N° 4
April 2023 —
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
The interview by Morena Pivetti

“I will involve widespread public and private skills in future innovation. TTS Italia included”.
In his first interview Mario Nobile, the new Director General of the Agency for Digital Italy, announces his working method.
Engineer, 50 years old, born in Taranto, assignments in Emilia Romagna and the Marches before joining the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in 2011, last assignment since 2015 Director General for Information and Statistical Systems at Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, since 23 March Mario Nobile is the new Director General of the Agency for Digital Italy. He was appointed by Alessio Butti, the Undersecretary of the Prime Minister with responsibility for technological innovation, at the conclusion of a selection process, which began in January of this year. Nobile defeated a field of 80 candidates whose profiles were examined by an examining commission made up of three experts who selected 4 curricula before making the final choice.

This is the first interview he has given to the TTS Italia newsletter since he took up his new role. The first question is a must: engineer Nobile, what prompted you to apply for this role, in addition to the obvious aspiration to improve your job position?
At the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport I had already dealt with digital administration, with the decree on smart roads or with the experimentation for autonomous driving of vehicles on public roads. Let's say that my general management acted as a catalyst, we were among the hares, among the forerunners of digitization in a very complex vertical sector because it intervenes on one of the constitutional rights of citizens, the right to mobility. This new position allows me to range over the entire spectrum of possible innovation, and therefore over all the rights that innervate our daily life. It will be very challenging and useful: I can't wait to get started.
What will be your working style, your method?
Having previously worked in the local public administration, Provinces, Regions, I intend to open a preferential lane with the system of Local Authorities and more generally, as far as possible, to involve all stakeholders, including private ones. I am thinking of a bottom-up work: there is a need for the skills spread at that level to come into play, for a broad and shared process of participation to start.
So also with TTS Italia?
I have had a collaborative relationship with TTS Italia for years. We know each other well, they know me, I know them. And I am sure that the chances of working together will increase a lot.
Are there any concrete examples of this working method of yours?
I have at least three in mind: the 'digital twins' of the works that must evolve into a 'digital ecosystem', innovative procurement, the evolution of SPID and CIE in EIDAS 2.0 and in the new European electronic wallet.
Let's start with the “digital twins”. What are? Why are they important?
The 'digital twins' are the digital twins of works of art, dams, tunnels, viaducts, bridges, railways, roads, highways. The San Giorgio bridge in Genoa has a 'digital twin' that communicates with the public administration thanks to the sensors it has incorporated: it tells how healthy it is, what the weather is like, how many cars are crossing it and so on. We already make use of several 'digital twins', albeit patchy ones, which help monitor the state of our infrastructures, any degradation, the need for maintenance interventions that must be scheduled in time. Now it is a question of making the leap towards the 'digital ecosystem', or rather an overview of all networks, including those of telecommunications, digital, water and energy. Let me give you a recent example: if an accident on the railway line between Florence and Bologna blocks train circulation and splits Italy in two, there are also repercussions on the motorway network and air transport. Those stuck will try to use the other modes of transport. My goal is to design guidelines that set a standard for network system managers to configure this 'digital ecosystem'. It is not so much a technological problem, rather a domain and market one: sharing one's relevant data can have repercussions on the business. We are talking about important subjects such as Ferrovie dello Stato, Autostrade per l'Italia, Anas, etc.
Let's move on to innovative procurement. What is meant?
These are the 'pre-commercial procurement'. Again, I'll give you an example to explain. Let's assume that a Municipality has to organize school transport for children: the traditional approach would be to launch a tender for the purchase of buses and organize the service with drivers. On the other hand, innovative procurement starts from people's needs, first of all listens to their needs, which in reality is what should always be done. The companies interested in the contract are therefore involved first, called to discover the needs and, in a common process, help define the contents of the tender. It is a type of contract that goes well with the entire third sector, with the social sector: for example, we have experiences on the needs of autistic people, with the determination of offers based on augmented and virtual reality to improve difficult situations. A typology that is highly developed in other European countries. Here, I would like Italian companies to be able to generate an innovative offer, which can also be modulated with synergies to meet needs and in this way compete in Europe: I am thinking of proposals for possible changes to the legislation to make recourse to this more stringent new type of contract. Technology is a formidable accelerator.
