It's Europe
N° 8
September 2023

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Member of the month
Product of the month
Project of the month
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The interview by Morena Pivetti


“Atac, the passenger at the centre”: this is the strategy of the new ICT director, Marco Dottore.
“We will invest to digitize the company and facilitate information, travel and payments”

Not everyone knows that Rome boasts a transport infrastructure of absolute excellence in Europe, even if millions of Italians use it regularly. I'm talking about Leonardo da Vinci airport: five times in the last six years the capital's airport has won the Best Airport in Europe Award from the Airport Council International, the World Association of Airports, in the category of hubs with over 40 million passengers. And it is precisely from there, from this excellence of air transport, that Marco Dottore arrives, since March the new ICT director of Atac, the local public transport company in Rome, as well as responsible for the digital transition and Chief Information Security Officer of the the company, after having been selected through a competition.
Five days after he entered via Prenestina, Russian hackers welcomed him with a cyber attack that took the Atac website offline, preventing access to the internet and eliminating information to the public. “Over the years, also due to the financial situation of the company, which is emerging from the composition with creditors phase, it had not been possible to make the investments necessary to defend its perimeter. Despite everything, the company reacted well: we managed the emergency thanks to everyone's commitment and the help that immediately came from other TPL companies. Then we took action and promptly activated measures to protect the IT infrastructure and prevent intrusions, which remain the constant risk linked to digitalisation, also with external services through Consip and with the collaboration of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, of Agency for national cybersecurity and the Postal Police". Since then Atac has no longer been "pierced" by computer pirates.


The first question, obligatory, to Marco Dottore - Roman, 37 years old, a CV that has been enriched with roles of ever greater responsibility, first in Selex then, from 2014 to 2015, in Accenture, with a six-month stint at Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and finally from 2015 in Aeroporti di Roma where he was responsible for the Telco world of the airport, until he landed in Atac - this is why he chose this leap from the most liberalized and international transport market segment, the air, to the segment most dependent on public administration and public funding (as well as politics), local public transport.
The challenge that was proposed to me fascinated me. Fiumicino moves around 45 million passengers a year, mostly leisure, in other words holidaymakers. Atac 900 million people, who I define as 'city users', that is, who use the service daily to arrive on time at work, at school, for an appointment, for a medical visit. People mostly stressed by the complexity of life in the metropolis, the largest in Europe by territorial extension. Being able to transfer the best practices implemented over the years at the airport, in the ICT sector, to local mobility is a great test. In a context in which the operator who runs subways, trams and buses, who is in charge of stations and shelters, is the manager but not the person responsible for designing the network. Therefore the city infrastructure on which our vehicles move is designed by others, not allowing us to intervene in a structured way upstream of the process. It would be desirable to modify the model, with coordination of the various subjects, already in the planning phase of the infrastructures to support the local transport service. Added to this is the uncertainty of a service contract with the Capitoline administration which has currently been extended to 31 December this year and which should subsequently have a duration of four years. Which would allow us to plan our interventions.

Atac is right now putting its head out - thanks to a change of pace, also guided by new top management and renewed front lines of management, some of which come from outside - from a crisis that has brought it to the edge of the precipice. It has 10,200 employees of which 150 are employed in ICT, but suffers from successive organizational stratifications: first single company of the entire network of the capital, then split into three, finally reunified again. Layers that influence the IT systems with which it is gradually equipped and therefore the lack of a long-term vision.
We are emerging from the bankruptcy agreement and thanks to the Recovery and Resilience Plan and the funds allocated for the 2025 Jubilee, we hope we have the resources to invest and bring home the results. We must take advantage of this favorable historical moment. The great work done by my predecessor, Francesco Amendola, left a good starting point. We have an important list of projects for the Jubilee, which is already tomorrow, starting with the renewal of the various fleets, new buses, new trams, new trains. As ICT we will do our part.

What is your strategy?
I immediately chose to put on the hat of the user, who at Atac we love to call Customer and I in particular, Passenger. The passenger must be put at the center of our action, we must make their life easier, accompany them in all phases of the journey, manage the process: from planning to purchasing the ticket, to execution, from arrival to post-travel. ICT must put itself at the service of marketing and sales, as well as corporate communication. Our sales system dates back to 2001 and is obsolete: we need to move from a 'card based' system, as it is now, i.e. from the paper ticket and season ticket, to the 'account based', i.e. a system based on the Passenger. Naturally respecting privacy. With this philosophy we managed the Municipality's decision to activate the annual subscription to the entire network discounted at 50 euros for young people under 19. We reached more than 45 thousand cards in a few days. A choice that also has the objective of accustoming young people to the use of public transport, with a view to sustainability and at the same time to retain as much of our target customers as possible by shifting the choice increasingly towards season tickets, instead of paying “as you go”.

A strategy which includes "Tap&Go", i.e. the possibility of paying the ticket in contactless mode with credit, debit and prepaid cards, introduced in 2019 on the metropolitan lines and from February 2023 it was extended to all surface vehicles.
It increases the ease of access to travel, particularly for non-residents and tourists, and is a powerful ally in the fight against tax evasion: there are no more excuses. The next step is the upgrade and standardization of information and assistance to the public, including all Atac's social channels, starting from the Twitter channel ... oops X sorry... which has over 350K active followers, the first in Europe among the channels of real-time information from Public Transport, and the various Facebook and Instagram fan pages, up to the WhatsApp assistance channel, which must be increasingly widespread and easy to access. Naturally, with the numbers we have, the help of technology is necessary so that the various channels are managed and harmonized through a single control unit that allows interaction on a large scale, in real time and with a single tone of voice while maintaining, for each channel, its communicative peculiarity linked to the specific target audience. In terms of a new relationship with the customer, the project financing will give us a big hand with which we will equip the city with around 850 smart shelters and electronic poles, of which at least 30 are touch screens, quadrupling the current park. Rome is first in Europe for this type of investment and one stop in eight will in fact be 'talking'. For the Jubilee we aim to homogenize the current validators so as to make them all the same and prepare the new Atac App, which will allow access to all services and will be accessible from a MaaS perspective, of the Mobility as a Service, which Roma Capitale is experimenting.

