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Clara Ricozzi, OITA (Interdisciplinary Food Transport Observatory) President

You are OITA President, an observatory studying food transport. What are the main characteristics and criticalities of this sector?
I would like to make a premise on OITA. The observatory was born after the great success of Expo 2015, which placed the issue of food at the center of attention of consumers, institutions, media, operators involved in the supply chains, and highlighted the importance of security and the quality of the transport of food products, along the entire supply chain, which can strongly influence the health and hygiene requirements, not allowing the final consumer to know if the products arriving on his table have undergone alterations.
Hence, the initiative to set up a consultative and proactive pole with the aim of investigating and deepening the issues related to the transport of food, fresh products in general and those requiring a controlled temperature storage (such as pharmaceuticals) gathering the institutions, operators of the agro-food chain, road transport and distribution, to understand together what are the critical issues to ensure the "healthy" transport, and identify solutions that can guarantee adequate hygienic-sanitary conditions of fresh products also in the new forms of distribution initiated by e-Commerce. Among the lines of action, classification of goods transported according to temperature, analysis of the food supply chain and census of the control and certification bodies.
Among the most important critical issues, it should be mentioned the lack of coordination between the bodies responsible for the controls on the application of the rules regarding transport under controlled temperature: in fact, unlike other European countries, such as France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, there is no independent Authority for food safety, able to collect and coordinate the results of controls on food substances, which belong to individual public facilities. The situation is further complicated by the lack of connection between the different systems and rules managed by two different Ministries: he Ministry of Health and Ministry of Infrastructures, with a negative impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of controls and the consequent risk of do not adequately assess risks to the population. Another critical aspect is related to breakage of load and waiting times in the distribution centers, which may negatively affect the correct storage of the transported products and impose, in OITA's opinion, a permanent table between Federalimentari (Italian Federation for Food Industry) and GDO (retail system).
How much and what kind of technology is widespread among the companies dealing with food transport?
The technologies used depend, of course, on the type of goods transported, whether we talk about food, or if we talk about drugs, or perishable products, which must be transported under controlled temperature, and therefore with fridge vehicle or refrigerated vehicles. The latter require special equipment, constantly updated, such as temperature control systems and, in the most advanced cases, traceability systems that are part of the varied panorama of infomobility. Obviously, the most advanced technologies are accompanied by the most structured companies.
What technologies could help improve the efficiency of this supply chain? How much is e-commerce impacting?
More than on set-ups, it would be necessary to focus on vehicle connectivity: this means the interconnection and integration of telematics platforms for the management of fleets used to transport food, to make interoperable even for multimodal transport, within the National Logistics Platform.
As for the e-Commerce of food, we must say that it shows a growth trend, which cannot have disruptive effects on the supply chain, from the organization of transport, to the management of warehouses, to deliveries in the city, also because each sub-sector of the food e-Commerce uses one or more fulfillment methods of the order, that is to say, in order to get the goods to the customer (with home delivery, which remains the most widespread method). Ultimately, the electronic commerce of food has further aggravated the difficulties connected to the city logistics, increasing the diseconomies already present in the distribution cycle in the urban centers, and thus imposing a profound revision of the same governance of the logistic operations.
According to the data from the International Supply Chain Academy and the Observatory elaborated by OITA, the most critical points, which tend to worsen in the 5 large conurbations where 25% of e-Commerce is concentrated (Milan, Rome, Turin, Naples, Bergamo), concern:
- the quality of transport, especially as regards fresh food
- environmental sustainability, compromised by congestion and pollution, for the parceling of deliveries
- social sustainability, endangered also by the various forms of gig economy, often without protection for workers.
There is no doubt that any solution can only go through the sharing of all the actors involved: institutions, logistics operators, producers, GDOs of e-Commerce.
I your opinion, in general what the impact of the innovation on freight transport by road will be?