Lastly, EIDAS 2.0 and the EU electronic wallet, among Agid's priorities.
Europe is about to launch a new Regulation, EIDAS 2.0, the evolution of the 2014 directive which led to EIDAS: now we are at the Trilogue which will enable the EU electronic purse. Italy has nothing to be worried about, we are very advanced in digital identities, I am thinking of SPID and CIE, whether it is a question of accessing both sites and public administration services, such as paying car tax, school fees and of much more. The new wallet, in addition to hosting the qualified attributes of public entities - identity card, health card, driving license - will contain the non-qualified attributes - insurance risk certificate, travel documents, event tickets, payment instruments -, a world that it doesn't have an adjustment yet. That is, information that can generate and enable economic transactions. For example, by an insurance company, thanks to a series of additional data for which the citizen obviously gives consent. Let's think about how many positive benefits and externalities can be generated.
Could TTS Italia enter the field here?
Certain. And not only. I am very interested to know what the members of the association think, what transactions technology providers and software houses think could migrate in two, five, ten years to the electronic purse. The discussion starts now.
Who is Mario Nobile. Graduated in Civil Engineering, with a PhD in Transport Engineering, Mario Nobile has held various managerial roles in the field of territorial design and planning and IT services, including broadband development programs in the area.
In 2010 he joined the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, where he initially dealt with urban redevelopment programs and housing policies, and then moved on to the management and maintenance of the real estate assets of the headquarters, the support technologies and the rationalization logistics.
From November 2015 to March 2023 he held the position of Director General for digitalisation, information and statistical systems of the Ministry.
In parallel with his positions in the Public Administration, he also had academic roles: from 2001 to 2011 he was a contract professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the Alma Mater - University of Bologna and has numerous publications to his credit. He is currently professor of "Management of digital transformation" at the UnitelmaSapienza University of Rome.
In March 2023 he was appointed General Manager of AgID, the Agency for Digital Italy.
Continental Automotive Trading Italia s.r.l. is an Italian company, 100% controlled by the German Continental AG, which deals with smart mobility solutions for the Italian market.
With the VDO brand, market leader for the production and commercialization of tachographs, integrated fleet management and training solution, its supports transport companies and control authorities to be able to work more and more efficiently, thus increasing the cost opportunity of the activities carried out.
Since 2018, following the future introduction of a new version of digital tachograph (so-called intelligent), thanks also to the fruitful dialogue with the control authorities, it has developed and marketed a device entirely dedicated to the preselection of heavy vehicles through the remote reading of some parameters of the tachograph.
For this product in particular specifically dedicated to the world of control authorities, the Italian office is responsible for the entire European market, thus being able to satisfy any customization requests that may come from the market.
Continental Automotive Trading Italia s.r.l. is today one of the reference points on the Italian market with regard to the world of tachographs and the regulatory background and is also a reference partner for the world of control authorities.
Lorenzo Ottolina Head of Connected Commercial Vehicle Solution di Continental Automotive Trading Italia s.r.l

Lorenzo Ottolina Head of Connected Commercial Vehicle Solution of Continental Automotive Trading Italia s.r.l since 2010. His contribution in the 13 years of experience in the sector has helped in the growth of Continental by strengthening its role as a national leader and later to carve out a space also at international level.
What are the regulatory and market scenarios that led to the birth of DSRC technology for the world of supervisory authorities?
The introduction, on 15 June 2019, of the digital tachograph second-generation (cd. "smart tachograph") has certainly been a turning point of primary importance, also in an evolutionary perspective in light of the approval of the Mobility Package I, for the entire road transport sector of people and goods affected by the European legislation on driving times and resting periods (Regulation (EU) 2020/1054).
The smart tachograph is at a level of substantial and profound innovation compared to the first generation of digital tachograph. The technology of the new tachograph generation allows to operate in an ecosystem and platform perspective where, in addition to the traditional function of recording and correct application of the rules on driving times and resting periods, are accompanied by new application scenarios that are linked to the theme of intelligent and cooperative transport systems.
