This month focus on...

Mr. Pisino, the National Technology Cluster "Trasporti Italia 2020" is a tool to promote the made in Italy in the transport sector. How was it born anh how is it working?
The National Technology Cluster "Trasporti Italia 2020" after two years by the constitution, with 72 members, is a system that is worth more than 33 billion in revenue, 182,000 employees and more than 6 billion investment in R&D. The main purpose of the Cluster, as desired by the Ministry of Education at the time of its constitution, is to act as an element of aggregation and animation team of the large industrial players and public research institutions in the country working in the sector of surface transport (road transport, rail, waterways and ITS/intermodality). Recently, the National Research Plan 2015-2020, formally recognized the Cluster as an intermediate soft-governance infrastructure of the public-private system of research and innovation in the transport sector. So from that final approval, the challenge of the coming years will be to significantly contribute to promote the competitiveness of Italian industry (made in Italy, in fact), directing policies to support industrial research and experimental development, stimulating capacity for innovation of enterprises, including small size ones, and with the support of the public research system, and increasing the cross cohesion ability of the three modal supply chains.
The Cluster has especially defined the route for research and innovation. What are the main themes? What are the technologies for the next future? How is the development of the connected vehicle going?
The Cluster has defined routes for the research and innovation shared and National level and on which the country should invest in the next years to keep high the competitiveness. These strategies have been published and have become an input also for the Transports Work Programme in Horizon 2020. The main European challengese we have to face are:
- Decarbonisation;
- New materials for sustainable products and processes with a view of the life cycle;
- Global security of transport and infrastructure;
- Management of the global mobility system to increase efficiency and effectiveness
- Reduction of Life Cycle Cost of collective transport systems.
To face these challenges the Cluster has identified some relevant R&I themes such as the further development of the connected and autonomous vehicle. The potential scenarios of development for the country are huge and strictly tied with the implementation of the ITS National Plan aknowledge in February 2014 and of public policies. Italian enterprises are undisputed leader in the telematics sector with around 7 millions of telematics box installed which make of Italy on eof the main European and worldwide market.
The industrial sector is already investing heavily in these technologies and it needs to identify possible areas of deployment. Some European countries, including Britain, Germany (Bavaria) and France have already moved. The Cluster is promoting in Italy the adoption of a National Plan for the Promotion of Automated Driving Technologies (ADT) and for the development of the platooning technology for commercial vehicles, through which to network all public and private entities involved in the development of the technologies installed on the vehicle, the V2X communication systems and infrastructure, including road markings and signs.
Is this work in line with the European objectives?
One of the priorities of the Transport Cluster is to increase the National access to European funds, maximizing synergies with the Structural Funds and promoting inter-regional projects. In this context, the Cluster works to foster the development of networks and international collaborations, integrating the regional or national 'long networks' (platforms, technological districts, Innovation clusters, consortia, etc.) with the European reference contexts: European Technology Platforms (ERRAC, ERTRAC, Waterborne), private and public initiatives in place or under construction (PPP, EIT …). In addition, the Cluster has already started contacts with other groupings both in Europe and worldwide (France, Austria, the Netherlands, China etc.). We know that the challenge Transport is a priority in Europe 2020, the goal: environmental, economic and social sustainability. The Transport White Paper has clearly identified the challenges and social functional target to be achieved. The national challenge that the Cluster has gathered is to integrate the needs of the sectors, identifying growth trajectories, on which aggregate appropriate levels of human and financial resources to Italy's measure, that is, to free the existing growth potential, to be protagonists in Europe and in the world.
Finally, let's talk about FCA and innovation. After the agreement with Google, it looks like other partnerships with important digital economy player are about to come. How will the car be in 10 years?
The challenges that the mobility of a future not too far away requires us are extremely ambitious, and require a capacity for integrated action with the territory rather complex. We can say that the car must first be the bearer of a sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility: the evolutionary effort of traction and feeding systems as well as the search of high efficiency levels will guarantee more and more reduced CO2 emissions with obvious benefits for the environment and for users, who will also appreciate the low fuel consumption and associated operating costs.
But the great expectation for mobility won't stop certainly to this pillar - albeit important. The vehicle of the future will have to ensure the availability on board of a large range of services to users, which transform it into extension of your domestic life, work and leisure. Let's think to all the features that only a highly specialized connectivity and above all fully integrated with road and urban infrastructure can guarantee: in particular, access to mobility services of various kinds, especially those designed to make more pleasant and efficient time spent to the guide.