Together with the marketing, commercialization and digitalisation of travel tickets, the other great challenge that awaits Atac in building its technological architecture is what we could define as "data".
Knowing how travelers move, monitoring flows, who gets on and off the bus or metro, the usual or occasional routes, the times of use will allow Atac first of all to modulate its fare policy. In Milan as in London, the prices of journeys and season tickets depend on the zoning and time slots: for us these cities are benchmarks to aim for. In still others, ad hoc travel tickets have been introduced for tourists, such as in Venice. Secondly, the data, adequately analyzed and processed, will help the Capitoline administration to better plan the network, frequency and stops of public transport with greater adherence to the mobility needs of its citizens.

What difficulties are you encountering?
We need to trigger a process of internal change, activate the active collaboration of employees, motivate them, also intervening in the organization: we need to redesign the operating model, with an enormous transformation work. What we do for Atac as Romans we do for our city, we do it for ourselves. We can be the agents of change in the place we live in: a unique opportunity, an exciting privilege. So in parallel with the investments in technology to fully digitalize the company, which we will do, we will also have to invest in the company's human resources, train them, update them.

In conclusion?
All of us at Atac are working to increase the company's credibility: ICT can become the enabling engine of change. Together with the work of the other directorates. It will take four, five years but we can truly transform Rome, allowing ourselves to be contaminated by the best practices of others. The collaboration with companies in Milan and Naples is producing excellent results. Keeping my feet on the ground, I am convinced that there is a common will to do well. To win the challenge in local public transport. Atac: men at work. Atac: men at work.

Who is Marco Dottore. Marco Dottore, 37 years old, he is the current Manager in charge of the ICT structure of Atac spa for which he also holds the role of CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) and Manager for the digital transition. From 2015 to March or 2023 he worked for Aeroporti di Roma covering various positions with increasing responsibilities up to the position of Projects & Data Center manager as part of the strengthening of the Technology function of the ADR group, which has become an enabling tool to accelerate the related group programs to quality of service, infrastructure efficiency and commercial performance. From 2014 to 2015, Marco Dottore held the role of Infrastructure Consultant / Network Team lead in Accenture, a global leader in consultancy, where he interacted with leading companies in the Telco sector in the management of transformation projects in the network and cloud sector in Italy and abroad (Telecom Italia in Rome and Etisalat in Dubai). From 2011 to 2013, he was Network Systems Engineer at Selex ES S.p.A. where he managed projects, design and implementation of network infrastructures underlying mission critical systems serving air traffic control (ATC) and naval traffic (VTS), in Italy and abroad. In the first half of 2011 he held the role of Software Engineer at MBDA as a consultant for the design and development of command and control systems serving the military defense systems industry. In November 2010 he obtained a Master's Degree with honors in Telecommunications Engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome. In December 2008 he obtained a Bachelor's Degree with honors in Electronic Engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome.

Member of the month

The future of smart mobility and IoT according to Targa Telematics

The closing of the acquisition of 100% of the Viasat Group by Targa Telematics in May marked the birth of a major global player in the IoT market and the development of digital solutions and services for connected mobility. Targa Telematics is a tech company with a strong presence in eight key European countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, England, Belgium, Poland, and Romania, along with a subsidiary in Chile. “This transaction further strengthens our leadership in the Italian and European markets, expanding our offer of innovative technologies implemented in projects with an increasingly cross-sectional and international scope” - commented Nicola De Mattia, founder of start-ups for the development of new technologies in the 1990s and CEO of Targa Telematics.

What led you to choose a landmark company like Viasat to pursue your growth?
In concrete terms, this transaction has enabled us to take a major leap forward in terms of size, international presence, and extension of our foothold in key market segments. These are undoubtedly crucial elements to continue strengthening our competitive edge and offer a single point of contact to our customers with an international presence, thereby supporting their global projects. We are, therefore, consolidating our presence and enhancing our ability to consistently support their needs across all their markets. This will result in a significant simplification for our customers, solving any integration problems and extending Targa Telematics’ outstanding offer of mobility technologies and services across the continent. Today, we are able to work on international projects in close coordination with local teams to provide customers with new, and increasingly innovative, and comprehensive solutions for the future of mobility and beyond.

What is your long-term goal?
With this transaction, Targa Telematics has become the second-largest European player in the specific segment of connected mobility in terms of size and turnover. In the coming years, we will explore further strategic options to achieve leadership in this industry with an increasingly global outlook. Clearly, in the long term, our industrial project is focused on North America, the largest market in terms of size and technological innovation. This scenario will enable the group to become the first truly global automotive loT company.

What impacts will smart mobility have on people and technology development?
Smart mobility, along with its associated services, will increasingly become a part of our daily lives and work habits. This is why, in the years ahead, the value of data will play an increasingly crucial role in this industry. In this scenario, the difference will be made by players with expertise, critical size, and strong capacity for innovation. Companies like ours, which have invested heavily to provide solutions enabling them to create tangible and measurable value for their customers by transforming data through appropriate processing into decisions, process optimisation, excellence in service provision to end customers, competitiveness, and speed in the evolution of their market offerings. In a nutshell, it is the difference between success and failure in the market.

Product of the month

Monitor and predict real-time traffic with PTV Flows

A traffic management software is essential for cities and road authorities who want to improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and efficiently manage accidents. However, maintaining traditional traffic management systems can be costly and manual monitoring can be difficult, time-consuming, and costly. To provide a solution to this problem, PTV Group has developed PTV Flows, an effective and simple tool for real-time traffic management.

