N° 3
March 2024
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy. |
TTS Italia wishes you
A Happy Easter! |
The interview by Morena Pivetti

“I say to motorway and road concessionaires: it's time to certify the experiments”. This is the invitation of Francesco Baldoni, President of the MIT Smart Roads Observatory. The point on the revision of Ministerial Decree 70/2018
In September last year, the Government proposed to Parliament an enabling law for the reorganization of the matter of smart roads and autonomous driving through the revision of ministerial decree 70 of 2018 with which Italy had placed itself at the forefront in Europe in this field. Technological evolution is moving at an increasingly rapid pace and the six years that separate us from 2018 make it essential to update regulations and implementation rules. Update and revision which, moreover, coincide in time with the work of transposing the new EU directive on Intelligent Transport Systems.
And who better than engineer Francesco Baldoni, General Director for digitalisation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, who has the responsibility of guiding digitalisation, automation and simplification within the Ministry - in line with the Digital Agenda - and at the same time President of the Technical Support Observatory for Smart Roads and for connected and self-driving vehicles, established at the MIT, can tell TTS Italia where we are at and what the objectives of the new legislation are. Here's what he told us.

Mr. Baldoni we are moving towards the rewriting of ministerial decree 70/2018 on smart roads and connected and automatic driving. Let us first of all remember what the objectives of the Ministerial Decree were and what it envisaged.
The Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport n. 70 of 28 February 2018 placed Italy among the first countries in the world to have legislation regarding the testing of self-driving vehicles and connected roads. The objectives identified are relevant: promoting the technological adaptation of the national road network consistently with the community and international framework of digitalisation of road infrastructures, also in support of vehicles connected with the most advanced levels of automatic driving assistance; experiment to allow the marketing of vehicles equipped with advanced digital technologies, such as to make, for public users, an improvement in terms of road safety and overcoming the critical issues inherent to traditional mobility. Furthermore, the Decree establishes the "Technical support observatory for Smart Roads and for connected and self-driving vehicles", based within the General Directorate for Digitalisation, to which responsibility for experimentation on Smart Roads and vehicles is devolved. automatically guided. The incentive for experimentation and technological innovation becomes a tool capable of increasing the development capacity for the entire country system while simultaneously raising the level of safety on our roads.
At what point is our country on smart roads? What is the rate of application of the rules contained in the decree?
Ministerial Decree 70/2018, to date, is the reference legislative text for those who want to experiment with automatic driving on public roads. It is a text of the highest caliber also in consideration of Annex A which dictates the functional requirements of what can actually be defined as "Smart Road" infrastructure. As an Observatory and as an institutional body competent in the matter, we cannot help but record an exponential growth in requests for support and assistance in the field of autonomous driving. The world of car manufacturers, but more generally stakeholders, turns to us to understand the terms of feasibility of their ideas of progress. With us we begin a process of both administrative and technical evaluation of each of the aspects concerning the project to be subjected to ministerial scrutiny. And from this perspective, Ministerial Decree 70/2018, on the one hand dictates precise and detailed rules, on the other hand leaves great ease to digital implementation. Through the rules dictated by Ministerial Decree 70/2018 we have been able to allow the start of innovative, far-sighted and digitally advanced experiments and projects.
In the framework you outlined, what role does the Smart Roads Observatory play?
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, through the Observatory, has had the opportunity to address numerous aspects regarding technical-legal and ethical issues affecting automatic driving and smart roads, while at the same time providing support to experimentation and to operators in the sector. Since its establishment, the Smart Road Observatory has played a central role because through the skills that have been given to us exclusively, we have started project activities that otherwise would not have developed. Projects applied to vehicles have passed through the Observatory which, probably in the near future, we will see on the cars of each of us. The background that the Observatory can boast has always been devoted to progress and technological evolution. This is because experimentation is a source of progress. The role that the Observatory has and has always tried to have is to provide maximum support for technological and digital development, both in the road infrastructure sector and in terms of digitalised and connected road traffic.
