces are available at several municipal car parks located in a specific area towards which people intend to go. A solution aimed at preventing vehicles from wasting time finding a free space (polluting and creating traffic) and to avoid, as often happens, that they end up parking in prohibited areas, double parking or on the side of the carriageway, hindering traffic.
License plate reading, however, is not just about parking (municipal parking lots, airports, trade fairs, etc.), it also regards access control to Government institutions, health facilities, companies and the hospitality sector, such as hotels, camp-sites, tourist villages, residences: markets that are discovering how a single tool, such as a license plate reading camera, avoids having to:
• buy hundreds of magnetic badges to give to customers, (such as in camp-sites or hotels for example);
• waste time in managing codes, returns and loss of badges;
• physically check who enters and leaves, to make sure that it is actually the vehicle to which permission to enter has been granted.
In fact, among all the technologies available to access facilities with your vehicle, today an automatic license plates reader is the one that offers the best savings in time, management and safety, especially when compared with devices such as remote controls, RFID tags, codes or magnetic badges: these elements can be easily transferred to unauthorized persons or vehicles.
However, an essential point is worth noting. We need to be very careful in this framework, because not all license plate reading cameras are fit for the intended purpose, even if they appear to be on paper.
Customers may consider the price to be an important factor, yet it is equally important (if not more) to have "zero problems", or to be able to count on a "perfect" reading and recognition system, even when the plate is dirty, creased, with deteriorated characters, at night, day, with sun, rain, snow or fog.

An advantageous solution?
It stems from a technological evolution, matured in the high traffic entrance and exit parking sector, within which Selea has developed highly reliable products becoming the main partner of companies such as Siemens, Skidata, Faac and Hub Parking to name a few.
Selea's technological innovation is called iZERO: an ANPR-OCR column for automatic license plate reading, aesthetically refined, easy and quick to install, which easily integrates into all access control management systems, offering superlative performance in terms of reading accuracy (99.9%) ... for a zero effect solution: zero errors, zero problems, zero surprises.
Want to find out more? Download the brochure
And contact us: infocom@selea.com - www.selea.com

BCS - Bus Contract System- The regional multi-operator transport service certification software and MaaS solution from Thetis IT

Thetis IT has completed the implementation of a regional transport service certification system, called BCS - Bus Contract System, a first in the public transport sector.
The solution was implemented in the United Kingdom, at the Nexus Regional Transport Agency, the Public Transport Authority for the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear (Newcastle Upon Tyne), located in the North East of England, whose role is to oversee and monitor the public transport service (bus and metro) in the area, entrusted to several local public transport operators (19 main operators).
Thetis IT's BCS system is used for service certification of operators who can access the system to monitor their own service level and submit manual declarations to Nexus to justify any inefficiencies. Thanks to Thetis IT's BCS system, Nexus has a complete and detailed visibility of the quality of service provided by all operators, in an integrated manner.
The BCS system allows to:
- import the planning data for each bus operator, the list of drivers and vehicles, the list of trips, and the contractual data;
- monitor the performance of the transport service provided with respect to the service contract signed, analysing the km operated, trips not made, delays, detours, use of non-compliant vehicles, etc;
- monitor performance indicators including km travelled and punctuality at stops (departure and intermediate points);
- manage manual declarations to justify inefficiencies submitted by transport operators;
- configure operators and system users with differentiated access profiles;
- export processed data for analysis;
- calculate payments and applicable penalties in accordance with customisable contractual rules.

Thetis IT's BCS system is already being used successfully by various operators and the transport agency NEXUS.
This application complements Thetis IT's AVL-RTI Data Broker system, successfully implemented in Nexus, a multi-operator 'MaaS Integrator' solution capable of collecting and displaying real-time vehicle data from every operator in the Tyne and Wear area in an integrated manner. Thetis IT's MaaS system processes transit forecasts at stops across the entire transport network and makes them available to passengers through stop displays, journey planners, websites, mobile apps and MaaS Operators (e.g. Traveline). The system also enables traffic light priority management on certain main routes. For public information management, the BCS includes a Display Management System function that provides timetable and service status information on multimedia displays and monitors at bus stops and main terminals.
