N° 7
July/August 2020 —
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy. |
Smarter Italy: Milan, Bari, Genoa, Modena and Turin tell their projects in TTS Italia’s webinars

MaaS, big data management, reorganization of urban flows, immediate information to users, digital payments and sharing services, goods logistics, optimization of deliveries in the city. In other words: smart mobility. Italian cities are preparing to face the challenge of Smarter Italy, the program of the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and Ministry of Technological Innovation (MID), implemented by AGID (Agency for digital Italy), which allocates 50 million (which could double in the coming months) for innovation in various fields, including urban mobility for which 20 million are destined.
The projects were presented in five webinars organized by TTS Italia, under the supervision of AGID, throughout the month of July to support the consultation phase of the ministerial program. The action, which for now involves the 11 cities gathered in the cluster for testing 5G (Bari, Cagliari, Catania, Genoa, L'Aquila, Matera, Milan, Modena, Prato, Rome, Turin), but which could extend to also short to medium-sized urban centers, it is divided into 4 main challenges: predictive / adaptive solutions for smart mobility, freight mobility, sustainable mobility for areas with weak demand and in historic centers and villages. The consultation phase, which will continue until the end of September, is conceived as a moment of meeting between operators and public subjects, which is essential to trace the perimeter and contents of the calls for tenders. An extensive networking work to which TTS Italia has contributed by calling together the cities of Milan, Bari, Genoa, Modena and Turin and the companies associated with TTS Italia who have had the opportunity to talk about their solutions and technologies.
"TTS Italia considered it very important - explained Olga Landolfi, Secretary General of TTS Italia - to feed the comparison between supply and demand, in order to provide an effective contribution to the contracting station AGID for the definition of the calls for tender that will be published after the consultation".
Here are the projects from the 5 cities presented during the webinars.
Milan. Big data, Mobility as a Service, urban logistics and flow reorganization are the priorities of the Lombard capital. "Milan produces a large amount of data - said Valentino Sevino, Director of the Mobility Planning Area of AMAT - which we would like to collect structurally and achieve predictive analyzes useful even in crisis situations or as a planning and programming tool. Another important element for us is MaaS in favor of all city transport modes: a large digital ecosystem for active monitoring. Great attention is paid to logistics for the delivery of goods in the city: we would like to prepare a dedicated platform also to allow the intersection of supply and demand or home delivery by unorganized subjects, such as neighborhood shops. Finally, the reorganization of traffic flows is also planned through smart traffic lights".
Bari. Decongest the last mile in a city that has to deal with the flows generated by the port and that aspires to become an experimentation center for autonomous driving. This is the panorama described by the municipality of Bari during the webinar dedicated to the city. "We need advanced systems - said Eugenio Disciascio, Deputy Mayor of Bari - that allow us to decongest the last mile in a city that has a very strong link with the port". "Based on the sustainable mobility plan that we have adopted - Luigi Ranieri, Director for the implementation of the program of the municipality of Bari, intervened - the priority is to reduce traffic for the movement of goods and people. We will take advantage of the orography of the city that allows the use of bicycles for a total redevelopment of the public space. Another important point for us is the experimentation of autonomous driving which we would like to combine with a redefinition of urban freight logistics with two peripheral hubs and sustainable means, by autonomous driving for the last mile in the next future."
Genoa. Smart mobility in the city cannot disregard the flows generated by the port, both for goods and for passengers. “We are developing a monitoring system with cameras capable of reading the traffic signs - explained Luca Bellinato, Manager of the regulation sector of the Municipality of Genoa - We plan to use it for monitoring the flows of dangerous goods that pass through the cities directed to the port, but also for tourist traffic. To give information to a specific user who needs to know about shipping services ". Another important point for Genoa is the renewal of the traffic light plant with more advanced systems. Some apps have also been introduced to benefit users with services ranging from parking payment to car / bike sharing and sustainable mobility. "It is a great challenge to renovate our city - concluded Maurizio Bernardoni, Mobility Department of the Municipality of Genoa - and to improve the ITS equipment in the plants".
Modena. A smart laboratory in which the city's motoring vocation marries technologies and sustainability. This is the framework within which Modena is preparing the future thanks to the approval of SUMP on July 16 and the digital plan, already launched, which is divided into 4 axes. "In the SUMP we wanted an intelligent management of the city - announced Alessandra Filippi, Councilor for the Environment and Sustainable Mobility of the Municipality of Modena - with monitoring tools that allow us to program, but also to provide useful information to citizens".
"We must not forget - said Luca Chiantore, Director of the Smart city Sector, demographic services and participation of the Municipality of Modena - that Modena in 2016 tested the autonomous car, we also have an advanced monitoring system for fine dust. Now is the time to take another step forward with an innovative smart mobility platform with predictive real-time assessments."
“In the digital plan we have identified 4 axes - explained Ludovica Carla Ferrari, Councilor for the Smart City of the Municipality of Modena - Infrastructures and connectivity, innovative services and simplification, digital culture and citizenship and the specificities of Modena: engines and food and wine. A laboratory in which we will move in the coming years".
