This month focus on...

A healthy market, growing in terms of turnover, employment, research and internationalization, with excellent prospects for the future and to which the policy is addressing the deserved attention, although they remain a couple of actions to be developed. The turnover attributable to intelligent transport technologies in 2014 was 1.5 billion Euro, a value that has tripled compared to 2004 (550 million), with an average annual growth rate of 13.8 % since 2017. On the podium for turnover, the technologies for the connected car, followed by systems for traffic control and management, and infomobility. This is the picture that emerged from the study "The market for intelligent transport systems in Italy: state of the art and perspectives" conducted by TTS Italia and presented in Rome during a conference on 7 July.
"We updated the survey TTS Italia has conducted more than 10 years ago - said Rossella Panero, President of TTS Italia - and we have outlined an industry with attractive growth rates, in which each employee generates about 280 thousand Euro in revenue. A great opportunity for Italy that finally, thanks to the application of the ITS Plan and Smart Road initiative of the Ministry of Transport, is beginning to look with interest at the smart mobility. For a rapid development of the system, however, there are still some basic steps to take: first, the availability of resources for the implementation of ITS measures (the so-called "silicon cure"), the development of general guidelines to direct the systems to open and interoperable solutions, while another aspect to work on and that will affect the market of ITS in the medium term will be the concept of "Mobility-as-a-Service", which will see the drive inserted in an integrated framework to meet the mobility needs".
The event, in addition to revealing the numbers of the sector, was also an opportunity to put around the table the main protagonists of the various transport modes involved in this important technological challenge to the smart mobility. "The Ministry of Transport - said Mario Nobile, General Director of Information and statistical systems of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport - launched the" Smart Road "project in an attempt to optimize the expenditure of the resources already available: every year in Italy are allocated 8 billion Euro for infrastructures. Well, we realized that they will have to be spent in the best manner, with appropriate technologies to improve the capacity of infrastructure, before building new ones".
The change of pace of policy and institutions was certainly appreciated by all the participants at the round table entitled "The ITS in Italy: a reality to be enhanced". First, the representatives of road infrastructure declared to be ready for the challenge. "The highways - said Andrea Manfronf, Technical Area Manager of Aiscat - have long been a laboratory of technologies: we have 8 million telepass, 7500 cameras, sensors on most of the network, not to mention the Tutor. If it is a priority for the country, the technological up-grade should be encouraged ". Anas also is moving in this direction. "We have recently published a tender notice - announced Pier Paolo Cartolano, Traffic and Safety Office Manager of Anas - from 20 million Euro for technology infrastructures on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria".
Trenitalia also has long experience in terms of integrated ticketing and interoperable technologies. "We are investing heavily in ticketing and on information - said Danilo Gismondi, IT Director of Trenitalia - but the difficulty is not in technology, but in the fragmentation of the transport management. We aim to deliver a door-to-door journey, but we need more integration between the different realities. " Even the maritime mode is watching the technological challenge. "We have presented to the 15 port authorities - announced Antonio Cancian, President and CEO of RAM - the Smart Port project for the promotion of actions for the interconnectivity and sustainability of the port actually within the city and for operators".
Another chapter full of novelty is that of the connected vehicle and autonomous driving. "The market needs rules in at least three subjects - said Elisa Boscherini, Institutional Relations Manager of ANFIA - need international standards for the connected vehicle and we are working on this in the Ece-UN. Another front is funding and as this regards the Horizon 2020 program has allocated about 14 million Euro for the autonomous vehicle. Finally, manufacturers and service providers need common standards and protocols." An opinion also shared by Unrae. "We need an association that makes the synthesis - was the proposal of Franco Fenoglio, President of Industrial Vehicles of UNRAE - A table of integration of the various modes. Manufacturers are investing heavily on autonomous driving for heavy vehicles, the technology is ready, now we must share the rules." And this is what the Transport Cluster - wanted by the Ministry of Education and Research and by the manufacturers to assess the impact of technology on the mobility system – is doing. "It's the integration challenge – emphasizes Enrico Pisino, Director of Research and Innovation of Fca and President of the Cluster - the one we are considering. The technology would be ready, but we need to make it usable and "affordable" to all." In short, the autonomous car should become a mass product and motorists are already evaluating the impact of these new technologies. "The Aci founded the ITS Observatory - announced Luigi Di Matteo, Technical Area of the Automobile Club - to evaluate and know the benefits of ITS for manufacturers, decision-makers, but, especially consumers".
