It's Europe
N° 10
November / December 2023

TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy.
In this issue:
The interview by Morena Pivetti
Member of the month
Products of the month
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Business opportunities 
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The interview by Morena Pivetti


Bolzano first place in the third MaaS call, Cavaliere speaks, NOI Techpark:
“We will launch LPT 2.0 with on-call services and integrate the tourist offer”

From the long and interesting chat with Roberto Cavaliere, Subject Matter Expert | AI & Mobility Solutions at the NOI Techpark in Bolzano, there are three fundamental concepts that emerge clearly. I will try to summarize them like this: first, there is no MaaS, Mobility as a Service, without a technological platform capable of communicating with all mobility players according to European standards and protocols; second: MaaS can be a useful tool for redesigning the local public transport offer to make it more in line with demand and offer more efficient services to citizens, businesses and tourists; third: MaaS can evolve into MaaF, or Mobility as a Feature. But let's proceed in order and explain why the interview in this issue of the TTS Italia Newsletter features Roberto Cavaliere. Let's start by remembering that the Autonomous Province of Bolzano came first in the final ranking of the public notice for the presentation of intervention proposals under the Pnrr, Mission 1, Component 1, Sub-investment 1.4.6 “Mobility as a Service for Italy”, the last call - after the first two reserved for cities - which selected seven territories, or seven regions, closed in mid-September with the final ranking. Bolzano earned the first step of the podium ahead of Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont, scoring 83.3 points, which guaranteed it a total allocation of 2 million and 300 thousand euros for the project presented.


Also supporting its creation is NOI - Nature Of Innovation - Techpark of Bolzano, the technological hub dedicated to research, innovation and technological development inaugurated in 2017: today it has two offices, one in Bolzano and one in Brunico, and operates with a community of companies, research institutes, universities and institutions.

““For Bolzano the starting point for MaaS is the Bingo project that we are implementing thanks to European funds for regional development – Cavaliere's story starts from here -. I summarize it with two words: digitalization and standardization. We are building a new digital platform for local public transport that manages all processes, according to the European NeTEx standard and the Siri protocol which allow the exchange of planning and real-time data. I clarify that Bolzano has a TPL management similar to that of Transport for London: the Transport Authority of the Autonomous Province defines routes and timetables carried out both by public transport operators and by the dozen private companies that won the various service lots put up for tender a few years ago for a total value of 1 billion, and collects the proceeds. The entire public transport system is technologically managed in an integrated manner by the in-house company STA Strutture Trasporto Alto Adige".

We need to make courageous choices to be digitally ready – adds Cavaliere -. Over the last ten years we have created an open technological platform called Open Data Hub ( which has set itself the objective of collecting and making available data from the various mobility services: from Tpl to sharing to charging stations charging, car parks, taxis and NCCs. Also to facilitate the planning and design of the service and for research and development activities".

Let's get to the actual MaaS. What are the characteristics of the Bolzano project?
“We are focusing a lot on the transformation and evolution of current local public transport – explains Cavaliere – introducing an on-demand offer that complements the classic one. We have defined it as Tpl 2.0: part of the offer will be standard, part will be on demand. We plan to intervene on services that are not effective today, or that are little used by citizens, and to transform them into on-demand services with an additional offer that is more in line with citizens' mobility needs. An offer that includes the entire range of services to go from A to B, including taxis. I am thinking, for example, of evening and night services. And more generally to lines and routes whose use is unsatisfactory. The other group of users that we put at the center of our project are tourists: we want to build a partnership between public and private to organize an attractive offer for this important market segment".
And that's not all. “Another target of our project is Corporate MaaS, or travel from home to work – adds Cavaliere –, on which we plan to introduce reward mechanisms, incentives for those who implement virtuous, environmentally sustainable behaviours. For example, with the development of car pooling and the sharing of good practices."

What will be the stages of the project in Bolzano?
“From June 2024 we will have six months to experiment with the application of our MaaS and the interface with the national technological platform. But we have already carried out some trial tests, so I am confident that we will be ready quickly. Public transport will be the fulcrum: today there is already a form of Alto Adige Pass subscription which guarantees transparent access to all local public transport, and which can be further developed from a MaaS perspective. Already today 50% of the South Tyrolean population has a season ticket of this type, and thanks to a new and modern ticketing system the attractiveness of this type of offer will be even greater. Our role is to help create an enabling technological system capable of creating interesting opportunities for private operators, including tourism operators who will be able to offer packages that combine accommodation and hospitality, access to ski lifts and other equipment together with mobility. This is why we are thinking of a business model that evolves Mobility as a Service into Mobility as a Feature, i.e., the integration of the mobility package into other types of services".
Since Alto Adige is a border territory, MaaS integrates, in addition to the national railway services of Trenitalia and Val Venosta, also the cross-border railway services of the Austrian Öbb. The prospect is therefore to develop MaaS locally not only with a view to integrations at a national but also international level.
At the end of 2024, an evaluation of the experimentation will be carried out but the reorganization of the TPL will certainly remain and the process of digitalisation and standardization will be completed so that everyone can speak to each other. “We still have technological work to do so that the digital platform can easily manage and offer increasingly complex and interesting MaaS packages. But we have a clear path ahead,” concludes the NOI Techpark collaborator/expert.

Who is Roberto Cavaliere. Roberto Cavaliere is Subject Matter Expert - AI & Mobility Solutions at the NOI Techpark in Bolzano, which has the task of promoting research and innovation in the South Tyrolean ecosystem. Roberto is the contact person for all the various local innovation initiatives in the ITS sector and in the last 10 years he has contributed to the coordination and implementation of several European projects in this domain. His main interests cover mobility-as-a-service and all the various forms of transport (public transport, sharing mobility, etc.), the use of ITS for environmental purposes, cooperative and self-driving systems, and road weather information systems (RWIS).