Turin. The city prepares the "challenge of challenges", a call for MaaS testing with a dedicated platform and mobility packages for urban travel. This was announced by the Councilor for Mobility and Transport, Maria Lapietra. “Space and time have become very important elements - said Lapietra - for those who move around the city. MaaS will help us in this, we will leave in September". Lapietra also announced other news. "We are working on the new LTZ - she explained - with a system of income and expenses monitoring that can modulate payments based on the time spent inside. Another very important element in our smart mobility strategy is the urban logistics that we want more and more green and smart. We work on sharing and active mobility with the introduction of scooters, bicycles and electric vehicles. Finally, let's not forget the smart roads and autonomous driving in which Turin has worked a lot and is moving forward with different scenarios ".
Numerous companies associated with TTS Italia in the industrial sector took part in the webinars as speakers: algoWatt; AlmavivaA, Duel, Fit Consulting, Infoblu / Telepass Group, Macnil GT Alarm Zucchetti Group, OpenMove, Pluservice, PTV Sistema, Swarco Mizar, Tattile, Thetis, TNet, Viasat Group.
Esri Italia and COVID-19 emergency management: Future scenarios for geospatial solutions in healthcare
Information and in-depth television broadcasts in Italy (e.g. Porta a Porta, Che tempo fa, news updates, etc.) and major information portals (e.g. www.republica.it) have been using a cartographic dashboard as a highly effective visual tool to describe the COVID-19 pandemic. This dashboard includes the now well known map of the world set against a black background and dotted with proportionally-sized red circles showing the relative spread of infection. It also includes related infographics showing epidemic statistics over time. The dashboard is part of the Esri platform and it has been globally used by journalists and technical experts involved in civil protection. The dashboard has reached over two million views.
During environmental or health emergencies, Esri Italia has always made its platform available to other organizations. It has also offered ready-to-use solutions for geospatial data analysis (Open Standard and Agile Ready) as well as its national and international know how in managing these kinds of events. In terms of international health emergencies, Esri has worked on managing the Swine Flu epidemic during 2009-2010, the Ebola epidemic in 2014 and the Zika virus outbreak in 2016, through to the Esri Disaster Response Program (DRP) which allows free access to the Esri Platform. Esri was also involved since the beginning with the COVID-19 emergency, producing the first maps used by Johns Hopkins University (http://arcg.is/10nmD5).
Esri Italia also immediately set up a task force dedicated to support local governments and the third sector in Italy, in order to manage the COVID-19 related emergency activities. Many organizations have activated DRP to use the Platform Ready to use Solutions (https://coronavirus-resources.esri.com/). The Esri Italia task force is also providing the operational instructions and training to apply these solutions.
Michele Ieradi, Solutions Director for Esri Italia Spa
What kind of support is the Esri Platform providing in terms of managing the COVID-19 emergency?
The most current issue regarding COVID-19 health emergency management relates to supporting new infection monitoring. Continuous monitoring is the only way decision makers can maintain an agile and flexible approach and adapt their action plans to the evolving epidemic.
In this regard, the Esri Platform can provide support via five main actions:
• Case mapping - Locating cases, deaths, recovered individuals, and thus identifying areas where COVID-19 is present.
• Mapping the spread - Following the spread of the epidemic in real time in order to understand where to allocate efforts (swab tests, mask distribution, serological tests, etc.) and what measures to take.
• Mapping vulnerable populations - COVID-19 particularly affects over-65s and those suffering from chronic diseases. It is important then to differentiate areas based on age structure, social vulnerability and other factors in order to monitor at-risk groups and regions.
• Mapping capacity - Cartographic tools allow mapping facilities, medical resources, equipment and services in order to understand and respond to current and potential COVID-19 impacts.
• Communicating information through maps - Using interactive or story maps, Apps and dashboards allows quickly communicating what the situation is in a country or region and thus raising awareness on the spread of COVID-19.
In addition, Apps have been developed in recent months for tracking personal movements (based on analysis of origin/destination matrices with historical depth). These use anonymous data from mobile telephones and are helpful in generating predicative models and analysing the diffusion of the virus in an area. These tools are essential in allowing regions and municipalities to prepare and adapt their action plans.
What is the role of GIS in managing spaces inside hospitals?
Several players within the GIS industry have developed software solutions for indoor space management in recent years. The Esri ArcGIS Indoors allows you to create indoor pedestrian network data as well as update and manage object information (e.g. on a mobile X-ray machine that communicates its location with each move). It also allows consulting 3D building maps and calculating multimodal and multistorey paths. In fact, considering indoor itineraries is complex due to the need to represent movement through different floors and different buildings. This requires 3D and x-ray type representation (to be able to look through buildings). For example, Esri ArcGIS Indoors cab be integrated with the most common indoor positioning systems and allows you to use both CAD floor plans and BIM models to get building data. The GIS Indoor option aims to go beyond the general need for mapping movements in indoor environments. It also provides info on other factors such as access control, building safety, personnel and asset management, plant maintenance and more.
From a functional point of view, the resulting data model allows you to locate not only places but also people and objects. ArcGIS Indoors can be integrated with other technological network management solutions. This tool allows you to manage any type of network in addition to events involving multiple networks. For example, a problem with an electrical panel could compromise a data network or oxygen mask management system, or cause a dialysis machine malfunctions. For the first time, a geospatial platform now allows entirely replicating both the physical reality of a building's technological networks and its related real time operations.
