N° 7
July / August 2021 —
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy. |
The point of Morena Pivetti

The two MaaS days of TTS Italia and Club Italia: "We are here, now let's do it"

"Mobility as a Service is central to the mobility policies that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility (MIMS) pursues in cities with the Recovery and Resilience Plan: the modal integration of public and private transport services is the heart of these policies", thus Mauro Bonaretti, Head of the Transport and Navigation Department of MIMS closed on July 13 the first day of the" National MaaS Days", the conference held in Rome, and jointly organized by TTS Italia and Club Italia . "The means of transport is transformed into a service to allow an all-round sustainable mobility", echoed Mauro Minenna, coordinator of the Department for Digital Transformation of the Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, in pulling the strings of the final session the next day.
Both mentioned the mobility manager of the metropolitan area as the key figure for the promotion of MaaS, which is "a strategic opportunity to govern territorial mobility and reduce CO2 emissions", Bonaretti continues, and "the experimentation of pilot projects with the contribution of all, public administrators, associations and companies”, as the main way to test the telematic architectures and future operating methods, in Minenna's words, before choosing the model to implement.
To be the beginning of a path, the two days dedicated to MaaS that TTS Italia and Club Italia strongly wanted, were with a bang: over 170 participants in presence representing the main stakeholders, from public bodies, who told their experiences and their projects, to the Transport Regulation Authority which outlined its areas of intervention, from local public transport companies to technology and clearing providers of economic transactions up to the two Ministries that will manage MaaS4Italy, the national project funded with 40 million made available by the National Recovery Plan. An ideal scenario to present the "Guidelines for the development of MaaS services in Italy", developed by TTS Italia as part of the Working Group dedicated to MaaS and whose work lasted over a year, leading to the development of 12 recommendations; and “Payment and access systems for MaaS. Guidelines for collective transport” by Club Italia.
Rossella Panero, President of TTS Italia, and Piero Sassoli, President of Club Italia, opened the meeting. "The work we are presenting today concerns the future of cities, the organization of smart mobility for increasingly smart cities" said Panero.

The guidelines. "MaaS is like an ice cream", this is the brilliant and surprising metaphor with which Matteo Antoniola, business strategy manager of 5T in Turin and coordinator of the TTS working group on MaaS, opened his presentation of the “Guidelines for the development of MaaS services in Italy", collected now in a publication. "Just as ice cream has a physical component, the use of the means of transport chosen from time to time - he explained - and not purely digital, a dimension that remains essential. Like ice cream, it will have many flavors, many diversified offers, for students, families, corporate as well as for individuals. As many flavors as possible and it will be eaten in the cone or in the cup. The world of the future will be full of MaaS, just as today it is full of ice cream parlors, with total freedom of choice". But since mobility is also a right, a general interest guaranteed with public money, the MaaS, unlike ice cream parlors, must be protected and accompanied by the central role of the regulator, of public governance.
Antoniola explained that TTS Italia's work is divided into six chapters: introduction, MaaS and Business, MaaS and Governance, MaaS and Technology, European regulatory context and twelve final recommendations. An in-depth and detailed examination, of which some key points are highlighted.
Starting with the definition: "MaaS is a new concept of mobility that provides for the modal integration of multiple transport services - public and private, collective and individual, from long-distance to regional trains, Tpl, taxi and NCC, car sharing scooter sharing, bike sharing scooters, ride hailing, ride sharing, parking, parking, car rental - in a single service accessible via smartphone thanks to a platform with multiple functions and a single payment system, capable of responding in a personalized way to different needs of displacement and able to offer a real alternative to the use of a private car". All in one app, which will create new business opportunities and give birth to new dedicated operators. And with the Tpl to constitute the "backbone" of the system.
The two main subjects that are placed between the demand - more and more personalized and segmented - and the offer - more and more flexible and adhering to the new mobility needs - are the MaaS Integrator, which is none other than the provider of the information and technological platform, and the MaaS operator, the service provider, the transport operator. The services offered will be packaged according to the target, B2B, B2C, B2X. Given that the preferred governance is public, the MaaS ecosystem can develop according to four models: free marketplace, regulated marketplace, MaaS monopoly, open MaaS.
As for technology, the birth of MaaS platforms will increase the drive to digitize transport and mobility services, starting with local public transport and the integration of existing ITS systems according to standard protocols and interoperable architectures - and here are all the problems related to sharing of static and dynamic data - also for payment and clearing between different operators.
The twelve recommendations. With a mobility that will become more and more on demand, MaaS offers an incredible opportunity for public governance to favor a modal shift towards more sustainable modes of transport: the 12 recommendations stem from this consideration. Summarized in 12 words: trust, openness, market, freedom of choice, public governance, sharing, public transport, multimodality, data, interoperability, support for demand, sustainability.
The testimonies and the debate. In addition to the two national best practices - presented by the Piedmont Region and the Emilia-Romagna Passenger Transport (TPER) - in the two days of work there were many contributions from local authorities - AMAT Milan, Municipalities of Rome and Bari, Metropolitan City of Florence, CTM Cagliari / ITS Metropolitan City, Campania and Liguria Regions - and technology and clearing providers - AEP Ticketing solutions, AlmavivA, Geotab, Mastercard, myCicero, OpenMove, Pin Bike, SIA, Worldline.
