It's Europe
N° 6
June 2024

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Member of the month
Projects of the month
Product of the month
From our members  
Our activities
Business opportunities  
TTS Italia supports
The interview by Morena Pivetti


“Innovation and digitalisation: this is how we monitor and manage the safety of bridges, viaducts and tunnels”. Mauro Giancaspro, Director of Technology Innovation at Anas, speaks

He was one of the protagonists of the last TTS Italia conference, the one celebrating the 25 years of the Association and which had at its center as the subject of discussion the Manifesto on "Technological solutions for the safety and security of mobility services", developed by TTS Italia. Mauro Giancaspro, Director of Technology Innovation at Anas, was one of the interlocutors of the final round table which addressed the topic of security as a key factor for the economic and social progress of the country. Precisely because of the crucial role that the giant Anas, manager of the 32 thousand kilometers of national roads within the Ferrovie dello Stato Group, plays in the functioning of Italy's strategic infrastructures, it is interesting to deepen the dialogue: "On the over 32 thousand kilometers of road network entrusted to our management - Mauro Giancaspro starts from the numbers - there are as many as 18,700 bridges and viaducts and over 2 thousand tunnels. I mention them to give an idea of the security load that weighs on our shoulders."

What is the company's approach to security, starting with infrastructure?
We have updated our standards by evolving from scheduled maintenance to industrial predictive maintenance, thanks to the activation of numerous services and innovative technological solutions that have allowed us to make this transition and implement the dynamic monitoring of works of art, i.e. bridges, viaducts and galleries. Our primary objective is to guarantee the safe operation of the road network in the face of continuous changes in demand and therefore in traffic flows. For this reason, we have activated an experimental platform for the structural monitoring of some works using the SHM paradigm, Structural Health Monitoring.

The new guidelines on the matter dictated in 2022 by the Superior Council of Public Works forced the updating of the management system of safety plans by providing three phases - census of works, classification and analysis of management risks - which are under basis of the new inspection processes.
To implement the SHM program – continues the TIDS Director – the complementary fund attached to the PNRR has allocated 275 million euros to Anas. SHM is a methodology for continuous long-term monitoring and analysis of a work which provides a diagnosis of its state of health and an estimate of the associated risk at every moment of the structure's life. To do this, on the bridges to be monitored we have and are installing ad hoc technologies and sensors that send the data detected to a central SHM platform, which allows us to manage and govern events in real time, monitor services, processes and assets, collect documentation, carry out analyses, intervene on any malfunctions, interruptions and alarms. Furthermore, the platform is capable of integrating with third-party video surveillance systems, dynamic weighing systems and IoT systems.

What stage are you at with operational implementation?
In 2022 we launched tenders to equip the first thousand bridges with these intelligent systems and by May 2023, we had awarded them all. That year we installed the first 50 systems. This year we are planning another 200 and we are already at 112, in 2025 we will add another 300 and in 2026, the last year, the remaining 500. And that's not all.

What else did you invent?
Invented is the right word. Together with the Polytechnic of Milan and the Universities of Padua and Perugia, we have developed our own modal analysis algorithm which we have tested for two years on 40 bridges, and we are gradually improving, for the dynamic monitoring of works of art with IoT sensors. It is able to acquire risk data from other environments, for example ISPRA for hydraulic risk, IGNV for seismic risk. We think we can then propose it to other infrastructure managers, both in Italy and abroad. In this way we make the inspection process on bridges and viaducts more efficient and increase the safety of our infrastructures.

Process that is tested on digital twins of the works.
Certain. Like Anas we are creating digital twins of all the works of art we manage, also with the help of drones. For new ones we can count on BIM, the Building Information Model, which is the global standard that construction companies are obliged to adopt in executive planning and which includes digital twins.

Along with bridges and viaducts, Anas is focusing on tunnels.
For the safety of the tunnels, since 2018 we have defined and launched the STIG program, the Tunnel Remote Control System, which will end in 2027 for a total investment of approximately 30 million euros. It is based on a remote control system of the systems for the supervision of traffic conditions and the automated management of risk scenarios. Also in this case we optimize maintenance plans by integrating the information managed by the 21 Territorial Operations Rooms into a centralized system, the Road Management Tool, RMT. In particular, the Smart SCADA, Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition application module. Intelligent SCADA allows users to monitor, remote control and supervise in real time the systems and devices in the field and consequently activate scenarios for the management of emergencies and traffic conditions that may arise in tunnels. We are equipping the 52 tunnels of the A2, Mediterranean Motorway, with these technologies.