In my opinion, innovation means going in the direction of transport sustainability: power systems that favor low or zero CO2 fuels, reduction of empty paths thanks to the use of intelligent transport systems. I have to say that the major industrial vehicle manufacturers have already chosen more performing solutions, not only in outfitting and on-board instrumentation, but also in power systems: more and more LNG and methane, with a still inadequate distribution network. Furthermore, the progressive structural growth of road haulage companies (the sector sees fewer and fewer owners) favors the management of fleets and itineraries with ITS.
From a regulatory point of view, what are the priorities for this sector? What should the next government do immediately?
The key word should be to start immediately a robust simplification of the regulatory framework that regulates the sector, farraginous and sometimes incomprehensible, as required by the trade associations for some time. The ideal goal would be a real code of the road haulage, easy to consult and apply by the operators.
As for the new government, rather than on the regulatory level, it should operate urgently at the European level, with actions aimed not so much at safeguarding Italian road haulage, but, in a logic of general interest for the country, to protect our exports depending on the fluidity of traffic and respect for the free movement of goods, including through the Alpine arc. It could then reopen a discussion on the issue of running costs, seeking solutions that are shared and in line with the indications provided by the antitrust authority.
Finally, the last legislature may be remembered for the failure to reform the highway code. In your opinion, what are the changes to be done quickly?
It would be necessary to eliminate the constraints imposed on the rental of vehicles >6 tonn from the article 84, which allows this contract only between companies registered in the Register of road hauliers (while it is free in France, Belgium, Germany, GB), and has triggered a series of loopholes to circumvent this obstacle, such as rental companies or dealers acting like transport companies. Given the increasing difficulties encountered by the city logistics (also due to the explosion of the e-Commerce), urgent action would be needed to address the issues concerning the urban distribution of goods, in view of a sustainable mobility and improved road safety in urban areas. For example, it would be important to strengthen measures for the movement of vehicles powered by low-emission fuels. The highway code must then be updated urgently in light of national and Community rules adopted in the field of intelligent transport systems (Directive 2010/40 / EU and subsequent delegated regulations).
Who is Clara Ricozzi. Currently President of OITA (Interdisciplinary Food Transport Observatory), Vice President of the Freight Leaders Council and member of SIPOTRA (Italian Society of Transport Policy). Graduated in Political Science, she obtained a Higher Diploma in French Studies at the University of Grenoble and was awarded the honorary honor of the French Republic.
From 1965 to 1987 she served at the Ferrovie dello Stato, where she was director of the Costs Office, and in February 1987 was appointed general manager of the Ministry of Transport, where she had several duties, among them, from 1999 to 2010 , the position of Director of the General Direction of Road Transport. From 1 March 2010 to 28 July 2012 she was General Secretary of the General Council for road haulage and logistics. |
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AVR S.p.A. is an Italian company operating in the fields of road and green management, construction and maintenance works, waste management (urban hygiene and plants) and drainage of contaminated sites. Founded in 1966, the company is nowadays leading an international group with more than 20 offices in Italy and Poland, offering public services to infrastructure concessionaires and public clients with a workforce of 2,000 employees. AVR has been active in the last decade in the provision of facility management and environmental services related to public infrastructural assets, introducing increasingly advanced management information systems for the efficiency of its activities and the control of the services provided (App, infomobility systems, call center, radio center). In particular, in the road sector, AVR is a national leader in the provision of road management services in urban and extra-urban roads and motorway, through the so-called Global Service contracts, taking care of 3,000 km of roads and dealing with the maintenance of 800 km of motorways. In the field of urban hygiene, AVR serves 1 million inhabitants with a door-to-door collection system in about 60 municipalities, through the introduction of computerized systems for the collection of waste; the realization of an Application - DifferenziApp - to support users in the right conferment; the use of software for the collected waste analysis and service improvement; and the use of Radio-Frequency IDentification tools for the certification of the everyday work performance.