“These two days are a starting point - reiterated the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, in the first speech of the round table that animated the afternoon of 13 July -. Now we must take action, open the discussion to understand how to activate the MaaS, with which resources and which rules to start the experiments and identify the most suitable models. We have the opportunity to rethink the services that already exist, changing mobility and bringing benefits to the environment ". "MaaS is part of green mobility, it must reduce congestion in cities and encourage the movement from private cars to local public transport", added Piero Sassoli, claiming the central role of public transport companies "which, however, will have to change, evolve by eliminating paper and going digital ".
Professor Vito Mauro, expert of the MIMS Mission Technical Structure, underlined how the MaaS represents "an ambitious project with two objectives: to contribute to the energy transition by reducing energy consumption by 30% in cities and to maintain and increase the leading role of LPT, whose actual and perceived quality must greatly improve". MaaS4Italy has three objectives: to increase knowledge through 10 pilot projects in 10 Italian cities, to increase the quality of public transport companies by financing their digitization and to create the enabling technological platform.
Davide Falasconi, Chief Innovation Officer of the Ministry for Technological Innovation also insisted on the need to learn through experimentation, favoring bottom-up processes, and on the importance of digital architecture for interoperability and the transfer and sharing of data while Giuseppe Napoli, researcher at the Institute of Advanced Technologies for Energy of the Cnr, recalled that the technologies exist and the implementation methods must be studied.
Governance and regulation were at the center of the speech by Ivana Paniccia, Director of the Services and Retail Markets Office of the Transport Regulation Authority, who reassured the audience: "We are there, we are observers. Let's try to imagine rules that enable market development and prevent the abuse of a dominant position, with tools that we have already used for various infrastructure services to ensure fair and non-discriminatory access for operators, including to data. We will prepare these rules of the game gradually, with the method of consultation: we will listen to the needs of operators and users as we do for all new markets". “There will have to be clarity in the financial statements if the MaaS integrator will be the MaaS operator at the same time - explained Vito Mauro -. In the case of LPT companies, we will not allow cross-subsidies between subsidized services with public money and market activities. And we will protect users: operators must be responsible for any inefficiencies".
Il MaaS4Italy. At the end of the two days Giorgio Pizzi, manager of MIMS, ministry responsible for the project, and Davide Falasconi, Ministry of Technological Innovation who will have a technical support role, presented the Maas4Italy, which will have 40 million to spend by 2026, with several intermediate milestones to be respected. Three planned moves: the construction of the basic infrastructure for data sharing, with a distributed and interoperable architecture managed by the center with a single vision; ten pilot projects in as many cities, starting with three metropolitan cities; resources for local public transport companies to digitize operating systems and services and introduce electronic ticketing. "The three metropolitan cities that we will choose - Falasconi specified - will be our leaders, the forerunners for the other seven cities that will enter the experimentation at a later time". “We are in a hurry, we will proceed quickly”, added Rizzi.
It’s time for action!

Almaviva is the synonym for digital innovation. Consolidated experience, unique skills, continuous research and in-depth knowledge of the various market sectors, both public and private, make it the leading Italian Group in Information and Communication Technology. AlmavivA supports the country's growth processes, taking up the challenge that enterprises have to face in order to remain competitive in the age of Absolute Digital, by innovating their business model, their organisation, their corporate culture and ICT.
The AlmavivA global network operates through 17 companies in 66 locations, with a well established presence in Brazil, as well as in the United States, China, Colombia, Tunisia, Romania and Brussels, at the earth of the EU. With 45,000 people, 10,000 in Italy and 35,000 abroad, AlmavivA is the 5th largest Italian private group in terms of number of employees worldwide, with a turnover of €891 million in 2020.
With a value proposition that enables the opportunities offered by the emerging paradigms of digital mobility, AlmavivA is a leader in Italy in the field of ICT applied to the Transport and Logistics sector and an increasingly significant player in the international market. Starting from its exclusive expertise in the railway sector, AlmavivA's offer has been enriched with a new and complete mobility platform that explores the entire transport ecosystem.

MOOVA is the open source platform in line with global trends, modular, cloud ready, based on international standards. Moova, offering a wide range of services within a single integrated suite, is designed for different mobility operators, for the management of complex ecosystems, with operational efficiency and interoperability constraints and a strong orientation towards quality and flexibility of services.
Moving around Trento with the Green Wave
From September moving around Trento will be even easier! The system is being tested, carried out as part of the European project C-Roads Italy 2, for assigning priority at traffic light intersections to buses running in the municipality of Trento. Almaviva also participates in the project thanks to the use of the IoT technology and an innovative transmission protocol: the bus sends its location to the AVM central system that forwards the information to the traffic light system managed by the Municipality of Trento so that, as the bus approaches, the traffic lights are green.

The Green Wave represents a further step towards the digitalisation of the transport system carried out over the years by Trentino Trasporti, which had already adopted the Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) system developed by Amaviva for real-time monitoring of the status of the fleet and its positioning on the map.
Innovation in public transport, quality of service, protection of the environment and travellers; these are the objectives of the collaboration between Almaviva and Trentino Trasporti.
Stefano Toticchi, Head of Almaviva Business Unit Intermodal Transport
Almaviva supports companies on their path to innovation and digitalisation.
What differentiates MOOVA's offer for the Transportation sector?
Starting with our several decade-long experience in the railway sector as outsourcer for the Ferrovie dello Stato Group, we have broadened our perspective to include the entire transport ecosystem, creating an offer capable of covering the entire sector. The guidelines have been innovation and digitalisation, but also integration and multimodality, safety and sustainability.
