N° 10
November/December 2020 —
TTS Italia is the Italian ITS Association founded with the aim to promote the development and deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Italy. |
Smart mobility and unused funding. TTS Italia launches a working group to seize current and future opportunities

Understanding how to fully exploit European and national funds, reversing the trend that sees Italy at the bottom of the ranking for use of resources. This is the goal that TTS Italia has set by focusing on financing for smart mobility. In fact, in recent weeks a working group was launched, in collaboration with Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, TTS Italia ordinary member, to analyze what has been done so far, involving both the associates and public administrations adhering to the Platform of Local Authorities, with the aim to create a dialogue between offer and demand and arrive at the definition of guidelines. A sort of vademecum, therefore, for the benefit of the public administration, operators and the academic world for the use of funds capable of facilitating and accelerating the spread of ITS and smart mobility in our country.
Opportunities not to be missed
The theme becomes even more topical if we look at the Recovery Fund: "An opportunity not to be missed - said the President of the Association, Rossella Panero, opening the first meeting of the group - TTS Italia is working to ensure that ITS as a priority for the Recovery Fundl, but companies and public administrations must arrive prepared for the appointment. In fact, often the failure of a credit line is due to the lack of knowledge on the part of those who must use it. With this work we want to involve offer and demand, encouraging dialogue”. "On the Italian scene - said Olga Landolfi, Secretary General of TTS Italia - we must not forget the opportunity of the Smarter Italy calls. These are opportunities that should not be wasted”.
Three steps to get to the guidelines
The path of the working group, coordinated by Fabio Nussio, head of the financing area of the Roma Servizi per la Mobilità Agency, will be divided into three phases, starting from the analysis of previous experiences with particular attention to the causes of non-use of funds and various issues. The second phase will be characterized by the study of the current funding lines and finally, in the final phase, future opportunities will be examined and the contents of the guidelines identified. “The first meeting - said Nussio - was used to present our project. In the second, which will be held in the next few days, the aim will be to bring out the successful cases and past critical issues". In fact, through an online survey in real time, the companies and public administrations belonging to the group will communicate their experience, telling what went wrong or, if not, their best practice. A reservoir of data that will form the basis of the work, scheduled for early 2021, of comparison with large contracting authorities, also in this case to understand the difficulties encountered in the allocation of funds.
Programming in the coming months
The work will continue with the deepening of the financing opportunities currently available for smart mobility: from the EU H2020 program, to the PON Metropolitan Cities 2014-2020, the Regional Programs POR FESR dedicated to Mobility, Smarter Italy / Smart Mobility, the national funds from different Ministries, and the COVID funds for mobility. Finally, the third phase of the work, which involves the identification of future funding in line with the objectives of the European Commission, including the New Green Deal and digitization. Among these, Horizon Europe, the European Urban Corridors and Nodes policy (CEF 2021-27), the Metropolitan Cities PON 2021-2027, the new programming of the Regional Structural Funds ( POR FESR), the evolution of Smarter Italy / Smart Mobility, the national funds from several Ministries, and public-private partnerships. The closure of the working group, with the release of the Guidelines, is expected by May 2021, with a public presentation that will take place by the summer. |
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the ITS Directive.
The evaluation of the Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems concluded that there remains a clear need for further action on interoperability, cooperation and data sharing to enable seamless, continuous ITS services across the EU. Therefore the Commission is working on the revision of the Directive in order to improve the functioning of the road transport system including its interfaces with other modes, and in doing so reduce the negative external effects of road transport.
The European Commission is inviting the public and stakeholders to express their opinion on possible measures and potential impacts of a revision of the ITS Directive. Information received in this consultation will support the Impact Assessment that the European Commission is currently carrying out.
The consultation is open until 2 February 2021 here. |
SINELEC is the technology company of the ASTM Group, the second largest toll road operator in the world and a global player in the engineering and construction of major infrastructural projects. The company gathers together the technological expertise of the Group in the fields of Electronic Tolling, Intelligent Transportation Systems (roads, tunnels and bridges), Telecommunications and IT solutions.
Today, thanks over 20 years of experience in developing, deploying and maintaining advanced technological solutions for the highway sector, SINELEC is actively involved in the digitalization process of Italian transportation infrastructures, enabling road operators to face future mobility challenges such as the introduction of connected-autonomous vehicles, electrical cars and new mobility models based on the digital interconnection of transportation services.
The development of cutting-edge solutions for the safe and intelligent management of traffic and transportation infrastructures is a priority for SINELEC since it believes, in line with the Group's vision, that the creation of a sustainable mobility model is a key prerequisite for the growth of the country and for the well-being of citizens.
As a technology company, SINELEC’s mission is to develop innovative solutions to help road operators address the mobility of the future by offering tools to support the definition of their roadmap towards the smart road.
With the introduction of the V2X platform, SINELEC makes interconnection possible between people, vehicles and infrastructures, for the construction of a new cooperative approach where all the elements of the mobility ecosystem can collaborate in real time for safer, more efficient and more comfortable journeys.
In this futuristic scenario the roads will inform, suggest alternative routes and organize themselves according to the actual and expected traffic. In other words, they will be transformed into a series of interconnected structural elements that will proactively maintain their operational status, guaranteeing simpler and safer travel experiences, optimizing traffic and reducing polluting emissions. The implementation of cooperative services, now defined as C-ITS (Cooperative - Intelligent Transportation Services), should be considered essential in the short term for managing connected vehicles, and in the medium to long term for introducing autonomous vehicles, which are the finishing line for the "Smart Road".