But what is PTV Flows?
PTV Flows is a cloud-based real-time traffic management solution that leverages machine learning algorithms and generates automatic alerts for monitoring. PTV Flows enables cities and road authorities to optimize traffic management without the need for extensive resources or complex infrastructure. It can also be used by a single person, without the need for extensive training.

Main features

Traffic View: PTV Flows displays traffic conditions on a map, take action to see where congestion occurs and make informed traffic management decisions.
Traffic Forecast: PTV Flows can predict traffic conditions up to 120 minutes in advance. This helps operators plan for and mitigate congestion, even before it occurs. The prediction, based on machine learning algorithms, does not require human intervention for calibration and is automatically updated periodically based on the data received.

With PTV Flows it is possible to know in advance how traffic will evolve

Automatic email alerts:
PTV Flows can automatically send email alerts when certain critical corridor conditions are met. This helps traffic operators stay informed about traffic conditions, even when they are busy with other activities. These automatic emails can be included in a workflow that allows for example to automate a change of traffic light plan or to publish information on congestion on the chosen communication channels to inform the public (e.g. Twitter)
Corridor monitoring: PTV Flows allows you to monitor the performance of specific corridors by creating KPIs. It is thus possible to analyze what is about to happen or what has happened recently thanks to visual and graphical warning thresholds that allow you to analyze traffic trends and understand where the main critical issues originate.

Crreation of a KPI in PTV FLows

PTV Flows supports historical analysis of traffic performance. This helps operators measure the effectiveness of their traffic management strategies, report the level of services achieved and plan changes based on what has happened.
API: PTV Flows also allows the integration of its functions with third-party systems thanks to the REST API it is equipped with, which allow you to export traffic forecasts and KPI calculations

What is the target?
PTV Flows is suitable for cities and road authorities looking for a ready-to-use and effective real-time traffic management solution, requiring less staff effort, no complex IT infrastructure or customer hardware purchases, and has significantly reduced implementation times (less than a day to launch the product instance on a chosen area). For the same reasons, other potential targets are the managers of airport hubs or events (congresses, fairs, stadiums) who need to manage and monitor the area of interest to optimize entry and exit from it. At the same time, PTV Flows also allows the integration of its functions with third-party systems thanks to the REST API it is equipped with.

For further information on PTV Flows or to request a demo you can contact us on our website:

Project of the month

UPPER, a project dedicated to LPT, starts in the city of Rome

UPPER (UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN EUROPE) is a 48-month project, coordinated by UITP and funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme.

The project aims at fostering a revolution in public transport by strengthening its role in the field of sustainability, driving the transition to zero-emission mobility with the goal of increasing public transport use by 30% and user satisfaction by 25%.

To achieve these goals, a series of 84 'push & pull' measures will be tested and a series of complementing support tools will be developed at the different stages of design and implementation to ensure the intended objectives, including citizen participation, behavioural analysis, impact and new policy design, knowledge transfer and scalability.
The model of the UPPER project is built around the 5 axes of mobility innovation, in which innovation is to be put at the service of cities:

1. Mentality and culture: perception of accessibility, user satisfaction, concept of freedom, Maslow applied to LPT, status of LPT, LPT as a carrier of culture;
2. Urban mobility planning: ability to structure space at regional, local and hyperlocal levels, LPT as a focal point of urban development and economic activity, the combination of infrastructure and services
3. Mobility service ecosystem: intermodality, MDMS, digital ecosystem, eMobility system, first mover in automation;
4. Road network management: priority management (traffic lights), access regulation, regulation and monitoring of low emission zones, parking management;
5. Democratic governance: multistakeholder and multi-level governance, LPT as an engine of inclusion, social return on long-term capital investment and revenue spending.

The project foresees activities in 10 cities and regions, divided into 5 Living Labs, including Rome, Valencia, Versailles Grand Parc - Île de France, Oslo, Mannheim and 5 twinning cities: Lisbon, Leuven, Budapest, Thessaloniki and Hannover. The consortium includes a total of 41 partners, including city/region representatives and technology partners.

Regarding the activities of the Rome pilot, the project has the ambition to increase the modal share of public transport and customer satisfaction, as well as to promote the creation of zero emission zones from the city centre towards the periphery, according to a roadmap and new UVAR schemes defined by the city.

Furthermore, from 3rd to 5th October, the first of the Hackathons promoted by the project will be held in Rome, registration are open until 30 September 2023. Organised by UITP, Euro Cities, Y4PT, Roma Capitale, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, TTS Italia, Roma Idea and Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Roma, the Hackathon adheres to the main objective of the UPPER project: to lead a public transport revolution that will strengthen its role as a flagship of sustainability and mobility innovation in cities. UPPER is also contributing strongly to the objectives of the European Commission's Cities Mission, supporting its pilot cities in the transition to zero-emission mobility, which will become the cornerstone of climate neutrality by 2030. The Hackathon is an event for multinational and multidisciplinary teams to brainstorm and develop innovative solutions to collaborate on the transformation of public transport, focusing on 2 local challenges
▪ School Mobility Management
▪ 360° accessibility

TTS Italia actively participates in the project activities supporting mainly the Municipality of Rome and Roma Servizi per la Mobilità.

In particular, the activities in which TTS Italia is involved in the Rome pilot are diverse and concern the assessment, planning and development of a user-centred infrastructure and the identification of innovative solutions aimed at behavioural change; it will also be involved in the integration of measures and tools and large-scale demonstration of the living lab and impact assessment.

Finally, TTS Italia is involved in the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project.