We put the customer at the center and created our MaaS offer to support the different actors of the ecosystem with advanced and innovative systems.
Our products and solutions are available in the Transportation sector both in Italy and in international markets, such as Finland, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia.
The effectiveness of our products and the completeness of our technologically advanced solutions can be touched in the Demo Center of the Roman headquarters in Casal Boccone, where we are ready to show what it means to move and to have people move with MOOVA.
The project in Trento involves the use of IoT technologies, and there is also some mention of AVM. What is the role and weight of technology in the process of digitalisation of the transport system? What investments must companies be prepared to make?
The ultimate goal must always be to improve the quality of life for everyone, for those who work, for those who travel, for those who live in our cities today and will live there tomorrow. In the transport sector, digital technologies enable solutions that quickly meet the different mobility needs of citizens and travellers, and require modest investments compared to those needed, for example, for infrastructure or the fleet.
Innovation must, however, protect the investments made by companies in previous years by consolidating the use of existing assets; it is therefore essential to innovate by integrating existing devices, vehicles and systems and simplifying their management.
As Almaviva, we are ready: we have the skills, professionalism, technologies and the solutions to innovate and to meet the challenges of digitalisation. |
Viasat per le Smart City

Urban Security is a platform, accessible via Internet, that enables the collection and management of events, reports and problems collected from the field using mobile devices. Through online access, geo-referenced alerts can be consulted and displayed on a map, thus enabling fast and optimal management. The solution integrates the Viasat suite, dedicated to municipalities, which also includes Street Control and Street Parking tools.
Urban Security can be applied both in public and private contexts and allows to monitor and manage, in a quick and effective way, the territory activities, giving to authorized operators (but also to private citizens), the opportunity to report actions and assign tasks to the staff in charge. Thanks to the Operations Centre, Viasat can handle all the steps of the event.
A highly innovative solution that makes possible the identification and problems mapping faced in the area, transferring them to the management system and to monitoring and measuring the parameters maintenance quality and repair work carried out, with great benefits for organisation and operations:
• quick feedback from the field
• optimisation of operations and dedicated staff
• possibility of subdividing reports and activities by topic and geographical areas
• reports for further analysis and measurement of performance parameters
• a unique corporate management dashboard for coordination and planning activities
All this improves knowledge and control of the territory, infrastructures, services and inefficiencies, reducing management and solving costs and improving the level of citizen satisfaction.

Comark in cooperation with its Slovenian partner has installed a technologically advanced system on the Odessa bridge in Ukraine. The system is unique in its kind.
The project foresees the detection of the traffic load on the bridge - in particular the main aim is to detect:
• the quantity, the type and speed of vehicles that cross the bridge which is Comark’s specialty, while our partner detects the weight and load of the vehicle.
The said topic is very actual and the synergy created with our partner shows how sensitive Comark is towards the safety not only of roads but also of bridges.

Specifically, Comark supplied Nr. 2 RL4001 systems with a mixed technology – owned exclusively by Comark. Every system has Nr. 2 lasers scanner and Nr. 3 units of Doppler radars that allow the detection, the classification and counting of light vehicles over the Odessa bridge (Ukraine) with high precision.
The main advantages of these sensors are:
• detecting traffic in real time
• Extremely reliable
• Do not require maintenance
• Work perfectly even in severe weather conditions such as fog or snow.
COMARK is an Italian Company that has been operating worldwide for 26 years and is leader on traffic detectors with laser scanner technology. The laser scanner sensors are devices that allow roads traffic detection in real-time increasing the safety in the roads and highways.
For further information, visit our website: www.comarkud.it or send an email to: marketing@comarkud.it |
ACI-ISTAT road accident report year 2020: Covid 19 effect, accidents, deaths and injuries collapse
In 2020, in Italy - due to lockdowns, mobility blocks and curfews due to the Covid19 emergency - compared to 2019, road accidents and injuries fell by a third (respectively -31.3% and -34%), a quarter died (-24.5%), a fifth seriously injured (- 20%).
In absolute values, there were 118,298 accidents (on average 324 per day, 13.5 per hour; there were 172,183 in 2019), 2,395 deaths per day (6.5 per day, 1 every 3 ½ hours; 3,173 in 2019) and injuries 159,249 (436 per day, 18 every hour; 241,384 in 2019), of which 14,102 serious (38.6 per day: 17,600 in 2019). Among the 2,395 road fatalities, 1947 (81.29%) are men, 448 women (18.71%).
The most significant decrease in accidents was recorded on motorways (-39.9%), followed by urban (-31.7%) and extra-urban roads (-27.5%). Still on the motorways, the greatest reduction (-37.1%) of victims was recorded. Followed by extra-urban (-25.7%) and urban (-20.3%) roads. The social costs of road accidents amounted to 11.6 billion euros (0.7% of GDP), against 16.9 billion (1% of GDP) in 2019, for a reduction of 31.4%. These are the essential data of the ACI-ISTAT report on road accidents 2020.
According to the President of ACI, TTS Italia founding member, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, "The analysis of ACI-Istat data shows that, unfortunately, the decrease in accidents and victims is solely linked to the anti-Covid confinement measures. The trend in road accidents has moved hand in hand with the reduction in mobility and then with the recovery. It is also evident - added the President of ACI - the involvement of new forms of soft mobility. Specific rules are necessary for the circulation of these vehicles alongside motor vehicles for a peaceful coexistence on the road. Only with mutual respect, knowledge of the rules and road education for all, will we be able to have safe mobility. We therefore welcome the discussion initiated by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility with Anci and representatives of Sharing Mobility, as well as the start of work for the definition of a National Cycling Mobility Plan within the year ".