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For the study (available in Italian), click here
For the press release (Italian and English), click here
This month focus on... Member of the month
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Member of the month
For over 50 years, Sodi Scientifica has been committed to supplying high quality products and services in the sector of road safety, striving to provide to its customers not just simple products but solutions with their resulting benefits.
The entire development cycle of our products - from design to production and testing - is maintained entirely under the direct control of our personnel at our facility in Calenzano, in the immediate vicinity of Florence, Italy.
From simple components to the most complex systems, Sodi Scientifica offers extremely reliable technical solutions, suited for those clients which consider quality and durability. It is the close cooperation with every customer, before and after the sale, that assures the best success of the operation and contributes to its full satisfaction.
The quality is also embodied in the implementation and maintenance of an Integrated Company Management System, a Code of Conduct and an ISO 9001 Quality Management System, certified by DNV GL.
With its qualified external service team, Sodi Scientifica is able to support its customers for repairs, maintenance, support to installation and commissioning of new projects.
For any further information and contacts: Paolo Sodi
Assivelox Sodi Scientifica is an effective automatic license plate reading system for vehicles able to verify, with response times of less than 2 seconds, if the passing vehicle is:
- Uninsured
- Unaudited
- Stolen
- Black-listed
After reading the license plate, Assivelox is the only product of its kind, independently interfaces with various databases, without the need for connection to a portable PC on the road.
With a single patrol, positioned "downstream" of the reading point, it is possible to stop the infringing vehicle, thanks to the immediate positive signal received on the tablet, complete with photos and all the necessary information.
Main features:
- Operation on two lanes simultaneously with different direction of travel (with the front license plate reading for approaching vehicles)
- Reading plates up to a maximum speed of 200 km / h in the case of static use
- Video recording on internal memory with a duration up to 24 hours in VGA mode
- Tablet software interface for viewing images
- Automatic encryption of pictures transmitted to the tablet
- Remote assistance
- Tripod
- Internal or external car support
- Battery
- Tablet
- GSM Mobile Router for connection to databases (SIM and related credit not included)
More information on
To Paolo Sodi, Managing Director
- Speed cameras, your core business, are often the center of controversy because of the high number of infringements. What gives it?
Meanwhile, none of us think might be happy to shell out some money, except to go on holiday or, at best, make a gift to his wife. Then, I could say that we consider ourselves as a manufacturer of firearms, which does not feel responsible for the use that is made of it then. On the contrary, we are all involved in its good or bad use, given the very positive contribution in terms of improved road safety that a proper use of these tools can give, especially considering any fixed speed camera sites. Fortunately, the data in this regard are well known, and this leads us to think that the problem is elsewhere. Nowadays, enforcing speed in Italy, allows raising a penalty substantially to anyone who crosses a safety camera on his/her route. Then it rained countermeasures (tolerance instrumental reading of 5%, road signalling and visibility of speed camera sites, restrictions on the use of fixed locations only on certain types of roads, etc.). However, this is not enough: a safety camera on a motorway is able to detect about 1,000 penalties per day. We know, however, that the vast majority of drivers did what the Civil Code calls "diligence of a good father"; so, how do you reconcile with this phenomenon? It seems to me that there is a discrepancy between the speed limits and the modern times. The Highway Code set speed limits in 1959, when, as you know better than I, active and passive car safety devices were a lot less effective than those which have the vast majority of vehicles today. In addition, speed cameras did not exist, and so it was necessary to set limits, aware that it could only visually verify its application, punishing only those who have significantly exceeded the limit. In other words, the principle was: "we put the sign at 100, at least drivers should not go above 150". Today, however, we are to apply the limits of 1959 and enforcing them with high precision electronic devices.
- The Highway Code has embarked on a process of change, thanks to the enabling law. What proposals you put forward to its effective reform?
Article. 1 of the Highway Code puts road safety at the heart of the purposes of the State and of the same code, but then it loses "the street", in the sense that, in practice, it seems that the priorities are others. To increase the predictive power and decrease the sense of persecution, in our opinion, the Parliament should have the courage of setting more reasonable speed limits, thus bringing to court only real dangerous behaviour situations, thus implementing a simple principle of Justice, which would contribute greatly to attract the attention of drivers on the real danger of exceeding speed limits, because now it is considered a flat tax, a tax that affects everyone indiscriminately. Then, we should ask ourselves a question: why electronics and computers are so pervasive in our lives to be an essential part, but when it comes to road safety, so the life of the vast majority of our citizens, and our children, technology must be authorized with the dropper? On the one hand, nobody has doubts about the effectiveness of the automatic enforcement, but on the other, for example, the Code does not allow their use for detecting the speed in urban areas, where everybody knows that most accidents occur, and then they might be more useful.