What support can the Esri Platform provide to optimise healthcare facilities?
Regional public spending on health has fallen significantly in Italy over the last ten years. Given this, geospatial solutions have been used to study the optimal use of regional infrastructure. Every citizen should have access to a basic level of health services as defined by law. Therefore, optimising the health infrastructure network must take into account the costs of managing different hospital facilities as well as socio-economic parameters, public transport and any linked privately contracted facilities. A geo-spatial platform is a formidable tool for comparing this kind of information. It also allows defining potential scenarios that, depending on how different parameters are weighted, can allow regional authorities to take the correct decisions. In addition, these systems allow continuous monitoring of health clinic and hospital facility costs and can generate alerts in the face of unusual expenditures. Finally, in an emergency context, it allows overall management of healthcare assets and potential available services as well as working in close collaboration with a civil protection agency or the Red Cross. We saw an example of the remarkable use of geo-spatial tools during the COVID-19 emergency. Thanks to Esri technology, Italian regions were able to develop dashboards for managing health facilities such as available beds, intensive care spots, etc. Of course, there is still much scope for further consideration of the potential value of these tools.
PriMaaS project

The Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a recent concept whose main objective is to change the way people travel and pay for mobility services. The provision of transport services is one of the key pillars of strategic importance for regional authorities. Therefore, regional policy instruments can play a valuable role in supporting the introduction of MaaS and simultaneously ensuring these new platforms will contribute to low carbon transport policy-goals, social inclusion and increased levels of accessibility.
The main vision of PriMaaS is to promote the integration of traditional collective transport modes with personal and innovative ones by creating equitable mobility services truly focused on citizens' needs. Regional and national policy instruments should be adapted to promote a fully integrated intermodal approach between all transport services, namely by using data provided and gathered in real time about both travel demand and travel supply. At the same time, multiscale policy instruments should ensure that the more comfortable and affordable travel options for any individual to get from A to B has also minimum carbon levels.
PriMaaS aims at increasing inter-organizational collaboration and building trust among key stakeholders (transport authorities, operators, providers of mobility services and consumers protection organizations), which will be achieved by promoting thematic regional and interregional exchange of experience events.
By collaborating with the Interreg Europe programme’s policy learning platform, PriMaaS will contribute to feed a knowledge hub focused on increasing accessibility levels based on the MaaS concept, therefore contributing for unravelling the full potential of regional transport networks and maximizing their efficiency. At the end of the 1st phase, 4 policy briefings and 6 action plans will be available to support policymakers and prepare regional policy instruments to a new arising paradigm in the transport sector.
TTS’ role in PriMaaS
PriMaaS partners intend to improve the instrument by engaging proactively with regional stakeholders from the outset and encouraging them to implement MaaS-type projects according to the PriMaaS vision and in line with the budget available in the relative investment priority area. On the other hand, an in-depth stakeholder dialogue will also be fostered to innovate governance models, and data sharing and interoperability platforms will be promoted to boost the development of integrated mobility services.
TTS consider MaaS as the foundation of the next-generation mobility in Italy; as a result, its strategic aims in the PriMaaS project are to provide transport operators with adequate instruments and information to develop MaaS schemes as much as user oriented as possible and to facilitate their users’ uptake; to support institutional bodies to define relevant multiscale policies and strategies; to stimulate discussion of themes of strategic interest; to sustain collaboration and formation on MaaS.
From the very beginning of the project, PriMaaS project partners will try to inspire relevant regional stakeholders by demonstrating good practices and evidence of success of a culture of information sharing between operators, data managers, mobility service providers, and end customers. TTS Italia, as the National Italian ITS Association, and Liguria Region, as a Regional Transport Authority, will be key players in transmitting and capitalizing knowledge and relevant experiences in Italy with the ultimate goal of designing and implementing better informed sustainable transport policies.
Results achieved to date
The first Italian Regional Stakeholders’ Meeting took place in Genova in January 2020 with the main objective of presenting the vision and the objectives of the PriMaaS project.
Following an initial presentation on the PriMaaS vision and objectives, the state of the art of ITS in Liguria Region was given with reference to the actions already carried out and those currently being implemented. During the event, different perspectives were offered by participants relating to experiences and real challenges in implementing MaaS schemes on the city’s grounds in real world living conditions.
All the stakeholders who attended the meeting contributed to the exchange of ideas related to the MaaS vision, shared experiences, lessons learned, challenges they have faced and/or are facing today.
Particularly, lively discussions occurred based on the findings and lessons learnt on MaaS deployment in the city of Turin and Piedmont Region, from the recently finished H2020 IMOVE project as well as the current challenges in setting up a sound MaaS deployment strategy in the City of Bari.
To conclude the meeting, and based on these inputs, an open discussion was held among all and some points were launched for the next Italian stakeholder meeting in Italy, which will be held towards the end of September 2020.