Source: Ferpress
Atac: with SMS & GO the ticket can be purchased via SMS
From 5 July, an SMS is enough to have a BIT (Integrated Timed Ticket) available at any time and without using credit cards. The new SMS & GO sales channel of Atac, TTS Italia founding member, developed with the Digital Virgo Group, is be available to all TIM, Vodafone and WINDTRE customers and allow the purchase of tickets with their own telephone credit.
By sending an SMS with the wording “BIT” to the unique number of Atac 48018, the user will immediately receive an SMS on the smartphone containing a link with the ticket in QRCode format. The ticket received must be validated on the smartphone by accessing the link and can be used for a Metro ride and for 100 minutes on all means within the territory of Rome. The SMS received with the ticket can be forwarded, but will no longer be usable once the link is opened. The BIT will always cost 1 euro and 50 cents, plus the cost of requesting the service based on the telephone operator (max € 0.299).
SMS & GO is easy to use, practical and safe. The ticket can be bought at the last moment before boarding. The cashless & touchless purchase method allows to travel without putting your hand to the wallet and to buy a security even if you do not have a credit card available or do not want to use it. In addition, in this way, the environment is also helped: by purchasing dematerialized tickets, paper consumption is reduced.
Until 30 September 2021 the first BIT is free. The customer who decides to use the new purchase channel for the first time will pay neither the cost of the ticket nor the cost of the SMS.
SMS & GO is added to the numerous sales channels that Atac has developed in recent times with the aim of reaching all customer targets and satisfying any need, relating to the purchase of the ticket, at any time and wherever the customer is. indirect resales, 14 ticket offices, the B + apps, tap & go starting the journey on the subway, the more than 300 MEB (Ticket Issuing Machines), the customer can now choose to buy the ticket also via SMS using their phone credit.
Source: Atac
ITABUS is now running SWARCO MIZAR
There is some interesting news in long-distance transport in Italy.
In recent weeks, the new private road transport operator ITABUS, has begun connecting services throughout Italy. With its brand-new fleet of 50 buses (and a total of 300 when fully operational), ITABUS will be able to provide over 350 TRIPS a day and more than 90 million kilometres a year.
SWARCO MIZAR, TTS Italia founding member, is the technological partner of ITABUS. With the new NEXT AVM solution, operators can monitor the public transport fleet and service, providing real time information to public transport passengers, both on board and at stop; all this through a modern control centre and a high-tech on-board unit, an advanced evolution of SWARCO MIZAR's long experience in fleet management.
Drivers receive operational support through a state-of-the-art, intuitive, and fully functional on-board display. Central operators keep a constant check on the operation of the buses, their diagnostic status, adherence to the planned service, the reporting of journeys, and interact in real time with the drivers to manage critical operational issues. Finally, continuous monitoring allows users to be constantly informed and updated on the service quality.
The partnership with ITABUS extends the long list of systems that SWARCO MIZAR has been running for years, thus widening its expertise to long-distance services.
The project, will be the starting point for the development of further new functionalities aimed also at improving on-board safety by means of highly advanced sanitization systems.
Source: Swarco Mizar
MATO Live Bus App: a new infomobility tool for getting around Turin easily by public transport
The MATO Live Bus app is the new app of Muoversi a Torino, the infomobility service of the Municipality of Turin, member of the TTS Italia Local Authorities Platform: the app is a new infomobility tool dedicated to those who move around the city exclusively with public transport services (bus, tram, metro and train).
The app, created by 5T srl, an in-house company that manages the Mobility Center of the Municipality of Turin, and TTS Italia ordinary member, is added to the infomobility channels already active in the city and is characterized by its ability to integrate, in a single tool, the real-time information of GTT, Extra.To and SFM public transport services.
The main functions of the app include the possibility of choosing optional geolocation, planning of "pre-trip" routes in real time, availability of the arrival times of vehicles at stops, information on accessibility of vehicles and stops to people with disabilities and last but not least, the state of employment of the media, a particularly useful information in this period of pandemic.
The app rests its software architecture on open source technologies, such as OpenTripPlanner and OpenStreetMap, already widely consolidated in the web map of Muoversi a Torino (www.muoversiatorino.it). The Municipality of Turin and 5T have chosen this path to guarantee the flexibility and evolution of the tool: Moving in Turin was born with the spirit of integrating in a single map all the data on the mobility services present in the city (not only public transport but also bike, car and ride sharing services) to guarantee its citizens the completeness of information and give them the opportunity to make an informed choice about how to move around Turin.
The app, active since June and which today has about 50,000 active users, does not stop there: with a view to continuous improvement, there will soon be new updates that will integrate an alert system to communicate inconveniences and deviations of the lines in time. real. In the future, other active mobility services will also be integrated to offer users an easy and accessible travel experience from a MaaS (Mobility as a Service) perspective.
Source: Municipality of Turin / 5T
Memorandum of Understanding signed between digITAlog SpA and the AdSP of the Adriatic Sea North Center for the digitalization of logistics
digITAlog, implementing body of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility for the implementation and management of the National Logistics Platform (PLN), and TTS Italia ordinary member, and the AdSP of the Northern Central Adriatic Sea, including the Port of Ravenna, have signed the memorandum of understanding for joining the PLN Port Community System (PCS).