The innovations affecting bridges, viaducts and tunnels are integrated with the Smart Road projects managed by Anas - 340 kilometers already in operation -, as per the path formalized in the company's industrial plan. Staying on Smart Roads, what do you expect from the revision of the DM70 on which MIT is working, and in particular the Smart Road Observatory directed by Francesco Baldoni?
Crucial issues in the revision of the decree are linked to interoperability, the sustainability of investments and their scalability for the network. Issues that require extensive collaboration between the various players: Government, infrastructure managers, car makers, telcos and users. In particular, together with the telcos and car makers, an overall structural system must be defined upstream, with standards and requirements respected by all, with the definition of ad hoc protocols. Also, to implement Maas, i.e. Mobility as a service. I believe that there are three levels of intervention: on the first, infrastructures, with the involvement of all their managers, on the second, transport, i.e. everything that moves on the infrastructures, people and goods, while on the third level are the services, the Maas. It is the entire mobility ecosystem with the different modes that must be regulated, regulated and accompanied by sustainable business models.

But according to the TIDS Director, this is not enough.
The Observatory must be transformed into an Agency. Paying special attention to cybersecurity.

The digitalisation of infrastructures and services also allows Anas to better manage maintenance sites: not only the safety of road users but also of the workers involved in the work themselves.
We have over 80 active innovation projects on different themes. These include the digital construction site, new methodologies and technologies for inspections of works, automated survey of vertical signs and green areas, so as to monitor the state of health of minimum assets.

The last topic is the transposition of the ITS Directive, a topic that is particularly close to the heart of TTS Italia.
It is the first tool to be put on the table together with the revision of Ministerial Decree 70. But I like to close this interview by moving our gaze from the earth to the sky: we are collaborating both with ASI, the Italian Space Agency, and with ESA, the European Space Agency, because the future lies in road monitoring and emergency management thanks to the support of space technologies, with satellite navigation and earth observation services. They will be essential to achieve the objective of level 5 of autonomous driving.

Who is Mauro Giancaspro. Mauro Giancaspro was born in 1971 and graduated in Information Sciences from the University of Bari. He has over 25 years of professional experience in the field of technologies and software engineering.
Since June 2021 he has been Director of Technology, Innovation & Digital Spoke at Anas S.p.A. – Italian State Railways Group. He leads the company's Digital Transformation, governing strategic innovation and technological evolution programs aimed at generating business value in terms of safety and public utility services envisaged in the PNRR (Anas Smart Road and Dynamic Monitoring Platform for Works of Art).
From 2002 to 2021 he worked in the ENAV S.p.A. Group, covering various managerial positions of increasing responsibility within the ICT Directorate until assuming leadership in 2013. He collaborated with the CEO and Top Management on Digital Business Strategy & Execution, targeting imperatives strategic innovation, business continuity and cost efficiency.
As part of the Privatization process, he managed the program to adapt the company's information systems for the company's listing on the Italian Stock Exchange in July 2016.
From 2006 to 2008 he managed the technological innovation program of the AOIS (Aeronautical Operational Information System), the heart of the civil air traffic management system in Italy.
From 1998 to 2002 he worked at Oracle, participating in ERP projects for large organizations in Italy and Europe.

Member of the month

Pin Bike is the patented and anti-fraud system for the certification, monitoring and gamification of urban routes in sustainable transport. Thanks to Pin Bike, mobility managers of cities, companies and schools can issue economic incentives to promote sustainable and active mobility, as well as local commerce.
The patented Pin Bike technology combines hardware and software sources for data collection. The system is anti-fraud and provides certified transport data to mobility managers of cities, companies and schools, for the release of economic incentives for sustainable mobility and for data-based decisions and investments.
The patented gamification system can be adapted to certify all movements with sustainable mobility means in urban areas: micromobility, car pooling, public transport. The rankings, prizes and scores are all shared in a single platform, giving the user the possibility to choose different modes of sustainable travel.