It is precisely in the field of new control scenarios that the smart tachograph represents a paradigmatic "step-change" towards ever greater road safety. This will be possible because the new device is equipped with the new and standardized DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication) interface which, after authentication of the control operators, provides indications on 19 technical parameters related to the operation of the tachograph, from 21 August 2023, with the introduction of the second generation Smart Tachograph the parameters will become 25. Parameters that in both tachographs (GEN 1 and GEN 2) are transmitted wirelessly to the police operator's control device.
Can you explain in more detail how the DSRC interface you have developed works and how it generates a point of discontinuity with respect to the past??
With the DSRC interface, the intelligent tachograph offers the opportunity for control operators to adopt a more massive approach but, precisely for this reason, also greater selectivity of controls, i.e. the data made available by the DSRC module helps control operators to perform an effective pre-selection of vehicles, allowing to stop with greater certainty those suspected of infringements.
Precisely to pursue the objective of providing control authorities with a simple and flexible tool in its use, but at the same time reliable in terms of technology, VDO has developed the DSRC-RP Enforcement Kit solution which, thanks to its technological characteristics, is able to respond to the new operational needs of control operators.

The solution developed by VDO already allows two different, although related, operational control scenarios to be operated, i.e. the same antenna can, in a flexible and modular way, be installed both on the control vehicle (dynamic scenario where the control vehicle overtakes the heavy vehicle under investigation), and on a tripod for static roadside control.
A third scenario sees the DSRC-RP antenna technology installed on fixed infrastructures, to allow the coexistence of multiple technologies, making the control activity even more punctual and targeted.
The reading of the parameters transmitted by the smart tachograph takes place, using a special software. The software can be provided by VDO together with the DSRC-RP antenna, alternatively, the same DSRC-RP antenna is integrated with third-party software solutions and is also equipped with an SDK (Software Development Kit) that gives the possibility to independently develop and implement your own reading software.
The system developed by VDO has been extensively tested in the EU and is already in use in several European countries that have already decided to implement the use of this effective technology.
The emphasis is, therefore, not only on product innovation but also on process, or a process that can improve the management of information, their availability and their usability and that, therefore, is increasingly organizing itself towards a platform model. This also requires the need to consider and train new skills at a time when, on the one hand, transport companies are changing or have already changed their business model following the paradigms of digitalization and, on the other, the control authorities interact with these changes with a view to an even more increased compliance with current legislation with a sure benefit also in terms of further reduction of accidents.
For more information click here VDO Fleet - Form di contatto or visit our web site www.fleet.vdo.it |
Mobility Vouchers: a year of MaaS experimentation in Turin

The “Mobility Vouchers” project is led by the City of Turin, run in collaboration with 5T S.r.l., was co-funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security within the framework of the “Funding Program for Improving Air Quality in Urban Areas and Enhancing Public Transport”.
The project aimed to fully test the MaaS model and its functionalities, making it operational and accessible in a real context and with the direct involvement of citizens over one year, from October 2021 to September 2022.

The selection of the “citizen-testers” took place on a voluntary basis and through a public call for applications issued by the City of Turin, which foresaw for the first 100 participants the possibility of using “vouchers” or “coupons” to spend on mobility services, fully financed by the city administration. Moreover, the “vouchers” also offered the possibility of being used by other members of the participants' households, effectively extending the number of testers to 152 users.
Through the MaaS platform “Mobility Vouchers” (specifically created for the trial), users were provided with the following mobility services, accessible through a dedicated app: local public transport (bus/metro/tram, hereafter also LPT), car sharing, e-scooter sharing, e-moped sharing, car rental and taxi service.
Over the course of the experimental year, users were offered mobility packages, with an average value of €150 each-the composition of which was changed over 3 phases, thanks to continuous dialogue with users, analysis of feedback received and actual usage data.