Member of the month

DataINFOMOBILITY is an Italian engineering company with an established international experience able to design, develop and manufacture innovative real-time passenger information systems. All of our digital display systems offer easy and fast installation and are internationally appreciated for being long-lasting, low-maintenance and reliable. It is devoted to quality, innovative solutions and environmental protection.
DataINFOMOBILITY develops market leading techniques for low power consumption displays, making it possible to run entirely on batteries. Our unique autonomous solar energy products with no external cabling make installation, maintenance and daily management extremely easy.
DataINFOMOBILITY has constantly evolved to offer its customers increasingly high-performance and cutting-edge services and technologies with cost-effective, sustainable products and system solutions. Our displays are based on different technologies, ePaper, LCD, TFT and LED according to customer needs. The display systems components and the software that governs them are designed to utilize the least amount of energy possible.

The control of passenger systems is performed by cloud-based solutions, entirely developed by internal software engineers, to remotely control and monitor each individual display, through embedded modems with networking capability. Internal software management allows timely interventions and customizations based on customer needs.


In last years, Datamed is focused on a project based on the development of solar-powered signs, intended not only as passenger information services for transportation but also as monitoring services. This is achieved by integrating a surveillance system into the sign, utilizing a camera with night vision thanks to its high dynamic range. The surveillance system provides an integrated security feature that allows for recording videos up to 24 hours, accessible remotely by authorized personnel. The project aims to implement various analytical processes in the sign based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, such as facial recognition and body action recognition. The system relies on triggering pop-ups in the control platform and sending alarms to a predefined list of users. The cameras of all installed systems are managed via WOWZA, an application platform that supports video streaming over an IP network.
The project's goal is the monitoring the surrounding environment through video recordings to identify actions of vandalism or landscape defacement (e.g., illegal dumping in open and less visible spaces) to enhance both the citizens' and the environment's safety perception.

Over 300 signs with integrated cameras have been installed in Israel and the next installation will be carried out in Italy in the city of Pavia.

Roberto Pozzi, Co-Founder & CEO

In a competitive and constantly evolving sector such as technological innovation in local public transport, how does DataInfomobility distinguish itself?
Certainly, what sets us apart are our experience and the management of all stages of the product realization. With over 20 years of experience, we have been creating information systems for bus stops, always pursuing the most advanced technologies with the objective of minimizing the energy consumption of our solar-powered systems for environmental sustainability. This extensive activity in the sector has enabled us to acquire high expertise to support all stages of product realization, from design to production, and remote control management, all carried out entirely at our company.

What is the company's approach to innovation and technology?
Our company is deeply committed to innovation, considering it crucial to remaining competitive. We invest significant resources in research and development to create new products, services, and processes that meet the ever-evolving needs of our customers. We are consistently vigilant towards emerging technologies and we try to be always ready of adopting technological solutions that enhance operational efficiency, optimize business processes, and provide tangible value to our customers. In this regard, we are incorporating artificial intelligence into our products, such as integrating cameras with monitoring and motion detection systems.

Products of the month

Our AVM Central is the best solution for complete control of the LPT

The web-based software, combined with the onboard devices proposed by Pluservice, allows the monitoring of urban, suburban and GT transport and, above all, the automatic certification of the service.

But what is AVM Central?
It is a flexible solution and a control and information tool that, thanks to an external business intelligence engine, stores and processes a large amount of data useful for improving service efficiency.
Central AVM allows automatic certification of the programmed, from app and central. It monitors the visualization and location of the vehicles, collects all the information about the races in a logbook and feeds all the infomobility tools. The on-board devices connected to the AVM Control Centre provide users with the necessary ticketing services, provide the driver with support for his duties and provide the operator with all information relating to passengers, validated titles, maintenance and deadlines so that you can recognize in real time the service anomalies.

Thanks to all the above-mentioned components and features, the software is useful for diagnostics of management and generation of alarms based on set thresholds, the status of the equipment and the summary of malfunctions at the end of service..

Main features:
- Automatic certification of programmed, app and central
- Customization of delay thresholds and alarm values both on board and from central
- Usability via multi-monitor and multi-manager display
- Easy integration with other ticketing and maintenance management

Main functions:
- Visualization and location of media
- Tabular view of real time races
- Infomobility
- Logbook
- Detection of driving style
- Qualification and certification of service from both centre and on board
- Passenger registration and validated securities
- Maintenance and timing of vehicles

The AVM control panel is able to manage multi-vector environments allowing the creation of "regional" or "extended" profiles that can see the general state of the fleet and elaborate overall reports for areas-basins-groups of companies.
This approach ensures not only interoperability but also the confidentiality of each carrier’s sensitive data.
An essential support for the driver is represented by the myAVL App that facilitates it by offering various features, including automatic qualification of the duty shift, the display of events with the GPS position, a wide reporting on speed and delays-advances, diagnostics of the vehicle from the canbus control unit and the connection with the various infomobility devices. For more information, please consult the Pluservice website.

Cerbero, when AI contributes to road safety

In the historical moment of maximum development and diffusion of artificial intelligence, there are increasingly more sectors in which the latter is used to enhance its technological capabilities. Cerbero represents the intersection between AI and road safety, proposed by Safety21, a leading company in the field.

What is Cerbero?
Cerbero is the first dynamic-behavioral detection system entirely based on artificial intelligence, supported by a neural network system. Through the use of "fisheye" cameras, a modem, and an advanced GPS connection, it is capable, through a dedicated function of the Safety21 Cloud Titan system, of analyzing and reporting in real-time what surrounds the car which it is installed on.