Therefore, the commitment of digITAlog SpA continues in the digitization of port services in order to achieve both the institutional objective of homogenizing the tools at the service of the port community, as also required by the National Strategic Plan for Ports and Logistics (PSNPL), and the more general one of contributing to the efficiency of national logistics and to the increase of its competitiveness on a global level.
The PLN PCS represents a single interface of ITS infrastructure, is conceptually divided into Institutional PCS and Operative PCS and aims to meet the needs of individual port communities, promoting the definition of uniform operating standards and models in national logistics realities. The Institutional PCS also provides the AdSP with digital services useful for the implementation of the Single Administrative Desk, while the Operational PCS supports the Port Community in carrying out logistical operations and provides an information base to the AdSP to carry out its institutional tasks for coordination, the promotion and control of port operations.
The Memorandum of Understanding provides for two macro phases: Phase 1 "Release of PCS PLN services" provides for the progressive replacement of the PCS-Ravenna with the PCS PLN including both the institutional and operational ones, the release of the services currently present in the Ravenna PCS and not in that of the PLN and finally the release of further services of interest to the AdSP. Phase 2, on the other hand, involves the management and evolution of the PCS PLN services released in Phase 1.
Among the innovations envisaged by the Memorandum of Understanding is the establishment of a governance body at national level - made up of the AdSPs adhering to the PCS PLN and extensible to all those that adhere to it - delegated to treat, by way of example, the general lines development of the PCS PLN with a view to homogenization envisaged in the PSNPL, the priorities in the development of new functions and the economic aspects.
Source: digITAlog |
Mobility: PTV Group podcasts with industry experts, the new episode
The second podcast of the “Mobility Pills” series launched by PTV Group, TTS Italia ordinary member, is available. The new episode "100% Smart Cities: How" smart "is Italy?" focuses on the Italian situation.
Much has been said about the impact of the Covid19 emergency and how it has accelerated the digital transformation of Italian cities. If on the one hand the health emergency has put a strain on large cities, which concentrate offices and industries, on the other hand it has led to an acceleration of services considered "typical" of a smart city: delivery and urban logistics, smart working, e-learning, micromobility/soft mobility.
The podcast explores the topic with Engineer Francesco Oliviero who in the past has dealt with technologies for smart cities related to connectivity and is currently involved in proposing smart mobility solutions for cities.
For the podcast, click here.
Source: PTV Group |
Mobility and Covid-19: in April 2021 there was a + 63% compared to the previous year
Mobility in Italy has resumed forcefully, following the relaxation of the restrictions decided by the Draghi government in April 2021. A phenomenon that is clearly visible in the circulation data of cars belonging to company fleets or leased long-term for private use. In fact, in April 2021 there was an increase of + 63% compared to the same month of the previous year. Trend confirmed also in May 2021, where journeys grew by + 44% compared to May 2020. This is what emerges from the analyzes of the privileged Observatory of Targa Telematics, a tech company specialized in the development of digital solutions in the field of telematics, art mobility and IoT platforms for mobility operators, and TTS Italia founding member, which monitors over half a million asset. Growth continues also for the month of June 2021 (+ 6% vs June 2020), albeit to a significantly lesser extent, taking into account that last summer 2020 the country was back in a situation of substantial normality and in total absence. of special restrictions to combat the pandemic.
Source: Targa Telematics |
OpenMove in the United States with a MaaS project
New success for OpenMove, TTS Italia ordinary member, now increasing its international presence in 11 countries worldwide. With the acquisition of a client in Oregon, OpenMove is now also in the United States.
According to Lorenzo Modena, CEO: “This is a pivotal milestone in the history of OpenMove. The largest software companies are in the USA. Americans have traditionally been attentive to technology and the ways it makes life easier and better. Having acquired a customer in that market is a tangible proof of OpenMove’s technological excellence, combined with the great business development work carried out by our American country manager”.
OpenMove will deploy the best, state of the art technologies for this project, consisting of a multi- channel Account-Based Ticketing (ABT) system, which includes:
• Passenger information and ticketing app based on OpenMove WAY;
• Tools for inspectors based on OpenMove ACT;
• The new console for ticket offices based on a dedicated version of OpenMove ACT;
• On-board validators running OpenMove HORA.
According to Lorenzo Modena: “The United States represents an important market that is full of opportunities. Americans have appreciated the true value of software as a central element of a modern ticketing system, which relies exclusively on off-the-shelf devices. This protects the customer’s freedom of choice with regard to hardware, freeing customers from vendor lock-in and reducing the bargaining power of suppliers“.
Beyond the technological aspects, the conquest of new markets is linked to:
1. the internationalization process in which OpenMove is highly committed;
2. strengthening of the corporate structure, adopting a managerial business model.
Source: OpenMove |
Pin Bike: with the “Sostegni BIS” Decree, a 50-million-euro fund for smart mobility
Pin Bike, TTS Italia ordinary member, is the technological system that, through an anti-fraud software + hardware control, allows a Municipal Administration or a company to be able to issue incentives for bike to work and carpooling (the car owned shared).
The system was activated, among the main ones, in the Municipalities of Bari, Bergamo, Pescara, Foggia and for the workers of the Bologna AUSL.
Thanks to the “Sostegni BIS” Decree, a € 50 million fund was made available for Italian companies to activate smart mobility projects in the company.