The analyses highlight that, in the first phase, users showed more interest in having more services available within the mobility package. In the second and third phase, however, preferences shifted to more sectoral packages, favouring a greater use of one or two transport modes. Below are some considerations on the preferences of the experimenter users that emerged from the analyses conducted on the collected data:
• There is a significant cluster of users who are not in favour of self-driving (21%)
• Similarly, there is a cluster of users inclined to travel sheltered from the elements (27%)
• There is a cluster of e-moped fans, not numerous but resilient, who consistently chose
the package with the most minutes of this service and the fewest transport alternatives
• Also confirmed the persistence of e-scooter fans, even during the winter months and for
night travel not served by public transport.
The services most actually used, once the corresponding packages were chosen, were public transport (66% of those eligible), emoped sharing (50%) and taxi (40%), followed by the other sharing services, while car rental was the least used (only 5%).
Users made 2.5 trips (round trips) per day, an average of 13km/day. Using Mobility Vouchers,
55% of users stated that they mostly used local public transport, 45% car sharing, 31% taxis, 26% e-scooters, 6% e-moped. On the other hand, 3% said they travelled less than before the trial. Another interesting finding is about the combinations of mobility services preferred by users.
The three main combinations indicated by the experimenters were:
• local public transport + car sharing (18%)
• local public transport + taxis (15%)
• local public transport + car sharing + scooter sharing (7%).
Public transport is therefore confirmed as the mode of transport most desired by users, both in absolute terms (it was used by 85% of respondents to the questionnaire) and in combination with other mobility services. Furthermore, it was observed that the "NO LPT" package was not successful, further demonstrating that public transport is fundamental in a MaaS offer.
The e-scooter sharing has been able to count on a solid base of “fans”, who have used the service significantly and consistently over time, with an average of 68 minutes and 9 rides per month per user, for an average trip of 3km and 8 minutes. Users have become loyal to the service and usage has even increased during the winter months, despite the less favourable weather. In addition, longer journeys were observed at night, when public transport is not available.
E-moped sharing saw an initial peak in enthusiasm and usage, which then dwindled and consolidated into a group of enthusiastic users, who continued, month after month and despite remodelling, to choose mobility packages that included the service.
Car sharing was chosen by a large number of users, while its actual use increased over the months from 20% to around 40%, probably as a result of the reshaping of packages and the entry of a new operator in the trial.
Car rental, on the other hand, was the least used service, only by 5% of potential users, but one has to consider on the one hand that the service is still not very digitalised and therefore more difficult to integrate into a MaaS offer, and on the other hand that car sharing services currently present in the Turin area already offer daily rental to the user.
Finally, the taxi service was used extensively, often to the point of saturating the available credit in the chosen package, even for higher values. However, only 5% of users stated that they would use the service even if it was at their own expense.
During the 12-month trial, three questionnaires were administered to the users: one at the beginning, one in the middle and then one at the end of the project.
Especially the results gathered from the last one were interesting and significant for understanding and identifying strengths and weaknesses of a MaaS model applied in an urban
In fact, it emerged that many users expressed general satisfaction with the MaaS platform tested, giving it a score of 4.4 out of a maximum of 5 points.
Particularly, journeys were perceived by users as safer (score 3.4 out of 5) and more sustainable (score 4 out of 5). In addition, 74% of users perceived a reduction in overall travel time, 24% from 5 to 10 minutes and 25% from 10 to 15 minutes.
Users' trips, whether for work/study or leisure purposes, lasted, for the majority of experimenters (49%), between 15 and 30 minutes. However, while for work/study trips the most used means of transport was local public transport (64%), car sharing was the most used service for leisure trips (44%).
At the end of the questionnaire, users were asked to evaluate the MaaS app made available to them.
A first positive result was the interest of users in the MaaS app: 59% would be interested in using a MaaS app if it was always available.
The satisfaction with the experimental Mobility Vouchers app was also positive: the user rating was 3.8 out of 5 points.
Finally, at the end of the trial, 5T prepared an initial analysis with the l0objective of understanding how much the use of MaaS services can contribute to the reduction of air pollutants.
Take a look at the project highlights graphic and final report at this link.