Key Features:
- Real-time Detection: Cerbero can drastically reduce the verification time of an infringement, making it real-time. Through an alert, the user agent has the opportunity to be immediately notified if there is any wrongdoing in the vicinity. It is not necessary for the vehicle to be stationary; detection occurs while in motion, allowing agents a considerable saving of time and energy.
- Human Behavior Detection: In addition to violations strictly related to vehicles on the road, Cerbero, if properly trained, can also detect those related to human behavior, such as jaywalking or a brawl.
- Direct Connection with Civil Motorization: Cerbero can identify irregularities related to parking and, by submitting the identification data to MCTC databases, verify the validity of insurance and inspection, as well as the pollution class of the vehicle.
- Cloud Titan: All collected data is analyzed and stored through the TitanUp cloud technology platform, which can be installed on any device via an application.
- Easy Installation/Uninstallation: The process of mounting Cerbero on the vehicle operates through a system of magnetic supports and can be installed or removed according to needs in a few simple steps.

What is the target?
The target audience is public administrations and local police, all those involved in observing road violations.

Watch the video!

From our members 

A4 Holding presents the 2023 results of the Driving Styles Observatory: positive trend reversal with respect to the improper use of mobile phones while driving
Motorists and hauliers seem to show an important change of pace in the improper and risky use of mobile phones while driving and, after 2022 which had marked the worst data in the five-year period of analysis of the behavior of those traveling on the motorway, the 2023 survey - conducted by "Driving Styles Observatory" promoted by A4 Holding - highlights a sharp drop in percentage of the indicator, which goes from 16% to 11.3%. Speeding has further decreased both on the A4 Brescia-Padova and on the A31 Valdastico, but the percentage of passengers who do not use a seat belt in the car worsens. These are the main results that emerge from the survey carried out in July 2023 by A4 Holding, a company of the Abertis Group which manages 236 km of motorway sections between A4 Brescia-Padova and A31 Valdastico, through its "Driving Styles Observatory", an operational tool which since 2019 has identified and analyzed the behavior of users in highway and monitors its evolution over time.
The examination of the data, carried out again this year by Atraki Srl - a spin-off company of the University of Padua specialized in the analysis of transport systems - took into consideration a sample of over 1680 light and heavy vehicles, observing the different driving behaviors using mobile stations with cameras and visual detection on vehicles traveling along the motorways, and analyzed the traffic data collected by radars in fixed stations, located in some motorway sections of the A4 Brescia-Padova and the A31 Valdastico The calculations thus carried out by the Observatory highlighted an improvement in the data concerning the inappropriate use of mobile phones while driving by the drivers examined: if in fact in the 2022 report the average data recorded stood at 16%, for the In 2023, the figure recorded is 11.3%, with a decrease both for light vehicles (4 percentage points less than in 2022) and for heavy vehicles (5 percentage points less). The danger of using a smartphone while driving is well-known, just think that dialing a number on your mobile phone (dial time equal to 13 seconds) while traveling at 120km/h means traveling a distance of almost 430 meters - the equivalent of approximately four football fields - without seeing the road.
The other behavioral indicators examined made it possible to collect other useful and positive information regarding driving habits on the motorway, primarily that linked to excess speed, i.e. that recorded for cars exceeding the speed limit of 130 km/h, which is attested for 2023 on average at 9.9% in A4 and 34.9% in A31 and which sees a further decline on the routes examined compared to last year's figure (11.3% in A4 in the section between Brescia and Padua and 36.4% in A31 Valdastico). The bad habit of not wearing a seat belt is unfortunately increasing among drivers, in particular drivers of heavy vehicles, who switch from using it in 88% of cases observed in 2022 to 76% in 2023 and by passengers of light vehicles sitting in the rear seats, whose data worsens by 10 percentage points compared to the 2022 data (21% do not wear it, compared to 11% in the previous survey ). However, the decline in the share of front seat passengers who do not use seat belts on light vehicles was limited (9% compared to 5% in 2022). The observations carried out from a fixed position also made it possible to verify that the percentage of vehicles which do not comply the correct safety distance is slightly increasing compared to the 2022 figure (it was 31.27% in A4 and 17.1% in A31), and is now 31.5% in A4 and 18.6% in A31, while the percentage value of drivers of heavy vehicles who fully comply with it is almost unchanged compared to the last survey (over 93% in A4 and around 96% in A31).
To complete the framework of analysis from a mobile station on the behavior of motorway users, the Observatory also verified the conduct of drivers with respect to the use of direction indicators for changing lanes, the failure of which has always constituted another potential cause of accidents and rear-end collisions. The 2023 data highlight that the tendency to signal changing lanes to overtake remains a good practice especially for drivers of heavy vehicles (79% of the cases analyzed) and less so for motorists (54%), but remains negative for both classes of vehicles the habit of not signaling the return maneuver (50.6%). Finally, despite the many recommendations and precious invitations made by A4 Holding, also through the reports on the 117 variable message signs present on the two motorway arteries, the harmful habit among motorists of not occupying the rightmost lane when traveling on the motorway is further worsened (47.4% on the A4 and 34.4% on the A31 - statistics referring only to light vehicles).