The SINELEC platform enables V2X communication and, therefore, the adoption of C-ITS services by road operators. By connecting with traditional Traffic Control Centers using the DATEX II protocol, it allows for the immediate and bilateral exchange of valuable information related to events on the road, regardless of the communication technology adopted (DSRC / ITS-G5 or 4G / 5G). Therefore, data, can transit through physical RSU (RoadSide Unit) with V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication, or virtual RSU with V2N2I (Vehicle-to-Network-to-Infrastructure) communication. Installable both on-premise and on-cloud and based on microservices software architecture, the platform is widely scalable and ready to manage the expected exponential increase in connected vehicles.
The V2X solution can conduct all the use cases identified by the European Commission in the implementation of Directive 2010/40 and defined in the C-ROADS project, known as Day 1 Services: Road Works Warning (RWW), Hazardous Location Notification (HLN) In-Vehicle Signage (IVS), etc. The technology developed by SINELEC also make it possible to go beyond the aforesaid use cases by providing services with high added value that will significantly increase safety, manage transport capacity and traffic flows dynamically, and improve maintenance thanks to the information collected from vehicles, which will become "new sensors" on the road. For example, among the "advanced use cases", the Special Vehicle Warning demonstrates the usefulness of the V2X platform in managing emergency and maintenance vehicles: their presence is detected and notified to the operator in real time, empowering him to act promptly, informing road users through a timely and geolocalized dissemination of the message. Another use is given by the Dynamic Suggestion for Speed Limit in Critical Situation, through which the V2X platform can recommend the speed limit in real time based on the distribution of events on the stretch, like a sort of intelligent virtual variable message sign that is directly on-board.

Functional architecture of V2I communication via physical RSUs
Valter Gavello, Head of Sales & Business Development
Why should a road operator start to invest now in a V2X project?
Whatever the architectural scenario will be, V2I or V2N2I, and the business model that will be implemented to enable the C-ITS, the responsibility for management and road safety will always be entrusted to the road operators, whether they be owners or concession holders.
Starting today to invest in this area can help operators better assess the potential and impact of this transformation, allowing them to plan the allocations of resources more accurately. In addition, it will allow them to play a more proactive role at the public-private institutional work groups which are defining models and rules for the introduction of C-ITS, providing indications based on their real and concrete application.
How would you recommend that a road operator approach this kind of project?
The key point is to understand that it is not just a technological project: testing should be tackled from the very beginning by involving the business functions responsible for traffic control and management activities to define the scenarios/use cases that are to be implemented. The initiative’s focus should be the full integration of the V2I or V2N2I communication channel with traditional ITS systems and with the operating processes of the road operator. Once the most suitable segment of the road network has been identified for the test, it is not necessary to install a large number of RSUs: with a dozen devices and 2-4 equipped vehicles (natively or with external OBUs) for V2I communication, a significant experimentation can already take place.
The V2X platform is clearly the key element, and must be chosen not only for the capacity to manage the technological aspects of the project, but also by taking into account the suitable functions to effectively support the definition and execution of new C-ITS enabled business processes.
How do those who designs and builds the transport infrastructures of the future view this new technology?
The EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) sector increasingly considers technological innovation to be an added-value component of projects, this is also thanks to the fact that those who commission these new major works are beginning to have a development vision oriented towards the "SMART ROAD". Specifically, as regards V2X, based on direct experience gained through participation as a technological player in important construction tenders in Italy and abroad, we can confirm that the management of connected vehicles has become an integral part of the initial design phase, in order to prepare the infrastructure for their introduction from the outset. |
Traffic information on Air. QMap presents its “InfoTraffic Box” for bulletins automatic creation

Made available for the first time in the "Infoviaggiando" traffic service, in which the company participated in collaboration with Infoblu and Nethex, the InfoTraffic Box is in fact the tool that allows the creation and dissemination of traffic information.
QMap, TTS Italia ordinary member, has always been involved in Intelligent Transport Systems, paying particular attention to maps and information-mobility solutions based on them.
The main feature of the company consists in being able to thoroughly analyze the specific needs of the interlocutor with whom it relates, to create customized products and solutions. The important collaboration with Infoblu (today the Telepass Group) has allowed QMap to make use of this capacity with entities such as the Italian Ministry of Transport and the main Italian motorway operators including Autovie Venete.
Actually, within the collaboration to an Autovie project the idea of creating an ad hoc tool for creating traffic bulletins was born in QMap. Information has a fundamental role and, those relating to mobility, are data that no longer concern only traffic monitoring and control centers, but become important for all user information services.
The InfoTraffic Box allows to select and sort traffic news of interest concerning both a specific road section, and an entire desired area, so that these can be easily made available for public disclosure services. The information is taken directly from the Traffic Platform, a professional tool, usually accessible only to professionals. The InfoTraffic Box was used for the first time for the north-east road sections of Autovie Venete, CAV, Autostrada Brescia - Padova, within an important project that also involved other companies such as Infoblu and Nethex.
The information, from the traffic control room, automatically enters the news program schedule, in this way, in the recording room the speaker has the selection of the main news items available, which are then transmitted through the App and the Infoviaggiando website. Within the InfoTraffic Box, the bulletins can also be generated automatically. In the case of Infoviaggiando, for example, at night, by dialing the toll-free number indicated on the website, the Traffic Information Center continues to aid travelers through the automatic QMap service which, from 22:00 to 07:00, guarantees updated information on the required roads.
The use of a tool for the automatic creation of bulletins in less technical contexts than traffic monitoring centers completely overturns the ways in which traffic information was given up to now. A consequence of this change is that, for example, even radio broadcasters can become an active part in the construction of information, creating bulletins limited to their area of interest (national, regional, provincial) and therefore providing information targeted to its users, continuously updated and of high quality.