For any further information: comunicazione@5t.torino.it
CIRCLE Group: the Alpe Adria transport operator relies on Milos® Green Dashboard to monitor the savings of polluting emissions and to create sustainable value along the multimodal logistics chains
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”) – group specialized in the analysis of processes and in the development of solutions for the digitization of the port sector and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on Green Deal and energy transition issues led by Circle S.p.A., listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana, and TTS Italia ordinary member – announced that the Milos® Green Dashboard solution has been chosen and implemented by the operator Alpe Adria to monitor the polluting emissions associated with its multimodal transport.
Launched in November 2022, the Milos® Green Dashboard, developed within the CEF2 EU FENIX project, allows for the automatic calculation of the environmental impact associated with transport activities, and the quantification of the so-called "carbon footprint" carbon”, which estimates greenhouse gas emissions expressed in quantities of CO2e).
Consistent with its sustainable growth objectives, Alpe Adria has chosen to adopt the CIRCLE GROUP solution with the collaboration of the Info.era Group company, to track, through customized reports, the environmental footprint generated by its multimodal logistics solutions, and to highlight the savings in terms of polluting emissions possible thanks to the selection of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport, sharing the benefits with the community of reference stakeholders and with end customers.
“We are pleased to have devised a solution appreciated by the market and, in particular, by an operator of the caliber of Alpe Adria, which every day combines, with the services offered, the different modes of transport by road, rail and ship. For CIRCLE Group this represents the pursuit of the objective of contributing to an increasingly digital and green logistics, as outlined through the Connect 4 Agile Growth industrial plan” said Luca Abatello, President & CEO of CIRCLE.
The successful collaboration with Alpe Adria will be illustrated at Transport Logistic (Munich, 9-12 May 2023), the leading international trade fair dedicated to logistics, transport, IT and Supply Chain Management, where CIRCLE Group will present with Log@Sea the own innovative solutions (Hall B3, Stand 401).
Primarily offered in SaaS (Software As a Service) mode and characterized by native integration with all CIRCLE software products, the Milos® Green Dashboard complies with all European standards (Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework, EN 16258, GHG Protocol) and ISO on the subject.
Source: CIRCLE Group
Consip awards the tender for 1,000 electric buses for LPT. Iveco among the winning bidders.
There is also Iveco, TTS Italia ordinary member, among the winners of the Consip tender for the supply of 1,000 electric-powered buses with plug-in and/or pantograph recharging technology, for a total value of over 530 million/€.L The initiative allows the PA to acquire vehicles with the resources provided for by the PNRR (Mission 2 - "Green revolution and ecological transition". - Investment 4.4 "Renewal of bus fleets, green trains").
The contract, which will be activated within the month of June, includes two options:
- purchase of buses without specific customizations, the PAs will be able to place a direct order on the basis of the best technical-economic offer, in relation to price and performance (e.g. consumption, vehicle safety, passenger comfort)
- purchase of buses with specific customizations, the PAs will be able to relaunch the competitive comparison between the contractors of the Framework Agreement with a specific contract, selecting the supplier with the criterion of the most economically advantageous offer.
The personalization of the buses can concern colours, liveries, additional equipment for the driver's seat and for the passenger compartment, on-board and passenger safety devices, driver assistance systems, full service maintenance.
In addition, administrations can choose the type of charging that best suits their needs: depot charging (overnight charging in the depot), opportunity charging (plug-in charging + optional pantograph) and flash charging (pantograph for short-term charging at the terminus and at stops along the route). In May, Consip will publish the second edition of the Electric Bus Framework Agreement - intended to integrate the Consip offer with 500 additional vehicles of different types (7–8-meter short buses; class I and II long suburbans and hydrogen).