The municipality of Florence and Pin Bike launch the first incentives dedicated to the use of bicycles: it is the ‘Pedala, Firenze ti premia’ project which aims to promote the two-wheeled vehicle for city travel in exchange for a monthly contribution for the most virtuous citizens, through the Pin Bike kit and the dedicated Pin Bike app. It was possible to apply from 13 May, the project started on 3 June, on the World Bicycle Day, and will last until 2 June 2025.
How this initiative was carried out: the cyclist selects the Pedala, Firenze ti premia initiative in the Pin Bike app. The user is then redirected to a portal to submit the application, by entering some due information.
At the end of the registration, if you are among the first 2,000 participants, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that will contain the information for collecting the kit (place, time and link to the online booking system) and, attached, the application form generated by the Portal.
Inside the kit you will find a user code and instructions to be able to pair the device with the App.
Can participate adult citizens of the Metropolitan Area of Florence who are: • residing or domiciled in Florence who work or study in the Municipalities of the Florentine Agglomeration (Florence, Bagno a Ripoli, Calenzano, Campi Bisenzio, Lastra a Signa, Scandicci, Sesto Fiorentino, Signa);    • residing or domiciled in the municipalities of Bagno a Ripoli, Calenzano, Campi Bisenzio, Lastra a Signa, Scandicci, Sesto Fiorentino and Signa who study or work in Florence.

• a bicycle (muscular or pedal-assisted)
• a smartphone compatible with Android version 6.0 and later or IOS version 13 and later
• download the Pin Bike App
• collect the Pin bike Kit
• be the holder of an e-mail account for communications with the Municipality of Florence and for registration to the Pin Bike application
• be the holder of a current account whose IBAN code must be provided at the time of the registration.

PLEASE NOTE: incentives will be paid exclusively by bank transfer.
The initiative, financed with one million and 200 thousand euros, is one of the pilot projects developed with citizens as part of the 'Florence for the climate' project and was proposed to the Councilor for the Environment and Ecological Transition Andrea Giorgio within the Program Agreement for the adoption of measures for the improvement of air quality stipulated between the Region and the Ministry and approved by the Municipality of Florence. The project was presented on May 28 by Councillor Andrea Giorgio together with the presidents of the Districts and representatives of Pin Bike.
The aim of the project is to promote the use of bicycles for all systematic journeys, not only those between home and work but also those from home to school / university, and this is why the incentive for these routes will be greater. The use of bicycles will also be promoted on other journeys with a general destination (as long as they are carried out by the citizens of Florence within their Municipality from Monday to Friday). It will be possible to use both ordinary bicycles and pedal-assisted bicycles.
Prizes of up to €100 will be available every month for the 200 users who have accumulated the most points in the App with virtuous actions (km cycled, participation in events and questionnaires, etc.). Each participant, over the course of the project, will be able to receive additional monthly prizes up to a maximum of 200 euros.
The incentive will be 0.20 cents per km cycled; those who already used the bicycle for home-work and home-school/university journeys will be entitled to 15 euro cents per kilometer and 5 euro cents per kilometer on general routes. The maximum amount that can be accrued will be €1.20 per day and €30 per month.
Each user, on a monthly basis, upon reaching the threshold of 30 euros of km cycled (on home-work and home-school/university journeys possibly combined with generic routes) will receive a bank transfer of 30 euros. In addition to this, prizes of up to €100 will be available every month for the 200 users who have accumulated the most points in the App with virtuous actions (km cycled, participation in events and questionnaires, etc.). Each participant, over the course of the project, will be able to receive additional monthly prizes up to a maximum of 200 euros.
The data, which dates back to Monday 22 June, speak of 1,630 users who immediately activated the Pin Bike application for a total of 26,829 sessions after having covered an average distance of 5.49 kilometres.
Since June 3, the Florentines have cycled for 133,001 kilometers, producing a saving of 20,546 kg of CO2, the municipality says by analyzing the first available data. Only 13 percent of this distance was covered by electric bike.
Peak usage is 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. The use was 40 per cent for general journeys and 60 per cent for systematic journeys related to work and study. Figures of which the councillor for the environment Andrea Giorgio, promoter of the project, says he is "very satisfied". "In just a few days, users have already shown that they really appreciate our initiative and that they use the bike not for short walks but for long distances, especially between home and work."
The majority of users are spread over the long age group between 30 and 59 years old: 48% are men and 36% women, while 16% did not declare their gender. Now the "race" is to grab the 100 euro bonuses that will go to the cyclists who accumulate the most points on the app. "After the first 2,000 kits were sold out in a few hours, we already have over 2,300 people on the waiting list," says Giorgio. "This shows that there is a great demand for bicycle mobility in our city to which we want to respond with a plan that, thanks to the resources that this administration has obtained and invested, will make us increasingly sustainable in the coming years."
The success of the initiative was also confirmed with the subsequent signing of a memorandum of understanding, on 19 June 2024, between the Municipality of Florence, Confindustria and the CGIL-CISL-UIL trade unions on cycling, carpooling, incentives and bonuses for those who use environmentally friendly vehicles to go to work.
Encourage the use of bicycles or carpooling, experiment with bonuses for those who use environmentally friendly means of transport to reach the workplace, increase safe parking spaces for those who use two wheels, ensure safe access for those who use public transport, strengthen the role of the company Mobility Manager. These are some of the objectives of the protocol signed at Palazzo Vecchio by the councillors for the environment and mobility Andrea Giorgio and Stefano Giorgetti with the representatives of Confindustria and Cgil, Cisl and Uil. A real pact between the Municipality, employers and workers' representatives to push even more towards sustainable mobility in the home-work routes. .