What is the state of the art of smart roads in Italy? What have the motorway concessionaires and Anas implemented for state roads?
The answer to the question requires a very small preamble. The technical annex of Ministerial Decree 70/2018 establishes the functional requirements of the adaptation, but does not establish the framework of the technologies to be implemented. It does not include structures, platforms or support architectures for implementation. In essence, it allows individual road operators to make the technological decision but indicates the final objective. In this context, many road operators have taken isolated initiatives, many of which result in mere technical demonstrations as an end in themselves and never oriented towards the creation of a true public utility service. In cases where the processes have been started, the approach has often been to start from the works and the digital infrastructure and not from the design of the services. In the many cases of creation of the so-called "Smart Road" technologies, none, to date, has ever been certified as such by MIT. Indeed, Ministerial Decree 70/2018 also provided for the possibility of decorating the stretch of road infrastructure that complies with the functional regulatory dictates of the regulation with the 'Smart Road' ministerial logo. The invitation we address to all road and motorway concessionaires is to request the so-called "Smart Road certification" with the related release of the "Smart Road" logo from the Smart Road Observatory.
On what basis/criteria will the Ministerial Decree be reviewed? For what new objectives?
Due to the adoption of Chamber act no. 1435, presented on 28 September 2023, – containing amendments to Legislative Decree no. 285 of 1992 (New Highway Code) - and specifically in paragraph 4 letter. m) and n) of Article 17, the Italian Government has proposed a bill to Parliament which includes a broad legislative delegation for the overall reorganization of the matter of smart roads and autonomous driving. It follows that Ministerial Decree 70/2018 will, in fact, be replaced by a first level regulatory source which will incorporate the illuminating scope of Regulation 70 of 2018 by adapting the national legislation to the European Directive 2023/2661 which integrates and reformulates the previous European Directive 2010 /40 of August 2010 on the diffusion of Intelligent Transportation Systems. The MIT Smart Road Observatory will be able to contribute in a strong and significant way to the development of the new regulatory approach, being well aware of the priorities and needs of the sector. For years the Smart Road Observatory has been communicating and discussing with all the companies operating in the automotive and connected infrastructure sector. Thanks to this continuous comparison, it will be able to truly direct the regulatory choices which, it is hoped, will incorporate the real needs for technological and digital adaptation. The MIT Smart Road Observatory will also pay particular attention to automatic driving so that it becomes a digital reality in the vehicular sector, proposing an analytical and open regulation that intervenes from the moment of the request for testing. The foundations on which to build the revision of Ministerial Decree 70/2018 cannot ignore artificial intelligence applied to the automotive sector. In the table of future choices, the MIT Smart Road Observatory will have a central and hopefully decisive role, in the making, for the regulatory harmonization process.
The players in the supply chain ask for a synthesis, to open an operational table and set up an ad hoc agency, to build industrial processes. What are your thoughts? How to get car makers and telcos to sit at the table?
The requests are more than legitimate and it is our daily commitment. The Observatory's secretariat is in constant and continuous contact with countless national and international entities. Car manufacturers, rather than research bodies, or more simply innovators and experimenters, turn to the Smart Road Observatory to compare notes and present their projects. Dialogue, discussion and support activities are fundamental. We cannot think of proceeding according to a pre-established line since market logic, technological innovations and safety needs do not follow pre-defined lines. It is only by comparing and listening to the needs of those who create innovation for the public interest that progress is created. I don't know if the idea of creating an ad hoc agency could be the right choice, but I believe that a body that conveys the needs of sector stakeholders would be a sensible and absolutely desirable choice. After all, this is what the MIT Smart Road Observatory is trying to do in its daily activity.
What are the connections with the transposition of the new EU directive on ITS, which you mentioned earlier, and the construction of the ITS national plan?