In addition, in the future the car will not only guarantee us services, efficiency, and entertainment available on board: should also do everything by offering assistance and support to allow the driver to enjoy them in complete safety.
Who is Enrico Pisino. Enrico Pisino was appointed Head of Vehicle Research and Innovation, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in May, 2013.
In the current role, he has responsibility for managing and directing Research and Innovation activities for: new features for vehicle programs, innovation processes to identify emerging technologies, ensuring overall alignment of innovation programs with Fiat's and Chrysler's brands, competitive marketplace and technology development, transferability of technological innovation among vehicle platforms, the development of best practices and tools for design and engineering, as well as ensuring full commercialization and implementation to products.
In addition Enrico is:
- Chairman of the FCA Innovation Coordination Committee (from January 2014)
- EUCAR Council Member (from January 2015)
- Chairman of the EUCAR Sustainable Propulsion Strategic Research & Innovation Pillar (from November 2015)
- Fondazione Politecnico di Milano – Membro del Comitato Scientifico (from March 2016)
Prior to his current role, Pisino was:
- 2011 - 2014, Head of Innovation, Chrysler Group, LLC US, Michigan
- 2008 - 2011, Director of Interiors Unit, Fiat Group Automobiles
- 2006 - 2008, Director - Vehicle Architecture Business Line, Fiat Research Center
This month focus on... Member of the month
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Member of the month
AlmavivA is currently Italy's leading provider of ICT services applied to the Transportation and Logistics sector.
Building on our exclusive rail engineering know how, over the years we have rolled out a comprehensive range of solutions and services for Local Public Transport and Logistics, developing and managing enterprise mission critical solutions for freight & passenger mobility.
One of the most significant projects is the transition to Cloud Computing of the technology systems and platforms of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, managed by AlmavivA under full outsourcing arrangements: an innovative development, which has produced benefits in terms of both performance and operating costs, without any impact on the continuity of operations.
Our market segments and target customers are passenger and freight transport operators, infrastructure managers, port authorities, local authorities engaged in developing and managing local integrated passenger mobility systems and services and, last but not least, "last mile" logistics providers.
Passenger Information System
Over the years, AlmavivA has strived to transform simple transport into a great travel experience, providing real-time information.
To achieve this aim, we have developed a turnkey system called the Passenger Information System (PIS), capable of offering users ground and on-board information in real time.
The PIS is based on the two-way exchange of information between the ground and on-board systems, capable of covering the full technological supply chain of customer information services, infotainment, remote diagnostics and safety: on-board equipment, remote control software platforms and driving services, assistance and content management.
The AlmavivA System enables customers to control and manage their fleet through a single fully-integrated solution, which enables the remote management of all on-board contents, in real time and from the ground, providing passengers with quick information at lower costs, while collecting important vehicle diagnostic data.
Our offering can cover all on-board services, from audio/video information systems to safety (such as CCTVs), from passenger counting systems to infotainment and remote diagnostics. Each system is independent and can be easily integrated with the existing ones, which means that AlmavivA can provide either a complete solution or a part of it.
The Passenger Information System developed by AlmavivA can be installed and operate on almost the entire fleet of all the major rail operators (Trenitalia, Trenord, Tper, etc.), and is provided to the principal rail vehicle manufacturers. Initially designed and developed for the rail sector, it can easily be exported to underground railways and road vehicles.
Smeraldo Fiorentini, General Manager, Transportation Division
- AlmavivA's Transportation Division is Italy's number one ICT provider for the Transport industry, starting as an outsourcer for Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group. Are the proposed solutions of interest only for the railway market?
Our offering comes from a longstanding consolidated experience as outsourcer for Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, on behalf of which AlmavivA develops and manages the entire IT value chain, ensuring quality and service lives consistent with the best market practices. Every day we control and monitor no less than 11,000 trains over a network of 17,000 km.
Building on this experience, we have developed end2end solutions for the local public transport sector and for managing port systems too.
Our approach is inspired by the smart cities concept: integrated platforms that guarantee the interoperability of the systems and multimodal travel, offering a broad array of cutting-edge serves tailored to the real present and future needs of our clients.
- In Italy, the ICT world for the Transportation industry is very fragmented. What sort of role does AlmavivA intend to play in this context?
