Completed Projects

C-ROADS Italy 2 is a project with a duration of 5 years (October 2018 – December 2023) cofounded by the European Commission in the frame of the MULTI-ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME 2014-2020 CEF TRANSPORT 2018.
The main goal of the C-Roads Italy 2 is to study and pilot, principally in real urban traffic conditions (in the cities of Torino, Verona and Trento), a set of “Day 1” and “Day 1.5” C-ITS services.
In C-ROADS Italy 2, TTS Italia is an implementing body designed by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (project coordinator) and it is involved on impact assessment and dissemination activities.
PriMaaS is a project with a duration of 42 months (September 2019 – February 2023) cofounded by the European Commission in the frame of the Interreg Europe Programme.
The main goal of PriMaaS is to promote the integration of traditional collective transport modes with personal and innovative ones by creating equitable mobility services truly focused on citizens’ needs.
In PriMaaS, TTS Italia provides transport operators with adequate instruments and information to develop MaaS schemes, supports institutional bodies to define relevant multiscale policies
and strategies, stimulates discussion of themes of strategic interest and sustains collaboration and formation on MaaS.
FENIX (A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics) is a project with a duration of three years (April 2019 – March 2022) coordinated by ERTICO and co-funded by the European Commission in the frame of the MULTI-ANNUAL WORK PROGRAMME 2014-2020 CEF TRANSPORT 2018.
The project main goal is to develop the European federated architecture for data sharing in the form of digital corridor information systems serving the European logistics community of shippers, logistics service providers, transport operators, mobility infrastructure providers, cities, and authorities.
In FENIX, TTS Italia is an implementing body designed by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (beneficiary) and it is involved on national project management activities.
Trustonomy (Trust + Autonomy)is a 36 months project, funded by the European Commission within the Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020. the aim is to raise the safety, trust and acceptance of automated vehicles by helping to address the technical and non-technical challenges through a well-integrated and inter-disciplinary approach. TTS Italia was responsible for the communication and dissemination event.
MyCorridor is a project funded by the European Commission within the Research and Innovative Programme H2020. The project kicked off in June 2017 and will last 36 months. The aimm of MyCorridor is to facilitate sustainable travel in urban and interurban areas and across borders, by creating an integrated/multimodal MaaS chain. TTS Italia was responsible for the Pilots implemented and was involved in the dissemination activities.
Capital-final CAPITAL (Collaborative cApacity Programme on Its Training-educAtion and Liaison) is a European project co-funded within the European innovation and research programme Horizon 2020 with a duration of three years. The aim is to design and deliver a collaborative capacity‐building programme for practitioners in the public and private sector in the field of ITS and C-ITS deployment. The CAPITAL project will particularly develop an open platform offering training modules, hands‐on training in 6 cities and awareness raising and liaison activities focusing on the benefits of ITS. TTS Italia took care of the implementation and monitoring of the programme.
logo-newbits NEWBITS (NEW Business models for ITS) is a European project co-funded within the European innovation and research programme Horizon 2020, with a duration of 30 months.
The overall objective of the NEWBITS project is to provide with a deep understanding of the changing conditions and dynamics that affect and/or influence C-ITS innovations. New KPIs will be designed to feed reactive and networkoriented value creation propositions that improve the collaborative decision-making process across the various
stakeholders. TTS Italia involved american stakeholders and defined  C-ITS best practices.
SNAP (Seamless exchange of multi-modal transport data for transition to National Access Points) is an Innovation Activity supported by EIT Digital, a body of the European Union, with a duration of one year (January 2019 – December 2019).
The main goal of SNAP, coordinated by CEFRIEL, is to enable the conversion of complex data in the transport sector to the standards required (NeTEx, SIRI) by the European Regulation 2017/1926 to support transport authorities, operators and infrastructure managers can render their legacy data interoperable and compliant with standards.
In SNAP project, TTS Italia is a subcontractor of Engineering, ordinary member of TTS Italia, and it is involved in the dissemination activities.