The only prerequisite for accessing the fund is that the company has drawn up the PSCL (home-to-work travel plan) on 31 August. For the occasion, Pin Bike set up a team that follows the company involved in the drafting of the PSCL, a training course for the company Mobility Manager and clearly follows the company throughout the process necessary to access the fund.
The Pin Biker team is available for any info or clarification:
Dr. Capogna - capogna@pin.bike
Source: Pin Bike |
Roma Servizi per la Mobilità: the public experimentation of the App has started to encourage sustainable mobility
The public experimentation of the new App “Roma runs by bike” has started. The App, created by Roma Servizi per la Mobilità (the mobility agency of Rome), TTS Italia ordinary member, was designed to promote the use of bicycles and electric scooters in daily commuting around the city.
“Roma runs by bike” is first and foremost a navigator able to calculate the best route to reach a destination, using the new cycle route calculation method made available by Google.
During the journey, the App monitors the journey and calculates some parameters of the journey such as length, average speed, calories consumed and CO2 emissions saved.
The App is also able to "certify" that the movement is actually taking place with the indicated means, by checking the maximum speeds reached and the time for exceeding the constraints set.
In addition to these functions, which are useful in everyday travel, there are others for the promotion of sustainable mobility. Starting with the system of discounts in the shops that will join the initiative for those who will shop using the bike.
The traders who will be part of the project will be registered in the app as "bike friendly" and will be able to offer users particularly advantageous conditions that will be directly proportional to the kilometers "pedaled". The App was designed to accumulate credits as the distance traveled increases and allows you to generate QR Codes with a personalized value that can then be downloaded in the store at the time of purchase.
In addition to citizens, companies can also register. Thanks to the functionalities of the App, they have the possibility to decide which type of incentives to grant to employees who move in a sustainable way. Companies, through mobility managers, and merchants can join by contacting Roma Servizi per la Mobilità at mobility-manager@romamobilita.it
To participate in the trial, Android users will be able to download the App from the Play store, after agreeing to join the testing program. IOs users, on the other hand, must first install the TestFlight App from which they can then download the actual App using this link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/8I64kFtp
Source: Ferpress |
Scania publishes life cycle assessment of battery electric vehicles
As the first player in the heavy commercial vehicle industry, Scania, TTS Italia ordinary member, publishes a life cycle assessment (LCA) of distribution vehicles. The LCA concludes that the environmental impact of battery electric vehicles is significantly lower than that of a vehicle with an internal combustion engine.
Life Cycle Assessment is an ISO 14040/44 method to calculate the environmental impacts of products, covering the entire life cycle from cradle to grave, starting at the extracting and refining of raw materials and ending at the recovery of, in this case, the vehicles.
“As the heavy commercial vehicle industry converts into a higher share of battery electric vehicles, we have to ask ourselves, are the battery electric vehicles truly good for the environment when we look over the full life cycle? The impact generated is not from the tailpipe emissions, so the industry needs to rethink what we mean by environmental impact. With this study, we have the clear answers” says Andreas Follér, Head of Sustainability at Scania.
The production of the battery electric vehicle entails a higher environmental impact, mainly due to energy intensive battery cell manufacturing. Despite the increased production burden, the total life cycle impact on climate change is dramatically better for the battery electric vehicles, thanks to the much lower carbon impact from the use phase.
For trucks operating in EU, we reduce life cycle carbon emissions by 38% (EU mix 2016) to 63% (prognosed EU mix 2030). If we switch to green electricity, we reach a carbon emission reduction over the life cycle of 86%. The battery electric vehicle has the potential to have less climate impact than the one with an internal combustion engine already within one or two years of operation. This covers all investigated electricity mixes in the report.
The battery cells stands for a bit over 40% of the carbon emissions coming from production of battery electric vehicles. There is however a big potential for improved emission levels from the production of battery electric vehicles as the battery industry continuously decarbonises and the use of green electricity continuously increases.
“We expect that the total cost of operation for the majority of our customers will be positive for battery electric vehicles during this decade and half our volumes might well have an electric driveline by 2030. The race towards zero emissions will be about decarbonising the processes and materials needed to assemble the future truck and buses,” says Follér.
Partnerships are key to delivering on the carbon reductions needed to achieve the Science Based Targets Scania has committed to. For example, the partnership with Northvolt which aims to produce the world’s greenest battery. Steel is another big part of the sourcing carbon footprint of trucks, due to the heavy fossil dependency in the production phase. The partnership with H2 Green Steel aims at solving that and sets Scania on a trajectory for a Zero Emission Truck, which the company aims to deliver on in 2030.
Source: Scania |
Signed by digITAlog SpA the Decree of the AdSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea for the extension of the provision of services
DigITAlog SpA (formerly UIRNet SpA), implementing body of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility for the National Logistics Platform (PLN), and TTS Italia ordinary member, signed for acceptance the decree issued last June by AdSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, which brings together the ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara, for the extension of the PCS, an IT platform developed for the administrative and operational management of processes in the port area, and additional services of the PLN in March 2022.
The adhesion of the Port System Authority to the PCS PLN services dates back to 2018 when the Operational Agreement was signed with the then UIRNet S.p.A. to regulate the management of the PCS - Spezia and for the adoption of the services of the PCS PLN (phase 1). As part of this phase, the management activities of the APNet IT platform, the provision of the services of the PCS of the services of the Service Center were carried out and some important pilot projects were launched such as the production of the IMPORT module, the multiport functions, the Ship / Nostromo module, the new access permit management system and the App to support road transport of the Ursa Major Neo project.