The new European directive 2023/2661, adapting the previous European directive 2010/40 of August 2010, regarding Intelligent Transportation Systems, brings new life to the Smart Road sector even if it does not radically change it, limiting itself in various aspects to integrate the previous legislation. In any case, the thinking of the MIT Smart Road Observatory has always been that of a necessary national regulatory harmonization with what is foreseen at a European level. Ministerial Decree 70/2018, an enlightened and avant-garde regulation, suffers, to date, from failure to adapt to subsequent European regulations. As an Observatory, to tell the truth, we have repeatedly proposed update and revision decrees in light of community regulations. But to date, with the act of the Chamber of Deputies n. 1435, presented on 28 September 2023, – containing amendments to Legislative Decree no. 285 of 1992 (New Highway Code) - and specifically in paragraph 4 letter. m) and n) of art 17, I believe it will be possible to lay solid foundations for the revision and harmonization in the matters of smart roads and autonomous driving.
How do we greet each other?
I would like to close this interview by launching an invitation to those (car makers, experimenters, concessionaires and research bodies) who want to put their idea of progress, their innovative autonomous driving system or Smart Road at the service of the nation, to come forward. Progress is in the hands of those who build it. The State is the guarantor of innovation.
Who is Francesco Baldoni. He has over 25 years of management experience in the public and private sectors, with a long stint working in Singapore.
He currently heads the General Directorate for Digitalization of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport with responsibility for driving digitalization, automation and simplification within the Ministry, in line with the Digital Agenda and in collaboration with other departments and structures of the Administration.
He is President of the Technical Support Observatory for Smart Roads and for connected and self-driving vehicles, established at MIT.
He has held important roles in various institutions and contributed to the digitalisation and efficiency of processes in various public sectors, including justice, healthcare and tourism.
He participated in the development and evolution of the Telematic Civil Process and the Digital Tourism Hub, a complex interoperability platform at the foundation of the digital tourism ecosystem.
He has collaborated on numerous institutional tables, including the Cyber Technical Table (DPCM 24 January 2013 - Cyber Security) established at the Information Security Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the working groups established for the implementation of the Legislative Decree. 105/2019 (cyber security perimeter).
He was responsible, at the Agency for Digital Italy - AGID, for the Area responsible for the supervision, management and coordination of complex projects financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of which the Agency is the implementing body and for the Area competent in the definition of the architecture of large projects, technical and semantic interoperability, the valorisation of public information assets (Open Data) and the rationalization of the digital infrastructures of the public administration. |
Innovation and Sustainability for Reggio Calabria's New Public Transport System

Reggio Calabria is preparing for a significant improvement in urban mobility with the implementation of the new local public transport system. The public tender for the supply of a platform for the management and control of the Local Public Transport fleet, awarded to the joint venture Swarco Italia, Elmec and Bigo Solutions, aims to offer citizens a modern, efficient and state-of-the-art service.
Imagine yourself getting on one of the 90 recently renewed vehicles, each equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure safety, comfort and a completely new travelling experience. These vehicles will be equipped with the NEXT OBU on-board system, an integrated set of technologies such as an alarm button, hands-free kit and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), all aligned to enhance driver and passenger safety. In addition to the technical features, the new system also offers benefits for passengers, thanks to onboard infotainment systems that enrich the travel experience with information and entertainment content.
In addition, one of the unique features of this system is its interface with the ticketing system provided by Elmec, expanding payment methods and allowing access to public vehicles with unprecedented ease and convenience.
For those who enjoy precise journey planning, thanks to the ability to export real-time data in GTFS format, it will be possible to access timetables and routes via multiple digital platforms.
The introduction of the Bled eco-driving system stands out for its commitment to environmental sustainability. This solution is designed to encourage drivers towards more energy-efficient driving practices, helping to reduce emissions and fuel consumption, thus aligning with broader ecological goals.