These solutions mark the beginning of an important journey for Thetis IT, which will enable it to accompany public administrations in the timely verification of transport services in accordance with stipulated contracts, and with MaaS-based transport service monitoring solutions.
contact@thetisit.com - www.thetisit.com |
Anas: tenders for monitoring bridges and viaducts via sensors are underway
The first two out of 5 tenders for monitoring via sensors of a thousand bridges and viaducts along the Anas network (FS Italiane Group), planned for the implementation of the SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) Program, are underway. The investment for the infrastructure and monitoring of the Bridges and Viaducts present on the managed network is equal to 275 million euros, financed by the "Complementary Fund" connected to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Anas has the priority of monitoring the relevant road network in order to evaluate the present and future conditions of the parts that make up the infrastructure, to define maintenance activities with identification of the interventions, costs and associated times. The goal is to raise the level of intrinsic safety of structures, user safety and the optimization of management costs and intervention times. In this context, the need to adopt a bridge monitoring platform arises. and viaducts based on three elements: Installation of local systems for the detection of the parameters of interest; Application of algorithms for the analysis of these parameters; Centralized system that allows the monitoring and management at national level and the collection of all data In this context, the SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) program was created by Anas which provides for the development of an integrated system of census, classification and management of risks and dynamic monitoring of infrastructures, including 5 macro interventions that will allow "virtualization" of the works: platform for the management of inspection activities; platform for monitoring the state of health of the works; survey activities of the works and the creation of BIM information models (Building Information Modeling); installation of systems and field sensors for infrastructure monitoring; connectivity services for data transmission from the field to central systems.
Source: Anas
CIRCLE Group receives the Green Award within the Ship2Shore Awards, the Italian transport Oscars
CIRCLE Group, specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the digitization of the port sector and of intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on the issues of the Green Deal and the energy transition, and TTS Italia ordinary member, was awarded the Green Award as part of the Ship2Shore Awards, the Italian transport Oscars organized by the homonymous newspaper. Alexio Picco, Managing Director of CIRCLE, received the award last night during the Gala dinner at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa. : "We are happy and proud of this award, which certifies the distinctive positioning of the CIRCLE group, a bearer of innovation and increasingly attentive to the major issues related to the European Green Deal" and Luca Abatello, President and CEO who commented: "Innovation, digitization , Green Deal and energy transition are the four cornerstones of our CONNECT 4 AGILE GROWTH plan, for which we are particularly pleased that the business community recognizes with this award the concreteness of our path and the services that involve our partners and customers every day. "CIRCLE was selected for the" Green "category (Innovation-sustainability-safety-training) by a qualified jury of experts sector which evaluated the nominations expressed by Ship2Shore readers.
Source: CIRCLE Group |
Geotab named the number one global commercial telematics vendor by ABI Research for the third time
As a result of the company's continuous growth, well above the industry average, Geotab Inc. (“Geotab”), a global leader in IoT and connected transportation and TTS Italia ordinary member, announced that for the third time, it has been recognized as the number one commercial telematics vendor worldwide by ABI Research, achieving its position with a total score of 86.
The competitive assessment Commercial Telematics Vendors Competitive Ranking from ABI Research, a global technology intelligence firm, highlights the critical role commercial telematics serves in improving safety, cost savings, and overall performance of fleets across the globe. The proven, independent criteria framework developed by ABI Research was used to assess the 11 largest and most strategic vendors according to two main categories: innovation and implementation.
For its innovation score, ABI Research identified Geotab’s EV capabilities, referencing its support of over 250 EV makes and models, its full suite of sustainable solutions and its recently launched Fleet Electrification Knowledge Center. In addition, ABI Research also considered Geotab’s open platform approach, the Geotab Marketplace, GO9+ and the launch of Geotab’s new business unit, Geotab Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), as key contributors. To determine Geotab’s implementation score, ABI Research identified Geotab’s continued growth, including its partner network, portfolio of data-driven solutions and subscriber count, which recently surpassed 3 million connected vehicles.
“For the third time Geotab comes out on top and leads in implementation,” said Alex McQueen, Research Analyst, Supply Chain Management and Logistics at ABI Research. “Geotab has held its industry-leading average growth rate and now commands the leading position in global commercial telematics with over 3 million connected vehicles.”