With the extension of phase 1 to March 2022, digITAlog through the concessionaire Logistica Digitale Srl, in addition to ensuring the operational continuity of the activities in place, also provides for the completion of pilot projects, the development and commissioning of a dedicated module port statistics and the adaptation of the PCS to the evolutions of the AIDA system according to the indications of the Customs and Monopolies Agency.
Source: DigITAlog |
SWARCO partners with Lime on micromobility and road safety
SWARCO, TTS Italia founding member, and Lime, the world’s leading provider of shared electric vehicles, today announced they will join forces to improve the safety of vulnerable road users traveling with e-scooters and bikes. The companies will bundle their respective expertise in traffic management and environmentally friendly mobility services in a pilot project to reduce the traffic crash risk of micromobility users at traffic light controlled intersections.
“As a specialist in mobility and intersection safety, SWARCO is well positioned to help cities offer a safer environment for their new mobility carriers like e-scooters, in particular at those blackspots and conflicting zones where pedestrians, vehicles, e-scooters, bicycles and other modes meet”, says Christoph Stögerer, Head of Innovation & Technology with SWARCO’s ITS Division. “We now team up with the major service provider Lime in order to develop safety solutions for the growing number of micromobility users.”
The joint pilot project, labeled Intersection Risk Mitigation, aims to optimize SWARCO’s adaptive traffic light management algorithms to improve the safety of vulnerable road users and enhance traffic efficiency for drivers as well. SWARCO will leverage Lime’s extensive and unparalleled anonymized ridership data to develop insights and potential countermeasures like adjusted crosswalk timing algorithms to support safer road conditions, especially for vulnerable users of micromobility. SWARCO and Lime look forward to working with City partners to implement data-backed safety measures.
“We know that intersections are key areas where conflict between cars and micromobility users are more likely to occur, which is why we’re excited to partner with SWARCO to reduce the potential for crashes,” said Annie Chang, Director of Safety Programs at Lime. “We’re encouraged by SWARCO’s leadership in providing traffic management solutions throughout Europe and believe that with Lime’s unparalleled expertise in micromobility data, we can make a real impact in improving safety for all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and scooter riders.”
“Lime and SWARCO will engage with municipalities to create these Intersection Risk Mitigation Solutions“, adds Christoph Stögerer. “This helps to understand current challenges firsthand from the stakeholders affected and evaluate the capabilities of such solutions under real life conditions.”
Source: SWARCO |
Targa Telematics ranks at the top of the Cerved classification of technology companies with the highest growth rate
Targa Telematics, the tech company specialising in the development of digital solutions in telematics, smart mobility, and IoT platforms for mobility operators, and TTS Italia founding member, ranks first in the Cerved ranking of Italian companies in the tech sector that have seen the highest rates of business development.
The analysis focused on companies in the technology sector that exceeded performance expectations for their size and consistency of growth from 2014 to 2019.
Targa Telematics, which has its headquarters in Treviso, an office in Turin, as well as offices in Paris, London, Lisbon and Madrid, has seen its turnover grow by an average of 70% year on year between 2014 and 2019, from €2.8 million to €45 million. Additionally, it has consolidated its role as a leader in smart mobility, large fleet management and the insurtech sector at both a European and international level.
“We are particularly proud of our growth, as it has been certified by a prestigious company like Cerved,” said Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics. “We are committed to continuing our innovation processes in the IoT field and to work to constantly develop our technologies and solutions that will increasingly be at the centre of mobility of the future. Thanks to our team of true professionals, we have achieved a distinctive position in the market and can best support our customers in their digital transformation journey.”
Source: Targa Telematics |
Tiemme is a “Digital Star”: among the most innovative companies in Italy according to ITQF and La Repubblica
Tiemme, TTS Italia ordinary member, is among the most innovative companies in Italy. This is said by the German Institute for Quality and Finance (ITQF) which, in collaboration with the weekly "Affari & Finanza" of the newspaper La Repubblica, awards the most innovative companies in Italy with the special "Digital Star 2021/2022" quality seal.
Tiemme thus becomes part of the ranking of the 350 Italian Digital Stars and is at the top in the mobility sector.
The Digital Stars study is now in its third edition and analyzes digital excellence, using the analysis of the Social Listening Index, an innovative online word-of-mouth methodology based on over 1.5 million citations detected on topics of technology, innovation and digitization.
438 million web sources in Italian were analyzed, including social media, news portals, blogs, forums, videos, etc. The 1.5 million citations detected were subsequently divided by tone and relevance to give life to the ranking of the 350 Digital Stars in Italy, the ranking with the largest database of all studies on corporate digitalization in Italy.
The award confirms the constant digitization choices made by the LPT company which has been operating for 11 years in the Arezzo, Siena, Grosseto and Piombino basins. Tiemme, in addition to being very active in social communication, through the Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin channels, as an essential tool for dialogue with its users, has introduced numerous innovations in recent years that make it possible to facilitate access to LPT services for various types of users: payment on board the ticket by credit card; AVM technology for remote monitoring of your fleet; the management dashboard and other further innovations in business processes.
Source: Ferpress |
T.net, the European accelerator Eit Digital enters the shareholding structure
New shareholding structure and greater ability to innovate and compete in the international digital technology market. T.net - innovative SME founded in 2002 and specialized in data protection, cybersecurity, Cloud, IoT sensors and digital transformation of complex organizations (companies and PA), and TTS Italia ordinary member - welcomes the European accelerator Eit among its shareholders Digital, leader in digital innovation.