For further information, please visit:
Mobile Mapping – Dynamic Road Analysis
Since 2013, AVR has started investing in road survey technologies and data collection on road network assets. It has been a time of intense development, devoted to optimizing a complex system whose aim was to allow a better analysis of the road assets managed by the Company: a more complete understanding means better maintenance strategies. The vehicle that is currently used is equipped with 4 Full HD 8 MegaPixel video cameras arranged to encompass a 270° view angle, a GPS 10Hz antenna of sub-metric accuracy, a Distance Measurement Instrument (DMI) Odometer attached to the back left wheel for measuring travelled distance. The path to innovation will lead within the year to the installation of a system for the dynamic acquisition of Retroreflection of road markings.
All acquisition systems are integrated into a single platform that also manages data post-processing, which is performed by an in-house team specifically trained for the purpose. The post-processing platform deploys semi-automated recognition of objects within the road environment, which allows to populate an open source (PostgreSQL) relational database. At the same time, the post-processing team is also able to assess performance features of the objects detected (e.g. evaluation of pavement condition according to Swiss regulation VSS SN 640925b:2003 or American standard ASTMD6433).
Survey results are then implemented in a maintenance strategy for every category of objects, which include the assessment of performance indicator decline throughout the object’s life span. This method allows to determine a priority list of maintenance actions to be taken in order to allocate economic resources the most efficient way, with the aim of keeping the asset’s value in time.
The data collected are also published by AVR via webGIS, which is deemed to be the ideal instrument to enable reading and querying by road owners and users. High customization of contents and graphic rendering are possible thanks to WebGIS technologies, also granting easy access to the users.
This structure of the road network asset data collection offers complete contents, always kept up-to-date by maintenance staff, and grants full interoperability with other services.
Eng. Lorenzo Maraia - C-ITS Project Manager | Head of Traffic Control Center at AVR S.p.A.
In the company since 2012, he has directly followed many of the technological innovations that AVR has adopted in recent years, both in the road and in the environmental sector.
In what kind of new technologies has AVR invested in recent years?
- corporate connectivity systems, all Italian offices are connected to each other with high capacity optical fiber connectivity;
- Geographic Information System platforms and systems for the analysis of spatial data, aimed at optimizing services distributed over very large areas;
- RFID systems to improve the management of assets under management, starting from the urban sanitation baskets to the trees for green services;
- certified and performing systems for fleet monitoring, thanks to the important agreement stipulated with Viasat (ordinary member of TTS Italia);
- V2X communication systems (ETSI G5 standard) for communication between vehicles and infrastructures under management.
How has the introduction of new technologies in such labor-intensive sectors changed your way of working? What is the added value for users of your services?
In all services AVR offers, from road to environment, the introduction of GIS and RFID systems has allowed a detailed analysis of the distribution of workers on the territory and, by applying optimization algorithms, important goals have been achieved for reducing operating costs.
The Clients appreciate the step by step traceability of the services provided, through web platforms: from the position of our vehicles on the territory, to the individual activities carried out through photographic images or associated metadata (RFID). |
AEP wins tender for e-ticketing in Varese
AEP Ticketing solutions S.r.l., TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the tender issued by the Consorzio Trasporti Pubblici Insubria S.c.a.r.l. for the design, implementation and start of an e-ticketing system for the local public transport in Varese.
Source: TTS Italia
Aesys wins tender for variable message signs
Aesys, TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the tender issued by the French Group SANEF for the supply, implementation and start of variable message signs on the highways managed by the Group SANEF. The contract will last 4 years.
Source: TTS Italia
Atac: new parking meters and tickets from mobile
Atac, TTS Italia founding member, launched new products to boost and increase tickets selling.
The main novelty is “B+”, a new platform allowing user to buy and use up to 20 tickets for public transport while on public transport means new devices will be installed to allow the ticket validation by smartphone and QR Code.
Just with 1 Euro, the new “Contactless” card will be available to upload daily and weekly tickets for transport with the final object to avoid hard tickets.
News also on the car parking payment: “Pay&Go”. In the next months new parking meters will be installed, allowing users to pay the parking by credit and debit card as well as to pay fines.
Finally, Atac users can now use the new portal to get discounts on goods and services.