What emerged from the discussions is that all organisations that have been involved in the design and deployment of MaaS schemes (including operational schemes and research and testing activities) reckon that MaaS results in governance-related challenges rather than technolgical. To a certain extent, it was also shared that in order for MaaS to be successful the Public Sector should play an active, either participating with Public Transport services or acting as a guarantor among parties to ensure that private interest do not generate market distortion and unfair competitive advantage. |
Tattile introduces vehicle identification system with on-board intelligence to read license plates and recognize vehicle features

Italian ITS specialist Tattile expands its range of vehicle identification systems by the new Vega 1, an intelligent camera specifically designed for single lane vehicle tracking; traffic limited areas and priority lanes. Congestion charge and parking management are two other important fields of application in the ITS sector where the new Tattile Vega 1 is a perfect fit.
The core of the new Tattile Vega 1 with an onboard ANPR engine is a dual channel camera built in a compact case. This extremely compact design and embedded intelligence provides a maximum output at extremely low system costs since all algorithms are inside the system and deliver an output ready to be interpreted by the user. The camera allows an easy setup to minimize the installation and maintenance time. Thanks to its local storage it can work stand alone in case the connectivity is interrupted.

Single lane traffic management
During single lane intelligent traffic monitoring the system provides color video streaming via standard RTSP protocol. Even with an impressive working distance up to 25 meters the Vega1 does not require an external IR lighting. Thanks to its high sensitivity image sensors ANPR reading and video streaming is possible even in harsh and low light conditions.
The standard features are complemented by several optional functionalities for the new Vega 1. They provide further information on the vehicles tracked by additional vehicle brand, vehicle class and vehicle color identification. As to connectivity there are options to connect the Vega 1 to Wifi, LTE and GPS. These additional features together with the standard functionalities turn the Vega 1 into a compact but powerful collector of all relevant data needed for vehicle identification and road control.
All features for intelligent parking management
Parking has become the third highest revenue source for many cities. With its abilities to read license plates and recognize vehicle features such as brand, color, model, and class the new VEGA1 matches all requirements of modern parking management. The vehicle recognition allows defining its dimension (small, medium, big) and to differentiate the parking fee or direct larger vehicles to a designated area. For security purposes matching the ANPR with Brand, Model, Color and Class info at the entrance and the exit allows preventing vehicle from being stolen or other frauds. Furthermore, this data connected to the authority's database even allow detecting wanted vehicles and thus contribute to public security. With its features the VEGA1 also enables the installation of smart parking systems that reduce the number of physical barriers, ticket and cash machines, managing all the aspects of parking through APPs and digital platforms.
BeSafe, the app that protects you in the company

VEM Solutions has developed the BeSafe mobile application to help the management of social distancing in company offices, monitoring the contacts that have taken place within the company, so as to be able to implement all the necessary measures to effectively combat the possible epidemic outbreaks.
The use of this application is extremely important because it allows the company to increase safety and health protection measures of its employees.
The app aims to provide employees with an additional safety tool (like masks, plexiglass dividers, disinfectants, thermoscanner, etc.). It has no control purposes, but a simple alert to help employees maintain the safety distance on company premises. The registration of contacts made in the company between employees equipped with smartphones with the app active has three main purposes:
1) inform the employee in real-time of the failure to comply with the social distancing in the company, so that he can independently adapt the most correct behaviours foreseen by the company guidelines
2) allow the company to verify and map any cases of assembly potentially risky (anonymously) and remedy them by providing indications and recommendations for more prudent behavior
3) in the event of an employee being infected, to be able to trace the contacts that have taken place in the company in the last 15 days, in compliance with privacy, to carry out the required information to the occupational doctor as required by the health authorities. In this way the reconstruction can take place in a more scientific way with the adoption of the necessary measures (sanitizing environments, informing contacts at risk, etc.), limiting the effects of the precautionary measures only to the subjects involved and avoiding to quarantine all the ‘company’.

The app and platform functions are operational and activated as soon as the user downloads the application and registers. BeSafe does not detect the user’s position, but only records any contacts that have occurred not respecting the expected safety distance, detected via the Bluetooth Low Energy of the phones on which the application is downloaded.
When two smartphones with the BeSafe app are at a distance of about two meters, they emit an “alert” beep, facilitating respect for social distancing. At the same time, a report is sent, in real-time, to the managers indicated by the company (e.g. RSPP) to report the non-compliance with the minimum safety distance or possible assembly situations. In the event of an employee being infected, the Company will be able to reconstruct the contact history of the individual employee in the company in the last 15 days. In this way, it will be able to implement all the actions provided by the health authorities to limit the spread of the virus.
The platform is accessible from desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones via a browser, by entering your credentials (in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR), thanks to the native integration with SalesForce. In addition, there is also the possibility of combining the app with a Bluetooth Low Energy smart bracelet, equipped with sensors and emergency button for calls to the Operations Center, to facilitate the maintenance of distances, thanks to better precision, with an alert (sound and vibration) in case of exceeding the preset limits.