With the awarding of this public tender, Reggio Calabria is preparing for an innovative breakthrough in the field of urban mobility, guaranteeing a cutting-edge service that combines technology, efficiency and sustainability for the wellbeing of the city and its citizens. |
CIRCLE Group: Magli Intermodal Service has chosen Milos® for the optimized management of the terminal and intermodal transport activities
Circle Group (“CIRCLE” or “the Group”) – Group specialized in the analysis of processes and the development of solutions for the innovation and digitalisation of the port and intermodal logistics sectors, and ordinary member of TTS Italia – announces that Magli Intermodal Service (“MIS”) – a leading group for the logistics of steel and metal products active both as a terminal operator and as a Multimodal Transport Operator – has chosen the evolved Milos® platform for the optimized management of terminal operations and intermodal transport activities. MIS will make use of the Milos® solution with its integrated components Milos® TOS, designed to manage the operations of the Montirone terminal, simplifying the procedures for managing the gates, the yard and the loading/unloading of trains, and Milos® MTO, aimed to multimodal transport operators, thus digitizing commercial, operational and administrative processes and procedures and significantly improving their performance.
Milos® TOS, already in production, will allow Magli Intermodal Service to have a more efficient operational flow and manage terminal operations more effectively.''The growth recorded in recent years requires investing in a digital transformation process that makes MIS solutions even more effective and competitive. This project will help us design processes that are increasingly in line with the demands of the market which sees door-to-door intermodal transport solutions as a lever for improving its sustainability performance and the quality of data useful for monitoring the various supply and distribution chains '' declared Paolo Magli, President of the Magli Intermodal Service Group whose consolidated turnover in 2022 reached 250 million euros with a growth forecast of 280 million with the consolidated turnover in 2023 thanks to the investee companies operating in the intermodal transport sectors , terminals and integrated logistics. In the coming months Milos® MTO will also be implemented, thanks to which MIS will also be able to manage the MTO activity in its road and road-rail intermodal components in an optimized and fully integrated manner with the operation of the terminal. “It is a great honor for Circle Group to accompany MIS on this strategic evolutionary path and support it with concrete solutions to digitalize operations and optimize the efficiency of multimodal management. The Connect 4 Agile Growth plan addresses precisely these objectives and collaborations like these make us proud of the daily mutual contribution we can give" is the comment of Luca Abatello, President and CEO of CIRCLE Group.
Source: CIRCLE Group |
CIRCLE Group: new Mediterranean port chooses Port Community Services
Circle S.p.A. (“CIRCLE” or the “Company”) – Innovative SME listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market at the head of the Group of the same name specialized in the analysis of processes and the development of solutions for the innovation and digitalisation of the port and intermodal logistics sectors as well as in international consultancy on the issues of the Green Deal and energy transition, and TTS Italia ordinary member - announces the signing of a contract by a new Mediterranean port regarding Port Community Services.
The project, whose value exceeds €130,000, lasts six months and constitutes a further stage of the Connect 4 Agile Growth strategic path which envisages the expansion of geographical coverage as one of the cornerstones of the Group's development strategy.
“We are enthusiastic about the trust placed in us by another important port logistics hub in the Mediterranean area. Thanks to the defined services, port and logistics users will have at their disposal an advanced tool for the digitalisation of operations, the monitoring of multimodal traffic arriving and departing from the port, the dematerialisation of information flows and the integrated management of the customs component" is the comment by Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE Group.
Source: CIRCLE Group |
CIRCLE Group: provides, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, useful information for managing flows of heavy vehicles arriving/leaving from a port hub
Circle Group (“CIRCLE” or “the Group”) – Group specialized in the analysis of processes and the development of solutions for the innovation and digitalisation of the port and intermodal logistics sectors, and ordinary member of TTS Italia – is able to predict, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, specifically using Machine Learning solutions, information useful for managing flows of heavy vehicles arriving/departing from a port node. To create this solution, they were first mapped, starting from data and cases real applications, the physical and information processes related to them, considering the different actors and information systems involved in the flow. The data collected feeds specific algorithms developed to manage the large amount of data entered, returning the information subject to prediction. The information being estimated includes, for example, based on the degree of congestion in the port and the resources involved, the levels of expected incoming flows and the potential timing of exit of the flows from the node. The developed solution, called "MILOS® Intelligence – Node Flow Prediction”, has the objective of optimizing traffic flows and reducing critical issues related to congestion both at the entrance and within the logistics node itself, with a significant improvement in terms of efficiency, to the benefit of all the system.“This release represents another milestone in our Connect 4 Agile Growth Plan and confirms the Group's ability to apply AI in an extremely concrete and targeted way: therefore not a generalist platform but specific solutions that immediately offer strong customers optimizations and a return on investment measurable in a few months" declares Luca Abatello, President and CEO of CIRCLE Group.