Source: RomaToday
CORE presentation at UNECE / Geneva 4th April 2018
The Core project had the opportunity to be presented at the UNECE Working Party on Road Transport (SC.1) meeting on 4th of April in Geneva. The discussions were focused around the development of eCMR solutions. Jens Hügels from IRU, one of the projects partners, presented the current status of e-CMR and future opportunities. Antonella Di Fazio, Telespazio, TTS Italia ordinary member, presented one of the demonstrators of the CORE Project,with a two-tier platform architecture for exchange of dangerous goods transport documents. This platform and data model are aligned with e-CMR.
Source: The CORE Project
Indra leads the project that will make it possible to book a trip on different modes of transport in europe with a single click
Indra, TTS Italia ordinary member, has started working on the design and development of an interoperability framework that will lay the foundations for the future European transport platform that will allow citizens to plan a trip and book a ticket to their destination at a single click, including private vehicle parking as well as journeys by train, plane, subway and/or bus, and even car sharing.
The company is leading the Connective project (Connecting and Analyzing the Digital Transport Ecosystem) that will facilitate the digital transformation of the transport ecosystem by means of cloud-based interoperable platform on which transport networks, services and providers will share and consume information. Thanks to the use of semantic interpretation technology, service providers will be able to join the ecosystem with minimum effort and cost and make their data available to other services and users in a transparent manner.
The definition, development and implementation of this framework of reference, which not only comprises access to information without affecting existing systems but also tools and development environments, will provide citizens with a fully integrated and customized transport experience while making railway services more attractive. The goal is to facilitate multimodal travel combining different methods of public and private transportation, connecting the first and last mile in long-haul trips.
"The goal is to facilitate the passengers' use of trains, planes, buses, and subway in international routes without having to access four different reservation systems", explains Berta Barrero, Head of the Indra Transport market. Barrero also points out that "thanks to the integration of these travel services with the support of innovative digital technologies, the user can gain access through a single point that's transparent, simple and intuitive".
Fully integrated data obtained through the new framework and from users themselves will provide valuable information, while big data and business analytics technology will improve the operation of the networks and the user experience.
One of the key technologies underpinning the Connective project will be Minsait IoT Sofia2, the Internet of Things platform with big data and cloud capabilities developed by Indra's digital transformation unit, which is a technological benchmark for interoperability between networks and devices. In this case, it will be applied to transport, reinforcing Indra's experience and technology for integrated mobility management.
Key project in Shift2Rail
The Connective project, which is being developed by a consortium led by Indra and including the companies Thales, HaCon, Diginext, Network Rail and Ansaldo, plays a key role in Shift2Rail, the main European innovation initiative in the rail sector, since its goal is to create the framework and tools that will support all the developments that are being undertaken in the various projects of the IP4 program "IT Solutions for Attractive Railway Services", to which it also belongs. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 777522.
The IP4 program is concerned with the development of new ICT solutions and services to improve the passenger experience and make railway services more attractive by providing access to a complete range of multimodal trips in a transparent manner for the user. Its projects cover areas such as interoperability, ticketing, new payment methods and information systems. To achieve their objectives, these projects require an interoperability framework like the one that will be developed as part of Connective, enabling the integration of information from different sources and operators while limiting the impact on existing systems and favoring the incorporation of new ones.
In addition to leading the Connective project, within the IP4 program of Shift2Rail Indra is participating in the Attractive and Co-Active projects that will develop some of the services that will be offered in near real time through the framework, such as a route planner with prices and special offers, booking and buying tickets, including their validation with certain cellphone models, and the reception of notifications or alternative routes. The company is also involved in the Cohesive project, which coordinates and ensures that all the projects to develop these types of services fit smoothly together and may be integrated. In short, Indra will contribute its capabilities to boost the multimodal management of mobility and the development of these types of customized services that will improve the user experience during the trip and when purchasing and validating tickets.
Leader in transport technology
The key role that Indra will play in the Connective and other projects of the Shift2Rail IP4 program will help to position the company as one of the European market leaders in interoperability technologies applied to transport at the pan-European level.
