AI4CCAM (Trustworthy AI for CCAM) is a 36-month project, coordinated by Simula, and funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. AI4CCAM will develop an open environment for integrating AI-based models to predict pedestrian/cyclist behavior in an urban traffic context, including trust and ethics aspects. TTS Italia is in particular involved in the activities of: definition of the reference framework of the project; in identifying the ethical, social and cultural implications; in the implementation and validation of use cases; in communication and dissemination activities. |
eFTI4EU is a 36-month project (April 2023 – March 2026) co-financed by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Programme, call Transport 2022, and involving 23 partners, including 9 Member States (plus 4 observers). eFTI4EU is the first European-level project designed to implement the provisions of EU Regulation 2020/1056 relating to electronic information on freight transport (eFreight Transport Information) to create an efficient logistics network, as well as facilitate the digitalisation of freight transport through sharing between operators private and public administrations of information in electronic format.
The objective of the project, coordinated by Estonia together with partners from Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, is to create a uniform and interoperable approach at European level for the operation of eFTI gates, as well as to design and implement a harmonized architecture for the exchange of logistics and transport data, which will be tested through a series of use cases, nationally and cross-border.
In the project, TTS Italia supports RAM Spa, affiliated entity of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in stakeholder engagement activities for the pilot action and for the dissemination of the technical results of the project. |
EMBRACER (intErconnecting MoBility acRoss europeAn CitiEs and subuRbs)is a project with a duration of 51 months (March 2023- May 2027)cofounded by the European Commission in the frame of the Interreg Europe Programme. EMBRACER is a region-driven project where seven underserved regions have committed to integrate public transport (PT) with informal modes (cycling, ride-hailing, car/bike/scooter sharing, on-demand transport, autonomous shuttles) to enhance the interconnection with urban areas and achieve seamless intelligent climate-resilient regional and local intermodal mobility.
In EMBRACER, TTS Italia contributes to the design of policy changes and implementation actions of the policy instruments addresses. TTS is also the Communication Manager of the project. |
GEMINI (Greening European Mobility through cascading innovation INItiatives) is a 42 months project funded within the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme.
GEMINI’s vision is to accelerate the progress towards climate neutrality by reinforcing a modal shift through the demonstration and uptake of new shared mobility services, active transport modes, and micromobility and their integration with public transport in new generation MaaS services. GEMINI will contribute to Inclusive, Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods.
TTS Italia is involved in the Turin Mobility Living Lab activities, implementing and testing a multi-regional and cross border MasS (Piemonte, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Slovenia). |
IN2CCAM (ENHANCING INTEGRATION AND INTEROPERABILITY OF CCAM ECO-SYSTEM) is a 3-years project (November 2022 – October 2025) funded by the EU Commission within the Research and Innovation programme Horizon Europe. The project aims to implement and demonstrate innovative services for connected and automated vehicles, infrastructures and users.
The goal is providing benefits to all citizens by implementing a full integration of CCAM services in the transport system. TTS Italia is responsible for the public engagement strategy, the
governance models and regulatory and policy recommendations for future, and is also involved in the dissemination and exploitation activities. |
The overreaching goal of KEYSTONE is to support the development of a sustainable, efficient, and safe transport system, allowing enforcement authorities to access data for the purpose of checking compliance with rules applied in the transport of goods and passengers. The aim is to tailor standardised digital solutions that can be used from several realities to standardize the transport system. To demonstrate the validity of the solutions proposed, an app will be developed so that two highly diverse pilots can prove the efficiency of the KEYSTONE’s innovation.
TTS Italia is especially involved in the development of Guidelines for operators, authorities, stakeholders and in the replicability activities. |
SCALE (Strengthening C-ITS Adoption and Lining-up across Europe), kicked off in October 2024, is a 52-month CEF-funded project. SCALE aims to enhance the deployment of mature C-ITS services and support the technical development and large-scale impact assessments of new C-ITS use cases in 10 operational sites. To address the persistent issues and challenges hindering the industrialisation of the ecosystem in Europe, the project will put in place the right incentives to drive the transition towards this new generation of road transport and mobility services and thus contribute to ensuring European leadership on this issue.
TTS Italia is in charge of the communication and dissemination activities of the project, as well as socio-economic assessments in the context of the pilots. |
SPOTLOG ( Green and Socially resPOnsible ciTy Logistics InnovaTions)is a project with a duration of 48 months (March 2023- May 2027)cofounded by the European Commission in the frame of the Interreg Europe Programme. SPOTLOG’s main vision is to involve local communities in creating socially responsible logistics systems, based wherever possible on zero-carbon modes, through the intelligent use of all available resources and taking advantage of the digitalisation of goods and passenger transport services. By focusing on low-density communities and medium-sized cities, SPOTLOG partners aim to improve regional policy instruments toward the European goals of inclusive and carbon-neutral mobility. In SPOTLOG, TTS Italia will provide freight forwarders, logistics operators, and shipping companies with adequate instruments and information to contribute to low-emission last-mile delivery schemes; support institutional bodies to dene relevant multiscale policies and integrated logistics-mobility strategies; sustain collaboration and training on last-mile deliver concepts and solutions. TTS is also the Communication Manager of the project. |
UPPER (UNLEASHING THE POTENTIAL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN EUROPE) is a 48-month project coordinated by UITP and funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. The goal is to promote a revolution in public transport by strengthening its role in the field of sustainability, guiding the transition towards zero-emission mobility. By testing a combination of 84 push and pull measures in 10 pilot cities, UPPER aims to increase public transport use by 30% and user satisfaction by 25%. TTS Italia is particularly involved in the following activities: definition of the user base and related needs; planning and development of a user-centred and LPT-oriented infrastructure; innovative solutions to increase the efficiency, reliability and attractiveness of public transport; technologies and strategies towards citizens’ behavioral change in favor of LPT; integration of measures and tools and large-scale demonstration in living labs, especially supporting the City of Rome and Roma Servizi per la Mobilità; impact assessment. Finally, TTS Italia is involved in the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project. |