For more information https://bit.ly/BeSafetts
AEP and SIA enable payments with bank contactless cards to access Turin’s subway and bus system
AEP, the leading Italian company in the field of electronic ticketing systems and devices for public transport and TTS Italia ordinary member, and SIA, the leading European hi-tech company in the payment services and infrastructures sector controlled by CDP Equity, have created a digital platform enabling tickets to be paid for directly at GTT (Gruppo Torinese Trasporti) terminals in subway stations and on board a number of bus lines in the city of Turin using EMV contactless credit and debit cards (Mastercard and VISA), also virtualized on smartphones and wearable devices, in a simple, fast, secure manner.
The innovative system is based on the technological infrastructure of AEP and SIA that allows users to pay for public transport services by simply bringing their card close to the terminals while also benefiting from the best available travel tariff based on the number of journeys made in a certain period.
The advanced features supporting the development of Smart Mobility permit immediate purchase of the ticket as well as management, authorization, accounting and reporting of payment transactions.
This is a further, significant step forward in the digital transformation of the public transport sector. The new payment system also allows Turin to be one of the cities in Italy and the world possessing the most innovative mobility services.
"We would like to express our gratitude to GTT, the Turin Municipality and SIA for allowing us to implement this system for payments with EMV cards on public transport, which joins the many others we have implemented in Italy and abroad. With over 7,000 AEP devices, GTT is one of our most important customers and it is also thanks to our collaboration that, in 2016, we began to develop this key new technology", said Giovanni Becattini, CEO of AEP.
"We are particularly proud to have worked with AEP on the launch of the new contactless payment system at a time when every possible measure must be taken to protect the safety of travelers. As of today, Turin is also one of the major Italian cities – alongside Milan, Rome, Venice and Naples - using SIA’s technology to digitize millions of travel tickets. Our country is accelerating its digitization process, in particular in the field of mobility and public transport. Electronic payment is thus increasingly becoming part of the everyday life of citizens and the alternative standard to cash", said Eugenio Tornaghi, Marketing & Sales Director of SIA.
Source: AEP |
BIPforMaaS: Manifesto, website and blog
The Piedmont Region, member of the Platform of Local Authorities of TTS Italia, launched in September 2019 an important strategic project dedicated to MaaS, called "BIPforMaaS", coordinated by 5T, TTS Italia ordinary member.
The project involves, in a digital transformation scenario, the entire transport services sector, which will be transformed into increasingly on-demand mobility services, for the benefit of citizens, increasingly advanced users and main recipients of the new system that will be realized.
In fact, the project will define the rules, policies, business models and agreements between the various mobility operators and local authorities, creating an ecosystem for the MaaS of Piedmont.
After almost a year of study / analysis / design, the project was officially communicated publicly by the Piedmont Region, here the website.
A blog section has been created within the website, dedicated to the cultural dissemination of the MaaS phenomenon, and a section dedicated to the Actions in which the project news will be published.
In addition, 5T has defined a Manifesto with the aim of identifying the 6 fundamental principles for the diffusion of MaaS, and which you can find here. Anyone wishing to support the Manifesto free of charge without obligation, can contact info@bipformaas.it
Source: 5T |
Geotab and Ford expand integrated telematics offering into Europe
Geotab, a global leader in connected and electrified transportation, and TTS Italia ordinary member, announced the availability of the Geotab Integrated Solution for Ford Vehicles in several European countries¹ including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Italy. Enabling the integration of Ford Data Services™ into the MyGeotab platform with no installation of additional hardware required, the latest offering from Ford and Geotab provides customers with a single unified view of their entire fleet to help increase visibility and boost productivity by improving the task of mixed-fleet management.
Through this integration, Ford Data Services will securely transfer data from enrolled Ford vehicles to Geotab’s cloud environment, eliminating the need for third-party hardware in Ford vehicles. The Geotab Integrated Solution for Ford Vehicles allows fleet operators to access their fleet’s data from within the MyGeotab platform while also gaining access to Ford-specific data available for all 2020 Ford models and beyond.
“Ford Data Services is committed to the ‘Power of Choice’, ensuring our customers continue to get manufacturer-grade vehicle information from the telematics provider of their choice, regardless of where they may be,” said Dave Phatak, the Director of Ford Commercial Solutions Europe. “Through this integration with Geotab, our hope is that customers across Europe will be even better equipped to deliver best-of-breed fleet management, spurring further innovation and driving down costs.”
Built with both security and privacy as a priority, the Geotab Integrated Solution for Ford Vehicles is compliant with the EU’s GDPR principles. What’s more, customers will benefit from data-driven insights and electric vehicle (EV) capabilities as well as the ability to create custom rules, dashboards and alerts when using Ford Commercial Solutions data in MyGeotab. Users can also expand the solution's functionality further with access to the Geotab Marketplace, a growing portfolio of mobile apps, software Add-ins and hardware Add-ons ranging from asset tracking to apps for managing maintenance, fuel tracking and EV battery state-of-charge and degradation.
“OEMs like Ford understand the value of telematics and the data behind fleets,” added Stefano Peduzzi, Vice President, Technology Solutions & Operations at Geotab. “Geotab will continue its efforts to collaborate with OEMs to better understand how we, as an industry, can improve fleet management services on both a customer and environmental level, while offering the most convenient and valuable solution for businesses on the market.”