Source: CIRCLE Group |
In Verona, unified headquarters of the local police and mobility centers to prevent emergencies and manage crises and major events
The Municipality of Verona, TTS Italia ordinary member, has created and consolidated over the last few years a complex technological system aimed at controlling the territory and monitoring urban mobility, synthetically called "INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR MOBILITY AND SAFETY" constituted by numerous telematic systems coordinated and managed through some territorial operations centers connected to each other.
Since March 12, there has been only a glass door that separates the Traffic Center from the Operations Center of the local Police, which has left the old headquarters in via del Pontiere for the one in Lungadige Galtarossa, where the Mobility and Transport offices were already located Traffic. A result that has been awaited for at least six years to which the administration has given great priority and which it has been able to achieve quickly.
It is thanks to these 'brains' that the city is constantly monitored and patrolled, in public spaces, squares and gardens, as well as in city streets, from major arteries to neighborhood streets.
A 24/7 presence, which in the event of an emergency allows us to intervene quickly with the necessary measures. Prevention is the watchword and to do it best, the centers must talk to each other in real time, share databases and information, also in connection with the other city law enforcement agencies and bodies such as Atv, Amia, Agsm-Aim, Acque Veronesi.
It is from this perspective that the integrated system for mobility and safety was created, the complex technological system aimed at controlling the territory and monitoring urban mobility consisting of numerous telematic systems coordinated and managed through some territorial operations centers connected to each other.
All efficient in view also from the start of the G7 summit in Verona for which an extraordinary safety and traffic plan has been prepared. An appointment which is just one of the many events scheduled between now and the next few months, from Vinitaly to the opening of the underpass in Via Città di Nimes, from the visit of Pope Francis on 18 May to the G7 of the Lower House in October. Not to mention the major works underway such as the High Speed/High Capacity and those for the trolleybus, or the big appointment with the Olympics in 2026.
All of this justifies the demanding logistical and economic efforts to create the new unified centers and the traffic crisis management room which will allow the staff in charge to effectively and synergistically monitor the territory, protect heritage, control urban safety and manage traffic.
The centers organized in two distinct but contiguous operational spaces guarantee the necessary physical separation with the respective institutional hierarchies with the typical synergy of a single logical command center in order to optimize response times in relation to the needs highlighted by the territory.
They will also be able to take advantage of some new generation technological platforms such as the Authority Control Room (ACR) and the Transport Operator Console (TOC), recent investments made thanks to funding from the POR-FESR 2014-2020 programming which allow mobility management at an integrated level and connected with the regional digital systems and the Road Safety Information Coordination Center (CISS) of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
The organization of the new centers will guarantee more effective protection towards the upcoming and future challenges that await Verona and its territory.
The unification of the headquarters of the two centers was carried out in agreement with the Coordination for Public Order and Security (COSP) coordinated by the Prefecture of Verona. Today at the inauguration were present the Prefect of Verona Demetrio Martino, the Police Commissioner Roberto Massucci, the representatives of the police forces of Verona and the province and of the institutions that collaborate in various capacities with the Administration on safety and traffic issues.
Source: Municipality of Verona |
Mobility: in Verona, the Platform that collects data
A smart city is a city that analyzes data transforming it into opportunities, even more so when we talk about mobility. Knowing by what means citizens travel to work, at what times and through which routes is essential to have an overall vision on which to evaluate decisions and interventions. Here the collection of data therefore becomes fundamental to have an updated and complete photograph.