Indra is a member of the main Shift2Rail governing body. It is also involved in the IP2 programs, focused on the development of advanced rail traffic control and management systems, and in the IP5 program, which aims to evolve toward more efficient, sustainable and competitive freight transport. In addition to its technological capabilities and experience in rail transport, Indra brings to Shift2Rail its wide-ranging expertise in a number of industry sectors, supporting synergy generation and the transfer of technology between different fields as well as driving more integrated and intermodal mobility management.
This key position in Shift2Rail reinforces Indra's position as one of the leading operators in the rail sector and recognizes its commitment to innovation in this field. The cutting-edge technological solutions developed by the company have placed it at the forefront of the global sector, having successfully deployed systems in different countries around the world, including in the USA, Australia, Mexico, Colombia, China, India and Malaysia.
Indra is one of the world leaders in the field of ticketing, where it has deployed proprietary solutions and executed projects for the subway networks of Madrid, Barcelona, Medellin, Santiago de Chile, Cairo, Calcutta and Mumbai, the light rail in St Louis, the railway in Buenos Aires and the suburban railway in Mexico City, among others. The company is currently working on the world's largest ticketing contract to date and is implementing all of the ticketing and access control systems for the new public transportation system currently being developed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It will also implement its ticketing technology in the Mecca-Medina high-speed railway, as the benchmark technology provider in the Spanish consortium.
Fonte: Indra
Project Automation wins tender for speed limit control
Project Automation, TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the tender issued by the City of Lecce for the assignment of the rental service, installation and maintenance of devices for automatic detection of vehicle speed limit exceedances.
Source: TTS Italia
Targa Telematics and TCR Group sign worldwide partnership for motorized assets in the airport market
An industry-wide mutually unique agreement has been signed in Brussels, cementing the partnership between TCR Group, the world-leading Ground Support Equipment (GSE) rental company active in 120 airports in 18 countries, and Targa Telematics, leader in solutions for car rentals and shared mobility. The latter will contribute its technologies for the management, maintenance, monitoring and pooling of service and ground support vehicles.
Through the partnership, TCR seeks to boost its offers to customers with a highly competitive and differentiated range of innovation-based services and, more generally, the further growth of a market in which it already enjoys consolidated leadership. Targa in collaboration with TCR intends to consolidate its role as a leader in the digitalization of airport management and the challenges inherent in ground handling – a sector currently in great ferment.
The Targa Telematics digital platform is well-proven by its solid experience in managing large fleets of connected vehicles and is a pioneer in airport telematics with specific patents to its credit. By enabling the remote, real-time monitoring of GSE vehicles and motorized assets, it improves processes and activities, ensures optimum maintenance with significant safety repercussions and allows sharing between different operators, authorising access and use by relevant technical staff – similar to car sharing. The Targa Telematics digital platform is also able to certify to the authorities the adequacy of activities carried out and their compliance with current regulations. These features will be integrated with TCR’s competences, so that in addition to operating leasing services, it will open logistics and operational sites in all major airports for the support and the maintenance of vehicles used by their customers.
"We are proud of this partnership and will offer our best to support TCR in its ambitious objectives", said Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics. "We will work together to implement new business models with positive impacts on the rates of use of vehicles and on safety, having already gained experience on large-scale projects and will provide not only telematics but also smart mobility and pooling for airport vehicles, from the simplest to the most complex. Combining our capacities, we will work together to develop the sector and open up new markets, where often the use of these technologies has not been started yet".
"I strongly believe that this partnership has been possible because we both have the same high-level quality expectations and a continuous improvement approach to optimally serve our customers. We are proud at TCR to propose to our customers such a performant solution which is fully in line with the GSE market expectations and with our commercial philosophy: allow customers to continuously ease and improve operations cost effectively and safely. The important scalability of the TCR Targa Telematics’ offer is key to respond to our customers’ ambitions deployment plans for this type of solution", said Tom Bellekens, COO of TCR.
