COMPASS project launched: TTS Italia in charge of dissemination activities and business models
COMPASS Project (optimised CO-Modal PASSenger transport for reducing Carbon emissions) has started in November 2011.
The 25 months project, coordinated by Edinburgh Napier University, is deeply rooted in the European Transport Policy (ETP) in the first decade of the 21st Century, with a look towards the new challenges of the incoming second decade of the century. In particular, three topics must be addressed: challenges from the key socio-economic trends, challenges from environmental concerns, challenges from technological changes. The project involves 9 partners: Transport Research Institute (TRI), Edinburgh Napier University, Project Coordinator, Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei Sistemi (ISIS), Institute for Transport Studies,
University of Leeds; Mcrit S.L.; MKmetric Gesellschaft für Systemplanung mbH; TRT Trasporti e Territorio; TTS Italia; Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien); Uniwersytet Gdanski. The general objectives of COMPASS are: To provide an overall picture of
the future travellers needs in the light of the key socio-economic trends; To analyse how ICT and ITS applications can meet the new demand, favouring the integration of multi-modal transport solutions; To assess how these solutions can contribute to the de-carbonisation of transport activities. In such a framework, the following collateral and important objectives will also be addressed: The potential of the ICT and ITS applications to provide behavioural data and information to improve travel surveys and to foster harmonisation; The validation of the ICT solutions with stakeholders rooted in the national contexts.
To find out more about the project and the consortium behind it, please
visit the COMPASS website at
Second Edition “The New World of Technology Systems for Mobility” – 3-4 December 2012 - Bologna
TTS Italia and Club Italia are organizing the Second Edition of the Conference "The New World of Technology Systems for Mobility", which will be held on 3 and 4 December, 2012 at the Savoy Hotel Regency in Bologna. The conference will provide an opportunity to present and discuss the contents of the ITS Action Plan, that according to the Directive 40/2010, our country must send to the European Commission by 27 August 2012, and to reflect on the related implications and opportunities for the entire field of ITS. Also for the second edition, the conference and exhibition format is confirmed to give the widest possible space to all fields of application of ITS systems for the management of mobility and logistics, electronics ticketing and technologies applied to TPL. In the same location, it will be held on December 5th the Workshop organized by TTS Italia in collaboration with the IRF-International Road Federation, member of the European ITS Advisory Group. The meeting aims to present the results of ITS Policy Committee, of which TTS Italia is part. The Workshop will be free of charge and open to anyone interested.
See you there!
Co-Cities project newsletter available
Softeco Sismat, TTS Italia ordinary member, participates in the European project Co-Cities (Cooperatives Cities), began in January 2011. The EU co-funded pilot project Co-Cities (Cooperative Cities) aspires to extend and validate existing mobility services to improve current traffic information management in cities and urban areas. The novelty about the Co-Cities services is their cooperative feature permitting the end users to report their feedback to the traffic management. The project will run for 3 years and pilots will be tested in the cities of Bilbao, Munich, Prague, Reading, Vienna and in the Tuscany Region site (this site will include information services available in different Tuscany cities and over the regional area). Softeco Sismat is the Technical Coordinator of the project Co-Cities and principal partner in the development of technological infrastructure - based on the results of the previous project in-time ( - which manufactures infomobility services and the exchange of information between users and mobility management systems. Softeco Sismat will coordinate the development and deployment of the infrastructure of "cooperative" mobility in the 6 pilot sites and will be responsible, more' directly, of the technology of Co-Cities and technical support for experimentation in Tuscany.
For the newsletter, click here .
Source: Softeco Sismat
Conference: “An open architecture for mobile information: from cities to the regions” – 19 April 2012 - Turin
The City of Turin and 5T, TTS Italia ordinary member, are organizing for next April 19, 2012, in Turin, the conference "An open architecture for mobile information: from cities to the regions."
The initiative is dedicated to the presentation of some national projects devoted to the issues of traffic management and infomobility. In particular the event will present results of the SIMo.Ne Project (funded by the first call of the ELISA program - Program Innovation System of Local Bodies Department of Regional Affairs at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers) and the Concerto and Infocity projects (funded by the third call of the program ELISA).
The event aims to initiate discussion on the issues of traffic management and mobility, the design capacity of the territories in this area and the opportunities arising from the use of Intelligent Transport Systems Technology (ITS), with particular attention to the needs of Local Authorities.
For further information, click here .