Source: Ferpress
FIAP and Geotab renew the partnership for the digitization and environmental sustainability of the transport sector
Geotab, global leader in connected transport solutions and TTS Italia ordinary member, has renewed its membership of FIAP as an Aggregate Member. The partnership, launched with the Federation in 2022, aims to promote digital transformation, environmental sustainability and road safety in transport and logistics, guiding the managerial growth path of companies in the sector. "Our task is to help Entrepreneurs and Managers in the correct implementation of data management strategies - explains Alessandro Peron, FIAP General Secretary - taking full advantage of the potential offered by technology. In fact, in order to compete successfully in the global market, Transport and Logistics Companies have an increasingly evident need to be able to manage, use and make available to their customers, effectively and efficiently, the growing amount of data available, already present on the farm or collected in real time in the field by fleets. Indispensable information for business decision-makers in order to optimize the performance of their organization, in each of its components, by looking at the needs of its customers."After a successful start, the collaboration between Geotab and FIAP will continue also for 2023, with the aim to continue to create synergies at a national level to offer training and innovative opportunities to the road haulage sector and promote sustainable development, in accordance with the most recent regulations. “Technologies can support companies in this delicate task – continues Alessandro Peron – but advanced and at the same time flexible and easy-to-use tools are needed, which allow adaptation to the multiple needs of each company context, and in this area Geotab is a strategic partner for companies. Of course, to implement an effective data management system, in addition to technology, processes, skills and governance capabilities are also needed, aspects on which the role of the Federation comes into play." "The partnership with FIAP represents a strategic opportunity for Geotab to turn to the road haulage market with solutions that really meet the needs of the sector - says Franco Viganò, Country Manager Italy and Director Strategic Channel Development of Geotab. Making our cutting-edge technologies available to the protagonists of Transport and Logistics means contributing to the development of the supply chain, favoring an approach based on the optimization of fleets to allow companies to achieve ambitious results not only from an economic point of view, but also environmental.”
Source: Geotab |
Geotab and Lytx Partner to Bring Surfsight Video Telematics to the Geotab Order Now Programme
Geotab, a global leader in IoT and connected transportation and TTS Italia ordinary member, together with Lytx, a global leader and pioneer of video telematics, announced the availability of its Surfsight™ integrated camera solution in the Geotab Marketplace as the first solution available in Europe through the new Geotab Order Now Programme. Customers can now purchase the Surfsight intelligent dash cam directly in the MyGeotab platform, which will then be fulfilled by an Authorised Geotab Reseller.
In order to provide customers with a streamlined and unified experience, Geotab will provide ongoing technical support for the Surfsight offering and additional third-party solutions that join the programme.
Enabling customers to access unprecedented visibility, the Lytx Surfsight AI-12 dash cam is specifically designed to help improve fleet safety through its continuous recording and advanced machine vision (MV) and artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This new offering is the first to be available in Europe as part of Geotab's new Order Now programme, which will allow customers to seamlessly expand their Geotab solution with a few simple clicks.
Lytx camera solutions capture 3 billion miles of driving data each month, and around 364,000 risky driving events each day, which results in a driving database that has the depth and quality needed for unrivalled accuracy.
Damian Penney, vice president, EMEA, Lytx, says: "The benefit of Order Now is how easy it is to place and take orders within the system. We are making it simple to adopt and combine video with telematics data in a way to maximise your existing investment in the Geotab platform. It makes it simple for partners to integrate with Geotab and to provide our AI camera solutions to as many fleet customers as quickly as possible. We have worked with Geotab to provide the latest, integrated AI camera solutions for modern fleet needs across Europe and Order Now will make that process even easier."
Powered by Lytx, the Surfsight intelligent dash cam seamlessly integrates with Geotab's award-winning telematics platform, providing fleets with access to a robust solution that offers enhanced in-cab driver safety and security features through a combination of MV+AI, sensors and live video streaming. The Surfsight AI-12 offers more than a simple dash cam, with distracted driving detection, audio-visual alerts and the ability to connect auxiliary cameras.
"The addition of the Surfsight integrated video solution on the Geotab Marketplace opens the door to new possibilities in fleet management through increased visibility for Geotab-equipped fleets," said Edward Kulperger, Senior Vice President, Europe, Geotab. "The seamless integration with MyGeotab allows customers to access a quality dash cam solution that in turn utilises video and artificial intelligence to help improve fleet safety measures within a telematics platform.
"Surfsight is the first Order Now solution on the Geotab Marketplace available in Europe. Through the streamlined Order Now programme, customers can place orders directly from within MyGeotab and benefit from a more seamless fulfilment process," added Kulperger. "Solutions that join the Order Now programme are deeply integrated with the Geotab platform to allow for a comfortable user experience while providing strong, added value to the Geotab telematics solution."