Digital TVs are also heading in this direction. An example above all: the traffic information service of the north-east has entered the program schedule of the TeleFriuli broadcaster, through a morning streaming link with Infoblu information for Infoviaggiando "for the latest updates on traffic news on the motorways of Autovie Venete.”

For further information:
Alessandra Parroni - alessandra.parroni@qmap.it
First alpr technology supervised railroad crossing in Argentina

According to local authorities of the city of Pilar in Argentina, on average 60 vehicles per day crossed the unsupervised railroad crossing of the San Martìn railway even when the train barriers were closed, and a train was already approaching. This led to negotiations between the railroad company Trenes Argentinos and the municipality of Pilar to install a mechanism avoiding accidents caused by these unauthorized crossing of the tracks using traffic monitoring cameras with number plate recognition software.

Finally, the first intelligent low-barrier railroad crossing enforcement system in the country was implemented using a Tattile Vega Smart Red Traffic Light camera. The intelligent ALPR camera is activated each time the railroad barrier closes and takes a picture of each vehicle passing the railroad crossing when the barrier is down. The alpr camera software inside the Tattile red light traffic camera reads the license plate of the vehicle causing the violation. With this information the infringement is documented allowing the authorities to issue fines which go up to $ 13,000.

An additional benefit the new smart traffic camera-based crossing enforcement system also warns Trenes Argentinos in case of a malfunction of the signals protecting the railway crossing to quickly place operational staff on-site to enable drivers to cross the intersection.
Since the problem of unauthorized crossing of closed railway barriers exists in many other intersections of rail and road across Argentina, plans are to expand this project to other areas such as Moròn, Tres de Febrero, Quilmes and San Miguel in order to further reduce low-barrier railroad violations through applying alpr technology.
For further information:
Laura Cardaiolo, Project Manager LATAM & North America
l.cardaiolo@tattile.com |
PORT OF BARI – A project for Customs procedures digitization

A revolution in the system of customs controls in ports starts from the city of Bari, and more precisely from the historic port of the Apulian capital, through the experimentation of the pilot project for the digitization of customs procedures in synergy between the Customs Agency and Monopoli (ADM) and the Port System Authority of the Southern Adriatic Sea (ADSPMAM).
The Port of Bari has been designated as the "western terminal" of "Corridor 8", the trans-European multimodal route that connects southern Europe to the Black Sea through Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria, and today constitutes a core port of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor of the main TEN-T network and covers a basin of approximately 285 hectares.
The project, co-financed with funds from the National Infrastructure and Networks Operational Program 2014-2020, aims to optimize the procedural logistics chain, including customs, also through interoperability between telematic systems / platforms, towards the Single Window / One stop shop.
The project involved three systems / platforms: the eFlow system, with the Tecnositaf brand, the customs information system and the Port Community System (PCS) of the port authority of Bari in order to automate the procedures of:
• entry / exit from gates
• loading / unloading of goods
• payment and tracking of the customs and logistic status of the goods in the port.
The project involved four main gates / nodes of the port:
Node 1: Victory Customs Gate. Main entrance gate for the transport of goods.
Node 2: Port Security gate of Marisabella. Gate where security checks are carried out on vehicles entering the port.
Nodes 4 and 5. Port Facility gates, Molo Ferries Molo San Vito. Gates that manage the loading and unloading of vehicles and goods from outside the European Union.

In the four gates indicated above, devices have been installed to detect and acquire information relating to the transit of vehicles and goods. In particular, the following modules were created:
• OCR module. Module responsible for capturing vehicle images and processing the front and rear license plate of the vehicle.
• ACCR module. Module responsible for acquiring vehicle images and processing the BIC code (International Container Bureau - ISO 6346 of the container. Container codes): 11-digit alphanumeric code that allows you to identify the owner, the proper number of the container and which contains a digit of final self-control.
• Flow module. Module responsible for vehicle identification; the direction of traffic, the speed of the vehicle and its classification.
The eFLow system, through a data synchronization model and through neural intelligence logic, identifies and builds a unique record for each transit with the information indicated below:
• Type / class of the vehicle in transit (car / truck / lorry, etc.)
• Front plate of the vehicle in transit and relative image in black and white
• Rear plates of the vehicle in transit and in the case of a "vehicular complex" reading of the plates of each element and related images in black and white
• BIC code of the container transported by the vehicle in transit and its black and white image
• Transit direction
• Gate identification
• Lane identification
• Context image
The information collected and generated by the eFlow system is exchanged, through interoperability services with the customs information system and the Port Community System of the port authority of Bari, falling within a broader logic of monitoring and managing transits within the port.
Below is a link with the animated description of the project drawn up by the Monopoly and Customs Agency:
A4 Holding participates in Innovation Garage: improving road management through technological innovation
A4 Holding, of which Autostrade Brescia-Padova, TTS Italia ordinary member is part, participates in the Innovation Garage promoted by the Abertis Group, world leader in the management of motorways, a project that aims to seek, in synergy with the other companies of the Group in the various countries where Abertis is present, innovative ideas to improve the management of roads and infrastructures thanks to the most advanced technologies. The approach chosen by Abertis was that of a three-year partnership with IBM, signed to jointly develop some projects on the mobility of the future and on its multiple challenges mainly related to better management of the increase in traffic, environmental protection and implementation. road safety.
Therefore, groups of selected and multidisciplinary works were organized between the companies of the various countries of the Abertis Group (Spain, France, Italy, Chile, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, India and Mexico) and they have been engaged in the development of the solutions that have been judged most interested and useful to further improve the management of mobility and infrastructures.
The projects explored under this program aim to find new and sophisticated solutions based on technological resources - such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing among others - adapted to improve the experience of customers using the Abertis motorways, offering a safer, more comfortable and sustainable journey, increasingly suited to their needs. The companies of the Abertis Group and IBM will work together to develop these solutions and analyze their feasibility, in order to implement them in the short and medium term.