From our members 

A4 Holding and Fastned together for increasingly sustainable mobility on the motorway
A further decisive step to increase motorway services in favor of sustainable mobility, enriching the sustainability strategy of A4 Holding, a company of the Abertis Group which manages 235 km of motorways in the North East in Italy, and thus allowing hundreds of electric vehicles every day to be able to be quickly recharged on the motorway. This is the result of the agreement signed between A4 Holding, its subsidiary A4 Trading (active for almost twenty years in services related to mobility along the A4 Brescia-Padua and the A31 Valdastico) and Fastned, European leader in the construction of fast charging systems for electric vehicles. The agreement reached involves the construction of Fastned's first fast charging station in Italy which will have 8 charging points (subsequently extendable to 16), with the possibility to deliver up to 400 kW and which will allow in just 15 minutes to benefit from energy useful for traveling up to 400 km. The innovative drive-through station with solar roof, the first of this type in Northern Italy, will be built by 2024 at the Truck Park Brescia Est spaces in the Castenedolo area, where the largest vehicle park in Europe is located. On the A4 Brescia-Padova there are already 13 charging stations (a quarter of which are equipped with ultra-fast charging) in six different service areas and A4 Holding's sustainable mobility development plans include the installation of another 22 charging points by 2024, eight of which thanks to this intervention and the technology made available by Fastned. A partnership that fits into the thick program of initiatives linked to environmental sustainability that A4 Holding is carrying out for the three-year period 2022-2024 and which intends to support the transition towards more sustainable mobility with lower carbon emissions, promoting the development of services to support electric mobility also for long journeys in the motorway sector. “The energy transition towards a clean and sustainable mobility model is one of the fundamental axes of our ESG strategy – is the comment of the President of A4 Holding, Gonzalo Alcalde -. We are very satisfied with this partnership with Fastned which allows us to further optimize our path alongside motorists in their choices of electric and sustainable mobility on our highways. This new fast charging station will allow our company not only to increase the offer of electric charging stations on the 235 km of motorway under our responsibility, but also to make further progress in our environmental, social and governance performance, further enhancing the results and efforts made in terms of emissions reduction and decarbonization”. “Starting our activities in Italy, the eighth country on Fastned's map, means a lot for Fastned and for me personally. Eleven years ago we founded Fastned with the aim of building a European infrastructure of fast charging stations. Now, adding Italy to our list of countries is another great milestone for Fastned,” said Michiel Langezaal, CEO of Fastned. “We are extremely happy to collaborate with the A4 Holding Group to offer motorists the best charging experience, encouraging many more people to switch to electric driving. We hope that our first station in Italy will bring many more along Italian roads, as well as in major cities in the years to come."

Source: A4 Holding

CIRCLE Group: contract worth approximately €135,000 with another leading port in the Eastern Mediterranean
CIRCLE Group (“CIRCLE”) – Group specialized in the analysis of processes and the development of solutions for the digitalisation of the port sector and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on the issues of the Green Deal and energy transition led by the PMI Innovativa Circle S.p.A., listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange, and TTS Italia ordinary member - has signed a contract with another leading port in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
The value of the contract is approximately €135,000 and the duration of the assignment is 9 months.
Strengthened by its know-how in the last port mile, CIRCLE will support the port in question in the development of new Port Community Services aimed at optimizing the intermodal and road transport component.
Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE, comments on the news: “It is a real pleasure to be considered strategic for the major port players, for the fluidization of flows in and out of ports and, more generally, for logistics players internationally in their digital growth and innovation journey, consistently with our Connect 4 Agile Growth strategic roadmap."

Source: CIRCLE Group

CIRCLE Group: new orders, contracts and agreements
A new Mediterranean port has joined the large panel of users of the "Port Community System" solutions designed and developed by CIRCLE Group ("CIRCLE") - Group specialized in process analysis and development of solutions for the digitalisation of the sector port and intermodal logistics and in international consultancy on the issues of the Green Deal and energy transition led by Circle S.p.A., listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange, and TTS Italia ordinary member.
The value of the contract is approximately €130,000 for a reference period of 9 months.
The order contributes to increasing the number of ports in which CIRCLE is present, directly or through the specific skills of the individual Group companies, with their own projects and services, in the wake of the development plan for predictive, federative and sustainable logistics outlined in the roadmap Connect 4 Agile Growth.
Furthermore, the signing of a new contract with a leading European multimodal operator to support the development of innovative digital services (including airports) and customs was announced.
The value of the contract exceeds €510,000 and its duration is 18 months, with a further annual automatic renewal clause.
This order derives from the great experience gained by the Group in the provision of innovative digital and customs services and from the know-how acquired on specific topics such as Import, Transit and Export procedures, the Fast Corridors, the S.U.DO.CO project, as explained
The project linked to the contract in question constitutes a further advancement within the Connect 4 Agile Growth roadmap which aims to connect all the stakeholders of the Supply Chain in a full digital, green and federative logic.
Also signed a new contract with a leading port of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
The value of the contract is approximately €100,000 and the duration of the assignment is 8 months.
Strengthened by its know-how in the port and railway last mile, CIRCLE will provide a digital platform interoperable with the Port Community services already in place in the port in question, with the systems of the Railway Infrastructure Manager, with the systems used by the various public and private operators of the railway cycle (MTOs, railway companies, port terminals and shunting service managers) as well as with related customs services.
Finally, a further important step has been completed in the sign of digitization and advanced management of transport flows.
Metrocargo Italia (“Metrocargo”) – intermodal transport operator active in Italy and France – announces with CIRCLE that it has completed the implementation of the Milos® MTO suite for real-time tracking and management of its intermodal shipments.
Thanks to the joint work between the two companies, the platform has been made interoperable with the IT systems used by Metrocargo Italia's main partners in France, starting with Novatrans (manager of a network of terminals in France, including that of Miramas, and operator used by Metrocargo for the railway connections between the Miramas and Valenton terminals, and between Miramas and the Dourges terminal) and by the historic customer Leroy Merlin.
The commissioning of Milos® MTO represents the completion of a further important step in the name of digitalisation and advanced management of transport flows by Metrocargo, which will thus be able to ensure its customers an even more efficient management of their intermodal shipments and better visibility of the loads, also significantly reducing the manual workload (estimated savings are around 15 hours per week), information redundancies and the risk of errors.
In the coming months, the interoperability of the Milos® MTO platform will be developed with Metrocargo Italia's partners in Italy, primarily Terminali Italia and the customer Conserve Italia, a leading company in Europe in the fruit and vegetable preserves sector.