- What other areas could be explored for increased road safety?
There are many; I will mention only two. An analysis of the UN, World Bank and World Health Organization, updated on 2008, shows that in Italy we spend an average of 90 euro cents per inhabitant for road safety. Yet to comply with Article 208 of the Highway Code, in Italy we should spend € 13 on 29.7 on average each citizen pay fines. Additional rewarding or spending review, would be least appropriate, also to identify virtuous institutions, and there are.
Another area is alcohol and drug. During 2014 we were audited 1,599,723 drivers with breathalyzers and precursors, of which 26,947 sanctioned for driving under the influence of alcohol and only 1,927 reported for driving under the influence of drugs. In the first quarter of 2015, 496,953 drivers were checked, of which 8,295 sanctioned for driving under the influence of alcohol and only 552 for driving under the influence of drugs. These data demonstrate that the drug test is not in fact used. In fact, of about a million and a half parties controlled less than 2,000 people have tested positive to drugs, not because the people driving do not use drugs but more realistically because the drug tests are not performed due to their complexity and low reliability, which exposes the Police in appeals and very difficult extra work on the transport of persons to be examined in the emergency room. The amendment of Art. 187 of the Code, requested several times, would be desirable.
Safe driving: prevention is better than risk
The mobility of the future will have not yet defined characteristics but which represent a challenge for the insurance industry. Challenge that companies intend to seize the opportunity for a technological development that will improve driver behaviors and events predictability.
The Project Guida Sicuro, sponsored by Fondazione ANIA in partnership with Viasat, proposes to test a solution that can provide real-time preventive information to drivers on the riskiness of the different road networks, in a series of factors such as traffic, speed limits, environmental and weather conditions, dangerous roads (Red Point) and drawn high accident risk (Blackpoint ANIA / Viasat).
It will be also conducted a test between psychological profiles of drivers and driving styles recorded by Viasat systems, installed on board of testing cars, carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology of the University La Sapienza. This will assess how attitudes towards traffic rules, the emotional characteristics such as anxiety and anger, low risk perception, personality and other aspects, can really predict risk behaviors.
For the realization of this project, Fondazione ANIA provides the participants, free of charge for three years, 380 Viasat sosCall 2.2 systems, for making prevention and to approach the evaluation of psychological/behavioral profiles with driving attitudes registered directly during vehicle use.
"This project - explains Umberto Guidoni, General Secretary of the ANIA Foundation - provides the perfect balance between tradition and innovation, between technology and human behavior. Every person has a different attitude to risk, since not only the cultural environment in which lives, but also from their own psychological profile. With this project the ANIA Foundation aims to show how you can use technology to make prevention and to educate those who, by nature or age, tend to consider driving a transgression that never presents the bill".
"The goal - says Domenico Petrone, President of Viasat Group - is to bring everyone on value-added services that can be offered to customers an active safety (automatic alarms in case of crash or theft) and predictive information to reduce the risk of accidents with a preventing view and 360-degree protection'.
For contacts: -
Kapsch TrafficCom secures contract for next generation Integrated Transportation Management System in Massachusetts, USA Kapsch TrafficCom North America, a subsidiary of Kapsch TrafficCom AG (ISIN AT000KAPSCH9), listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the prime market segment, announces that it has secured a four year, 10.4 million Euro (11.5 million USD) contract to upgrade and modernize the Integrated Transportation. Management System (ITMS) at the Highway Operations Center (HOC) of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). The new system will manage all of the Department's state-wide roadway network and the Boston Metropolitan Highway System tunnel complex and facilities.
The next generation ITMS, based on Kapsch's DYNAC® software suite, will efficiently manage all aspects of the HOC operations by converging nearly 50 independent traffic and facility management data systems into a single platform. HOC operators will manage open highways, tunnel traffic, and critical life safety systems including fire detection, ventilation, emergency exits, and passenger information dissemination from a fully integrated user environment. The new system will improve operational efficiency and information accuracy, facilitate consistent workflows, enhance environmental monitoring and reporting capabilities, and provide state-wide and regional total situational awareness. DYNAC® will enable rapid, consistent, and appropriate response to traffic incidents and tunnel life safety events by generating and executing real-time response plans to help HOC operators expertly manage time sensitive, critical situations.
Improved operational efficiency for 4,800 kilometres of roadways
MassDOT operates over 4,800 kilometres of roadways, 5,000 bridges and the Metropolitan Highway System which consists of the Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Tunnel carrying I-93 through downtown Boston; the Prudential Tunnel carrying I-90 under Back Bay; the Ted Williams Tunnel carrying I-90 to Logan International Airport; and the Sumner, Callahan, and CANA tunnels that connect I-93 to major routes in Boston.
The project will upgrade software and peripheral hardware to improve operational efficiency, enable the use of the latest advances in traffic management technology, and allow for the retirement of legacy software and hardware. This new system will also replace and/or integrate with existing systems to support a number of traffic incident management functions performed on state-wide roadways and facilities from a single operating platform.
Source: Kapsch
The Italian security name is Zucchetti thanks to GT ALARM
Zucchetti Group, is a first tier Italian software house in Europe, strengthens its position in the automotive sector by choosing the quality of Getronic, the leading Italian manufacturer of security systems for vehicles, homes and offices. Thanks the know-how of Macnil (IoT business Unit within Zucchetti Group), aims to become the leader for vehicle and home safety in Italy and Europe.
With 25 years of experience in the production of protective and safety systems for cars, homes and offices, the Italian company Getronic, leader in the automotive sector and partner of the world's major automakers, has been part of the Zucchetti Group.
Getronic was born in 1990, in Gavirate (Varese - Lombardy - Italy), and it has been appreciated in Italy and abroad through its historic brands: GT Auto Alarm, GT Sat System, GT and GT Moto Alarm Casa Alarm. The Getronic production is entirely made in Italy, where it employs about 30 workers, and whose market includes more than 40,000 end customers.
With the aim of expanding its range of solutions and succeed simultaneously in four distinct strategic markets - GPS satellite alarms for cars and corporate vehicle fleets, black box for insurance companies, parking system and domestic car alarms - Zucchetti Group acquired a majority interest social Getronic.
In order to climb the top of the automotive market, Zucchetti together with the tech know-how and innovative vision of Macnil (Apulia based IT company) already part of the Group, which is concentrated on Internet of Things and management of connected vehicles.
"Our goal is to continue to grow and innovate, and thanks to this important investment we can play a decisive role in a booming industry with great potential such as the safety and protection of motor vehicles", says Alessandro Zucchetti, president of Zucchetti Group. "The common points of our Group and GT Alarm are the great solutions reliability and the constant attention to the customer: this makes us even more delighted thanks to the acquisition, which gives us hope for the future. The centrality of the customer is a foundational principle of the Zucchetti Group's strategy, which consists in the search for new products and services that increase the competitiveness of the Zucchetti customer through new and more advanced solutions that integrate existing ones".
Also the president and founder of Getronic, Danilo Restelli, is very satisfied about the operation: "Among many players we have firmly chosen Zucchetti, because among their core values is the guarantee of autonomy and continuity of our business management. The experience and the technologies that we are going to offer joining Zucchetti Group will make us more competitive and stronger in the market.
To best meet the needs of the automotive market complexity and constantly evolving, where telematics will be an important piece of on board equipment, starting with the new European remote control system called "eCall", the experience and the tech of Macnil, with its wide range of open and scalable solutions for IoT, can easily integrate the provision of electronic alarm systems of Getronic satellite tracking systems, even through a central operations.
Technology entirely "made in Italy" also designed for home security and the workplace: Getronic offers specific alarm systems for the protection of apartments, houses, villas, offices and businesses. These solutions are equipped with wireless (wireless sensors) easy to install and include several security lines.
"Thanks to the input of Getronic in Zucchetti Group we will be able to offer the best available solutions on the market in the vehicle security segment, and become the main player for homes and offices safety, with the reliability of the largest Italian IT company", says Nicola Lavenuta, CEO and cofounder of Macnil with Mariarita Costanza, Macnil CTO and expert in digital innovation. "Italy is one of the world's countries with more vehicle black boxes installed on board (about 3 million) - continued Nicola Lavenuta - this outcome advantages both insurance companies who use our devices for anti-fraud purposes, and drivers rewarded with important discounts on vehicle (fire and theft) insurance and innovative services for the management of vehicle maintenance. Finally, our new 2.0 GT black box generations are equipped with a safety camera warning, tutors and t-red which indicates the speed limit and allows the driver a more relaxed driving with less infractions and accidents".
Source: Gruppo Zucchetti
Thetis arrives in France with smart passenger counting for Dunkerque public transport service Thetis arrives in France with smart passenger counting for Dunkerque public transport service. The Urban Community of Dunkerque (France) awarded Thetis to provide an intelligent passenger counting system for the fleet of the urban transport network DK'Bus. By the end of 2016, Thetis will implement automatic passenger counting system based on the latest technology with high accuracy video processing techniques. The system collects real time data on vehicle passenger loads and traveler flows at each bus stop and provides precise information on the real use of the lines and on service planning. Therefore this solution is a useful decision support system for the public transport company. Moreover, Dunkerque Urban Community strategy is to gradually make public urban transport service free of charge, and the passenger counting system is going to become the only tool used to monitor the bus fleet and passengers flows and optimize the transport network DK'Bus considering the possible future absence of data measured from the ticketing system. The Dunkerque public transport service is composed by 11 lines and 123 buses and it is managed by STDE Company, which is a subsidiary of Transdev Group. This new collaboration leads Thetis to further increase its share in the international market and to strengthen its business strategy in developing sustainable mobility solutions, as already implemented in numerous projects in China, India, England, Malta and, more recently, Denmark and Egypt.
Source: Thetis
TomTom launches TomTom City as a traffic information source
for consumers and professionals
TomTom (TOM2) today announced the launch of TomTom City - a new traffic portal that provides live traffic and travel information for consumers and traffic management experts. This new service showcases the extensive range of traffic information available on a city by city basis and will provide a platform to connect traffic authorities, businesses and citizens to jointly manage sustainable and efficient mobility. TomTom City, which can be found at, is accessible from any internet enabled computer, tablet or smartphone and provides freely accessible content showing live traffic status and incidents and other driver-based information in cities. This will enable consumers to check their journey routes first and plan the best route. Furthermore by also being accessible to traffic management experts, traffic issues can now be dealt with even more quickly. The initial launch of 25 cities in 18 countries will expand to include more cities and products throughout the year. TomTom City builds on the leading TomTom Traffic information available to TomTom navigation devices and licensing partners in automotive, consumer and government. It also extends the historical congestion information provided through reports such as the TomTom Traffic Index.
Ralf-Peter Schäfer, Head of Traffic at TomTom, said: "TomTom City gives drivers and traffic managers essential insights into the real-time traffic situation and the historical bottlenecks in key cities. This is an important step in our mission to help reduce delays for all drivers. Using data from over 450 million devices* globally we are creating services that will help cities and connected cars work together to optimise the road network."
As the number of connected vehicles on the road increases over the coming years with the emergence of semi- and highly-automated driving, TomTom City will offer new ways to manage city mobility. Drivers and professionals involved in traffic management can make smarter decisions to avoid delays on the road and reduce congestion for everyone.
Key Features in TomTom City
Real Time Traffic Status
TomTom City aims to give a quick view of the current traffic condition in the city. The status indicators show the current average speed observed in the city compared to average speed when there is no congestion; a congestion barometer showing relative congestion compared to a free-flowing period; and a snapshot that shows the number of road closures, construction areas and accidents currently in the city. In addition, TomTom City also shows the traffic incidents on a map, and the traffic flow (speed) on a map. All Real Time Traffic information on TomTom City is updated every minute.
Delay Hotspots
TomTom City shows the top congestion bottlenecks recorded in the recent quarterly period. The information is presented as a summary for 'All Day' and separately for morning and afternoon peak periods to reflect the periodical traffic conditions in cities. Summary information is presented on a map view and each hotspot can be selected individually to see road segment delay details.
Road Event Reporter
This new web-based tool will help road authorities and other professional operators to inform millions of road users in minutes about events that are affecting the road network and its traffic flows via the TomTom Traffic service. With a few clicks a road authority can report road closures, road works, accidents and other disruptions that are affecting traffic in their local area, now, as well as those planned in the future.
Europe: Aarhus (DNK), Amsterdam (NLD), Berlin (DEU), Bordeaux (FRA), Ghent (BEL), Lodz (POL), London (GBR), Montpelier (FRA), Moscow (RUS), Paris (FRA), The Hague (NLD), Turin
Australia/ Oceania: Auckland (NZL), Sydney (AUS)
Africa: Cape Town (ZAF)
Asia: Dubai (ARE), Istanbul (TUR), Riyadh (SAU), Singapore (SGP), Taipei (TWN)
Americas: Pittsburgh (USA), Rio de Janeiro (BRA), San Francisco (USA), Sau Paulo (BRA), Toronto (CAN), Vancouver (CAN)
You can find out more about TomTom Traffic here.
Source: TomTom