“We’re thrilled that Ford has chosen to broaden its work with Geotab across Europe, allowing its customers to access unique and valuable insights within our consolidated platform,” added Sherry Calkins, Vice President, Strategic Partners. “We look forward to continuing to work with OEMs, like Ford, as we look to expand these essential relationships around the globe.”
Learn more about the Geotab Integrated Solution for Ford Vehicles here.
For more information about Ford Commercial Solutions visit https://www.commercialsolutions.ford.co.uk.
Source: Geotab |
Indra will develop the traffic management system of the railway network in Estonia for 18.4 million euros
Eesti Raudtee, the state-owned company that manages the Estonian railroad network, has awarded Indra, TTS Italia ordinary member, a contract amounting to 18.4 million euros to carry out the design, development, implementation, and start-up of the system that will manage and control the rail traffic on the 1,214 kilometers national railroad network.
The contract, awarded by an international public tender procedure in which Indra achieved the best technical and economic score, includes the system maintenance for two years after the start-up of the last line, scheduled for 2025, opening the door to a long-term collaboration and maintenance. Indra thus becomes a partner of Eesti Raudtee in the modernization process to improve the quality, traffic management, and safety of rail infrastructures.
“We have set in motion a very ambitious investment plan until 2030 that will take our railway infrastructure to a new quality and safety level, so we are very happy to start the modernization projects. For Eesti Raudtee, the stages of implementing the new traffic management automation software are closely related to the schedule of the CCS (Control Command and Signalling System) project. Its aim is to automate and digitize the processes related to traffic management: the development of traffic schedules, the management of traffic by train dispatchers and the collection of traffic statistics for analysis,” said Erik Laidvee, the CEO of Eesti Raudtee.
This contract reinforces Indra’s leadership in the global rail industry and consolidates its management system, which has also been implemented in the Irish rail network, as the most advanced system in operation.
“Indra's system has been functioning in Lithuania for many years. Therefore, the new contract makes it an essential pillar of rail transport in Estonia, where Rail Baltica, the ongoing and largest rail infrastructure project in Europe, will be developed. Indra also participates with Prointec, its engineering subsidiary, in the design of the Rail Baltica project”, explained Berta Barrero, the Transportation market director at Indra.
Indra will implement a complete traffic control and management solution in Estonian railroads that will include centralized traffic control (CTC), regulation, and planning systems and will be based on the Rail TMS (Traffic Management System), one of Indra's Mova Traffic range of solutions. This integrated and open management system provides a high degree of automation and incorporates the advantages of digitalization.
The great modularity and flexibility that this solution offers enables an orderly deployment in phases, hand in hand with a signage modernization that will have a positive impact on several national lines, savings costs and shortening times to completion for the client.
Indra’s solution provides operators with a unique vision and enables the automation of the operation, improvement in the use of network capacity, operating cost reductions, and enhanced safety. In addition, it improves punctuality and traveler information services and provides fast and efficient incident management, which results in better passenger services and thus, an increase in the use of trains and sustainable mobility. It also enables the planning of maintenance tasks.
By implementing this project, Estonia becomes one of the many countries that have placed their trust in Indra's advanced technology for the railroad industry, including the USA, Australia, the Netherlands, Mexico, Colombia, China, India, Malaysia, and Lithuania. Indra's technology, including signaling and telecommunications, has been used for six years in the management of the 1,700-kilometer network in Lithuania.
The experience in the Baltic countries has been fundamental for entering into the new contract, fostering Indra’s participation in the Rail Baltica project, a high-speed railroad that will link the capitals of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
Indra is already participating with Prointec in the design of the largest infrastructure project that has been carried out in the Baltic region in the last 100 years. The project will facilitate the transport of people and goods to the rest of Europe, providing maximum safety and comfort in an environmentally sustainable way and having a positive impact on the economic development of the region.
Thanks to the implementation of the project in Estonia, Indra's Rail TMS system reinforces its global leadership as the most advanced rail traffic management platform that is currently in operation.
The system manages the Spanish high-speed railroad network, which covers over 3,000 km; the 500-km Mecca–Medina high-speed railway; the Turkish high-speed railway, which totals almost 2,000 km, and other networks with varying characteristics in Malaysia, Colombia, Morocco, Lithuania, and Spain, among others. The system has also been chosen to manage Ireland's rail network.
Indra's rail traffic management technology is part of Mova Traffic, the range of transport solutions that enable the comprehensive management and control of multi-modal mobility. The solution is prepared to incorporate the digital capabilities of Big Data, artificial intelligence, and the IoT to meet actual transport demands, improve the travelers’ experience, facilitate maintenance, and provide a smart, safe, sustainable, efficient, collaborative, and open mobility. It is also backed up by the IRIS certificate that Indra holds, which gives accreditation of the highest quality and safety of rail products.
Indra has a unique track record in the transport industry with over 2,500 projects developed in more than 50 countries. Indra Mova Solutions for transport cover the entire life-cycle of a project and combine the new digital, integration, specialization, and innovation capabilities that the market demands, providing reliability, business knowledge, and transport technology offered by Indra and the unique wealth of experience of its team of professionals.