Source: Geotab |
Local public transport: for Miccolis the latest generation ticketing solution for smartphones also provided by Municipia-Gruppo Engineering
Bus Miccolis, the bus operator that provides services in various regions of Southern Italy, has launched a latest generation ticketing system for the city of Potenza. The solution is provided by Municipia, TTS Italia ordinary member, and developed by Masabi, who are collaborating together for the first time. The implementation is the first of its kind for Masabi in Italy and the first with Municipia, a company of the Engineering Group, leader in the digitization of processes for companies and the PA. The new Mobility Ticket app increases accessibility to the Miccolis Bus mobility service, allowing users to purchase travel tickets at any time and in any place and always have them at hand with a simple click. Bus Miccolis users can pre-purchase tickets for future use and activate them when they need to travel, or buy a ticket on the same day of travel. Shortly before boarding the bus or at the entrance to the escalators, passengers simply activate their tickets or passes and show them already activated. “Once again we put technology at the service of people with the aim of simplifying processes, improve the interconnection with the digital ecosystems of cities and the passenger experience. – underlines the president of Municipia, Stefano De Capitani – Municipia supports Municipalities of all sizes in their digital transformation process and mobility as well as the local public transport system represent a crucial element. I thank Miccolis and Masabi for this collaboration that goes in this direction".
Source: Municipia/Masabi/Miccolis |
MOST: the commitment to sustainable mobility with the members of TTS Italia
Cooperative, connected, automated mobility, intelligent transport infrastructures, goods transport and logistics are the challenges of MOST, the National Center for Sustainable Mobility which was created with the aim of accompanying the country's green and digital transition.
The MOST was the first to start among the five national centers envisaged by the Pnrr which intend to create widespread networks between universities and public and private entities to promote highly qualified research activities aimed at developing infrastructures, planning and immediately usable solutions. The five areas are: simulations, high-performance computing and data analysis, agricultural technologies, RNA drug development and gene therapy, biodiversity and, of course, sustainable mobility.
In turn, MOST's activities are focused on five technological areas (air mobility; sustainable road vehicles; water transport; rail transport; light vehicles and active mobility) and has a so-called hub & spoke organization, with a central coordination and groups of research distributed throughout the territory.
In recent days, a meeting was held in Naples to focus on the activities gathered under the name spoke 7 which intends to develop technologies and models for monitoring, maximum resilience and optimization of transport networks and spoke 10 which aims to develop systems of integrated, effective, sustainable, resilient freight transport and logistics, making the most of innovative technological and digital opportunities. Numerous members of TTS Italia participate in spoke 7, among others: Autostrade per l'Italia, founding member; Almaviva, supporting member; Anas, Polytechnic of Bari, Polytechnic of Turin, University of Salerno, University of Naples Federico II (Coordination), ordinary members.
The meeting was coordinated by the managers of the Naples node of MOST Cino Bifulco and Vittorio Marzano in the presence of the rector Matteo Lorito, the city councilor for mobility, Edoardo Cosenza and the president of MOST, Ferruccio Resta.
The panel "Mobility and transport: challenges and opportunities", moderated by the journalist Carlo Puca, was attended by Mauro Giancaspro, director of technology, innovation & digital spoke of Anas, who highlighted the role that the FS Group company is pursuing with the program " Anas smart road”. “We intend to offer the eight million passengers who travel our roads a smart mobility service for a multi-modal, integrated and dynamic system capable of making use of latest generation technologies such as IoT, big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, C-V2X (cellular vehicle-to-everything) connectivity to exploit all the potential of rapid processing of a large amount of data with the aim of enhancing safety and optimizing the efficiency of the road network”.