Projects of the month

The mobility survey in Cagliari conducted thanks to the IoPollicino app

The Pollicino project, the first future mobility survey conducted in the capital of Sardinia, is coming to an end and will soon be exported to other cities. This city mobility survey was carried out thanks to its citizens who, through the IoPollicino Cagliari app developed by GreenShare, agreed to be anonymously tracked in exchange for prizes offered by local partners. The collected data, which will be shared at the upcoming national conference of the Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility, will be crucial to understand how the city moves, for the development of future mobility solutions that are more sustainable and attentive to the urban fabric well-being.

The Pollicino project in the metropolitan area of Cagliari was promoted by the Municipality of Cagliari as part of the activities conducted by the Cagliari Digital Lab, the city's institution recognized as the National House of Emerging Technologies. It was developed in collaboration with the Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile and the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, sponsored by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI), and the Network of Sustainable Universities (RUS), with technological partnership from GreenShare.
In addition to institutional partners, the Pollicino project was supported by local companies that provided prizes for participants in the survey. These companies include: CTM, Playcar, Teatro di Sardegna, Cinema Notorious, Open Campus, The Net Value, Sa Marigosa, J4 Sport, Centro Medico I Mulini, International English Centre via Roma, Innoversity, Birrificio 4Mori, and Cantine Su’Entu. The project was also promoted by partners such as Decathlon, Dedoni Sardinia, Despar, Fondazione Kalaritana Media, the University of Cagliari, Up School, and Tour Baire.
In its general outlines, the Pollicino project – pioneered in Bologna in 2022 – is an initiative of the Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, and the Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, with the support of GreenShare and Nordcom as technological partners.

For more information about the service, contact the sales department at:

Cyprus Signs Contract to Implement Intelligent Transport Systems

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works announced a significant step forward for Cyprus' infrastructure with the signing of a contract to implement intelligent transport systems (ITS) on the island's main road network.
According to the Ministry, ITS applications have successfully increased the capacity of road transport networks by up to 10%, reduced travel times by 20%, and lowered the number of accidents by 15%. These improvements demonstrate the potential of advanced traffic management technologies to enhance road safety and efficiency.
The contract was formalized on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus by Eleftherios Eleftheriou, Director of the Department of Public Works, and Costas Louka, Director of the Ebas Swarco Consortium, in the presence of Alexis Vafeades, Minister of Transport, Communications and Works.
Valued at €5.8 million, the contract, titled "Supply, installation, integration with national mobility platform of public works department and maintenance of its hardware equipment for Cyprus digital twin," outlines a 24-month timeline for the implementation of all equipment, followed by a 6-year maintenance period.
The new contract will cover the main road network of all other towns in Cyprus and establishing a central traffic management coordination center. The project, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund, includes the supply, installation, and maintenance of equipment for the traffic management center, 40 electronic variable message signs, 180 traffic counters, and 170 traffic monitoring cameras.
This initiative aims to set a benchmark for road safety and efficiency in Cyprus, paving the way for a smarter and more connected future. SWARCO is proud to be at the forefront of this transformative project, bringing cutting-edge solutions to enhance the lives of Cypriot citizens.