The different areas on which the work of the Innovation Garage has been set up concern the macro-categories: New Solutions, Physical Infrastructures, Mobility and Commercial Operations.
Of the four projects currently underway, there are two in which A4 Holding is involved in their respective working groups: in the Physical Infrastructures area and in the Mobility area.
As part of the first program, it was decided to develop a continuous monitoring system of the asphalt among all the initiatives conceived by the international teams to prevent the degradation of the pavement and thus ensure precise and timely maintenance. The information collected will allow professionals, thanks to the intervention of software equipped with artificial intelligence, to predict the maintenance needs of the various infrastructures more and more accurately, optimizing preventive actions, times and especially their costs.
The second initiative, on the other hand, envisages the creation of a system for optimizing winter operations, so as to minimize the impact both of an environmental and traffic level. Through the use of cutting-edge technologies such as the analysis and processing of big data and the Internet of Things, we want to predict with the utmost precision possible how to manage winter operations on motorways, in response to snow forecast. This is to minimize the impact of snow and ice melting agents (such as salt), equipment and resources assigned to these road protocols, with the aim of maintaining road safety for drivers and reducing at the same time significantly the environmental impact of these activities.
The remaining projects concern the creation of a mobility support system without architectural barriers and the use of Big Data to offer customized solutions to customers and extend systems without toll barriers (free flow).
Source: A4 Holding |
ACI: Angelo Sticchi Damiani confirmed as President until 2024
On November 18, the Assembly of the Automobile Club of Italy, TTS Italia founding member, confirmed Angelo Sticchi Damiani as President of ACI for the four-year period 2021-2024, with over 94% of the votes. From Lecce, married, two children, civil engineer and esteemed road infrastructure designer, Sticchi Damiani is in his third term at the top of the association of Italian motorists.
Under his presidency, the ACI has "changed pace", starting with the important impulse to digitization but also in the filed of road safety and future mobility.
Source: ACI |
ACI: the Filippo Caracciolo Foundation explains how shared mobility would save over 900 euros a year per family
The fear of Covid pushes Italians towards an even more massive use of the private car, which costs an average of 3,926 euros a year between purchase, fuel, taxes and operating costs, but without adequate alternatives from the public transport system and car sharing , families are seeing growth in travel expenses: according to the Filippo Caracciolo Foundation of ACI, TTS Italia founding member, which presented a study on shared mobility in Italian cities in Rome, each urban movement costs an average of 4.5 euro in scooter sharing, 7.2 euro with a shared car and 11.9 euro in taxi. A high cost when compared with that of public transport (bus / subway), equal to 1.5 euros.
The study is the result of an analysis work, in which the Foundation's researchers carried out various tests on the roads of the capital. In addition to the results collected in the field, the research contains unpublished data provided by shared mobility operators or extracted from the Public Automobile Register, from the results of the black boxes of vehicles and from the ACI-Istat statistics of road accidents. The Caracciolo Foundation also highlights the indirect costs of mobility inefficiencies that affect the pockets of families: if taxis and scooter sharing are the fastest to get around the city (average speed for both about 19 km / h), the shared car he suffers from a loss of competitiveness in the search for parking, which can exceed 30% of the total travel time, while public transport is penalized by an average wait at the stop of 20 minutes.
By comparing the travel costs between those who travel exclusively with their own car and those who instead in multimodal form with buses, shared mobility and taxis, the Caracciolo Foundation highlights that the owned car is cheaper only for those who travel, overall in the context urban and extra-urban, more than 8,000 km every year. The convenience of sharing systems can change considerably in the presence of adequate public policies. In a future scenario of promoting sustainable mobility, in the face of a reduction in car sharing costs of at least 15% (linked to the lesser loss of time for the availability of reserved parking spaces) and a 10% reduction in the duration of journeys in taxi (resulting from an increase in preferential lanes or from the overall reduction of congestion), alternatives to private cars would be more convenient for a total annual distance of less than 11,000 km per year. By quantifying these benefits, the use of shared mobility would save between 390 and 935 euros per family each year compared to using their own car.
Source: Ferpress |
ACI and FIA together for ADAS systems
The Automobile Club of Italy (ACI), TTS Italia founding member, supports the campaign launched by the International Automobile Federation (FIA), to promote a more in-depth knowledge by road users of the most modern active safety systems on board car. Some of these solutions, which already exist, will be mandatory on newly built cars starting from July 2022, with the entry into force of the General Safety Regulation, voted by the European Commission in 2018. In particular, the attention of FIA and ACI is focused on three devices: the AEB for automatic emergency braking, the lane maintenance assistant and the adaptive cruise speed maintenance system. Three elements that can help avoid and reduce the severity of road accidents but which many motorists do not know or do not know how to use to their full potential. "ADAS can contribute to safer roads - said Laurianne Krid, Director General of the FIA Region I - but we must speed up the harmonization of these systems and educate drivers on the correct use of them. The lane keeping system, the Adaptive Cruise Control and the automatic emergency braking are good friends - (as the campaign claim states) - but first of all motorists need to know them”.
"ADAS systems are the present and the future of responsible mobility - are instead the words of Angelo Sticchi Damiani, president of the Automobile Club of Italy - and ACI was the first to emphasize their effectiveness. For Euro NCAP today they are a fundamental parameter in the evaluation of vehicle safety and the Filippo Caracciolo Foundation of ACI has measured the positive impact on accidents: a car over 15 years of age presents almost 50% probability in more of being involved in a serious accident than one who has been registered for two years. The AEB automatic braking system alone is able to avoid up to 1 in 2 rear-end collision.”