Source: CIRCLE Group

Connected and automated mobility: SWARCO Italia's commitment to the 5G-Routes project
The 5G-Routes project continues to work to test innovative Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) applications operating across a designated 5G cross-border corridor (“Via Baltica-North”) extending across the borders of 3 EU Member States (Latvia -Estonia-Finland). The project's laboratory tests and real-life trials seek to validate the latest 5G capabilities and 3GPP specifications under realistic conditions, so as to accelerate the deployment of interoperable end-2-end 5G CAM ecosystems and services on highways, digitalized railways and ships throughout Europe. Busy with the dissemination activities of the 5G-Routes project and C-ITS services throughout the world, SWARCO Italia, TTS Italia founding member, organized a presentation in South America. Specifically, in the city of Popayán in Colombia, where “La Universidad del Cauca” (University of Cauca) hosted the event. There, university president Juan Casas, professors Dr. Jaime Obando and Eng. Aldemar Gonzales, and students from the civil engineering degree program were eager to understand how these technologies could be adapted to the Colombian environment. The event the Center Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) was involved: Dr. Jorge Baranda began to explain how CAM services are integrated into the new generations of 5G/B5G mobile networks. Followed by Eng. Andrea Castelli illustrated how BRAINSTORM is using its technologies to implement use case 4.1 – Multi-user games in 360° augmented reality on the move and use case 4.2 – Live conferencing in virtual reality on the move. Finally, Eng. Jose Rodriguez from SWARCO Italia presented use case 2.1 Real-time traffic information and cooperative collision control at intersections. It was then explained how the CAM services implemented under UC2.1 aim to improve safety for all road users through the exchange of information between vulnerable road users (VRUs), autonomous vehicles (AVs) and traffic management centers (TMC). SWARCO continues to contribute to the real implementation of European-funded projects such as the 5G-Routes project to achieve the ambitious goal of connected and automated mobility.

Source: SWARCO Italia

Geotab and BMW Group together for connected mobility
Geotab, global leader in the field of connected vehicle technology, and TTS Italia ordinary member, announces the partnership with the BMW Group company, which adds to the solid network of connections already active with other manufacturers. The combination of BMW Group's high-quality data combined with the power of MyGeotab, Geotab's platform, guarantees fleet operators a turnkey connectivity solution. Leasing, rental, car sharing and ride hailing companies can thus benefit from intelligent data that allows them to make decisions on vehicle performance in terms of productivity, compliance and driver safety. Furthermore, the insights provided can be used to support efforts towards greater sustainability, as well as for the development of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) report which, within the European Union, will be mandatory starting from 2024 for some types of companies. In fact, fleet managers can, for example, use MyGeotab to optimize routes, increase fuel efficiency, identify electrification potential and reduce downtime based on vehicle data. In fact, the platform transforms the data collected into useful information, providing fleet managers with all the insights necessary to better understand the performance of their fleet. The integrated telematics functions of BMW Group vehicles can now be combined with the advanced tools of the MyGeotab platform . Furthermore, activation takes place without contact, via remote access, and does not require visits to the workshop, thus saving time and costs. Users can therefore benefit from first-hand, high-quality vehicle data, aggregated in a high-performance and independent, through which they can manage the entire fleet. Ultimately, the partnership offers a single point of access to make informed decisions and provide connectivity solutions for fleets of all sizes. “Partnering with a leading global brand like BMW Group marks an important milestone in our strategy , which aims to consolidate our position as a trusted partner for manufacturers. Working together with specialized telematics companies offers many advantages to OEMs and their customers, because in this way they are no longer required to build their own infrastructures for data analysis and visualization, but can instead manage them directly in the telematics platform via the cloud, using modern APIs. Customers continue to receive all manufacturer-specific data – optimally processed and integrated with other fleet data, for a 360-degree view across all vehicles,” says Christoph Ludewig, Vice President OEM Europe at Geotab. The MyGeotab platform is now able to use OEM data from various manufacturers, including BMW, Renault, Ford, Peugeot, Citroen, Opel/Vauxhall, DS and Mercedes-Benz, in addition to data collected by Geotab's telematics device. The software supports vehicles full electric (EV) and plug-in hybrids (PHEV), in addition to traditional internal combustion vehicles (ICE), taking into consideration the relevant data for each type. Depending on their needs, users can choose from multiple data access plans and Geotab customers can opt for one of several pre-configured pricing plans. All this allows you to get a consistent picture of your entire fleet, across all makes, models and engine types. In this way, data extrapolated from different sources is not only integrated and synchronized, but also collected and displayed in a uniform and complete way. The agreement between Geotab and BMW Group is operational starting from September 2023 in 30 European countries.