Recent trends have got us thinking: the larger national and international providers are out of breath and slowing down, some have even withdrawn from a market that has been dubbed, perhaps too hurriedly, as hardly profitable. We have witnessed the mushrooming of huge numbers of aggressive start-ups in the sector, most of which target the end users, i.e. passengers, with little or no attention to the B2B segment. In parallel, the success of the Internet of Things and the forecasts by connectivity providers, which have foreseen an exponential growth of M2M systems over the next two decades, are paving the way for a new era in the development of added value services for specialist operators.
At the same time, we are experiencing difficulties in developing a global vision and programming is enormously delayed in all sectors of the country. The lack of an overall strategic plan is penalizing companies like AlmavivA, which develop competences on the local market, in order to create products of excellence for exporting abroad. Our history, figures, experience, value proposition all ensure that we are the only potential system integrator in this country capable of competing on the international markers with the principal players.
- Which measures and strategic approach are you deploying to tackle the present situation? What strategies do you have for the forthcoming years?
Regarding the macroeconomic environment that has been slowing down the global economy in recent years, we believe that, thanks to the strategies we have put into place at AlmavivA, not only have we consolidated our position in the Transportation market, we have also significantly increased the profitability of our services. AlmavivA has tackled this situation by focusing on quality and investing in innovation and training our human resources. We believe that by acting on these levers, we can further capitalize on the efforts made in the past, in view of future challenges.
The use of state-of-the-art technology, the focus on quality in all our services and products, the endeavor to anticipate market trends are the cornerstones of any fast-moving and forward-looking business, whose hallmark is innovation.
Internationalization is the most important challenge we will be tackling in the coming years, to achieve which we are engaged in drawing up an important development plan based on three pillars: sustainable development (energy, the environment, safety and mobility), the information and communication society (connectivity, cloud, Internet Of Things), promoting a person-centered approach (improving the quality of living, customer experience).
AlmavivA at the InnoTrans in Berlin with the solution that inaugurates the cozy train An information solution for passengers who transforms public transport in a friendly service to 360°. AlmavivA, ordinary member of TTS Italia, has presented it at InnoTrans, the leading business-to-business trade show of the global rail sector in Berlin. The system was born from the extensive experience of the AlmavivA Group in the field of passenger information system, responding to the request of the smart traveler to stay connected and take advantage of simple, intermodal and informed mobility experience. The solution allows the continuous connection with the fleet train or bus from a single operations center, capable of delivering visual and updated information during the journey through schedules that can be managed in real time and offering free access from any device through a single applications and data platform. The traveler can receive information about passenger safety, availability of on-board services, updates on travel, speed, connections and path of the train or bus, cartographic localization of the moving train, weather, news and entertainment.
The InnoTrans fair is held in Berlin every two years and offers a wide exposure of Railway Technology.
For further information on the event, click here
Source: AlmavivA
A4 Mobility wins tender for tolling system
A4 Mobility Srl, TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the tender issued by Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda SpA for the award of IT application maintenance services and ongoing maintenance of the central collection system.
Source: TTS Italia
Octo Telematics wins ANAS tender for traffic data collection Octo Telematics SpA, TTS Italia ordinary member, in association with Infoblu SpA, has won the tender issued by ANAS SpA for the collection of traffic data at national level. This is real-time information service on traffic conditions (traffic information) on the extensive road of primary interest at the national level, through the use of an integrated system of vehicle location and transmission of data collected at the Operations Room.
Source: TTS Italia
PTV SISTeMA e TPS organise the PTV Traffic Italy User Group Meeting
PTV SISTeMA, TTS Italia ordinary memebr, and TPS are organizing PTV Traffic Italy User Group Meeting.
The workshop, which will take place in Turin on October the 26th and 27th, is aimed at people involved in mobility, traffic and transportation. It offers the opportunity to know and learn more about PTV Group software solutions, together with the experiences from our customers using PTV Software.
This year the event gets even richer, including Real Time and ITS among the topics.
The two-day program will cover several topics related to an effective mobility management of both people and goods, with a special focus on PTV Real Time products for real-time traffic management and ITS.
26/10: Future of Mobility, Transport Planning and Big Data, ITS, Urban logistics
27/10: What's new in PTV Software, Use cases, Technical Workshops
Moreover, at the end of the first day, the participants will have the possibility to choose between:
- Guided Technical Visit to the Mobility Control Center of Turin City, which is operated through PTV Optima software
- Guided Technical Visit to Operational Control Center of Turin subway
- Light training on PTV software
The participation to the workshop is free of charge provided you register here.
The workshop is organized by:
- PTV SISTeMA srl, TTS Italia partner and a PTV Group company, which is the main center for technological development and distribution within PTV of ITS and Real-Time.