“We are pleased to be named the overall leader in commercial telematics for the third time,” said Neil Cawse, CEO and founder of Geotab. “There is a strong and growing demand for secure and reliable data intelligence from organizations seeking ways to improve efficiency and safety, address sustainability goals and meet regulatory requirements. Our focus on innovation, investment in research and development and commitment to meeting the evolving needs of our customers allows us to stay agile in an ever changing marketplace.”
Geotab has one of the industry's largest data science and AI teams (more than 140 data and AI professionals on staff). It processes 100 thousand data points per second and supports 41,000 customers. Geotab also offers an OEM telematics platform with various industry-leading integration partners and is rapidly expanding its list of offerings.
For more information on Geotab’s solution portfolio, please visit https://www.geotab.com/.
Source: Geotab |
Geotab releases 2021 GHG Emissions Report
As a signatory of the Climate Pledge and with its carbon emissions reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Geotab, TTS Italia ordinary member, released its 2021 GHG Emissions Report.
Highlights of company’s 2021 GHG emissions report include:
• Geotab’s total carbon emissions in 2021 decreased 14% from the 2019 baseline
• In 2021, Geotab achieved a 6% reduction in Scope 1 emissions, a 21% reduction in Scope 2 emissions, and a 14% reduction in Scope 3 emissions
• The total net change of Scope 1, 2, & 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2021 versus 2019 was a reduction of 6,129 metric tons of CO2
• Geotab is on track to meet its emissions reduction targets of 50% reduction by 2030 and reaching net-zero by 2040
“The impact of intensifying climate change is clear, and we must take collective action to limit global carbon emissions,” said Chuck Van Kempen, Associate Vice President, Corporate Sustainability at Geotab. “At Geotab, sustainability is at the core of our purpose. As a company, this means setting carbon emissions reduction targets and committing to transparent action; as a partner, this means supporting our customers in accelerating their carbon emissions reduction with data-driven sustainable solutions.”
In 2020, Geotab experienced a significant drop in emissions due to the pandemic, which caused the global transition to remote work. The reduction of staff commuting, business travel and other related factors contributed to lowered emissions. As the world returned to business in 2021 and production increased to meet market needs, Geotab stayed focused on its targets and successfully reduced its carbon emissions by proactively deploying sustainable programs. Examples of the company’s programs include EV rebates and public transportation incentives for employees and its work-from-home and business travel guidelines to help reduce commuting.
Geotab has also joined initiatives with the aim of lowering carbon emissions, including The Climate Pledge, Science Based Targets initiative, We Mean Business Coalition and Race to Zero. As part of these initiatives, Geotab has committed to report annually on its GHG emissions.
The transportation industry contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. With 3 million connected vehicles on the road today, Geotab’s most significant impact on climate change can be realized by helping decarbonize fleets worldwide. With a full suite of tools powered by the most extensive dataset for real-world electric vehicle (EV) performance including the EV Suitability Assessment (EVSA), Green Fleet Dashboard, Temperature Tool for EV Range and the EV Battery Degradation Tool, fleets can seamlessly transition to being low carbon and take real action against climate change.