Source: A4 Holding

Autostrade per l’Italia, service stations powered by the kinetic energy of cars: the first experiment in the world on the motorway begins
The commitment of Autostrade per l'Italia, TTS Italia founding member, continues in promoting "green" and "tech" solutions for the sustainable development and management of the motorway network. Lighting a service station or making a toll booth work on the motorway thanks to the passage of vehicles: these are just some of the results that will be possible thanks to the Kinetic energy harvesting from vehicles" (KEHV) project, the first experiment in the world on the motorway which involves the the use of a technological platform capable of transforming the kinetic energy of decelerating vehicles into electrical energy, otherwise dissipated as heat in the brakes. This technology was developed by Movyon, the Autostrade per l'Italia Group's center of excellence for research and innovation and leader in the development and integration of advanced Intelligent Transport Systems and infrastructure monitoring solutions.
Innovation starts from Tuscany. The tests started on A1 in the Arno Est service area and will continue in the coming months also with testing on a toll lane.
Autostrade per l'Italia's objective is to create a platform, integrated with the main management and monitoring systems of the motorway infrastructure, which can produce clean energy in addition to the typical photovoltaic energy. According to initial estimates, thanks to the average daily passage of 9 thousand vehicles, with a single module it will be possible to produce 30 Megawatt hours per year equal to a reduction of 11 tonnes of CO2. A value that corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of a condominium made up of 10 families. In a motorway barrier like Florence West, for example, electricity consumption is approximately 60 MWh/year. Thanks to the installation of two systems it will therefore be possible to completely eliminate the station's energy needs.
A revolutionary system. The KEHV project is based on the LYBRA plant developed by the startup 20energy s.r.l. A vehicle passing over the module activates an electromechanical generator and the electrical energy is made usable through an electronic converter that allows it to be connected to the grid. In a service area, for example, the energy produced could be used to power lighting, advertising signs and even for electric vehicle charging generators. In the case of the toll station, the energy generated can be used by the toll booth system (toll booths, barriers and lighting).
Numbers and data. According to estimates developed by Movyon in the Milan North and Milan South barriers, with an average daily traffic of around 8 thousand heavy vehicles and 63 thousand light vehicles, the systems distributed on the runways could reach an overall annual production for each of the two stations of over 200 MWh, with a saving of 70 tons of CO2/year. In the second phase of the project, other installations are planned on the managed network.
The experimentation is part of the projects developed by the Group on innovation and sustainability. Based on the results obtained, this system may also be included within the broader Mercury Smart Sustainable Mobility programme, the plan of the Autostrade per l'Italia Group aimed at creating a large unitary and coordinated hub for technological innovation, to in order to guarantee safer infrastructures and participate as protagonists in the revolution that decarbonisation, digitalisation and new transport services are bringing to all mobility systems. The Program involves the various subsidiaries of the Group and will allow the assets to be modernized and their useful life extended, making traffic more fluid and increasing travellers' safety. Through these technological innovations, Aspi aims to maximize the self-consumption of electricity from renewable sources, in order to reduce the carbon footprint and at the same time increase the energy resilience of the motorway infrastructure.

Source: MOVYON

CIRCLE Group: new contract worth over 200,000 Euros with a leading European customs broker
Circle S.p.A. – Innovative SME listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market at the head of the Group of the same name specialized in the analysis of processes and the development of solutions for the innovation and digitalisation of the port and intermodal logistics sectors as well as in international consultancy on Green Deal issues and energy transition, and TTS Italia ordinary member - announces the signing of a new contract worth over €200,000 and including recurring multi-year SaaS services, with a customs broker and multimodal logistics operator of primary importance in Europe.
The Customer will rely on CIRCLE Group to innovate and optimize its management procedures thanks to the use of the Master SPED® software and a series of related Milos® Federative Services, with the aim of recovering efficiency, saving time and limiting the risk of manual errors, as well as offering important value-added services and dashboards to important industrial customers.
Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE Group comments: “We are particularly pleased with this signature and this new path which confirm the positive recognition of the Connect 4 Agile Growth strategic roadmap. The customs context is rapidly and profoundly evolving and the industry is increasingly demanding; Master SPED® and Milos® Federative Services allow us to respond promptly to both, allowing collaborative customs and logistics".

Source: CIRCLE Group

Global demand for connected vehicle data grows Geotab’s subscriptions to 4 million
Geotab®, the global leader in connected transportation solutions, and TTS Italia ordinary member, announces that it has surpassed 4 million subscriptions worldwide. This milestone underscores the significant and growing demand for high-quality data intelligence, a critical catalyst in advanced decision making which is driving the ongoing transformation of the transportation sector. Geotab's data-driven insights have been instrumental in enhancing performance, safety and sustainability for fleets ranging from small to large including Fortune 500s and governments of all levels.
Geotab has a rich 23-year history, and achieved a 3 million subscription milestone in 2022. In just over one year, the company added 1 million subscriptions in 2023, reflecting the growing demand for data intelligence to support fleet modernization and management. Geotab's ecosystem of 700+ partners,  continuous innovation, and collaboration with customers in emerging areas such as AI development has created ongoing opportunities for growth.
“23 years ago, we were a company of two operating out of the basement of my home. Now, as I reflect on our incredible journey and remarkable growth in the last 15 months, it's clear that the potential we saw in this industry many years ago has been proven out,” said Neil Cawse, CEO of Geotab. “Fleets are under mounting pressure to improve their bottom line, reduce emissions, prioritize road safety, and find cost-effective solutions. We know that you can't effectively manage what you don’t measure, and that's why data and technology have become as vital to organizations as the vehicles they operate."
Since we reached 3 million subscriptions last August, Geotab-connected vehicles have traveled more than 89 billion kilometers; that’s about 594 trips to the sun. If you think about all of those trips, it equates to massive amounts of data. Because of this, we are able to deliver more impactful insights to our customers. We’re informing them when an engine may fail before it fails, or the likelihood of a collision. We are incorporating generative AI to reduce time to insight. Through these innovations we are driving better business decisions and more meaningful outcomes,” added Cawse.
As the number of Geotab-connected vehicles of various makes, models, and industry sectors continues to rise, the quantity of rich data that Geotab analyses also increases. This expansion allows the company to benchmark with greater accuracy and to build improved machine learning (ML) models, which in turn unlocks better insights for all customers. Through these AI and ML technologies, customers can transition from reactive data insights to predictive analytics and industry benchmarking, unlocking greater value from their investments in connected transportation.