- TPS srl, leader company leader in services for transport planning and PTV partner for PTV Vision Traffic Suite products.
For the detailed program, click here
For further information: +39 075.500.09.90 -
Rome: an extra-ordinary plan for road safety "Roma will set up a Special Programme for Road Safety. We are identifying measures, actions and initiatives designed to make critical intersections safe, strengthening not only controls but also the system of government and management of road safety and build a culture on this issue. And shortly the work of the Citizens Group for the Road Safety will start as well with a key role in the implementation and management of the Special Programme." This is what Linda Meleo, the Councillor for Transport and Mobility of Rome has recently stated during the award of the project "Keep Calm and Slow Down" launched by Roma Servizi Mobility, the Agency for the Mobility of Rome, TTS Italia ordinary member. The councilor has awarded the winners of the contest that involved several schools in the capital on the issue of road safety. "The capital, with over 13 thousand accidents with victims, 17 thousand wounded and 173 deaths in 2015 (12% more than the previous year) reached a rate of 6.0 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. Based on the parameters provided by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport the social cost of road accidents in Rome is more than one billion euro every year."
"The goal is to be able to say: no one will be killed or seriously injured as a result of a car accident. In line with the policies of the most virtuous countries, the program will adopt the approach 'Vision Zero' to avoid the serious accidents."
Source: Eco dalle Città
Safer Place in Riccione with its innovative solutions for road safety The 35° edition of Road Police Days took place in Riccione 15-17 September.
Safer Place, TTS Italia ordinary member, took part with a booth to show its video-based platform able to detect violations of circulation, parking and view simultaneously if each machine is ensured, revised and more.
Safer Place was one of three finalists for the prestigious "Intertraffic Innovation Award 2016" in the Safety category.
Source: Safer Place
TomTom solutions for earthquake management In collaboration with the National Centre for Reserach (CNR), TomTom, TTS Italia ordinary member, has developed three different tools to support the emergency activities in case of earthquake:
- 'MapLite', an interactive map always updated to share the information we receive via social network or e-mail,
- 'geoSDI Collet', an Android app to report by mobile device about relevant events and information
- 'Eware', an 'early warning' console to alert about fires, earthquakes, storms etc. offering realtime update.
Source: TomTom
Viasat and Teamind Solution together for an "easier" transport world Viasat (leader company in Europe for the Satellite Security Systems), TTS Italia ordinary member, and Teamind Solution (System integrator specialised in smart technological solutions for the logistics mobility world) established a strategic partnership to join the forces and apply on market with innovative applications and integrated satellite telematics services, able to simplify and optimize the corporate activities for trucking and logistics. At the same time, the purpose is to approach, in a wide range, the up-market of the Transports and Logistics Operators offering complete solutions and reliable integrated services, with also an extremely satisfactory quality-price index.
To open this combined path, Viasat and Teamind Solution have launched a full optional suite (managerial, satellite, tachograph and terminals used on board) to remotely unload the data of the tachographs and their management in accordance with the rules (REG. CE 561/2006). As we know, every over 35 deadweight tons transportations must have a tachograph on board to memorise the driver's activities. In the latest years, road and company controls have increased to verify the correct compliance of the rules regulating driving hours, break times, rest periods and the proper use of the tachograph. Needless to say that a mistake, however understandable it could be in comparison to a complexity of this kind, could have dramatic costs.
"We want to simplify how transport companies manage their vehicles and their operators moving across the territory" explains Alessandro Peron, Teamind Solution Managing Director. "We have deeply wanted this partnership with Viasat, among the global top players for satellite telematics, to launch an evolved solution for the tachograph that could completely differentiate from what nowadays is offered on market, by ensuring the smart automation of the operative activities of transport, minimising the waste of resources, money and time".
Actually, the proposed suite by Viasat and Teamind Solution covers every driver's need, protecting him from expensive informatics investments to preserve the data, in automatic mode and by law, coming from the fleet, to manage the directory of vehicles and drivers to monitor the correct frequency of data collection of the fleet, to produce and print by default letters of notification and/or complaint (compulsory under the law) and many more. In other words, a solution that can outsource some activities with the direct advantage for the transport company to recover time and resources to devote to greater added value activities.
Besides the in-vehicle devices (satellite, tachograph, terminal on board), it shall provide a software application to analyse the downloaded data and to verify any infringement, showing motivations for each one, using a clear and simple language, and the correct behave that the driver should have maintained to avoid them (useful also to comply with the training and disclosure requirements of the drivers, by Law CE 561/2006).