Source: 5t
Kapsch TrafficCom wins US$355.8 million order in Belarus
apsch TrafficCom has received an order for the implementation and operation of a nationwide electronic toll collection (ETC) system in Belarus. The total contract value for the implementation of the ORT (Open-Road Tolling) system is approximately EUR267 million (US$355.8 million), with EUR158 million (US$210.5 million) for the first two phases of the project, which will fall within the next two years. The first phase of the system will start operation on July 1, 2013, with each phase being financed and implemented by Kapsch and reimbursed within three years from the start of the operation. The agreement extends over Belarus’ total first category road network of 2,743km (1,704 miles) and contains both the implementation of a Dedicated Short-Range Communication-based (DSRC) system, as well as the system’s operation over 20 years. The tolling will apply to all vehicles, including passenger cars, with the exception of cars from the ‘Customs Union’; an agreement between Belarus and its neighbors, Russia and Kazakhstan. The agreement was signed by Erwin Toplak, chief operating officer of Kapsch TrafficCom, and Ivan Shcherbo, Belarus’ Minister for Transportation and Communication.
Source: Traffic Technology Today
Pluservice wins contract for ticketing system
Pluservice, TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the tender issued by CTT Ltd in Pistoia for the provision of an integrated system of electronic ticketing for the company ATL SpA The final value of total procurement is 1 104 000,00
Source: TTS Italia
SCUTUM project on ITS International
SCUTUM (SeCUring the EU GNSS adopTion in the dangeroUs Material transport) project, coordinated by Telespazio, TTS Italia ordinary member, is on ITS International.
SCUTUM is the European best practice for the operational adoption of commercial services based on EGNOS.
For the article, click here
Source: SCUTUM
SISTeMA at EnergyMed 2012
SISTeMA, TTS Italia ordinary member, took part with an exhibition stand at EnergyMed 2012, the Trade Fair and Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Mediterranean which was held in Naples last March 22 to 24.
At the booth, SIATeMA has made Demos and provided more information about the company's software.
For further information on the event click here
Source: SISTeMA
The CEN Workshop Agreement 16390 for the development of commercial services based on EGNOS
It has been published in "U & C" the article on the CEN Workshop Agreement 16390 (CWA 16390 "Interface control document for provision of EGNOS CS / EDAS based services for tracking and tracing of the transport of goods") that defines the technical specification CEN for the development of products and applications based on EGNOS CS.
The CWA 16390 has been prepared by the SCUTUM European project, coordinated by Telespazio (TTS Italia ordinary member), and with the participation of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (TTS Italia founding member) and ERF (European federation of the road, non-profit association which coordinates European actors involved in the road sector).
The CWA 16390 is publicly available to be adopted by developers and suppliers of products / ITS solutions, interested in exploiting the added value of EGNOS in applications related to transportation and mobility, for which accuracy and confidence in the position to provide added security (
For the article, click here
Source: Sodi Scientifica
Training day on “AVM systems for collective transport: operation, integration with other systems and technical support” – Documents available
Now available on TTS Italia web site, the documents of the training day on "AVM systems for collective transport: operation, integration with other systems and technical support", organized by MemEx, in collaboration with ANM and Tiemme, TTS Italia ordinary member. The training day has been also organized with the contribution of TTS Italia, and the agency for transport of Florence, Treviso, Forlì. The aim of the training day has been to define a realistic framework of the operation and management difficulties of AVM systems at local level also compared to the monitoring and regulation of public transport means, to the integration with other e-ticketing systems and information to users, to the role of entities and state of the market. The day has been divided in four session: presentation of AVM systems for public transport, their role and benefits; analysis of integration and interoperability difficulties of AVM systems; analysis and discussion of required conditions both technical and economical; comparison between demand and offer side.
For documents (available only in Italian), click here
Source: TTS Italia
TTS Italia members at Intertraffic Amsterdam
It was held from 27 to 30 March the 2012 edition of Intertraffic Amsterdam, the international trade fair for infrastructure, ITS traffic management, safety and parking. During Intertraffic Amsterdam innovations, new concepts and knowledge which improve traffic flow and accessibility, liveability and traffic safety on the field of sustainable mobility solutions are brought together.
Several TTS Italia members took part in the vent with a stand: Famas System, Kapsch, Mizar Automazione, SISTeMA, Sodi Scientifica, Solari Udine.
Source: TTS Italia
Autostrade per l’Italia satellite tax collection system in France
Autostrade per l’Italia has won the tender held in France for the realisation of a satellite tax collection system,fortrucks over 3.5 tonnes, in transit on about 15,000 km of the French national road network (Ecotaxe Poids Lourds) and the management of the system for 11 years and 6 months.
The project will be carried out and managed by the company Ecomouv SAS, owned by Autostrade per l’Italia (with a quote of 70%)and other French partners (Thales, SFR, SNCF, Steria).