Source: Geotab

Mobility and innovation: the meeting between the players in the ITS sector in IBM Italia
The meeting between large and small/very small/medium companies associated with TTS Italia took place on 5 December in Rome, at the IBM headquarters.
The aim of the meeting, in addition to the more general aim of introducing oneself, was to be able to evaluate possible collaborations and synergies between players of relevance for the sector of Intelligent Transport Systems and intelligent mobility.
The day was an opportunity to focus on some of the key themes of smart mobility: MaaS, Parking, Infomobility, Event management.
The companies, all associated with TTS Italia, which participated: GreenShare, Intercomp, OpenMove, PTV Group, QMap, Selea.

Source: TTS Italia

Pin Bike starts again in Bergamo: the more you pedal, the more you are rewarded!
Pin Bike, TTS Italia ordinary member, starts again a year later in the Municipality of Bergamo which has decided to propose the initiative again: to recognize a small monetary contribution to all residents of the city who use the bicycle to travel to work or school , mounting a special sensor that monitors progress and km travelled.
The "We reward you for cycling" project was launched a year ago and was very successful, so much so that the Administration had to double the devices initially made available, going from 500 to 1000 beneficiaries. Now memberships reopen: from today 6 November it will be possible to join by accessing the site.
“Pinbike is one of the pieces – explains the Councilor for Mobility Stefano Zenoni – of the package of actions that earned Bergamo the recognition of the Urban Award for sustainable mobility. The initiative has been very successful, thanks also to the incentive system which provides mileage reimbursements of up to a maximum of 2 euros per day and 30 euros per month for moving around the city. For this reason, due to the great participation and the results obtained, we decided to relaunch the initiative, aware of the symbolic value of an action of this kind."
“In recent years – continues Zenoni – we have worked hard to improve cycling in the city, renewing the BiGi bike sharing service – now developed with NextBike –, creating the portal, giving life to the poster campaign dedicated to the use of the two wheels, but also to the BiCity initiative, within which the management model of the new velo-station was developed, the arrival of BikeBox in the city, a solution that followed the installation of 80 new racks in the city. Even with regards to cycle paths, Bergamo is working hard: the connections between the Kilometro Rosso and the Colognola district and the cycle/pedestrian walkway that goes over the ring road connecting Colognola to the San Tomaso de' Calvi district are being completed. while just two days ago we opened the one that connects Borgo Palazzo with Celadina and Gorle. The cycle path of the east-west route has been completed, with the new path connecting Curno and Treviolo to the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital and, from here, to the city cycle network. The cargo bikes we receive today will help us develop new transport models in the municipal area, improving access to the extensive restricted traffic zones that exist in the city, with a further reduction in CO2 emissions.”
Based on the experience gained in the last edition, the Municipal Administration relaunches the Pin Bike gamification project. The project is intended for citizens resident and domiciled in the Municipality of Bergamo, who reach their place of work or study by bicycle.
Through the patented Pin Bike system, composed of a device installed on your bicycle, and a dedicated app, it will be possible to record the kilometers traveled (from this year also those outside the municipal territory), access the ranking, and accrue the rewards, which they can be provided through vouchers that can be spent in local merchants.

Source: Ferpress

Targa Telematics digitizes Europ Assistance Italia's roadside assistance
Targa Telematics – one of the main global players in the field of technologies dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of digital solutions and platforms for connected mobility, and fTTS Italia founding partner – will support Europ Assistance Italia in the digital transformation of processes of roadside assistance. The Care Company of the Generali Group is able to manage up to 4 thousand roadside assistance interventions per day, with peaks of 80 thousand per month in the summer period. Thanks to this collaboration, the drivers of the Europ Assistance network will be equipped with a mobile app - specifically developed by the Targa Telematics team - through which they will be able to communicate with Europ Assistance systems and platforms and share data on the ongoing mission. In this way, it will be possible to manage requests for intervention and dispatching digitally, ensuring the streamlining and simplification of workflows. Furthermore, the vehicles of Europ Assistance partners will be equipped with a telematic device and the data collected, appropriately processed and analyzed from the Targa Telematics systems, will allow the Company to improve the management of interventions, monitoring their progress, evaluating performance and guaranteeing customers the highest levels of service, combined with a first-rate user experience. All the actors involved in the mission they will be able to work with timely and real-time information on the status of operations, and will be able to: monitor the routes of assistance vehicles, verify the accuracy of the documentation transmitted, automate the sending of relevant information on the ongoing mission such as, for for example, the passages at motorway toll booths and the estimated arrival time of the roadside assistance vehicle. "Ensuring the mobility of people, providing all the necessary support in difficult situations, is a mission for us that we share with the partners of our network of roadside assistance”, comments Marco Baldoli, Chief Auto Officer of Europ Assistance Italia. “Together with them, we constantly work to improve the quality of our services, including through greater digitalization of processes. The collaboration with a partner like Targa Telematics goes precisely in this direction and is strategic because it allows us to strengthen our commitment and offer customers an increasingly punctual, rapid and efficient service". "It is a privilege for us to accompany Europ Assistance in their ambitious path of digital transformation of roadside assistance processes through a co-creation project based on our connected mobility platforms", declared Alberto Falcione, VP Sales of Targa Telematics. “Thanks to our investments in innovation, a team of very high expertise and quality, as well as our international presence, we are able to offer this type of service also to players on a European scale”.