On these assumptions, the Municipality of Verona and Amt3 are developing the innovative Kooling platform which automates the acquisition, standardization and analysis of large volumes of mobility data and the related climate impact. This will allow AMT3 to obtain quality information in real time for the entire municipal territory.
Confindustria Verona also participates in this first test phase, promoting membership of the platform among its companies, in order to have as much data as possible to compare and evaluate, to the advantage of both the Administration and Amt3 and the companies called upon to draw up specific home-work travel plan for its collaborators and employees.
“We are starting a path based on the collection of data for the benefit of sustainable mobility, giving Amt3 a role as a territorial agency in this sense – said the councilor for Mobility Tommaso Ferrari -. In this first phase of use of the platform, the investee companies of the Municipality and Confindustria Verona are involved and we thank them for having responded to our call. We work with a view to synergy and relationships between the Administration, local authorities and businesses for fruitful collaboration on issues that concern everyone".
“The home-work travel plan represents an important piece of sustainable mobility, an indication contemplated in DIM (inter-ministerial decree) 179 of 2021, which provides for the reduction of the environmental impact deriving from vehicular traffic in the citizen's movements from home to office of their work - explained the president of Amt3 Giuseppe Mazza -. In this context AMT3, at the push of the Municipality, had the honor and burden of supporting the Mobility Manager desk, effectively becoming the leader of the project which involves the adoption of "good practices" through the involvement of local companies and promoting alternative transport solutions with reduced environmental impact (car pooling, car sharing, bike sharing, shuttles, etc.). A valuable activity for receiving, normalizing and analyzing the PSCL of all local companies, deciding where and how to intervene, in order to reduce vehicular traffic, CO2 emissions and increasing the use of public transport and active mobility. To achieve the result, AMT3 has formalized a partnership with the Kooling company, thanks to which we have a platform available which, in cooperation with Confindustria Verona and with some investee companies of the Municipality we have created and are perfecting".
Source: TgVerona |
Partnership between M.A.I.O.R. and Transdata: technological innovation for Optimized Public Transport
The idea of joining forces to create a complete and efficient ecosystem for mobility is the glue behind the new strategic partnership between MAIOR, TTS Italia ordinary member , and Transdata.
Together, they offer operations that move in harmony with the needs of the transport system. The solutions offered simplify and optimize the planning and programming process, guaranteeing reliable, precise, high-performance services at the lowest possible cost.
From network planning to daily management: the solutions embrace every process to be able to best provide TPL services. Today the management of public transport can be influenced by various unexpected factors.
This new partnership provides a direct connection between companies, agencies and TPL bodies, allowing real-time monitoring of the service and improved quality perceived by passengers.
With detailed reports for planning and informed decisions, authorities can manage contracts, simplify administrative and financial processes with LPT service operators, improve decisions based on in-depth analysis and ensure transparency and effectiveness in the management of public contracts.
The objective is to revolutionize the approach to LPT through a series of actions:
• Operational Optimization: Advanced planning, resource management and performance analysis.
Intuitive Interface: A user-friendly platform that simplifies daily management, reducing the most repetitive tasks.
• Maximization of Profitability: Optimization of resources to ensure maximum performance and reduction of operating costs.
• Rapid collaboration between institutions: Direct connection for smooth communication and continuous service improvement.
• Transparency in Public Contracts: Detailed reports and analyzes to ensure transparency and trust between authorities, bodies and TPL agencies.
• Advanced Technology: Shared indicators and detailed reporting for a complete view of operations and better decision making.