SocialCar is a European project, with a duration of three years, co-funded within the European innovation and research programme Horizon 2020. SocialCar seeks to leverage, popularise and mainstream the concept of a public-private integrative co-modal local transportation service for the benefit of citizens, businesses and the efforts to obtain an optimal utilisation of local transport resources. TTS Italia was involved in the dissemination activities of the project.
logo-progetto-core CORE (Consistently Optimised Resilient Secure Global Supply-Chains) is a project co-financed by the European Commission within the VII Framework Programme. The project is aimed at using innovative technologies to improve the safety level in the logistic chain. TTS Italia was involved in the pilot project coordinated by Telespazio related to the EGNOS use for the intermodal transport of dangerous goods.
contain CONTAIN is a European project co-financed by the European Commission within the VII Framework Programme. It is aimed at specifying and demonstrating a European Shipping Containers Surveillance system in a global context which will encompass regulatory, policy and standardisation recommendations, new business models and advanced container security management capabilities.CONTAIN started in October 2012 with a duration of 42 months. TTS Italia supported Telespazio with normative and dissemination activities.
see TTS Italia was among the Stakeholders of theSEE-ITS Project (Intelligent Transport Systems in South East Europe) organised within the Programme of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation. The project aimed at stimulating the cooperation, harmonization and interoperability of Intelligent Transport Systems.
compass COMPASS (optimised CO-Modal PASSenger transport for reducing Carbon emissions) is a project of the VII Framework Programme coordinated by the Napier University of Edinburgh on ICT solutions for passenger multimodal transport. TTS Italia was the leader for business models and dissemination activities WPs.
cosmo-logo1 COSMO (Co-operative Systems for Sustainable Mobility and Energy Efficiency) is pilot project coordinated by Swarco Mizar on the cooperative mobility services.
TTS Italia was involved in the dissemination activities
i-tour TTS Italia is part of the Project Stakeholders Board of FP7 i-Tour project.
egnos EGNOS2road is a project coordinated by Telespazio with the aim of evaluating and assessing the benefits and opportunities of EGNOS added values in the road sector, for two applications, road charging and tracking & tracing of transport of goods/persons. TTS Italia was involved in the state of art of EGNOS testing for road transport applications.
logo-scutum SCUTUM (SeCUring the EU GNSS adopTion in the dangeroUs Material transport) is a European project, coordinated by Telespazio, aimed at a wide adoption of Satellite Navigation EGNOS/Galileo based technology and services for the safe hazardous goods transport management. In the project, TTS Italia supported Telespazio in the management and dissemination activities.
p3its P3ITS (Pre-commercial Public Procurement for ITS innovation and deployment) is a European project coordinated by ERTICO aimed at the definition of pre-commercial procurements. TTS was involved in  the activities for needs and requirements for the innovation and deployment conditions of cooperative ITS services. TTS Italia also supports the activities related to the consolidations, recommendations for stakeholders and roadmap for implementation thereof.
mentore MENTORE (iMplemENtation of GNSS tracking & tracing Technologies fOR Eu regulated domains) is a European project coordinated by Telespazioon GNSS applications. TTS Italia supported Telespazio in coordination and dissemination activities.
mtrade2 M-TRADE (Multimodal TRAnsportation supporteD by EGNOS) is a European project coordinate by Telespazio on EGNOS applications for multimodal transport. TTS Italia coordinated the dissemination activities.
giroads GIROADS (GNSS Introduction in the Road Sector) is a project coordinated by ERF for the introduction of GNSS applications in road transport. TTS Italia coordinated the activities related to rules and certification for the satellite applications in road transport.
E Call: In 2002, TTS Italia, in convention with the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport, coordinated the First Phase of a Pilot project on e-Call. E-Call is one of the Pilot Project of the PGTU – Piano Generale Trasporti e Logistica, for the development of the National Architecture ARTIST.
Architettura per il settore dei controlli sull’autotrasporto: In 2004, TTS Italia took pat to the Project “Application of the National Architecture ARTIST to the sector of the road transport control”. The aim of the Project was to define the general Architecture of a telematic system for exchanging information and data for the sector of the road transport control to increase controls on the territory, rationalize the control system on road transport and to optimize human and instrumental resources in order to semplify the controls themselves.
metis METIS
(MEDiTerranean Introduction of GNSS Services) is a European project for the diffusion of GNSS services in the Mediterranean area. TTS Italia supported Telespazio in the coordination and dissemination activities.