Source: Targa Telematics

Telematics at the service of citizens: with Geotab and Unione Nova Sabina, school bus transport becomes "smart"
Geotab – global leader in the field of connected vehicle technology, and TTS Italia ordinary member of TTS Italia, supported Unione Nova Sabina, a local authority that groups together five municipalities in the province of Rieti (Magliano Sabina, Selci, Poggio Catino, Collevecchio and Montebuono) in optimizing the management of the school transport service. There are numerous advantages that My School Bus, the solution developed by an authorized partner thanks to the technology made available by Geotab, offers both to the local administration and to citizens: through app, the families of students in the area can in fact know the position of school buses and the estimated and actual departure and arrival times in the various institutions. Furthermore, the service guarantees greater road safety, allowing drivers to improve their driving habits : this also allowed the Nova Sabina Union to receive the patronage of AFVS (Association of Family Members and Road Victims), a non-profit organization dedicated to legal assistance and advice for anyone involved in a road accident, as well as promoting campaigns on road safety and public utility works.
Unione Nova Sabina had not previously used any system for monitoring and managing its fleet. Over time, however, the local administration has developed the need to improve the school transport service offered to citizens, first of all in terms of safety, but also of time management and student well-being (with particular attention to children who attend nursery school).In addition, the organization aimed to optimize the transport service in terms of performance and economics: telematic technology was therefore exploited to collect, analyze and process information necessary for this purpose, such as data relating to expenses and fuel consumption, the mileage of individual vehicles and compliance with road safety by drivers. Last but not least, the Nova Sabina Union was looking for a system that could be installed and maintained without particular complexities.
The My School Bus platform, developed thanks to Geotab technology, was implemented on the entire fleet of minibuses for school transport starting last January, after an initial testing period at the end of 2022. The solution, expressly designed for the public Administration, is characterized by ease of use, compliance with privacy regulations, support for fleet management activities and the practicality of viewing the estimated arrival time of a vehicle, simply by clicking on its route. Among the features of the platform, also attention to the needs of drivers: a section of the app is in fact dedicated entirely to them. When they are not driving, they can now share updates on traffic, any expected delays, service unavailability or road accidents. Furthermore, drivers can request help, be geolocalized during service hours and create text messages formulated from time to time depending on specific circumstances.
The platform represented the best choice for the specific territorial context, made up of small municipalities and large open spaces. The citizens have in fact demonstrated that they have largely appreciated it: in the municipality of Selci, for example, within twenty-four hours, around thirty requests to activate the service were registered from the families of first-grade children. "The solution has helped us really helped to give an innovative tool to our citizens in a very short timeframe", declared Eng. Alessio Odoardi, Head of Technical Services and Digital Transition of the Nova Sabina Union. “The positive feedback we receive gives us a lot of satisfaction and awareness that the services are truly valid. I hope that other Municipalities like us will adopt this solution for the school service so as to concretely respond to the needs of the community, at low costs for the administration". The telematic solution has a sure deterrent value in discouraging incorrect and dangerous driving practices: the Unione Nova Sabina declared that it intervened promptly on a driver who was proceeding at 90 km/h, exceeding the speed limits permitted on that particular stretch of road (50 km/h). Also from a management point of view, they were optimized various operational areas: vehicle administration, document registration and compliance with deadlines. The timely and precise monitoring guaranteed by My School Bus has already allowed Unione Nova Sabina to achieve a series of advantages such as route optimization, maintenance planning and reduction of fuel costs. “We are proud to have helped the Nova Sabina Union to improve the school transport service, developing a solution capable of offering greater safety and convenience at the same time", declares Fabio Maio, Sales Manager of Geotab Italia. “Technology can and must be at the service of public administration at various levels: thanks to the development of dashboards and analytical insights, it is possible to evaluate the performance and consumption of the fleet in each area of intervention, respecting the times and priorities of the offices” In this context, also thanks to PNRR funds, the Nova Sabina Union is interested in continuing this path, considering inserting management telematics on board the local police fleet and broadening the range of action in a synergistic way.

Source: Geotab

The City of Aerospace takes off in Turin
With the laying of the first stone, the City of Aerospace was born in Turin, a large urban and industrial redevelopment project, entirely dedicated to the world of Aeronautics and Space, which will involve the major players in the sector, Small and Medium Enterprises, start-ups and the academic, research and training world. A strategic hub for the development and international competitiveness of the sector which will see Leonardo, together with the Polytechnic of Turin, protagonist from the early stages, in the creation of joint technological laboratories, key elements of the new "City". In Turin, in Corso Ferrucci, 122, on the wall of the former Società Piemontese Automobili (SPA), of Aristide Faccioli, today there is a plaque commemorating the first flight of an Italian motorized aircraft, on the meadows of Venaria Reale (although, in truth, some say Mirafiori ). It was 1909 and the aircraft was the Faccioli triplane n. 1, the first entirely Italian aircraft, with which our country, a few years after the Wright brothers' feat, rightfully entered among the pioneers of the adventure of human flight. From that first, very short flight by Aristide Faccioli an industrial tradition descends which has seen in Piedmont a progressive concentration of "progenitor" companies of the current Italian aeronautical and space sector, of which an excellent supply chain is part which generates a turnover of around 8 billion euros per year in the Region and employs around 35,000 workers . Some of them - such as Ansaldo Aviazione or FIAT Aviazione e Spazio - are part of the industrial legacy of Leonardo, TTS Italia ordinary member, and today present in the area together with other players in the sector such as Avio, Altec and Thales Alenia Space.

Source: Leonardo

Trafficlab at the Web Summit 2023 in Lisbon
In November, the Web Summit was held in Lisbon, a leading event on the global technological scene and a recognized fundamental meeting point for innovators, experts and leading technology companies. With over 70,000 participants, the Summit offered a unique overview of the emerging trends and future challenges of the technology industry. In the 2023 edition the event covered a variety of topics, from artificial intelligence to the Internet of Things, from blockchain to cybersecurity, from virtual and augmented reality to machine learning, offering a global vision of technological progress and their impact on society. Trafficlab, a Piedmontese startup associated with TTS Italia, is among the companies selected at national level by the Italian Trade Agency to participate in the 'event. In Lisbon it therefore presented its advanced solutions, focused on the use of cloud platforms and artificial intelligence to optimize the management of traffic flows and improve the efficiency of circulation in cities.
The Trafficlab team, present at the event with the founder Andrea Marella and with Andrea Bonfanti and Francesco Vallarino, interacted with industry professionals, potential customers and various interested experts, highlighting the potential of the proposed technologies. And he also had the honor of being received by the Italian ambassador.
The Web Summit was also an important opportunity for discussion. Topics such as sustainability, the integration of blockchain into everyday life, data security and the use of virtual and augmented realities were at the center of the discussions.
Participation in the Web Summit therefore represented an important milestone for Trafficlab, confirming its role as a pioneer in the field of research on technological solutions for urban mobility.