"We want to aggregate the best excellences around our model for international growth and the collaboration with Teamind Solution is along these lines" concludes Mr. Domenico Petrone, Viasat Group Founder and President. "We are really counting on this partnership to develop and implement innovative projects, highly performing on this market in Italy and abroad".
Source: Viasat S.p.A.
Viasat Group expands to Benelux through the acquisition of a majority stake in Eximis
Viasat Group - a leader in the design and manufacturing of automotive electronic systems founded in 1974 in Italy by Mr. Domenico Petrone and TTS italia ordinary member - announces today the acquisition of majority stake in Emixis, a Belgian leader in the field of telematics fleet management systems. The Belgian M&A transaction follows a recent acquisition of CMA Monitoring in Poland. Viasat Group now has presence in 35 geographies in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America, seven of which are managed by subsidiaries, others by distribution partners.
"We are experiencing significant international expansion - said Marco Petrone, Head of Corporate Development - In less than three years our Group's international revenue increased from 3% to 20% of total. In absolute terms we grew from less than 1 million euros, to an estimated 12-15 million in 2016 . We more than doubled our total staff from 250 to more than 500 employees".
"The most significant aspect - Mr. Petrone continues - is not in numbers, but in what's behind them. Today Viasat, directly or indirectly, has a significant presence all over Europe therefore reinforcing its position in the very competitive market. With such strength Viasat Group is one of very few Telematics Service Providers who can genuinely offer their own services to large multinational corporations with businesses in logistics, construction, automotive and insurance sectors. A true Pan-European supplier for Pan-European customers." With this latest acquisition, Viasat Group positions itself among serial acquirers who are consolidating the telematics market. The number of vehicles connected to the systems of the Group exceeds now 630.000, more than 100,000 of which are for fleet management services. Through the Emixis investment Viasat also enters the attractive Workforce Management solutions segment, a set of proprietary technologies that allow to plan and manage the work of mobile workers such as service technicians, social workers or nurses through a smart phone.
"We are very proud to share this news with the media and our colleagues in the market - said President Domenico Petrone - offering a full set of services to customers all over Europe is a dream born more than 40 years ago and shared by our employees, partners and customers, all of whom are part of the success we achieved so far. We still face many challenges ahead but with the talented team, first class product line and our continuous commitment to customer satisfaction we are confident that we will remain the provider of choice in our industry. "
"With this transaction the Viasat Group reached another important milestone in its European expansion plan and proves the its ability to manage several M&A processes in parallel - said Giovanni Panigada, managing director of Nash Advisory, and advisor to Viasat in its acquisition campaign - The pipeline of new M&A opportunities is strong and other transactions may be announced by the end of 2016."
Source: Viasat Group
Viasat Group: Mario Bellotti, new Head of Strategic Marketing R&D The Viasat Group, TTS Italia ordinary member does not stop its acquisition campaign, with regards to Research & Development. Mario Bellotti, Neapolitan, year of birth 1965, married, with three children, is the new Head of Strategic Market and Big Data Business Development of the subsidiary Vem Solutions, active in the field of hardware and software design of satellite devices and in the field of the development of tools and software applications for the Operational Centres or for special projects made on behalf of its Clients as well.
Graduate in Information Science at the University of Salerno, he began his professional career in the Information technology field, working for companies of the Aerospace sector, and acquiring concrete experiences working abroad, into international environment like Matra Marconi Space, European Space Agency, European Space Research and Technology Centre.
From 1998 he has been in TIM Company, occupying positions of increasing responsibility carrying out various corporate functions, always being linked to projects and activities of automotive sector. He participated in solutions of georeferencing directed to business client, managing the trade relationships with companies of the sector concerning the Tim Application Partners program, being also the person in charge of the Mobile offer for important Telematic Service Providers, and also for the definition of co-marketing projects and solutions based on the "Black Box" for telematics automobile liability insurances policies. He also carried out the partnership with Cobra, Viasat, Infoblu and UnipolSai, for the participation in the TIM Big Data Challenge 2014 and 2015, and hackathon Big Data of the ITS World Congress 2015.
Then, still in Telecom Italia, in the Business Development of Business management, he has been the charge man for the inorganic growth projects in Automotive sector. He also represented the TLC company among international tables to define an implementing rule linked to the Italian Legislative Decree about "Competition" of the Insurances and the integration principles between public-private for e-Call clients. Finally, he is the vice president of the Telematic Service Providers (TSP-A) association, which aggregates the most important players of that sector, among all Vodafone Automotive, Viasat, Way, Lojack, Generali Car, Multiprotexion and Telecom Italia (associated since 2014).