Source: Indra |
La Semaforica wins tender in Abruzzo
La Semaforica, represented in TTS Italia by its ITS spin off TecSen, was awarded the tender issued by the Municipality of Montesilvano, together with Cross Control, for the rental of equipment for the control of traffic light infringements with adaptation of the related traffic light systems.
Source: TTS Italia |
Mobility in Italy: signs of recovery? The analysis from OpenMove
OpenMove, TTS Italia ordinary member, analyzed the recovery of mobility by referring exclusively to the sales of travel tickets through the apps for end users: the OpenMove app and the other white label apps created starting from the OpenMove WAY platform.
The numbers are clearly rising. But does this mean that mobility is back on track?
Read the full article here
Source: OpenMove |
Viasat Group S.P.A. and Axodel, Kuantic-Valeo Group, sign an International Partnership Agreement
Viasat Group S.p.A., TTS Italia ordinary member, and Axodel, the commercial subsidiary of the French group Kuantic, announce an international partnership agreement that will extend both organizations range of products and services, expanding their offering in the crash/theft and Car Sharing / Fleet sectors. Viasat Group SpA, European specialists in satellite and IoT security systems, and Axodel, a Kuantic Group company with Valeo investment, have signed a partnership that will see them collaborate for the implementation of their range of products and services in their main European markets (Italy , France, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, UK, Germany). Axodel is a European leader in advanced fleet telematics will extend its range of products and services, thanks to the new collaboration with Viasat, with a complete offer of stolen vehicle recovery and services in the event of an accident thanks to the European network of Viasat H24 Operations Centres. In the same way, the Viasat Group will expand its range of services, adding the Axodel car sharing solution: a cutting-edge proposal, which incorporates the advanced technologies of Valéo, Movin'Blue, Kuantic and Playmoove. The Axodel offer, therefore, is expanded today with a modular proposal that starts from the hardware on board the vehicle (original manufacturer equipment or supplied by Kuantic, thanks to its GP8000 telematic devices). Thanks to the partnership with Viasat Group, Axodel offers three levels of assistance: ASSIST, ADVANCED, GLOBAL. The first package is the entry level service and provides an alert to the 24-hour Operations Center in the event of a theft with 24/7 support for vehicle tracking and reporting to the police. The more sophisticated ADVANCED package recognizes the possible interference/ tampering of the device with an immediate telephone call to the customer by the H24 Operations Centre. In the event of an accident, a crash report is issued with full telematic analysis and assistance are provided for completing the Accident Statement. The GLOBAL package, the most comprehensive of the three, adds the volumetric alarm with siren, driver ID and remote immobilisation. As an additional option a fully autonomous GPS module powered by long-lasting batteries is also proposed, which significantly increases the probability of finding a stolen vehicle, even if the other device is tampered with or deactivated. Viasat enriches its offer with a specific bundle of car-sharing services developed by Axodel for the Italian group and dedicated to short, medium and long term-rental and internal service and pool car fleets. The extremely modular and flexible solution, thanks to the sophisticated hardware and software, coordinates any type of vehicle, with maximum cyber-security (TIR, heavy, LCV, cars, motorcycles, scooters, etc., also electric). With different configurations of the accessory kit, it allows all services, from telematic fleet management to car sharing with articulated pricing, multi-method payments, e-invoices. The unique plus of the BluetoothTM system with Gemalto security key for check-in / out in the absence of GSM coverage is important. The proposal was created to make the shared management of business parks, public car-sharing and automatic renting efficient, with free floating and station based solutions. The collaboration agreement between the two companies maximizes the offer on the market, with the aim of giving added value to a large number of companies and fleets in Europe: a synergy possible, thanks to the offerings of the two groups complimenting each other. Media Relator Paolo Emilio Iacovelli – press@viasatgroup.it - 339.7628288 Claudia Vianino – marketing.italy@axodel.com – 347.2680427 "Around our international growth project - comments Domenico Petrone, President of Viasat Group S.p.A. - we want to aggregate only the best solutions and the collaboration with Axodel of the Kuantic Group does precisely that. We have high expectations from this partnership, focusing on developing new commercial opportunities in Europe, taking advantage of the natural integration of the solutions proposed by our two Groups". "The collaboration of the Kuantic group with Viasat, European specialists in satellite and IoT security systems, makes me extremely happy - comments Dominique Doucet, President of the Kuantic Group - Thanks to this partnership, Kuantic will offer technological solutions to advanced corporate fleets and rental companies, to support the new uses of connected vehicles, to have more efficient, shared and more environmentally friendly fleets".
Source: Viasat Group |
Viasat Technological Partner of Alphabet Italia Fleet Management for Car Rental Services
Viasat, European excellence in satellite IoT security systems and TTS Italia ordinary member, and Alphabet Italia Fleet Management, the BMW Group’s mobility services provider, have signed a partnership agreement to offer a fleet management solution with a particular focus on the control of the activities, service status, maintenance and assistance of each vehicle.
The telematic devices, the operations center operations and the brand new Viasat Digital Connect web platform are parts of a single integrated ecosystem that allows you to communicate with the individual vehicles in real time and intervene promptly when anomalies or failures arise, in the event of an accident. or danger. All this adds up to the traditional vehicle recovery and recovery activities in the event of theft and claims management, through the development of an electronic report.