Source: Ferpress |
TTS Italia at the ITS Summit in Singapore
TTS Italia was among the protagonists of the ITS Summit in Singapore, held today 20 April. The ITS Summit is the flagship annual event organized by ITS Singapore and focused precisely on Intelligent Transport Systems, with the aim of stimulating the comparison and discussion on technological trends and on how to face new challenges in the transport and mobility sector. This year's theme "ITS re-imagined: accelerating into the future" opened up some key questions: what will cities and transport in 15, 20 or 30 years? What will change as new and disruptive technologies become a reality? How can Intelligent Transport Systems accelerate this journey into the future to enable sustainable, safe, user-centric and data-driven transport? TTS Italia, represented by the Secretary General Olga Landolfi, took part with a speech entitled “ Italian Solutions for a Smarter Mobility” at the session dedicated to “Making sustainability work”, which also involved the National Electric Vehicle Center of the Land Transport Authority. |
Next Generation Mobility returns in June. TTS Italia among the Patrons of the event
On 13 and 14 June, in Turin and in streaming, the new edition of Next Generation Mobility returns, with a focus on "The Green Challenge". TTS Italia is among the Patrons of the event.
Designing and implementing next generation mobility means integrating key themes of today's and tomorrow's mobility. A phenomenon that is based on related themes: sustainability, intermodality, safety, accessibility. Through technology, research, innovation, investments and the involvement of companies and institutions.
Two days of events during which institutions, companies, start-ups and universities have the opportunity to present mobility services and products. Two days of debate and comparison through conferences and networking with the opportunity to increase professional skills and business. Participating in the event means joining a network of over 20,000 professionals, companies, research centers and universities. Present your products and services to an audience of stakeholders who are working to plan the present and future of mobility. Dealing with other players in an extremely challenging context: pursuing the environmental, economic and social development of our cities.
Among the topics of this edition: MaaS, logistics, electric mobility, autonomous and connected driving, shared mobility, resources and financing for mobility. Furthermore, the event will host two important conferences: National Conference on hydrogen and e-fuels; and National Conference on UAM and AAM.
For further information, click here. |
Intermodal mobility and sustainable logistics: two new Interreg projects launched, TTS Italia among the partners.
On 4 and 5 April respectively, two new projects co-financed by the European Commission under the Interreg Europe program were officially launched: SPOTLOG and EMBRACER, focused on sustainable logistics and intermodal mobility.
EMBRACER (interconnecting MoBility acRoss europeAn CitiEs and subuRbs) is a project lasting 48 months (March 2023-May 2027), regionally guided, in which seven regions undertake to integrate public transport with informal methods (bicycle, ride-hailing , car/bike/scooter sharing, transport on demand, autonomous shuttles) of mobility, to improve the interconnection with urban areas and achieve intermodal regional and local mobility, intelligent and resilient to climate change.
In EMBRACER, TTS Italia contributes to the design of policy changes and implementation actions of the guidelines of the policy tools. TTS is also Communication Manager of the project.
SPOTLOG (Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions) is a 48-month project (March 2023-May 2027). The main vision of SPOTLOG is to involve local communities in the creation of socially responsible logistics systems, based where possible on zero-carbon methods, through the intelligent use of all available resources and leveraging the digitization of freight services and passengers. Focusing on low-density communities and medium-sized cities, SPOTLOG partners aim to improve regional policy tools towards the European goals of zero-emission and inclusive mobility. In SPOTLOG, TTS Italia will provide shippers, logistics operators and shipping companies with adequate tools and information to contribute to low-emission last mile delivery schemes; support institutional bodies in defining relevant multi-scale policies and integrated logistics-mobility strategies; support collaboration and last mile training deliver concepts and solutions. TTS is also the Communication Manager of the project.
• Italia-Genova
Traffic lights maintenance
• Italia-Ispra
• Consulting services for autonomous vehicles security
• Italia-Monza
Systems maintenance

International Conference on Sustainable Road Transportation and Road Transport Technologies
4-5 May 2023, Rome
For further information, click here →
Mobility Forum 2023
11 May 2023, Rome
For further information, click here →
Networking day dello Spoke 9, Urban Mobility
17 May 2023, Rome
For further information, click here →

4th European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD2023)
3-4 May 2023, Brussels, Belgium
For further information, click here →
9-12 May 2023, Leipzig, Germany
For further information, click here →
ITS European Congress
22-24 May 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
For further information, click here →
Mobility Solutions Show
30-31 May 2023, Toulouse, France
For further information, click here →