Source: ACI |
Aep: its validators for the four transport companies of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Aep Ticketing Solutions, TTS Italia ordinary member, was awarded the tender for the 4 transport companies of the Emilia-Romagna Region, relating to equipment, software and auxiliary products for the transport. The project provides for the supply of 1520 Futura 3B validators and the activation of the related electronic ticketing system that will allow the use not only of the current STIMER tickets used in Emilia Romagna but also innovative forms of ticketing, such as EMV contactless bank cards in accordance with Transport for London model and supports to be processed in Account Based Ticketing (ABT) mode, such as smartphones, tickets with QR-code and smart cards. With the ABT, travel tickets no longer reside within the physical media but in the cloud. The physical medium is only used to identify the customer securely. Aep Ticketing Solutions will also provide the APP for the verification of the aforementioned travel tickets and the e-Commerce portal for the sale of QR-code tickets.
Source: AEP |
Atac: General Manager appointed
At the end of a long process started a few months ago, the new General Manager, Franco Giampaoletti, was elected to Atac, TTS Italia founding member. Franco Giampaoletti, born in Ancona, 59, graduated in law, is an established manager with varied experiences in private multinationals and public structures, he was City Manager of the Municipality of Genoa until December 2016 and since March 2017 he has held the role of City Manager of Rome Capital.
Source: Ferpress |
CNH Industrial (Iveco): collaboration with Microsoft and Accenture for the digitalization of industrial vehicles
CNH Industrial (Iveco), TTS Italia ordinary member, Accenture and Microsoft have announced a global collaboration, which will develop over a period of five years, in the name of the digitalization of processes: the intent is to create a network of International Digital Hubs able to help the various industrial and agricultural realities scattered across the continents where the three giants operate to access even more “intelligent”, functional, safe and sustainable products.
Connected vehicles, thanks to the collaboration with Microsoft and Accenture, will provide customers with new value-added services and features in numerous areas, including computerized agriculture, predictive maintenance, enhanced fleet management and ecological transport. CNH Industrial also plans to develop a wide range of data driven digital services to help customers be more sustainable. For example in the transport industry, making vehicles and fleet management more efficient. By complementing its traditional product-based business model with new digital-driven services, CNH Industrial intends to achieve significant revenue growth.
Accenture, in collaboration with Avanade, the joint venture with Microsoft, will be responsible for designing, developing, testing and expanding a range of digital services to support new connected products through the adoption of the most enabling technologies (advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and cloud computing). Accenture will also be responsible for preparing, managing and coordinating the activities of the Digital Hubs, supporting CNH Industrial in the definition of its digital factory operating model and will provide highly qualified skills, tools and resources to activate digital teams around the world.
The goal will be to accelerate the creation of value and significantly reduce innovation times. In this scenario, the role of Accenture's Industry X Innovation Network will be decisive, the network of centers that combines the ability of ideation with rapid prototyping, delivery and production, to quickly transform ideas into scalable products and services.
For its part, Microsoft, from 2018 alongside CNH Industrial in its digital transformation project, will continue to provide its team of industry experts, digital advisors and consulting services in the design and implementation phase of new connected products, making leverages recently announced global initiatives in the areas of digital skills, sustainability and innovation related to artificial intelligence, as well as the Microsoft Azure platform.
Source: Vado e Torno |
Cortina 2021 Foundation and Almaviva launch a digital system for safe and smart mobility
Cortina 2021 Foundation and Almaviva, TTS Italia ordinary member, launch an integrated and entirely digital system that will allow you to experience the mountains in a smart, safe and more sustainable way. Almaviva, Cortina 2021 Technical Partner, brings the “Moova System for the Central Mobility” to the Alpine Ski World Championships. The Italian Company of Information Technology, leader in the transport sector and in Digital Transformation, offers a "Situation Room" designed specifically to facilitate mobility in the area at the service of the event, scheduled in Cortina d'Ampezzo from 7 to 21 February 2021, enhancing the synergy between all the actors involved. The system, set up in the spaces of the Foundation, will allow Cortina 2021 to display the integrated data on mobility provided by the road and infrastructure managers of the Veneto, and of the open data, in a single framework. Safety, sustainability and logistics are the keys to the success of an event. From a Smart Road and Smart City perspective, the Situation Room functions allow real-time monitoring of the state of the roads, video surveillance at critical points for managing flows, anomalous events associated with mobility (e.g. accidents, traffic, atmospheric events), updates on weather conditions, the usability of car parks, medical and anti-Covid facilities, distributors, the location of the shuttles, also integrated with information and services relating to the main places of interest. The Infomobility section of the Cortina 2021 app will also make updates available to the public in real time via a dynamic map. The experience, after the World Cup, could be a basis for development for further forms of intelligent transport and integrated services for sustainable mobility, for the benefit of residents and tourists, in full harmony with Cortina 2021's mission to create a lasting legacy for the community and the territory.
Source: Almaviva |
COVID Time Readings: AEP publications available
AEP, TTS Italia ordinary member, has made available its most recent publications, relating to its business and electronic ticketing topics. More than 300 illustrated pages, all in Italian. Many are also available in English, French and one also in German.
AEP has created a page that groups them all, within its completely redesigned and renewed web portal: www.aep-italia.it.
To go directly to the presentations page, click here.
Source: AEP |
Duel wins a tender for infomobility
Duel srl, TTS Italia ordinary member, has been awarded the tender launched by ACI Infomobility SpA, for the award of Cloud services, application services and professional services for the evolution of the infomobility technological platform in "as a service" mode by ACI Infomobility.