Eit Digital, an internal organization of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT), an independent body of the European Union, acquired 7% of the Company with a pre-money valuation of 7.08 million euros, judging T .net «champion of innovation for a strong digital Europe».
The first relations between T.net and the European accelerator date back to 2018. Also in 2021, in parallel with the entry into the shareholding structure, T.net also became a partner of Eit Digital, thus doubling its own road with that of the organization that leads the digital transformation of Europe, which has become a shareholder and partner. Thanks to the new structure, T.net will be able to continue its growth path, making the most of the synergies of the pan-European ecosystem of Eit Digital, consisting of over 200 of the best European companies, SMEs, start-ups, universities and research institutes who collaborate in an “open innovation” context.
Source: ilsole24ore |
Turin: the National Pole of Sustainable Mobility and Manufacturing is born
Industry, universities, 4.0 research and competence centers and Piedmontese institutions have come together to develop the National Hub of Sustainable Mobility and Manufacturing in Turin.
The Politecnico di Torino, TTS Italia ordinary member, will lead the development of the executive project of the Polo in order to offer companies training services, targeted and applied research and technology transfer, networking and contamination between technologies and skills, also thanks to the co-location of the companies.
CIM - Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0 will coordinate all the services that will characterize the new Sustainable Mobility and Manufacturing Hub.
The first 40 million euros, essential for the start of the project, are available thanks to a contribution from the Piedmont Region, a loan from the Turin Chamber of Commerce and funds provided by the MISE.
The Polo will be organized according to a “Hub & Spoke” model coordinated by the Polytechnic of Turin, with the main Hub in Turin connected to realities of excellence in Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Campania, Abruzzo, Tuscany, Puglia, Basilicata and Sicily.
The hub aims to provide the following services:
- continuous training through professional degrees, ITS, Academy and Learning Hub courses;
- research, technology transfer, product and process innovation
- networking through communication strategies, organization and management of B2B events
- co-location of companies through the development of a territorial industrial ecosystem
Source: Transportation Cluster |
MaaS: an ecosystem that requires collaboration between public and private. The interview with the President of TTS Italia, Rossella Panero, on Mobility Magazine
More than a MaaS system, it is more correct to speak of a MaaS ecosystem in which multiple figures must converge in a harmonized way and in which a targeted collaboration between public and private is almost essential. Because if it is true that the purpose of MaaS is to put the end user with his specific needs at the center of everything, this goal cannot be achieved if the assembly line is not well oiled.
We no longer speak only of digital platforms and integrations, but also of regulatory rules that allow effective development of MaaS at a national level first of all, but also internationally, with a view to seamless mobility. The advantages of MaaS are, would be, for everyone: for the user, for the offer side, for those who provide services other than mobility, but still connected to it, think of tourism. Finally, if accompanied by appropriate public policies, MaaS can become a great opportunity for public mobility governance.
Read the full interview here (from page 5 – available only in Italian).
Smart Mobility and pandemic: the interview to Olga Landolfi, TTS Italia Secretary General
In May 2021, OITA, of which Technical Scientific Committee TTS Italia is a member, interviewed the Secretary General of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi. There has been talk of Smart Mobility and a pandemic.
Read the interview (available only in Italian) here. |
Freight Leaders Council and TTS Italia together for logistics at the service of the Country
A common working table, a long-term collaboration, to develop proposals and strategies for the digital transformation of logistics. This is the commitment made at the end of June in Rome by the Freight Leaders Council (FLC) and TTS Italia.
An operational table that completes a Memorandum of Understanding, signed by the two associations on 22 April last.
For TTS Italia, Rossella Panero (President), Olga Landolfi (Secretary General) and Leonardo Domanico (Project Manager) will take part in the table; for the Freight Leaders Council, there will be Massimo Marciani (President), Clara Ricozzi (Vice President) and Elisabetta La Scala (Secretary).
The goal is to make oneself available to the country system to develop innovative projects for logistics, especially for its digitization, to permanently and definitively change a fundamental sector for the development and recovery of Italian competitiveness.
In particular, the FLC, thanks to the support of its partners and its network, will develop innovative projects for the entire supply chain, from the collection of goods to final delivery, for all means of transport.
For its part, TTS Italia, through the network of members and partners, will bring all those technologies and digital solutions to the attention of the sector, a real moment of innovation in logistics.
A joint action aimed not only at spreading the culture of innovation and sharing good practices in the sector, but also at presenting operational solutions to the Public Administration for the simplification of procedures and control and monitoring processes.
For Rossella Panero, President of TTS Italia “The joint working table with FLC is extremely important for us. We need to combine forces, projects and ideas to create a system and be truly capable of giving support to the institutions in the first place, but not only, for digital and new logistics, not only innovative ".
For Massimo Marciani, President of the FLC: "Innovation and digitalization are the two pillars of the new normal of logistics and a joint work between our two associations will be the engine of this epochal change in logistics, the industrial industry". |
• Italia-Rocca Priora
- Parkinng areas management services
• Italia-Roma
Consulting and services software programme
• Italia-Vetralla
Traffic light maintenance

23-24 September 2021, Milan
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10th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR2021)
2-3 September 2021, Rhodes, Greece
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European Transport Conference
13-15 September 2021 - WEB EVENT
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TTS Italia wishes you all a nice summer break!
The newsletter will be back in September. |