Source: MAIOR |
Targa Telematics presents the first fleet management solutions after the acquisition of Viasat
Targa Telematics – one of the main global players in the field of technologies dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member– presents the first solutions after the acquisition of Viasat.Viasat Fleet Start and Advanced transform the data collected in real time from vehicles, such as cars and light commercial vehicles, into fleet management services, allowing you to reduce costs, improve processes and, thanks to Stolen Vehicle Tracking, protect the means from theft or improper use; Furthermore, they allow the user to view reports on driving style and accidents. The Viasat Fleet Advanced version adds the maintenance management function and monitoring of fleet consumption and CO2 emissions. These are the first Viasat solutions integrated with the Targa Telematics IoT platform. Both are made available throughout the European market and Chile, confirming the company's desire to reach an ever-increasing number of countries and to expand and strengthen some of the sectors in which it already operates. Viasat Fleet Start and Advanced offer a standard solution, which does not require particular customizations, ensuring high quality and uniformity, made possible by consolidated experience and the ability to manage significant volumes.“Viasat Fleet Start and Advanced are the result of integration of Viasat solutions in the Targa Telematics technological platform” stated Alberto Falcione, Vice President Sales of Targa Telematics. “This was made possible, less than a year after the acquisition, thanks to the harmony and synergy between the commercial and Go to Market teams, who worked together to offer a highly innovative solution. On the one hand, we have benefited from expertise in the fields of logistics and transportation; on the other hand, technological innovation has been constantly fueled by a continuous commitment to Research & Development, allowing Viasat solutions to be enriched with new features". The Fleet Start and Advanced solutions offer an immediate overview of the fleet, identifying opportunities for efficiency improvement through a web platform; if necessary, data flows can be integrated with customer IT systems or existing platforms, so as to enable the automation of tasks and the invoicing process. The installation of the on-board device is quick and non-invasive, so as not to affect the productivity of the fleet itself.
Source: Traga Telematics |
Targa Telematics tops the Berg Insight ranking for Fleet Management in Europe
Targa Telematics – one of the leading global players in the field of technologies dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member – has been cited by Berg Insight as the largest provider of fleet management solutions in Europe.
More specifically, in the Fleet Management in Europe report, published by the analytics firm and now in its 18th edition, Targa Telematics ranked first among digital fleet management service providers, with more than 710,000 vehicles managed in Europe, rising by one place relative to the previous year.
Adding these figures to those of Viasat, a company recently acquired by Targa Telematics, the lead over second place opens up considerably, with nearly 900,000 vehicles equipped.
Berg Insight’s analyst highlights that the European fleet management market has entered a period of growth that will last for several years, even if individual markets may experience temporary setbacks as a result of general economic trends. It also predicts that the number of active fleet management systems will grow by 12.4% per year, from 14.8 million units at the end of 2022 to 26.5 million by 2027. On the other hand, the estimated penetration rate of the total population of commercial vehicles and non-privately owned passenger cars increases from 22.1% in 2022 to 37.7% in 2027. Benelux, the United Kingdom, and Ireland remain the most advanced markets in Europe for fleet management solutions, followed by the Nordic countries, France, and Germany.
Targa Telematics’ Fleet Management offering consists of digital solutions that optimize the management of corporate fleets, promoting greater efficiency and safety for both vehicles and personnel, saving resources, and reducing CO2 emissions.
“With our Fleet Management solutions, we help customers pursue their goals of optimizing their fleet and maximizing the residual value of their vehicles,” commented Alberto Falcione – VP Sales at Targa Telematics. “Our constant commitment to the development of cutting-edge services, utilising Machine Learning and AI models that have been refined thanks to the high number of connected vehicles managed with our solutions, has contributed to our continued growth in this sector, as highlighted in the Berg Insight report.”