Product of the month


What are the APIs?
The Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are tools that facilitate the cross-utilization of the platform capabilities, allowing third parties to integrate and connect their systems for data exchange. Essential for the integration of different applications and services, APIs play a key role in the implementation of omnichannel strategies, enabling seamless integration with external services. They allow the provision of more integrated, functional and cost-effective solutions, thereby creating added value for the end user. Through APIs, the experience of using services is greatly improved, making it more personalized, engaging and satisfying.
But how can we better understand what APIs are and what they enable, while not having a technical background? To understand it in a more intuitive way, we propose the following metaphors, showing how they facilitate communication and interaction between different applications and systems in an increasingly connected world.
1. Digital Librarian. Think of APIs as a digital librarian. When you look for a book, instead of searching among thousands on the shelves, you ask the librarian. He goes and finds exactly what you are looking for and gives it to you. In the digital scenario, if your app requires specific data, the API retrieves it for you from the “big digital shelf” that is the database.
2. Universal translator. Imagine APIs as a universal translator that helps two people speaking different languages communicate with each other. If you have an application (one person) that wants to “talk” to another system (another person) which uses a different “language” (unique data formats, protocols, etc.), the API translates requests and responses between them so that they can work together harmoniously.
3. Home Delivery for Data. APIs act as a home delivery service for data. If you want to order food from a restaurant, you probably use an app that allows you to choose the dishes. The app communicates your order to the restaurant via a “data delivery” (the API), which ensures that your food arrives warm and on time to you. Similarly, if your app needs data such as weather forecasts or train schedules, the API “delivers” this information from the source to your device.
4. Personal Assistant. APIs can be seen as digital personal assistants. Just as you might ask your assistant to book a flight or table at a restaurant, apps use APIs to “ask for” services or data from other systems. The API takes care of arranging the transaction, ensuring that your request is met without you having to worry about the complicated details behind the scenes.
The rise of APIs
The digital transformation has modernized the IT sector towards the so-called “API economy”. This term refers to the set of practices and business models that emerge from the use and marketing of APIs. APIs allow software applications to communicate with each other, facilitating data and functionality exchange across different services and platforms. In a “API Economy” context, companies leverage APIs to create new business opportunities, improve operational efficiency, stimulate innovation, and collaborate more effectively with external partners and developers. This economic model allows organizations to expand their service offering, access new markets, and generate additional revenue through the monetization of their APIs. Also thanks to the APIs, new innovative business models have been introduced, including the one known as “SaaS” (Software as a Service). This paradigm allows to license the use of software solutions paying only the actual use, eliminating the need for complex installations and specific maintenance on dedicated servers while ensuring flexibility and scalability for both suppliers and customers. 
APIs, increasingly crucial in business communication and customer outreach through advanced technology solutions, serve as a foundation for contemporary software development. They offer a standardized interface that facilitates the creation and management of new applications and services, promoting interoperability and modularity. In other words, they allow developers to use and combine various features, data and services. This has generated a rapid proliferation of new services, often innovative, given that they are based on the combination of contributions of several companies also very different from each other.
The exponential use of APIs, with growth exceeding 1,000% per year according to Harvard Business Review, has created a diverse ecosystem, in which companies use APIs for multiple purposes, from improving operational efficiency, to the promotion of innovation and entry into new markets.
It is therefore clear the importance of exposing available data and services via documented APIs, allowing the system to be open according to the most modern canons of “layer vision” technology, ensuring immediate scalability and ability to adapt to the natural technological evolution of an increasingly rapid digitization process, the result of a growing technological confidence of end users.
OpenMove NUCLEUS plays a central role in orchestrating operations and data management between the different modules of the OpenMove platform, ensuring high standards of reliability and security. It is a back end application specifically developed to manage and process significant volumes of data in real time. Created with the aim of integrating also with existing information systems, OpenMove NUCLEUS acts as a data and service collector, proving to be a crucial pillar in the development of cutting-edge and interoperable ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) solutions.
A key attribute of OpenMove NUCLEUS are the features of High Availability (HA) that ensure horizontal scalability and the ability to manage load peaks through automations, eliminating unique failure points and improving diagnosis and response to anomalies. In addition, it facilitates the updating of components with minimal impact on operations, ensuring a transparent and uninterrupted increase in resources.
The API layer provided by OpenMove NUCLEUS consists of documented and public restful APIs with a sandbox environment.
The REST APIs offered by the central system represent a set of rules and procedures for creating and managing communication between web services. These establish various endpoints (URLs) to send HTTP requests to (such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE), allowing interactions with server resources. Responses to these requests contain data in JSON or XML formats that can be processed by the client. Being based on the REST architecture, they operate in a stateless way, that is, they require that every request from the client contains all the information necessary to be able to answer, without the server maintaining a state between the requests.
APIs are documented according to the OpenAPI standard (also known as Swagger), a description language that provides a complete specification of resources, endpoints, parameters, data types and operations supported by an application. The provision of detailed information about web services greatly simplifies the process of using APIs by developers: the documentation can be used to automatically generate SDK clients, automated testing and API simulation, examples of requests and responses, requested authentication, frequency limits. 
A sandbox API is also available, which is an environment where you can test the capabilities of your production environment and simulate responses from API calls. The sandbox API essentially allows you to do probative testing but at the same time reduce the costs and risks associated with third-party API calls during testing.
The dual perspective: technical and business 
OpenMove NUCLEUS API was born to follow the best practices from a technical point of view, thus adhering to the new standards of the IT industry. In line with the principles of the MACH architecture (if you are curious, we will talk about it in a future blog article), we have worked to ensure that the frontend user experience is Headless, i.e. completely decoupled from the backend logic, allowing complete freedom in terms of designing and creating the user interface as well as connecting to other channels and devices. 
Then we also realized the business potential of APIs as a tool that can extend business channels and increase business by sharing data, functionality and services in a controlled way through the exposure of public APIs open for use by third parties. We always suggest customers and partners to take a look at to see the modularity, robustness and inherent openness of our mobility platform.
Today, in fact, large mobility transformation projects, where the value chain has a plurality of stakeholders, include the integration of a variety of ITS systems. However, most of the time it is the integration points to present critical issues and unknowns, with consequent devastating impacts on quality, implementation timing, project costs and evolutionary maintenance, that involve a great investment in terms of effort and resources. Having a layer of public APIs is therefore increasingly a fundamental element in ITS and MaaS systems to ensure a quality solution with advanced features, delivery certainty and transparency, with reliable costs and delivery, and a long life cycle.
In other words, any IT system in the transport ecosystem can no longer afford to be a monolithic system, completely independent and detached from other systems. It is no longer even conceivable to carry out expensive ad hoc integrations; the API route is a mandatory stage to achieve today the challenging goals of tomorrow’s mobility.