Source: Targa Telematics
Targa Telematics and TCR Group present worldwide partnership to ENAC
The use of telematics and the application of technology on GSE vehicles brings advantages and benefits to the entire airport sector, above all in terms of security – a crucially important issue for the National Civil Aviation Authority.
In the past days in Rome, Targa Telematics, TTS Italia founding member, and the TCR Group presented their recently-signed worldwide partnership to Alessio Quaranta, Director General of ENAC. The goal of the deal between Targa Telematics and TCR is to improve the processes and tasks of motorised GSE and to improve safety for passengers, operators and groundhandling staff. At the basis of the accord is the companies’ shared desire to address digitalisation and the challenges of the airport sector.
The TCR Group, a world leader in ground support equipment rental and present in over 120 airports around the world, will integrate the Targa Telematics solution, enhancing its range of services available to handlers and airlines.
With its experience in airport telematics – which has also led to its gaining international patents – Targa Telematics supports its partners in maintaining compliance with current safety regulations. On this point, Pierluigi Di Palma, President of Centro Studi Demeter and an authority on matters of airport regulations, explains: "Safety is a fundamentally important issue in air transport and, given the exponential growth of air traffic coupled with the inability to adjust infrastructure correspondingly, the priority is therefore to control the movement of vehicles used in airports through the use of intelligent technologies, allowing the detection and prevention of misuse of every type of machine; another important use is in vehicle pooling, allowing for the marked reduction of “traffic” inside the airport area".
What also became abundantly clear during the meeting with Alessio Quaranta was the need to promote innovative safety systems capable of controlling airport traffic in order to prevent accidents, alongside the adoption of specific technical regulations to foster their use.
Source: Targa Telematics
Targa Telematics – leading vendor of technology platforms in the berg insight report on car sharing
Targa Telematics, TTS Italia founding member, features in the latest report of Berg Insight, a leading M2M and IoT market research company offering market reports and detailed market forecast databases to over 900 clients in 70 countries around the world.
The "Car Sharing Telematics Market" report investigates the various mobility services in the field of car sharing. Targa Telematics comes out in the top five in surveys of the chief fastest-growing sector: car sharing – a rental system allowing drivers to pick up and return the car anywhere within a designated area. More specifically: "New technologies in the form of telematics and smartphone-based systems are the main factors enabling car sharing services," says Martin Svegander, an analyst specialising in IoT. One of the main global suppliers of platforms that enable car sharing services is Targa Telematics. Its digital platform comprises complete IT systems supporting all the operational activities involved in car sharing, ranging through on-board equipment management, fleet management, vehicle booking and billing, and also the control of all operations and data analysis by means of dashboards.
The Swedish company’s study suggests that the number of people using free-floating car sharing services will rise to 23.8 million worldwide in 2017, reaching 60.8 million in 2022; the number of vehicles used for car sharing will rise from 214,000 at the end of 2017 to 705,000 at the end of 2022. The market for corporate car sharing and short-term rental without desk procedures (a core area of Targa Telematics) will soar from 35,000 vehicles at the end of 2017 to 136,000 in 2022; this sector is growing strongly in France, Italy and Germany.
Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics asserts: "This sector provides a crystal-clear example of the virtuous use of innovation and technology serving citizens and businesses of the 21st century. It enables new habits and new business models in the field of mobility, giving a further boost to environmentally-friendly practices. This report by one of the industry’s major expert analysts confirms the results achieved by Targa in its strategic pursuit of the development of innovation in smart mobility".
Source: Targa Telematics
Tuscany: under test the integrated card for transport
Unica Toscana is born, the electronic personal card allowing users to travel both on public transport in the Florence metropolitan area and on Trenitalia, an ordinary member of TTS Italia. The realization of the card is the result of the joint Busitalia-Trenitalia-Ataf Gestioni commitment to promote integrated mobility facilitating the combined use of transport services
The card is available since 1° April and can be validated each time you get on board a train or a public transport mean. The card automatically the uploaded tickets, register the validation and delete the trips as you travel.