Source: Geotab

Geotab® obtains the EcoVadis bronze medal for sustainability performance
Geotab – global leader in connected vehicle technology, and TTS Italia ordinary member, announces that it has received the bronze medal from EcoVadis, the world's most reliable provider of corporate sustainability assessments. Geotab achieved a higher overall score than last year, with a 66th percentile, and improved in all four categories: Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Purchasing.
EcoVadis is the global standard for corporate sustainability assessments and has assessed more than 100,000 companies worldwide.
“Measuring our sustainability performance is one of the ways Geotab ensures we operate ethically, responsibly and with integrity. This EcoVadis Assessment confirms Geotab's commitment to continuously improving our sustainability practices and making our progress transparent" declared Franco Viganò, Country Manager Italy and Director Strategic Channel Development of Geotab.
EcoVadis' corporate sustainability assessments are based on international standards such as the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and the ISO 26000 standard. Assessments provide evidence-based performance analysis and a roadmap for improvement.
This year Geotab joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), the strategic corporate citizenship initiative on a voluntary basis for the development, implementation and dissemination of responsible corporate practices regarding human rights, work, environment and fight against corruption.
With the goal of achieving zero emissions under Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2040, Geotab is working with its network of suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The company aims to have its top 10 suppliers (based on spending) publicly commit to reducing greenhouse gases. As of late 2022, Geotab is already well on its way to achieving this goal, with 50% of major suppliers having already submitted a report to the international non-profit Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
Geotab is also addressing the challenge of greenhouse gas emissions through innovative programs aimed at reducing the impact of employee travel, including the incentive program for the purchase of electric vehicles and for reimbursement for public transport, as well as a policy in favor of hybrid and flexible working.
Geotab's greatest sustainability impact is its data-driven tools and insights that support fleets around the world. The transportation sector is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 28% of emissions in the United States and 15% globally: a figure destined to increase in the absence of structural actions, considering that estimates see the share of global transport to grow more than double by 2050. Commercial transport constitutes a unique opportunity in the battle against polluting emissions, due to a much faster turnover of the vehicle fleet compared to all other sectors. As the world's number one commercial fleet telematics provider, with 3.7 million connected vehicles, Geotab is helping accelerate and scale decarbonization in the transportation sector by offering data and analytics that help fleets evaluate their impact environment, adopt sustainable practices, reduce emissions, simplify the electrification process and optimize fleet operations, as well as making progress on its sustainability journey.

Source: Geotab

Geotab simplifies the management of Spiz Trasporti: a single platform for complete and personalized fleet monitoring
Geotab – global leader in the field of technology for connected vehicles, and TTS Italia ordinary member, has supported Spiz Trasporti – a Lombardy company specialized in combined road-rail transport, in the process of increasing the efficiency of its fleet. Geotab's telematics solution has allowed to improve the sustainability of the entire team's activities and reduce operating costs and, thanks to a single data access suite that enables 360° monitoring of parameters including routes, consumption, anomalous driving events and respecting speed limits. Furthermore, Spiz Trasporti is now able to verify in a more agile way the adherence to the regulations imposed by the European Union regarding driving/rest hours for drivers. The success of the implementation then led the company to enter be part of a special “Ambassador” program within which a personalized dashboard has been developed that allows you to further enhance the use of the insights collected and take advantage of more sophisticated features such as Intelligent Zoning, which automatically detects the areas where vehicles stop more often and from there it suggests optimizations and notifications in multiple operational areas. Not only that. For the future, Spiz Trasporti has already planned a new project based on gamification, i.e. the application of elements borrowed from games within the work activity: thanks to the data on vehicles provided by Geotab, it will be possible to draw up the ranking of the best drivers and reward the safest, as well as the most efficient and sustainable driving styles.
Founded in 2000 in Cusago, in the province of Milan, Spiz Trasporti has grown to become one of the main multimodal transport companies on strategic terminals such as Busto Arsizio, Melzo, Segrate, Mortara, Novara and Domodossola, covering national and European routes. Aware of the he importance of exploiting cutting-edge technologies to advance the management of operating systems and improve the quality of service for end customers, the company has always invested in resources and technological capabilities that allow it to keep up with the times and improve the operational efficiency. To offer the best level of service, effective fleet management is therefore essential. Previously, Spiz Trasporti relied on two distinct devices: one for locating vehicles, the other for monitoring consumption and the driving style of drivers. However, the growth of the business and the complexity of organizing the vehicles has brought about the company faced with the need to bring together in a single tool the technology for accessing the data necessary to evaluate and intervene in the management and reduction of operating costs and operating expenses.
The specific business needs were studied and analyzed in collaboration with an authorized Geotab partner, which led Spiz Trasporti to identify the Canadian company's fleet management proposal as the best solution to facilitate the management of operations.“In terms of performance and technology, Geotab's solution immediately established itself, as it has all the features we needed", explains Roberto Spizzirri, CEO of Spiz Trasporti. “It is simple, intuitive, and able to adapt to the needs of the end customer and the third parties involved, respecting our requests with flexibility and reliability in achieving the objectives we had set ourselves”. In addition to offering maximum customization, Geotab supported Spitz Trasporti also thanks to the digital tachograph software. This allows the Traffic Office to remotely download and analyze vehicle and driver data, checking travel history and managing the sending of any notification letters. Furthermore, with regards to fines, thanks to a feature of the platform the Reports Office can check where the report was drawn up, on which vehicle/asset and its driver, the person who contested the infringement and more.
The choice of Geotab as the technological provider simplified the work of the entire Spiz Trasporti team, which was therefore able to operate in a more sustainable way between daily activities and priorities. In fact, if in the past with GPS technology it was only possible to obtain data relating to location of vehicles, kilometers or history linked to each asset, the fleet in service for Spiz Trasporti now enjoys a complete control system with a view to operational efficiency. The possibility of managing and monitoring multiple routes and drivers at the same time, without having to contact them from time to time via telephone or message translated into concrete advantages for the various subjects involved: end customers were able to benefit from greater clarity and precision with respect to departure and delivery times, while drivers demonstrated their appreciation less frequent interruptions. “We are proud to have supported a company like that of Spiz Trasporti, with which we share the same vision based on innovation, along the path of fleet efficiency”, declares Franco Viganò, Country Manager Italy and Director Strategic Channel Development by Geotab. “We have developed a customized solution based on the real needs of the company, which paves the way for further future developments: it is precisely the possibility of extending the use of the platform, continuing to work with customers and partners to allow them to take full advantage of it the capabilities, the added value of these projects". For the future, Spiz Trasporti intends to exploit telematics as a tool for both personal and managerial growth, to start a virtuous circle based on the assumption that if a driver behaves correctly on the road, it is the entire company that benefits on the triple level of time, costs and manpower. “We are aware that the current world of transport needs human beings, otherwise the vehicles would not move from the parking lot, but it is the technology which must improve and above all simplify their work”, concluded Spizzirri.