For more information on Geotab’s Sustainable Fleet Solutions, please visit: https://www.geotab.com/fleet-management-solutions/sustainability/
Source: Geotab |
Telematics and Industry 4.0 for cold chain management: Geotab and Deloitte optimize Tirso's fleet
Geotab - global leader in the field of IoT and connected vehicles, and TTS Italia ordinary member, has supported Tirso - Logistica Mediterranea S.p.A. - Sardinian company specializing in the transport and logistics sector, in optimizing the monitoring and management of its fleet. The Geotab solution, implemented by working side by side with Deloitte professionals, has allowed Tirso to continue its Transformation 4.0 path and keep pace with a constantly evolving market. Thanks to telematics, the company has been able to monitor in real time the correct functioning of the refrigeration unit by exploiting the immediate analysis of the information collected by the devices installed on the vehicles, to make maintenance more efficient by replacing manual checks with scheduled alerts and to improve the compliance and safety of the transported load. of the province of Oristano, specialized in the transport of foodstuffs, was founded in 1969 and immediately characterized by a constantly cutting-edge service, which expanded on a national scale after the merger, in the 90s, with San Paolo Trasporti. from Covid-19, which has seen a significant increase in loads and circulating fleets, has accelerated one transformation already in place and favored the development of a transport market increasingly oriented towards the real-time traceability of goods, especially food and heat-sensitive products. supply chain, Tirso was therefore faced with the need to adopt innovative technologies for the management of the entire cold chain. The choice of the Geotab solution proposed by Deloitte was therefore guided by the possibility of monitoring and interconnecting vehicles with the company management system, analyzing the large quantities of data acquired to make the management of its fleet more efficient. complete traceability of transport for a quick, safe and compliant service, as required by the management of goods at negative temperatures: in the context of the usual work processes, Tirso was in fact able not only to carefully and precisely monitor the road tractor and the refrigerated semitrailer of the vehicles, but, above all, to exploit the aggregation of the microdata to subsequently obtain a highly strategic analysis.Among the functions offered by the Geotab platform, the alerts and automatic notifications sent by e-mail were particularly useful on the basis of the transit areas of the vehicles, the residual charge levels of the batteries of the refrigeration units and the temperature variation of the load with respect to the programmed thresholds. Among the factors that guided the company in the choice, in addition to careful and timely assistance in the installation and after-sales phases, the possibility of having a scalable software solution and a renewal of the devices in the time, together with the presence of dedicated support to minimize technical downtime. The integration of the Geotab solution is part of Tirso's digitalization process, which has been able to take advantage of the opportunities and facilities offered by the National Transition Plan 4.0 to innovate, increase the skills of the individual components of the company teams and create added value for its customers.
Tirso has managed to optimize the processes relating to fleet management thanks to real-time reporting and a single management system capable of collecting and processing all the necessary information in an intuitive and customizable web interface, which has made it possible to improve transport traceability. both in terms of timing and in relation to the conformity of the storage temperatures of the goods.The Sardinian company was able to fully benefit from all the advantages of predictive maintenance, which ultimately translates into an increase in the safety of the load and efficiency of the fleet itself: if in the past the services were carried out with the refrigeration unit attached and, in the event of problems, it was physically the driver who called to warn, today it is possible to find any anomalies even before the driver circulating on the road.
Source: Geotab
The New Solution Launched by OCTO Changes the Concept of Customer Engagement
OCTO Telematics, a leading provider of telematics services and advanced data analytics solutions for the insurance, Fleet Telematics and Smart Mobility industries, and TTS Italia ordinary member, unveiled OCTO Dealer, a solution designed to enable the dealer to establish and maintain a digital connection with their customers by leveraging an ongoing engagement channel that aims to turn occasional customers into loyal ones.
OCTO believes that customer loyalty supported by the potential offered by technology is critical to the economic growth and increased profitability of dealers.
Accordingly, OCTO Dealer Solution enables dealers to establish and maintain a profitable and lasting digital connection with their customers. By making the most out of OCTO's digital expertise and the advanced diagnostic capabilities of connected cars, OCTO Dealer provides customers who download the app with a 24/7, remote monitoring service to check the car's maintenance and operating status; it also allows them to be contacted for appointments or urgent intervention. The solution also makes it possible to manage customer loyalty through point-collection campaigns and rewards.
OCTO Dealer is the perfect solution for dealers who would like to develop an ongoing and profitable relationship with their customers and be always close to their drivers’ thanks to the digitization of services.
Source: OCTO Telematics
TTS Italia at the IRF Global R2T Conference & Exhibition
TTS Italia will be among the speakers at the R2T Conference and Exhibition organized by IRF Global in Washington from 31 October to 3 November.
The IRF Global R2T Conference has quickly established itself as a top destination for global innovators and decision-makers in the roads and mobility sector. For road and transport authorities the IRF R2T Conference is the ideal place to learn and share best practices about the latest technologies and solutions. For researchers, it is an ideal platform to share their research with their peers and the sector as a whole. For the private sector, it is an opportunity to make the right business contacts and to showcase their innovations and services. For everyone in the sector, it is a place to learn and network with professionals and decision-makers.
TTS Italia will take part in two sessions:
Next Generation Traffic Management: from Concepts to Results, focused on projects and case studies in the V2I sector, with a speech by the President, Rossella Panero.