The system isbased on the use of an on board equipment(OBE), installed on heavy goods vehicle (HGV),that usesthe satellite technology to trace the vehicles.
The implementation of the system consists of:
- The subdivision of the entire network in elementary virtual sections (over 4.000 charging points);
- An OBE that continuously records the vehicle ;
- The detection of the transit of vehicles through the charging points and the calculation of the relative tax;
- Microwave technology (DSRC 5.8Ghz), allowing the control of violations (enforcement) and tolling on French and, generally, all European DSRC tolled networks motorways, in accordance with European standards and technical specifications.
From an industrial point of view Autostrade per l’Italia and its controlled companies (Autostrade Tech and Telepass) in the execution of the project are in charge of:
- the design, specification and integration of the End to End System;
- the installation of the road infrastructure (civil works, gates, etc..);
- the provision of the subsystem for tax collection;
- the supply, installation and initialisation of all technology components to support the distribution network.
For more information:
For contacts:
V400 by Cediss
In the last thirty years, Cediss has become a benchmark to the world of video surveillance, which is
why it has become the official partner of TIMESPACE TECNOLOGY ltd for Italy.
Timespace has specialized exclusively in the production of video recorders for vehicles; with the line X200
were protected in Europe most of buses for public transport and cars of Police for the prevention of criminal
Today Cediss is pleased to consolidate the decennial collaboration with TIMESPACE presenting the
new videorecorder V400 born from the optimization of historical production and from the needs expressed by
the “Italian bus world”.
For further information:
For contacts:
AUTOSTOP HD by Sodi Scientifica
Sodi Scientifica during the INTERTRAFFIC exhibition in Amsterdam has officially launched the latest release of its new product AUTOSTOP HD on the International markets.
A combined Red Light and Speed enforcement device that received high appreciation during the initial roadshow and demos to the pilot customers thanks to its versatility, modularity and up to date technology just to name few characteristics.
One of the innovations of this new device is the possibility of remote control through Tablet PC, a characteristic highly appreciated by the final user.
The interpretation of market needs, the study and implementation of appropriate technological solutions to improve road safety has always been the strength of Sodi Scientifica, pioneers in traffic enforcement solutions since 1964.
For further information:
For contacts:
Integrating models for forecasting traveltime in the event of a road accident – University of Florence – Dep. Of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DiCEA)
The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (DiCEA) and Aleph ltd. have
developed a model within the SIMOB project, funded by Tuscany Region in the period
2007-2010, aimed at evaluating the variation of traveltime in case of a perturbing event,
such as a road accident. This model can be integrated with the other parts developed from
the partners of the research project, aimed at detecting the minimum path between an
origin and a destination point. The problem has been considered in a closed system, an
highway road sector. The activity has been planned in collaboration with Autostrade per
l'Italia Company.
For contacts:
MyxTray - Target monitoring and statistics by VisLab
Myxtry is a system engeneered by VisLab for monitoring targets such as vehicles, boats or pedestrians moving on a flat surface of interest.
MyxTry perceive the scene elements by analyzing the images coming from a camera placed on an elevated position over the area to be monitored.
Moving targets are detected and classified. Information about their trajectory, size and speed are recorded in a database. Results can be checked from a remote web-browser linked to the system or to a control center capable of managing several installation.
Some events such as targets going too fast or targets moving in a wrong direction or in a prohibited part of the area can be recorded on images or movies
The open architecture allows to add external plugins which can be developed on demand to solve specific needs.
For further information:
For contacts:
Workshop “ITS for Smart Cities: the Verona model"
16 April 2012, Verona
For further information, click here
Conference “Renew the logistics, how to make a virtue of necessity”
18 April 2012, Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)
For further information, click here
Conference "An open architecture for mobile information: from cities to the regions”
19 April 2012, Turin
For further information, click here
4th International Russian ITS Congress & Exhibition
12-13 April 2012, Moscow, Russia
For further information, click here
12th Asia-Pacific ITS Exhibition & Forum
16 - 18 April 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
For further information, click here
6th International Satellite Navigation Forum
17-19 April, Moscow, Russia
For further information, click here
Transport Research Arena
23-26 April 2012, Athens, Greece
For further information, click here
WANTED: Innovators & Investors for Europe’s Future Mobility - SATIE Project
26 April 2012, Athens, Greece
For further information, click here
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ITS relevant tenders in Italy
I-Salerno: Parking management system
I-San Giuseppe Vesuviano: Videosurveillance system
388, Flaminia street 00196 Rome
Website: Email:
Ph. +39 06 322 7737 Fax +39 06 323 0993
Editor: Olga Landolfi
Editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi
Graphic project: Inarea |