"Viasat Group contribution for innovation and development of satellite telematic market – explains Mario Bellotti-, its international expansion and the obtained results, make it a well-established entity in Automotive area. I am ready to contribute to the growth and expansion of the Group, with all the experience and knowledge reached in the technological innovation environment on M2M and IOT, in particular with regard to new opportunities offered by the Big Data world".
Source: Viasat Group
Conference "ITS & PON Metro 2014-2020: opportunities for the Metropolitan Cities"
With more then 80 participants, the conference "ITS & PON Metro 2014-2020: opportunities for the Metropolitan Cities", organised by TTS Italia and the City of Palermo, was held on the 21 and 22 September in Palermo. The event has involved 10 Metropolitan Cities out of 13 as well as the Agency in charge of the PON Metro funds managament and has been the occasion to find out more about Cities project on ITS and smart mobility.
For the photo gallery:
For presentations (available only in Italian):
The event has been organised with support of the Platinum Sponsor:

New consumer behaviour - new business opportunities. SocialCar in the sharing economy - SocialCar midterm event - 22 November 2016 - Brussels (Regione Lazio - Logo Room - 8th floor - Rond Point Schuman, 14)
The sharing economy has rapidly gained in importance over the last few years, affecting traditional market sectors including mobility and logistics, retail and consumer merchandise, tourism and leisure.
Collaborative consumption, rethinking the value of ownership, consumers becoming service providers are factors which herald in a paradigm shift in global consumer behaviour.
Recent business pairings such as KLM and Airbnb, Toyota and Uber, Volswagen and Gett, GM and Lyft reveal the readiness of big corporations to embrace the change.
But is the European small business ready yet? Europe is still missing an adequate regulatory framework, and the small business sector keeps a safety distance.
SocialCar, a European research project funded by Horizon 2020, pursues the mission to kick-start business models in the passengers' mobility sector capitalising on the sharing economy. The project develops a user-oriented platform for planning, booking and integrated payment combining carpooling and other on-demand services with regular collective transport, in an effort to mainstream the concept of a public-private co-modal urban transport. Business analysts devise concepts for viable and bankable service models which can ripple out across Europe.
Can this become a role model for other sectors as well?
SocialCar is about sharing and collaborative development. Software engineers, business analysts, transport experts, carpooling providers and public authorities from Italy, Greece, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Hungary, Spain and Belgium are collaboratively inventing a unique solution made in Europe. TTS Italia is one of the project partners.
The SocialCar community is growing, and now it's time for you to have a say. We look forward to meeting you in Brussels!
Register here for the event
Further information will follow soon.
SocialCar is fundend under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 636427. Find out more at: |
The study on the Italian ITS market by TTS Italia on the ACI magazine "Onda Verde"
The new ACI online magazine "ONDA VERDE" tells about the study on the Italian ITS Market presented by TTS Italia in July in Rome.
Read here! (available only in Italian)
TTS Italia at the International Meeting on road safety In the world 1.2 million people die every year because of road accidents, of which 260 thousand are children. Technologies and best practices exchange are crucial to improve road safety and to encourage a better behaviour at driving. This has been the focus of the Intrenational meeting on road safety, held on the 29th of September in Rome and organised by ANAS and the World Road Association.
Also TTS Italia has been among the speakers of the day, represented by the Vice President Diego Galletta in the session "Road Safety towards new solutions: challenging policies and new opportunities from new Technologies".
TTS Italia at the 23° ITS World Congress in Melbourne More than 7000 delegates from over 60 countries all over the world, more than 900 sessions, more than 300 exhibiting organisation. These are the numbers of the 23° ITS World Congress which will be held from 10-14 October in Melbourne, Australia. TTS Italia, among the official Ambassador of the event, will be there as organiser of the special session on the management of the transport demad through the Intelligent Transport Systems which will be held on the 13th of October. The session focuses on one of the main theme of the congress, the "Smart Cities and New Urban Mobility": cities with advanced ITS solutions and cities on the way for ITS development will discuss together theri policies and experiences for the mobility management. Among the speakers fo the session: Engineering Ingegneria Informatica and 5T, TTS Italia ordinary members.
For further information on the session, click here
For further information on the congress and for the registration, click here