Traffic Planning & Management, in which the Junior Project Manager of TTS Italia, Lorenzo Valletta, will present the paper “Autonomous vehicles testing on public roads: an overview of the Italian use case in the EU-Project SHOW”.
Among the topics discussed at the Conference:
• ITS & Smart Mobility Technologies
• Equipping Roads for Electric & Autonomous Mobility
• Decarbonizing the Road Transport Sector
• Vison Zero – Towards Zero Deaths
• AI for Transportation Asset Management
For further information, click here. |
Autonomous driving: TTS Italia at the round table organized by The Urban Mobility Council
TTS Italia, represented by President Rossella Panero, will be among the speakers at the round table organized by the Think Tank The Urban Mobility Council on "Autonomous and cooperative driving: infrastructures and technologies between safety and ethical implications" which will be held on 28 October in Turin, with the patronage of the Municipality of Turin The aim of the working table will be to create a summary document, to be shared with institutional stakeholders, which collects the development policies of the autonomous and cooperative driving sector, in order to concretely contribute to the better understanding and development of the mobility of the future. questions still open. Technological developments will make it possible to build a dialogue - necessarily safe and reliable - between infrastructures and vehicles, in compliance with the ethical principles that must guide vehicle decisions aimed at protecting human lives. In this sense, the social and economic implications of the cooperative guide must also be explored, as well as the impacts for the insurance sector. Among the speakers of the day, also 5T and Iveco, TTS Italia ordinary members. |
MaaS: from words to deeds
In our new article for "Strade & Autostrade", we retrace the two days of the conference "MaaS4Italy: the future in Italy is Mobility as a Service", organized in Rome by TTS Italia on 14 and 15 July, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rome, and sponsored by the Department of Mobility of the Municipality of Rome.
The event was the occasion to officially present the national MaaS4Italy project together with the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility and the Department for Digital Transformation.
MaaS and concrete steps were discussed with Naples, Milan, Rome, the three lead cities in the experimentation of MaaS services, identified by the Department for Digital Transformation (DTD) and by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility (MIMS) with a Notice public. And also with the Regions and the industry side.
Read the article (available in Italian) here. |
Smart City Expo & World Congress: the appointment is in November in Barcelona
Also this year the Smart City Expo & World Congress will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from 15 to 17 November. TTS Italia is among the Institutional Partners.
The event, born in 2011, aims to improve the quality of life in cities and accelerate urban innovation around the world. By promoting social innovation and identifying opportunities for collaboration, the Congress is dedicated to creating a better future for cities and their citizens, under the motto of "Cities inspired by People". Sustainable cities where public transport coexists with new mobility options; inclusive cities where roads and public services are accessible to all; safe cities that face security and privacy concerns.
The three-day event, which again this year will be a hybrid event, will focus on:
• Enabling technologies
• Energy & Environment
• Mobility
• Governance
• Living & Inclusion
• Economy
• Infrastructures
• Safety & Security
There will also be the combination with Tomorrow.City, the digital platform that combines experience and business to accelerate the process of sustainability and inclusiveness of cities.
For further information on the event, click here.
For further information on Tomorrow.City, click here. |
• Italia-Bari
• Italia-Bari
Measuring devices maintenance
• Italia-Catania
Traffic control devices
• Italia-Collegno
Infringement systems
• Italia-Genova
Building works
• Italia-Piadena Drizzone
Infringement systems
• Italia-Vicenza
Electric buses

Stati Generali della Green Economy 2022
8-9 November 2022, Rimini
For further information, click here →
21-22-23 November 2022, Rome
For further information, click here →
24-25 November 2022 – ONLINE
For further information, click here →

IRF Global R2T Conference & Exhibition
31 October 2022 – 3 November 2022, Washington, USA
For further information, click here →
SITCE – Singapore International Transport Congress & Exhibition
2-4 November 2022, Singapore
For further information, click here →
Transport Research Arena 2022
14-17 November 2022 – Lisbon, Portugal
For further information, click here →
Smart City Expo World Congress
15-17 November 2022, Barcelona, Spain
For further information, click here →
POLIS Annual Conference 2022
30 November – 1 Dicember 2022, Brussels, Belgium
For further information, click here →