Source: Trafficlab

Trafficlab participates in the revision process of the Highway Code
In November, Marco De Mitri, an expert in road safety from the Trafficlab team, TTS Italia ordinary member, was invited by the IX Commission (Transport, Posts and Telecommunications) of the Chamber of Deputies to provide his opinion as part of the examination of draft laws relating to road safety, including the draft revision of the Highway Code. The critical issues relating to road accidents, as demonstrated by the latest data from ACI-ISTAT, INAIL and the Ministry of Transport itself (in addition to the many and unfortunately frequent news reports), show how the actions currently in place are not sufficient. Road accident victims are not decreasing, and the social cost (borne by the entire country) is enormous. It is therefore necessary to intervene with a decisive change of pace, and the revision of the Highway Code currently being examined by the Transport Commission is certainly an opportunity not to be missed. The opinion sent, together with the contributions of other experts and various organisations, is now provision of the Commission, to support this phase of examination of the proposed amendments to the Code. Trafficlab sincerely hopes that the final formulation of the new Code, which will be voted on in Parliament, can effectively address and resolve current critical issues and problems, making our cities and our roads safer for everyone.

Source: Trafficlab

TTS Italia welcomes new members!
Following the approval by the Board of Directors, TTS Italia welcomes two new members:
Adaptive recognition
: Company that deals with OCR technology (optical character recognition), with a focus on complex image analysis for the recognition of license plates, vehicle identification and the reading and verification of personal documents. Among the main products there are: Cameras and specialized software for traffic analysis (ANPR); scanner for passports and identity documents.
Click & Find: founded in 2004, spin-off of the University of Padua, deals with real-time remote control of tankers used for oil & gas transport for the oil companies ENI, KUWAIT, TOTALERG/ API, TAMOIL for petroleum product retailers and LPG distribution and sales companies, including Liquigas and Butangas. Remote control uses the collection and processing of data obtained from numerous sensors in real time. The company also operates for foreign customers, in Serbia, Macedonia, Romania and South Africa. Numerous other products and services in the field of travel planning and storage automation complete the offer.

Source: TTS Italia

Our activities

Mobility: two days in Rome to discuss “Current trends, emerging solutions and social impacts in last mile passenger travel” with the EMBRACER project
On 6 and 7 December, the 2nd Exchange of Experience event of the Interreg EMBRACER project took place in Rome, organized by TTS Italia and the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, entitled "Current trends, emerging solutions and social impacts in last mile passenger travel”.
How to connect disadvantaged cities and communities was discussed, thanks to two specific seminars in which the event was structured and which touched on key themes such as: solutions, barriers and enabling conditions, as well as aspects linked to governance approaches, technical challenges and political changes.
EMBRACER (interconnecting MoBility acRoss europeAn CitiEs and subuRbs) is a 48-month project (March 2023-May 2027) co-financed by the European Commission under the Interreg Europe programme. EMBRACER is a regionally-led project, in which seven regions are committed to integrating public transport with informal modes (bicycle, ride-hailing, car/bike/scooter sharing, on-demand transport, autonomous shuttles) of mobility, to improve the interconnection with urban areas and achieve intermodal, intelligent and climate-resilient regional and local mobility.
In EMBRACER, TTS Italia contributes to the design of policy changes and implementation actions of the directions of the policy instruments. TTS is also Communication Manager of the project.

TTS Italia supports eMobility Expo World Congress. In February, Valencia will be the protagonist with the latest innovations for mobility
From 13 to 15 February, eMobility Expo World Congress arrives in Valencia with the latest innovations and sustainable solutions for the electric, autonomous, connected and sustainable mobility industry. TTS Italia is among the supporting partners of the event. Over three days, eMobility Expo World Congress will bring together more than 6,000 professionals to discover the latest trends, vehicles and technological solutions to enhance the mobility of the future.
The event, with an international dimension, will bring together all the actors of integral mobility at the Feria Valencia. Over 200 exhibiting companies specializing in urban mobility and micromobility, automotive industry, technology industry, producers of electric batteries and charging systems, new fuel sources such as hydrogen, products for automated and autonomous driving, component industry, logistics, mobility air, rail and maritime transport, as well as startups that are revolutionizing the sector, will present their latest innovations and solutions for the future of mobility. As part of the eMobility Expo World Congress, the eMobility World Congress will take place, where more of 375 international experts will share ideas and solutions to implement new business models and present the most cutting-edge technological and sustainable trends in the field of mobility. The congress will have several vertical forums for each industrial segment (energy, batteries, hydrogen, urban and micro mobility, cities of the future, logistics, automotive, rail, maritime transport and air mobility), as well as specialized agendas for each professional profile: CEOs, CEOs, fleet managers, governments and manufacturers. There will be no shortage of opportunities for networking and synergies between all professionals in the sector. An example, the eMobility Innovation Awards 2024 – the awards that recognize leadership, innovation projects and solutions that will transform the mobility industry -, the eMobility Startup Forum – a forum that will host the entire ecosystem of startups that are revolutionizing mobility sector – and the Leadership Summit – a lunch with the executives of the main leading companies in the sector -.
For more details and to participate, click here.