From our members  

Incar, an app for electric mobility: testing until 15 July
Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, TTS Italia ordinary member, participates in the European USER_CHI project which has the aim of studying innovative solutions for electric mobility. As part of the European USER-CHI project, the INCAR platform was developed, whose objective main aim is to solve problems that may arise in the electric mobility sector by offering – in a single app aimed at charging point operators (CPOs), micro-CPOs, e-mobility service providers (EMSPs) and electric vehicle drivers – the functions of:
- parking and charging reservations for electric vehicles – avoiding waiting times and thus increasing the rate of use of charging facilities
- real-time information on charging facilities accessible to the public
- search for the nearest charging point and related directions.
The platform is in the experimental phase until 15 July 2024. To promote the testing of the app and participation in the survey to define the profile of users of the charging network (which is among the objectives of the USER-CHI project), it is offered – to those who make their first top-up using the INCAR app and fill out the questionnaire – a discount of up to €30.00 on the cost of the top-up. To participate, click here.

Source: Roma Servizi per la Mobilità

Microsoft Italia and Almaviva Together for Innovation in Mobility
Microsoft Italia and Almaviva, TTS Italia ordinary member, strengthen their collaboration to accelerate the digital transformation of Italian and global companies. At the heart of the agreement is Almaviva's MOOVA platform, which helps authorities and mobility and logistics operators manage complex ecosystems, with a focus on operational efficiency, interoperability, and the quality and flexibility of services.
Thanks to this collaboration, the MOOVA platform will be available on the Microsoft Azure Cloud and in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, accessible to all global companies interested in innovating processes related to mobility and logistics.
"Bringing digital transformation to strategic areas is our mission and the agreement with Microsoft Italy marks a new significant step towards the mobility of the future," said Marco Tripi, CEO of the Almaviva Group. "A partnership aimed at the development of sustainable mobility, as a service that meets the expectations of residents and travelers, capable of offering advanced technological solutions to transport and logistics operators in order to remain competitive in innovation processes.”
"Our objective is to help innovative Italian companies embrace new digital platforms for their solutions so as to make them increasingly scalable and accessible, even at the global level," said Vincenzo Esposito, CEO of Microsoft Italy. "The collaboration with Almaviva is a step in this direction: helping an innovative company in the country to adopt cloud platforms so as to make new digital solutions available to businesses, promoting Italian talent and innovation all over the world.”