Source: Geotab

Global Safe Insurance Broker offers its dealers the Targa Telematics SVR service
Global Safe Insurance Broker, an insurance brokerage company of the AON Group, the first company in Italy and in the world in risk management and insurance and reinsurance intermediation, has entered into a partnership with Targa Telematics Spa, a tech company specialized in the development of IoT solutions and digital platforms, and TTS Italia founding member, to offer its affiliated car dealers the possibility of having an innovative stolen vehicle recovery service in their catalogue.
The dealers affiliated with Global Safe Insurance Broker can in fact offer their customers the possibility of combining the CVT (Land Vehicle Body) car policy with the Targa Telematics SVR (Stolen Vehicles Recovery) service, with the advantage of reducing the deductible on Theft and Fire, guaranteeing the new value for up to 4 years from purchase. The result of twenty years of experience in the telematics sector, Targa Telematics' SVR service offers one of the best recovery percentages on the market, also thanks to the continuous improvement and updating of the proprietary Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms underlying the platform.
Added to this is the availability of a network of dedicated Operations Centers, active 24/7, capable of quickly analyzing information on the vehicle and coordinating the Police Forces throughout Europe for the discovery and recovery of the vehicle.
With this partnership, Targa Telematics' presence in the insurance sector is strengthened, supported for years through data analysis services for precise risk assessment, aimed at maintaining the value of assets and containing costs.
“In Global Safe Insurance Broker we have found a partner who was able to immediately appreciate one of the services we are most proud of and which today has reached one of the highest levels of reliability on the market” commented Alberto Falcione, Vice President Sales of Targa Telematics. “With more than 10 years of experience in stolen vehicle recovery and thousands of cases analyzed every year, our platform is able to map and identify the areas of greatest risk and precise patterns of thefts, elements that can help prevent the possibility of theft".
“The partnership signed with Targa Telematics was born from the commitment we have always made to listen to our customers, be they dealers or end customers, to find new services that can make a difference and continuously improve our insurance offer”, declared Andrea Cantamessa CEO of Global Safe and added: "Thanks to this agreement, our affiliated dealers will be able to enjoy all the advantages of the Targa Telematics service to formulate increasingly innovative insurance proposals".

Source: Targa Telematics

MAIOR User Meeting 2023: appointment in Florence on 12 October
The MAIOR User Meeting 2023 will be held on October 12th in Florence.
During the day, thanks to interventions from customers, we will talk about Italian case studies and there will be a round table dedicated to the topic of driver shortages. There will also be MAIOR interventions on the latest innovations in the operations modules and on information security and cybersecurity in the solutions offered.
New for 2023 is the MAIOR Open Day, an exclusive moment dedicated to customers at the MAIOR headquarters in Florence, right before the User Meeting. It will be an afternoon to learn more about MAIOR news and solutions, meet the MAIOR Team, ask questions and network.
For more details and to participate, click here.

Source: MAIOR

Targa Telematics now with over 2 million vehicles under anti-theft surveillance in Europe.
Targa Telematics, a specialist in developing IoT solutions and cloud platforms for connected mobility, and TTS Italia founding member, announces that it has moved past the 2 million vehicle mark for vehicle surveillance in Europe. Driven by the current increase in attempted thefts, Targa Telematics has achieved a steady increase in its number of monitored vehicles. Thanks to its full offering in vehicle security, Targa Telematics is currently achieving its highest rate of vehicle recovery, at an average of 85%.
Following a peak of 307,000 vehicle thefts in 2002-2003, there was a notable ten-year decline, leading to a considerable reduction in vehicle thefts to just 70,000 by 2013-2014. However, recent data published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), has shown that there has been a 24.9% year-on-year increase in motor vehicle thefts in England and Wales, with 130,389 vehicles stolen just last year.
In this context, Targa Telematics has experienced a double-digit increase in requests for its vehicle-security service. It now monitors 2 million vehicles in real time in Europe, including France, the UK, Spain and Portugal, with a recovery rate of 85%.
To achieve such results, Targa Telematics relies on advanced big data and machine learning technologies developed by its staff to ensure vehicle security. These technologies prevent thefts by alerting the control room when the vehicles are in a risky neighbourhood, even before a theft has occurred and, when one does occur, they react quickly to coordinate with local law enforcement authorities and facilitate its recovery.
The service is provided by Targa Telematics’ Operations Center staff, available 24/7 and working closely with police forces throughout Europe, helping with the timely recovery of stolen vehicles. This efficient cooperation between Targa Telematics and the authorities helps successfully recover stolen vehicles.
Through strategic partnerships with the top automakers, Targa Telematics offers companies many benefits, such as full visibility over their fleets, rapid activation of service, lower equipment costs, and secured and standardised data, so they don’t need to have their own internal technical expertise.
Thomas Smith, UK Country Manager at Targa Telematics: “We are proud to announce that Targa Telematics has just exceeded the mark of 2 million secured vehicles, with a recovery rate of 85%. This is a clear illustration of our expertise in vehicle recovery and auto security. We continue to invest in the most advanced technologies, such as big data and machine learning, and to offer our clients maximum protection against auto theft.”