"The idea - explains Valerio Gridelli, A.D. of Viasat BU Smart Connect - it is very simple: to support Alphabet in the preparation of correct strategies in the management of the vehicle fleet through a complete platform of services capable of affecting their business, guaranteeing all the typical advantages of the connected car and ensuring an experience of best use, both for the driver and for the fleet manager."
“Focus on telematics to create a truly new mobility, based on a connected system that allows a complete and profitable interaction between those who offer a service and who use it”. These are the stated objectives of Alphabet.
"From controlling driving style to managing accidents, to helping to find a vehicle in case of theft or misappropriation - declares Roberto Sticca, Operations Director of Alphabet Italia -, there are many areas in which an intelligent use of resources offered by telematics can be decisive in improving performance and it is for these reasons that we at Alphabet have decided to put this solution at the center of our offers".
For Alphabet, the transformation passes from a direct and inclusive customer journey experience, capable of fully involving customers and which allows, where necessary, real-time interventions and no subsequent remedial actions.
"In this way - explains the Operations Director of Alphabet Italia - putting the quality of the service offered at the center and emphasizing its specificity and potential, we can meet the needs of all types of customers, whether they are large companies, small businesses or VAT number".
Source: Viasat |
How to standardize data exchange in the public transport: TTS Italia, UNINFO and 5T launch a new Working Group
The launch of the “Italian NeTEx Profile” Working Group (WG) promoted by TTS Italia and UNINFO and coordinated by 5T, TTS Italia ordinary member, was held online on 15 July.
The WG aims to define the Italian profile of the NeTEx (Network Timetable Exchange) data exchange protocol, as envisaged by the CEN standards and in the context of DATA4PT, a European project funded under the CEF / PSA Program involving 9 Member States, Italy included, whose goal is to support the implementation of the National Access Points (NAP) for the exchange of public transport data in line with the Delegated Regulation 2017/1926. In particular, DATA4PT aims to support the development of data exchange standards and models to meet the needs of multimodal travel information service providers.
The launch of the Group was an opportunity to provide an overview of the DATA4PT project, learn about the progress of the national NAP managed by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, as well as discuss the stakeholders involved for an initial planning of the activities and especially of the contents, which sees as a starting point the use of the BIPEx protocol of the Piedmont Region. |
#TTS4MaaS: the third plenary meeting on July 14th
Despite the distances, the Working Group on MaaS (Mobility as a Service), launched by TTS Italia and coordinated by 5T, continued even in full emergency.
In particular, the third plenary meeting was held on 14 July in online mode to present and share the structure as well as a first consolidated version of the document under construction within the group itself. Once again, TTS Italia associates and external stakeholders interested in the topic were involved.
The document has been prepared in the last two months thanks to the comparison and contribution of the core teams identified within the Working Group and focused on MaaS and Business, MaaS and Governance, MaaS and Technology.
Work will resume again after the summer break to arrive at an updated and final version of the document which will also include recommendations for institutions aimed at promoting the development of interoperable and harmonized MaaS services on the national territory.
By the end of the year, the results of the Working Group will be presented to the relevant institutions involved in the topic. |
PriMaaS: the first newsletter online
The first newsletter of the PriMaaS project was released!
PriMaaS is a project with a duration of 42 months (September 2019 – February 2023) cofounded by the European Commission in the frame of the Interreg Europe Programme.
The main goal of PriMaaS is to promote the integration of traditional collective transport modes with personal and innovative ones by creating equitable mobility services truly focused on citizens’ needs.
In PriMaaS, TTS Italia provides transport operators with adequate instruments and information to develop MaaS schemes, supports institutional bodies to define relevant multiscale policies
and strategies, stimulates discussion of themes of strategic interest and sustains collaboration and formation on MaaS.
Read the newsletter here.
Find out more about the project here. |
• Belgio-Gand
Installazione di mezzi di controllo del traffico
• Italia-Macerata
Parking meters maintenance
• Italia-Civita d’Antino
Public services
• Italia-Milano
Radar devices
• Italia-Milano
Devices for parking areas control |
• Italia-Milano
Maintenance services
• Italia-Modugno
Service for software programming
• Italia-Napoli
Systems installation services
• Italia-Roma
Transport services
• Italia-Sant’Agnello
Maintenance services

Fourth National SUMPS Conference
8 September -28 October 2020 - WEB EVENT
For further information, click here →
European Transport Conference
9 – 11 September 2020, Milan
For further information, click here →
Ciber Security International Conference
16-17 September 2020, Genoa
For further information, click here →
International Business Convention for innovative vehicle and transportation
16-17 September 2020, Turin – WEB EVENT
For further information, click here →

ITS Australia's Mobility 2020
2-3 September 2020 - WEB EVENT
For further information, click here →
21-24 September 2020 - WEB EVENT
For further information, click here →
Urban Mobility Days 2020 - Digital Conference
29 September - 1 October 2020 - WEB EVENT
For further information, click here →
9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns
30 September - 2 October 2020 - WEB EVENT
For further information, click here →
TTS Italia wishes you a nice summer!
The newsletter is back in September. |