Source: Targa Telematics |
TTS Italia at a hearing in the Senate: the importance and urgency of digitalisation for logistics and transport
On March 21, TTS Italia was heard in the Senate as part of the fact-finding investigation on the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence in the planning, construction and monitoring of road, motorway, railway, port, airport and logistics infrastructures. TTS Italia was represented by the President, Rossella Panero, rapporteur; by the General Secretary, Eng. Olga Landolfi; by the Projects, Members, Activities Manager, Eng. Leonardo Domanico; and by the Head of Communications, Dr. Laura Franchi. The investigation was promoted by the Vice President of the 8th Senate Commission on Environment, Ecological Transition, Energy, Public Works, Communications, Technological Innovation, Lorenzo Basso. The proposal was then endorsed by the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, who incorporated it into parliamentary work. Thus, in October 2023 the auditions began which will close this month. The entire process arises from a need that we at TTS Italia have also reiterated several times: to accelerate digitalisation. The Senate is also aware of the lack of a national framework that allows us to extend all the technology already available and best practices in a structural manner and with concrete actions. There is therefore a lack of a business model that allows us to support the processes of digitalisation and implementation of artificial intelligence and deep learning across the entire logistics and transport chain of the country. During the hearing, TTS Italia had the opportunity to reiterate what has already been stated in the Position paper "Solutions for the digitalisation of road infrastructures", of July 2023: it is essential to invest in smart roads and to this end, TTS Italia has formulated a series of proposals for the complete digitalisation of national road infrastructures. First of all, the need to implement the new ITS Directive 2661/2023 was highlighted and, similarly to what happened with the implementation of Directive 2010/40/EU, also adopt a new ITS Decree and, above all, a new Action Plan National ITS which identifies the priorities in terms of ITS and smart roads for the next 5 years. Furthermore, as detailed proposals, those relating to the monitoring and management of road infrastructures, the automatic control of incorrect behavior by motorists for the purposes of road safety, the control of goods transport in extra-urban areas, the classification of roads also based on to technological equipment and professional services for railways and smart roads. Once the hearings are over, a final report will be drawn up which will be brought to Parliament for discussion and vote and will include the set of policies that will integrate and support the transposition of the ITS Directive and other EU initiatives such as the Digital Service Act, the Data Act and the IA Act, to have a harmonized regulatory framework with the entire set of European directives. At that point Parliament will pass the word to the Government in office which will have to find the resources and identify the best tools so that from the policy proposals we move on to the "grounding" with the definition of the concrete actions that it will consider welcoming and supporting in order to implement to the policies outlined. |
2nd Edition of the Rome Digital Summit, TTS Italia among the Sponsors
Accompanying and promoting the digitalisation of Public Administration is the main objective of the "Digital Territoral Summit Project", a real journey of innovation in the territories, organized by The Innovation Group in collaboration with Local Governments, Universities, Research Centers, Companies and Start-Ups, Trade Associations, Digital Innovation Hubs, Local Health Authorities, Chambers of Commerce, Public Bodies and Consortia, Foundations. Rome and its Metropolitan Area represent the fourteenth stage of this journey and will host, next 17 April at Palazzo Valentini, the “Roma Digital Summit” event, created in collaboration with Roma Capitale and the Metropolitan City of Rome, and which also sees TTS Italia among the Sponsors. The Summit aims to provide an overview of the initiatives and projects underway, financed through the resources of the Jubilee 2025 and the PNRR, as well as to describe the innovation and digital transformation processes underway in the Rome Metropolitan Area.
The event then allows innovators to interact with companies, public bodies and public administration, with the aim of enhancing the good development practices in progress.
Finally, the II Edition of the "Roma Digital Summit" offers an important opportunity for accountability, through which political leaders can share guidelines for growth, development and territorial innovation with the business system and citizens in a with a view to future programming. The event, which will take place from 9:00 to 16:30, is divided into 5 thematic sessions dedicated to:
• Jubilee 2025
• Transport and Sustainable Mobility
• Generative Artificial Intelligence
• Cybersecurity
• Tourism and Cultural Heritage
For more information and to register for the Summit, click here. |
• Italia
Road passengers transport
• Italia
Devices for traffic control
• Italia
• Italia
Data management

17 April 2024, Rome
For further information, click here →

Connecting Europe Days 2024
2-5 April 2024, Belgium, Brussels
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TRA 2024
15-18 April 2024, Dublin, Ireland
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EU Road Safety Conference 2024
16 April 2024, Dublin, Ireland
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Intetraffic Amsterdam
16-19 April 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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ERTMS 2024 Conference
23-25 April 2024, Valenciennes, France
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