Source: TTS Italia |
Flee, on long-term pay-per-use rental relies on Targa Telematics' know-how and innovation
Targa Telematics, TTS Italia founding member, has supported Aon - leading group in Italy and worldwide in risk and human resources consulting, insurance and reinsurance brokerage - in the development of Flee, the long-term pay-per-use rental service.
Flee is an innovative mobility solution which, thanks to Targa Telematics’ know-how and its IoT platform based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data, aims to become an industry benchmark.
The service is addressed to companies able to offer their employees customized mobility solutions, with the advantage of being able to include mileage in the company's welfare scheme.
Flee is available now on a pay-per-use basis. In detail users can rent a new car on a long-term basis, taking advantage of a flexible installment, consisting of a fixed amount for the vehicle and a variable amount that includes a premium insurance package, in addition to customer support services, to be paid according to the actual use of the vehicle. This is also a digital green solution, with the possibility of choosing between Euro 6 or electric and hybrid models and understanding how environmentally friendly, as well as safe one’s driving is, being able to rely on 24/7 emergency assistance.
In addition to enabling this type of rental, Targa Telematics' technology allows Flee customers to monitor their fuel consumption via an app, verify that their driving style is safe - by analyzing indicators such as cornering, braking, exceeding speed limits and the correct use of seat belts - and eco-sustainable, thanks to the monitoring of certain parameters such as, for example, in the case of internal combustion engine cars, highlighting C02 emissions and fuel consumed, as well as the frequency of abrupt accelerations and the time spent parked with the engine running.
The two companies are working side by side to co-create and integrate new functionalities and offer a range of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions to meet new consumer needs. Underlying this collaboration is a common purpose and vision. Both companies strongly believe in the values of innovation and technological development, for the benefit of people, companies and the environment.
“Telematics and data analysis and management are crucial to implement truly innovative solutions able to effectively respond to changing customer needs”, says Alberto Falcione, Targa Telematics Vice President of Sales. “We provided Aon with our expertise, our automotive-specific IoT platform and a wide choice of software modules and microservices, with the aim of helping them implement a new mobility solution. Together we will continue the evolution of Aon's solution to make it increasingly advanced.
To find out more about the Flee service and its offers and proposals, simply register on: https://www.driveflee.it/scopri.
Source: Targa Telematics |
From space to public transport: the SpaceX lesson with OpenMove
At the IBE - International Bus Expo fair, in Rimini from 14 to 16 October, OpenMove, TTS Italia ordinary member, presented some new and innovative solutions that use market hardware to use the services of the OpenMove suite.
For OpenMove, the real added value in technology is the new generation software. As SpaceX also teaches, which on board the Falcon 9 spacecraft uses market hardware wherever possible - with skilful state-of-the-art software solutions - instead of unnecessarily expensive military-derived equipment.
Read the article on the OpenMove Blog and discover the news presented at IBE 2020!
Source: OpenMove |
Indra receives the 2020 National Innovation Award from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Indra, one of the world's leading companies in the technology and consulting sector, and TTS Italia ordinary member, has won the National Award for Innovation, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, in the category of Large Companies. The company was awarded for "its importance in various sectors from the point of view of digitization, its position at the forefront of Research and Development (R&D) and for being the engine of innovation in other companies, with particular attention to SMEs in the sectors in which it is a leader".
In the last year alone, Indra has invested 225 million euros in R&D. This amounts to 1,713 million euros in the last 10 years, over 2,890 million euros invested since 2000; this makes it one of the companies in its sector with a greater commitment to innovation at European level, according to the EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. Indra dedicates between 5% and 8% of revenues each year to innovation. The company has developed a new, agile and flexible open innovation model to expand and strengthen its link with the technological innovation ecosystems globally: startups, entrepreneurs, university research groups that are experimenting with emerging technologies and Indra professionals themselves, which are a valuable source of ideas.
In Italy, Indra participated in research and innovation projects together with entities such as the Politecnico di Milano, the universities of Siena and Trento and the Research Center in Technologies, Innovation and Financial Services (Cetif) of the Catholic University of Milan. The company has also signed an agreement with Greenrail, start-up of the year in Italy in 2018, for the exchange of knowledge, the joint development of innovative solutions for the railway sector and for the implementation of pilot projects, including the development of an innovative model of sustainable and smart traverse, capable of collecting, processing and sending real-time data on the situation of the tracks and trains to the railway traffic control centers.
Through Indraventures, its tool to strengthen the relationship with the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem and to finance initiatives, Indra analyzes almost a thousand startups a year, closes collaboration agreements with dozens of these SMEs and invests in as many others to help accelerate their projects with digital business models. In this way, the company strengthens its role as a driving force of R&D, also through collaboration with universities, technology centers and other institutions of knowledge and innovation, as well as stimulating the entrepreneurship of its professionals.
The ultimate goal of this new innovation model is to strengthen Indra's technological leadership, generate value for customers, stimulate the talent of professionals and make innovation one of the pillars of its cultural transformation, together with others such as diversity, training, flexibility or commitment to young talents.
In its pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement, Indra wanted to certify its new innovation model according to European standards, CEN / TS 16555-1. This certification accredits that Indra works to ensure optimal management of innovation by contributing to the creation of value, so that its products and services meet the new needs of customers and society.
Through Minsait, Indra's company leader in digital transformation and IT consulting in Europe and Latin America, it leaves its mark thanks to highly innovative developments: more than 100,000 companies around the world are connected in the ecosystem with its solutions, plus of 500 million people and more than 45 countries have received or manage services through its solutions. Minsait is at the forefront of innovation in sectors such as big data, analytics, IoT and cybersecurity and develops advanced digital solutions for sectors such as smart cities, energy and smart grids, e-Health, financial services, industry and tourism, among others. In Italy Minsait has more than 1,200 professionals who work throughout the national territory. The company has developed advanced skills in innovative areas such as Content & Process Technologies, Customer Experience Technologies, Solutions Architects and Data & Analytics, which make it possible to offer solutions and services with high added value in the markets in which it operates. Minsait has located its global center of excellence for Customer Experience technologies in Italy, completing its vast geographical presence.