Source: Almaviva

Targa Telematics is among the signatories of the Manifesto "Businesses for people and society"
Targa Telematics, TTS Italia founding member, has signed the “Businesses for People and Society” Manifesto, the text aimed at companies and drawn up by the UN Global Compact Network Italy, the local network of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world.
By signing the Manifesto, Targa Telematics is committed to strengthening the role of the social dimension in its corporate strategies to generate long-term value also in the supply chain and in the communities in which it operates. The Manifesto is available here.
“By signing the Manifesto, we undertake to further raise our objectives and the evaluation of our social impact, which must be equivalent to the usual measurements of the economic impact" states Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics. “Subscribing to this initiative, which adds to participation in the United Nations Global Compact in 2022, and to the reporting of our environmental, social and governance impact, which we have chosen to voluntarily bring forward to 2023, are concrete actions that underline our focus on pursuing sustainable objectives and make responsible decisions”.
Targa Telematics has launched numerous initiatives to promote social sustainability, starting from the definition in recent years of its own Code of Ethics, to which it has added the Supplier Code of Conduct based on the same principles.
Corporate welfare policies have been implemented to promote the personal satisfaction of employees. Last but not least, the company supports social sustainability projects aimed at the local community. The company, in fact, believes in the potential of young people and is actively committed to supporting them in their training and professional growth path, offering various internship and work-study training opportunities to help develop practical skills and acquire experience in the world of work.
During 2023, more than 2000 days of professional training were provided at Group level, involving more than half of the company population, and 33% of the internships activated during the year were held by female figures engaged in STEM projects. Furthermore, the company collaborates with numerous universities to promote job opportunities and develop strategic partnerships in the technology sector.
The United Nations Global Compact is a special initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General that has the mandate to guide and support the global business community in promoting the goals and values ​​of the United Nations through responsible business practices. With more than 20,000 companies and over 3,500 nonprofit signatories based in 167 countries and 62 local networks, the UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world.
The United Nations Global Compact operates in Italy through the UN Global Compact Network Italy (UNGCN Italy), an organization established as a Foundation in 2013 after ten years of activity as an informal group. The Italian Network works first and foremost to promote the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles through institutional dialogue, the production of knowledge and the dissemination of good sustainability practices. It is also committed to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations for 2030. Over 600 Italian companies and non-profit organizations participate in the UN Global Compact.

Source: Targa Telematics

Our activities

Smart City Expo&World Congress: registration open!
This year too, the Smart City Expo&World Congress will be held in Barcelona and online, from 5 to 7 November 2024, with TTS Italia among its supporters, and registration is now open! The event, born in 2011, is among the largest in the urban innovation sector. The ultimate goal is to act as a connector between leaders of companies, governments and various organizations to lead cities towards a better future. The Congress also co-hosts Tomorrow.Mobility, Tomorrow.Building and Tomorrow.Blue Economy to strengthen the focus on urban transformation.

For more details click here.

Incentives for ports, interports and transport companies to promote digitalisation: on Strade&Autostrade our interview with Davide Bordoni, RAM
The collaboration between TTS Italia and Strade&Autostrade continues, and in this new article, we report our interview with Davide Bordoni.
Not a day goes by without coming across it, chatting between colleagues in the company, listening to the news, reading the news or participating in some conference that has logistics and transport at its centre, in a magic word: "digitalisation". An objective, a program, an opportunity, an obligation: the digital transition is one of the two great challenges in which the European Union is engaged, together with the energy transition.
In this chat with Davide Bordoni, Sole Director of RAM, Logistics, Infrastructure and Transport since mid-September last year, an in-house company of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, strategic in the planning and design of the sector and with ever-increasing operational tasks, we have chosen digitalisation as our main topic. And let's start right from the origin, from that National Recovery and Resilience Plan which triggered the intervention in the field of logistics digitalisation.
Read the article (available in Italian).

Source: EDI-CEM Srl – Rivista “Strade & Autostrade”

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Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.