Source: Targa Telematics

Our activities

Be digital or be efficient. TTS Italia at the webinar of the Transport Compliance Rating Observatory
After the webinar on intermodality, the Transport Compliance Rating Observatory continues its flash appointments with a focus on digitalisation processes in logistics. TTS Italia, represented by the General Secretary, Eng. Olga Landolfi, will be among the speakers of the webinar, by invitation , which will be held on 27 September: “Be digital or be efficient”. It now appears clear that achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal will only be possible through the implementation of technological innovation associated with a behavioral paradigm shift. In almost all the official documents published by the European Commission, the technological drivers that will revolutionize transport are identified, drastically improving safety and mobility and simultaneously guaranteeing the reduction of costs and environmental impacts. A first result in terms of digitization of transport documents is being realizing with the electronic CMR: a few months ago the Italian Government decided to adhere, with a specific ratification bill, to the Additional Protocol of the relevant International Convention, aimed at legally facilitating the use of electronic waybills, which falls within among the objectives of the PNRR related to the simplification of logistical procedures and the digitalisation of documents. Also in the PNRR, the "Digitization of the national logistics system" project has the objective of increasing national logistics competitiveness due to the creation of an interoperable digital system between public and private actors for goods transport and logistics. In this way, procedures, processes and controls are simplified, thanks to the dematerialisation of documents and the exchange of data and information. But how can we encourage the digital transition of companies operating in this sector? How to respond to the specific needs at a national territorial level and to the challenges that the emergence of digital technologies poses in the freight transport and logistics sector? For information and to register:

CCAM: TTS Italia coordinates the IN2CCAM project Forum open to stakeholders
The IN2CCAM (ENHANCING INTEGRATION AND INTEROPERABILITY OF CCAM ECO-SYSTEM) project, financed by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, and which sees TTS Italia among the partners, aims to provide CCAM (Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility) that have a positive impact on end users and other related actors. The project consortium not only identifies the mobility needs, concerns and requirements of different users and stimulates collaboration with public and private stakeholders, including traffic operators, cities, legislators and service providers; but aims to create a solid governance framework, business models and evidence-based policy recommendations that drive the widespread adoption of IN2CCAM innovation.
Involving industry stakeholders improves understanding of challenges and facilitates the creation of more transparent recommendations and stronger policymaking. Hence the creation of a Forum, coordinated by TTS Italia, which offers an open space to anyone who wants to actively participate in the discussions, share their ideas, offer feedback and collaborate with the project, in which, among others, the industries, public administration, scientific researchers, policy makers, standardization and approval bodies will be involved. Among the topics discussed in the Forum: harmonization and interoperability, strategies to balance the load on mobility networks through route and delivery optimization, demonstration and validation of IN2CCAM solutions and governance of integrated CCAM systems with particular attention to fleet and traffic management.
To join the forum, complete the survey.
For further information:

Freight transport: the KEYSTONE project launches the survey to evaluate needs and obstacles in the context of cross-border controls
The KEYSTONE (KNOWLEDGEABLE COMPREHENSIVE AND FULLY INTEGRATED SMART SOLUTION FOR RESILIENT, SUSTAINABLE AND OPTIMIZED TRANSPORT OPERATIONS) project has recently launched a survey, open until the end of September, to collect the needs and obstacles that currently affect cross-border controls carried out by transport authorities controls. KEYSTONE is in fact a 36-month project funded under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, which aims to simplify compliance checks for the cross-border transport of goods by road and through the creation of a transport ecosystem digitalized. TTS Italia is among the project partners, and is in particular involved in the development of Guidelines for operators, authorities, stakeholders and in replicability activities.
To participate in the survey, anonymous and available in multiple languages (English, French, German, Greek, Spanish, Italian), click here.

TTS Italia at the ITS Australia Global Summit 2023
TTS Italia, from 28 to 31 August, took part in the ITS Australia Global Summit 2023, organized in Melbourne by the Australian ITS Association.
TTS Italia was among the Association Partners of the event which aims to explore approaches to accelerate smarter, safer and more sustainable transport by exploiting the ever-expanding capabilities of technology.
The Summit brings together government, industry and academic leaders from around the world to explore the topics of: Smart Infrastructure and Data Ecosystems; Sustainable and Equitable; Electric, Connected, Autonomous; Future Mobility; Policy and Harmonisation; Freight, Logistics and Drones.
Among the participants also the members of TTS Italia FIT Consulting and Polytechnic of Bari.
In particular, the General Secretary of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi, took part in the Panel Discussion on 30 August “How are we reimagining mobility to meet the challenge of modern cities and communities?”: creating places and communities means shared spaces and the way where people and goods move through the built environment affects planning and growth, through politics and technology for example. How are we meeting the challenge?

Business opportunities 
ITS System
Devices for speed detection
Video devices installation
Survey services
Variable messages signs
Italia-Rosignano Marittimo
Parking areas building
Consulting services
Go to private website


TTS Italia supports
Save the date

Milano Green Week
26 September – 1 October 2023
For further information, click here →

Expo Ferroviaria
3-5 October 2023, Milan
For further information, click here →

World Passenger Festival
4-5 October 2023, Wien, Austria
For further information, click here →

Urban Mobility Days
4-6 October 2023, Seville, Spain
For further information click here →

Busworld Europe 2023
7-12 October 2023, Brussels, Belgium
For further information, click here →

International Mobility Summit
10-11 October 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark
For further information, click here →

ITS World Congress
16-20 October 2023, Suzhou, China
For further information, click here →

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Click here for further information.
TTS Italia

Via Flaminia 388, 00196 Roma /
T +39 06 3227737 / F +39 06 86929160

Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.