Source: Ferpress |
OCTO and ANP: pilot project based on cutting-edge technologies launched for the benefit of the safety of the entire school community
Two high-tech solutions to support the safety of schools to ensure the full operation of a fundamental institution for society during the COVID-19 emergency. This is the content of the partnership signed between the ANP - National Association of Public Executives and High School Professionals and OCTO Telematics, leader in the supply of telematic services and advanced data analysis solutions for the insurance sector, and TTS Italia ordinary member. The trial will make two innovative solutions developed by OCTO to combat the spread of the coronavirus through sanitization and maintenance of the safety distance available to 3 secondary schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Umbria and Sicily free of charge: OCTO PurePlace and OCTO AroundMe.
OCTO PurePlace Building is an air sanitizer which, using the most innovative technology available, allows to attack contaminants such as viruses, bacteria and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air and on surfaces. It is a non-invasive solution, safe for people and for all materials commonly found within an environment. OCTO AroundMe, allows easy management of spacing in both public and private spaces. The pocket SmartTag, carried by visitors, employees and students, continuously monitors the proximity of an individual: in this case and according to the reference guidelines for the school, it is set to one meter. If two people were to inadvertently have a shorter distance from each other, an acoustic signal would alert them to restore the safety distance, if used in conjunction with the app. Even in the absence of an app, the event would still be acquired anonymously and stored on the cloud in order to better understand the events and mitigate future risks. To further limit the danger, the use of OCTO AroundMe indoors also allows for a simple and effective verification of the public present and the management of the maximum capacity, as it stores all entry and exit information.
Source: OCTO Telematics |
Politecnico di Torino: mapping the movements of people in the city to manage the new phase of the emergency
We are moving towards a further restriction on the movement of people, but if the perception of vehicular traffic can be monitored in a sufficiently widespread way, how much do we know about how people move on foot or by bicycle? In the markets, in the shopping streets, consistent flows of people continue to crowd, but is it possible to understand how they behave, in order to also be able to predict what would happen if some activities, such as restaurants, were suspended? A contribution to the better visualization of these phenomena comes from the research groups of the Interuniversity Department of Sciences, Project and Territorial Policies (DIST) of the Polytechnic of Turin, TTS Italia ordinary member, and of Ithaca, a research center participated by the Polytechnic itself and by Compagnia di San Paolo, have completed the phase of creating a cartographic database capable of estimating with excellent accuracy the mobility flows (vehicular, cycle and pedestrian) in the City of Turin. The database, which is based on the technical cartography of the City and on the high resolution satellite images acquired last April as part of the Copernicus project of the European Commission activated for the management of phase 2 of the Covid-19 Pandemic, provided for the integration of all the additional cartographic elements deemed necessary to be able to provide reliable data, i.e. a road graph, cycle paths, sidewalks (including arcaded crossing areas) and all pedestrian crossings delimited by specific horizontal signs. For the estimation of vehicular flows, the data provided by 5T, a public subsidiary of the City of Turin, the Piedmont Region and the Metropolitan City were used, while for the cycling and pedestrian flows the estimate was made by collecting all the available data relating to the possible attendance of areas of the city where possible gatherings can be recorded. In particular, the data relating to: pedestrian and green areas were analyzed; public transport stops; economic activities (manufacturing and service sector); trade (divided according to the attractiveness of flows); schools of all levels; university; hospitals and administrative hospitals; neighborhood Markets; cinemas, theaters and museums; post offices; administrative offices of public bodies and investee companies; district offices, registry offices and Inail offices. All these places and activities have been mapped and the number of people who gravitate to them or in the immediate vicinity has been determined in a quantitative way, in order to be able to give evidence of their movements, frequentations and possible gathering places. The database, generated in parametric mode, allows to evaluate the flows in the different areas of the city, possibly modifying the elements to be taken into consideration, i.e. verifying a priori the consequences of any mobility limitation ordinances, geographic and / or personal lockdowns, at the same time highlighting any critical areas on which to intensify controls. Finally, there is a further possibility of applying this database: the law makes it impossible to georeference the tracing of any individual positivity to the virus, but the database lends itself to representing the number of positives for aggregation places (hospitals, schools, universities, administrative offices, production activities, etc., which are required to communicate the positivity of their students / employees to the ASL in aggregate form) in order to allow the mapping of infections and the consequent management of the emergency from a point of epidemiological view, identifying any contagion clusters, for example, in a series of nearby schools, or in the same production chain.
Source: Politecnico di Torino |
Road safety: Anas, halving accidents by 2030, the theme at the center of the webinar on the occasion of the World Day in Memory of Road Victims
Reduce road accidents on the road and motorway network by 50% by 2030. This is the commitment made by Anas (Gruppo Fs Italiane), TTS Italia ordinary member, on the occasion of the World Day in Memory of Road Victims. The theme was at the center of the webinar "Road safety: Zero victims" organized in collaboration with Piarc Italia (World Road Association) on 16 November. The meeting, opened by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Roberto Traversi, was attended, among others, by Raffaella Paita, President of the Transport Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Massimo Simonini, CEO of Anas, Paolo Maria Pomponio, Director of the Service of the Traffic Police, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, President of the ACI-Automobile Club of Italy, Carla Cappiello, President of the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome.