TTS Italia at the ITS Nationals Network meeting
Tuesday 28 November, TTS Italia took part in the meeting, held in Brussels at the headquarters of ERTICO-ITS Europe, of the ITS Nationals Network, as founder and member of the same. The day was an opportunity for the exchange of strategic dialogues and innovative ideas, consolidating the commitment of ERTICO and the members of the ITS Nationals Network towards a more sustainable and intelligent mobility future across Europe. The meeting began with welcome greetings from the President, Guenther Weber, and the Vice President, Donald Hodgins. Attendees also had the opportunity to learn more details about the upcoming ITS World Congress, which will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 16 to 20 September 2024. Joost Vantomme, CEO of ERTICO, updated ITS Nationals representatives on the key trends and developments in technology and policy, as well as the partnership's commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation. After his presentation, Vladimir Vorotovic, Director of Innovation and Distribution at ERTICO, discussed ERTICO's work on European projects, showing the impact of collective efforts on a larger scale. The next ITS plenary will take place at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024.

ITS World Congress in Dubai: our article on Mobility Press
Historic and flagship event for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) sector, now in its 30th edition, the ITS World Congress will be in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai, from 16 to 20 September 2024.
Under the motto of “Mobility Driven by ITS”, the event is organized by ERTICO – ITS Europe and by the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), and hosted by the Dubai World Trade Center.
The EMEA region's hosting of the ITS World Congress comes following significant progress made by Dubai towards smart mobility. The event will therefore be a further opportunity to raise awareness of key players on solutions for increasingly smart mobility.
Wanting to talk about the Congress that will come in numbers: approximately 20 thousand participants are expected from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and America, of which 45% will be from the public sector, and the remaining 55% from the private sector; 5 thousand international delegates; 500 B2B meetings; over 200 technical sessions; 9 thousand square meters of exhibition space. 5 days to debate urban mobility, innovations in mobility and logistics, and green, automated, connected mobility.
Alongside the world of supply/demand, the ITS Associations also play a key role in the context of the Congress, supporting national companies in the sector in the maximum diffusion of Intelligent Transport Systems.

Read the full article here (page 35, available in Italian).

C-ITS systems applied to urban and motorway mobility. On November 23rd, the final event of C-Roads Italy 2 and 3
The final event of the C-Roads Italy 2 and C-Roads Italy 3 projects entitled: "C-ITS systems applied to urban and motorway mobility" was held yesterday 23 November at the Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova headquarters. Among the partners of C-Roads Italy 2, as well as speakers of the day, also TTS Italia. Objective of the day, to present the results achieved, together with the European C-Roads Platform, in the Italian and European context, as well as giving visibility to what has been achieved so far for the development and implementation of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) .
The C-Roads Italy 2 and C-Roads Italy 3 projects, coordinated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with the support of North Italy Communications as project management, are co-financed by the European Commission through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program , and have the objective of studying, implementing and testing C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) systems in real motorway and urban traffic conditions.
The implementing entities are: Almaviva, Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova, Autostrada del Brennero, Autostrade Alto Adriatico, Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Trento, Municipality of Verona, Fiat Research Center, Venetian Motorway Concessions, Movalia, North Italy Communications, Polytechnic of Milan, Rome Mobility Services, TIM.
TTS Italia took part in C-Roads Italy 2 dealing with the evaluation of the socio-economic impacts. On the occasion of the event, TTS Italia was among the speakers to talk about "Evaluations and benefits".

TTS Italia in the Executive Committee of IRF Global
TTS Italia took part, from 14 to 17 November, in the Road to Transport (R2T) Conference & Exhibition organized by IRF Global in Phoenix, USA.
On the occasion of the event, on November 14, the General Secretary of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi, was appointed to the Executive Committee of IRF Global.
The appointment further consolidates the close collaboration already in place between TTS Italia and IRF Global. The General Secretary of TTS Italia, in October 2022, was reconfirmed on the Board of Directors after the election that already took place in 2018. TTS Italia is also part of the ITS Committee task force and participated in the work of the ITS for Climate Impact Mitigation Task Force that produced a document on the impacts of ITS on the environment and climate presented in Dubai on the occasion of the 18th IRF World Meeting & Exhibition “Roads to Tomorrow”. In particular, Olga Landolfi was co-chairman of the Task force.
The IRF Global R2T conference has quickly established itself as a leading destination for global innovators and decision makers in the roads and mobility sector.
For road and transport authorities, the IRF R2T conference is the ideal place to learn and share best practice on the latest technologies and solutions.
For researchers, it is an ideal platform to share their research with colleagues and the industry as a whole.
For the private sector, this is an opportunity to establish the right business contacts and present their innovations and services. For all those working in the sector, it is a place to learn and network with professionals and decision makers.
Among the topics covered by the event: ITS and technologies for intelligent mobility; Road user pricing and travel demand management; transport infrastructure and road paving.

TTS Italia at the Federmanager webinar dedicated to Mobility Management
The President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, was among the speakers at the webinar organized on 8 November by Federmanager on "Mobility Management and a company's energy problems: choices, savings and obligations for reducing emissions".
The webinar aimed to analyze the contribution that Mobility Management can make to corporate ESG policies, promoting environmental sustainability, social responsibility and solid governance.
Together with TTS Italia: Federmanager Academy, Dulevo and experts from the Automotive sector.

TTS Italia visits the Rome Mobility Center with the UPPER project
The technical visit to the Rome Mobility Center Servizi per la Mobilità (RSM) was held on Monday 30 October, organized as part of the post-hackathon of the UPPER project, which took place at the beginning of October. The visit was attended by the hackathon organizers as well as UPPER partners, including TTS Italia; the teams participating in the hackathon; and PTV, partner of UPPER and present on the various days of the competition.
The works were opened by Anna Donati, president of RSM, and then continued with a focus on what will be Rome's challenges within the PUMS and the European Commission program of the 100 cities that aim to become Smart and zero carbon at 2030.
There will then be room for the actual visit to the Mobility Centre, with a live demo; and to the teams that participated in the hackathon who, here too, had the opportunity to present a presentation of the project developed during the hackathon.

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Via Flaminia 388, 00196 Roma /
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Editor: Olga Landolfi; editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi.