B2B meetings Italy-Germany, 20 March 2012, Milan
The German Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology is organizing for next March 20 in Milan, a day of bilateral meetings between Italian and German companies active in the sector of ICT and Automotive.
The event is sponsored by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The day will offer Italian players the opportunity to meet new German companies characterized by advanced technologies and strategies that these years were added to those more representative of the German industrial tradition.
The initiative is reserved for members of TTS Italia.
Meeting of the Technical-Scientific Committee of TTS Italia
It took place on February 15, at the headquarters of TTS Italia, the meeting of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Association to discuss the restart and planning activities of the Committee for the year 2012.
The activities of this new year will be particularly aiming at the establishment of the National Action Plan on ITS requested by the European Commission by August 2012, also in light of the forthcoming implementation of the ITS Directive.
TTS Italia and its members at the Workshop “Canada-Italy: partners in Automotive, Connected Vehicles & Innovation” - 8 February 2012, Turin
It was held on February 8, in Turin, the Workshop “Canada-Italy: partners in Automotive, Connected Vehicles & Innovation” organized by the Embassy of Canada, in collaboration with TTS Italia.
TTS Italia showed the possibilities of collaboration between Italy and Canada in the sector of ITS and innovation with a focus on the initiatives carried on by its members. Magneti Marelli, Intecs, Targa Infomobility, Soft-in, all TTS Italia ordinary members, took part at the B2B meetings with Canadian companies.
TTS Italia at “Working with Nature” – 22,23 March 2012 – Rome
TTS Italia will participate at the event “Working with Nature” which will be held on March 22. The third edition of the event is to outline the future prospects of urban centers, with a view to improving the quality of life, involving designers, agencies and authorities involved in the development of sustainable cities.
During the morning of Thursday 22, the Strategic Plan "Green Islands" in Rome will be discussed, while the afternoon will be focused on international strategies of the European Green City.
On Friday, 23 will be discussed the theme of Smarter Urbanism, through the presentation of projects and innovative technologies for future urban landscapes.
TTS Italia, represented by the Secretary General Olga Landolfi, will give a presentation on "Technology for mobility management as a tool in support of smart cities."
For the preliminary program, click here
TTS at Federmobilità Worskshop: “Organization and technologies for local transport and sustainable Mobility integration”
TTS Italia, represented by the Secretary General Olga Landolfi, took part on the last 22 February at the Roun Table organized within the Workshop “Organization and technology for integration in the TPL and Sustainable Mobility”, organized by Federmobilità (ltalian association grouping national administrations for mobility) in collaboration with Isfort (Institute for formation and research on transport), the faculty of Engineerig of the La Sapienza University and the support of Mizar Automazione, TTS Italia founding member. The Workshop discussed the needs of mobility and local transport at regional level as well as the best practice and projects on going at national level, with a speech, among the others, of 5t, TTS Italia ordinary member.
TTS Italia signs MoU with ERF
TTS Italia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ERF – European Union Road Federation for a mutual collaboration on ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and telematics for mobility. ERF is a non-profit association which coordinates the views of Europe’s road sector and acts as a platform for dialogue and research on mobility issues. The MoU especially foreseen the collaboration between TTS and ERF in the organization of events of interests for the above mentioned sectors as well as in European projects relevant for the two associations members.
For the photo gallery, click here
7° International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering (SoSE) – Call for papers open
I twill be held from 16 to 19 July 2012, in Genova, the 7° International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering (SoSE).
Organized by the Department for Informatics, Systems, Telematics (DIST) of the University of Genova, TTS Italia ordinary member. The conference theme is “SoSE in cooperative and competitive distributed decision making in complex dynamic systems”, focusing on SoSE control and simulation methodologies to support decisions in different application fields, among others transport, energy, industrial and environmental risk management. Papers on theories, methodologies, and applications of System of Systems Engineering in science, technology, industry, and education are welcome. Within the Conference, a special session will be organized on “Cooperative and distributed systems for integrated logistics services”.
For further information on this session and for sending contributions click here .
For further information on Call for Papers, Invited Sessions and Tutorial Proposals, click here (available only in Italian).
Source: TTS Italia
“Car Interiors: technological challenges as a competitive factor” - 30/31 May, Turin- call for paper open
Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF), TTS Italia ordinary member, and ATA dell’Automobile (the Italian
Automotive Society) are organising the 3rd International Conference on “Car Interiors: technological challenges as a competitive factor”, that will take place in Turin, in May 2012. This conference addresses to all players in this field, including vehicle manufacturers, suppliers of components and systems, public entities, decision makers, engineers and scientists. This event will provide an excellent platform for information exchange on an International level and will allow to assess the status and potential for Internal Vehicle Technologies and Materials.
For further information, click here .
Source: ATA/CRF
Final conference of SECTRAM project - 1 March 2012, Genova
I twill be held on March, in Genova, the final conference of the project SECTRAM – Safety in freight transport.
Coordinator of the project is Liguria Region, while among partners is the Department of Informatics, Systems and Telematics (DIST) of the University of Genova, TTS Italia ordinary member. The project started in June 2010 within the Alcotra Program for the Cross-border cooperation aimed at improving the quality of life of populations and the sustainable development of economic systems through social, economical, environmental and cultural cooperation. In particular, SECTRAM aimed at finding common solutions for safer cross-border infrastructures on Piemonte Region, Liguria Region, Paca and Rhône-Alpes.
At the final conference, University of Genoa and Tecnositaf, TTS Italia ordinary members will be presenta s well as the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, TTS Italia founding memebr.
For the programme, click here .
Source: TTS Italia
Instant Mobility Stakeholder Workshop - 20 March 2012, Rome
It will be held in Rome on March 20, the Workshop “Instant Mobility Stakeholder” organized by Atac, TTS Italia founding member.
Instant Mobility is a 2-year research project in the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) that is exploring the potential of Future Internet technologies to bring a revolutionary improvement to the mobility of people and goods, and to the operation of transport networks and systems.
This workshop will present Future Internet features and capabilities relevant for mobility of people and goods, and will explore potential business models for Future Internet-enabled services. Finally, the floor will be open to potential participants in a second phase of the FI PPP programme, where a number of cities will be selected to host a pilot implementation of Instant Mobility scenarios. The Workshop will be of interest for local transport planners and managers, for transport system and telecom operators, for users’ associations, for freight and fleet operators, for research organisations, for service providers and for IT and Intelligent Transport System industries
For further information on the event j.castermans@mail.ertico.com
Source: Atac
Kapsch wins Financier of the Year award in Poland
At this year’s "Financier of the Year" gala event in Warsaw, Poland, Kapsch was given an award for the efficiency of its fully electronic toll system viaTOLL in bringing in higher revenues than expected last year. The modern toll system constructed by Kapsch for all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes in total weight has been in operation on the existing road network of around 1,560 km since 3 July 2011. "This award means a lot to us, because we implemented the system in record time. We had less than eight months in which to complete the implementation of this challenging project", explains Michael Gschnitzer, sales director at Kapsch TrafficCom. "The sharp rise in revenues confirms the quality of our toll system." "Financier of the Year" cited the precision of the fully electronic toll system as one of the main reasons for the award. According to the latest results, use of the toll system brought in higher-than-expected revenues last year. During the last six months, US$131 million was generated for road infrastructure projects – US$5.34 million more than planned. This positive outcome was decisive for the award, and the project was described by the jury as "the most efficient system for financing road-building projects in 20 years." The Financier of the Year awards have been conferred for twelve years by the editorial team of the weekly finance magazine Gazeta Finansowa.
Source: Its International
Presentation of “Hello car” system by SDG Nexus
It was held on the last 7 February, in Cetaldo, near Florence, the presentation of the system “Hello car” realized by SDG Nexus, TTS Italia ordinary member. “Hello car” is the system for the information on events and mobility, for the automatic payment of parking, the GPS geolocalization, theft services, speed control and the SOS service in case of collision and accidents. Starting from March 2012, pilots for “Hello car” service for drivers will start in Cetaldo.
Source: TTS Italia
Sodi Scientifica supplies Autovelox to Rome Municipal police
Sodi Scientifica, TTS Italia ordinary member, announces a major supply of its speed camera to Rome Municipal Police. The order consists of n. 15 units Autovelox model 105SE for detecting the speed of vehicles in a mobile configuration on a tripod, with the addition of the Flash for the night photographic detections and the OCR software for the automatic reading of the plates. The most important body of Italian Local Police updates and enhances its experimental facilities with the latest equipment, that have already given ample proof of himself over the years in Rome, in Italy and in various parts of the world. Sodi Scientifica has created Autovelox in the 60s and then spread it globally, becoming a leader in instrumentation for vehicular traffic.
For further information www.sodi.com
Source: Sodi Scientifica
Videointerview to Autostrade Tech on Strade&Autostrade
Mario Perretta, Key Account Italy for Autostrade Tech, TTS Italia founding member, explains to Strade&Autostrade the key role played by the company in ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) technologies with systems such as Telepass and Tutor.
For the videointerview (available in Italian), click here
Source: Strade&Autostrade
Instant Mobility Stakeholder Workshop
20 March 2012, Rome
For further information, click here
Working with Nature
22 - 23 Marzo 2012, Roma
For further information, click here
EnergyMed 2012 – Convention and Exhibition on renewable sources and energy efficiency
22 - 24 March 2012, Naples
For further information, click here
EXPO Railway 2012
27 - 29 March 2012, Turin
For further information, click here
Intertunnel 2012
27 - 29 March 2012, Turin
For further information, click here
LogiMAT 2012
13-15 March 2012, Stuttgart, Germany
For further information, click here
TPEG-Workshop "Getting in touch with TPEG"
15 March 2012, Munich, Germany
For further information, click here
Telematics for Fleet Management EU 2012
26-27 March 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
For further information, click here
Intertraffic Amsterdam 2012
27-30 March 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
For further information, click here
ITS relevant tenders in Italy
I-Salerno: Parking management system
I-San Giuseppe Vesuviano: Videosurveillance system
388, Flaminia street 00196 Rome
Website: www.ttsitalia.it Email: redazione@ttsitalia.it
Ph. +39 06 322 7737 Fax +39 06 323 0993
Editor: Olga Landolfi
Editorial staff: Leonardo Domanico, Laura Franchi
Graphic project: Inarea |