According to the latest Istat report, in 2019 there were 172,183 road accidents with injuries to people in Italy, a slight decrease compared to 2018 (-0.2%), with 3,173 victims and 241,384 injured. Among the main causes of accidents, distracted driving, excess speed and failure to respect the safety distance remain prevalent. Anas's investment strategy is focused on scheduled maintenance and strengthening the road network with the aim of overcoming the logic of episodic or emergency intervention in favor of actions that prevent critical issues. This approach is possible thanks to the significant injection of resources envisaged by the revised Anas 2016-2020 Program Agreement, which went from 23.4 billion to a total of 29.9 billion in investments. In figures: 15.9 billion (+ 44% compared to before), equal to 53% of the overall plan, go to scheduled maintenance, adaptation and safety of the network. 14 billion, equal to 47%, are destined for new works and completion of itineraries. As part of the overall investment plan, 52% involves the regions of Southern Italy and the islands for a total of about 15.7 billion. The 24%, equal to approximately 7 billion, concerns the central regions. 19%, equal to about 5.7 billion, concerns the northern regions. The remaining 5% includes investments for damage and emergencies, planning fund and investments in road technologies and technological applications. Anas is therefore committed on two fronts: on the one hand the enhancement of the safety standards of its network and on the other the awareness of those traveling to respect the rules of the Highway Code. On the Anas roads, for example, rear-end collisions are the prevalent type of accident to which more than 50% of the recorded events and about 37% of the fatal events are attributable. A high incidence is also found for autonomous leaks. Data that once again refer to the main cause of accidents: distraction, often due to improper use of the smartphone. The risk of an accident for those who use a mobile phone while driving is up to 4 times higher than for those who do not use it. A study recently conducted in the US that identified the syndrome called FOMO, that is Fear Of Missing Out, explains that a person is led to check their cell phone on average 150 times a day, once every six minutes and this even while they are at driving a vehicle.
Anas, in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the State Police, has promoted information campaigns that highlight the need for greater attention to driving through the message “When you drive #GUIDAeBASTA”. During the webinar, the new spot “Parallel lives” was presented, broadcasted on the main national media (televisions and radio) from 20 November. The video clip emphasizes the importance of driving behavior which must take place without distractions, without the use of a mobile phone and without the use of alcohol or drugs.
The webinar, which represents the third appointment within a training cycle dedicated to the various specialist sectors of the world of roads and road safety, has obtained the patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Automobile Club Italia (ACI), the European Federation of Driving Schools (EFA), the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome and the Journalistic Documentation Center.
Source: Aanas |
Rome: with Roma Servizi per la Mobilità the City focuses on carpooling
Through Roma Servizi per la Mobilità (RSM), TTS Italia ordinary member, Rome has implemented one of the cornerstones of the Sustainable Mobility Plan which may involve over 180,000 potential users of the three major universities of the capital and over 24,000 potential users of the structures of the administration by appointing BePooler one of the most innovative platforms for the organization of shared travel in Europe.
With over 200,000 potential users, BePooler and Roma Capitale are convinced that they can provide help and valid support to Local Public Transport, even in times of health emergency. In fact, BePooler's traced and certified carpooling is perfectly consistent even with the very recent ministerial indications for transport by private car between non-cohabiting members who must travel spaced apart wearing the mask up to three components (the driver in the front seat and up to two passengers in the rear seat). Annalisa MANGONE of BePooler and Stefano BRINCHI of RSM, the two companies promoting the initiative, believe that the agreement represents a good start for integrating the best technologies existing on the market today with transport planning services. The service will be launched very shortly and will give employees and students the opportunity to make shared trips, also using dedicated parking spaces and, where possible, access to restricted traffic areas and privileged transit on certain routes. Roma Capitale, after a phase of positive experimentation born from the collaboration with Roma Servizi per la Mobilità and BePooler, was able to concretely verify the potential of carpooling for the employees of the Capitoline Hill, with the management of a community experience that can also be replicated on other communities of users and operational districts of the City, supporting and providing assistance to Local Public Transport even in these moments of organizational difficulty generated by the health crisis.
Source: RSM/BePooler |
Roma Servizi per la Mobilità publishes the report on the impact of Covid-19 on mobility
Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, a company wholly owned by the Municipality of Rome that carries out strategic planning, supervision, coordination and control of public and private mobility, and TTS Italia ordinary member, has released the data relating to the impact of Covid -19 on the mobility of the capital. The study, conducted in collaboration with the Mobility and Transport Department of Roma Capitale and with the support of the three Roman universities La Sapienza, Tor Vergata and Roma Tre, took into consideration all the main types of travel (private, public and pedestrian) on the basis of the analysis of the following specific data sets: 1) FCD - Floating Car Data; 2) Measurement stations in Rome Mobility Services; 3) Turnstiles of the underground lines; 4) Bluetooth antennas.
The analysis of the geo-localization devices installed on board the vehicles in the period considered (February 2020-July 2020) showed a constant decrease in the density of vehicles with maximum peaks recorded at the first lockdown and following the restrictive measures imposed for some commercial categories with inevitable repercussions on the delivery of goods. In general, compared to the month of February 2020 (pre-covid month), the maximum peaks of decrease occurred in March, with a -57% of private cars and -25% of heavy vehicles and, even more in the month of April when the surveys showed a -76% of private vehicles and -51% for heavy vehicles. Percentages that started to grow again with the end of the emergency coinciding with the so-called phase 2. Similar scenario for the surveys carried out in the "measuring stations" with strong decreases in the lockdown period (with double-digit percentages and with peaks above 75% in different days of March) and a trend confirmed with the minus sign (also if more contained) also in the surveys conducted in October 2020 compared to the same month of 2019. As regards the data relating to public transport, with the surveys carried out at the entrances of the metro stations, the data confirm the collapse of the validation of travel tickets. The most significant aspect that emerged from the measurements is that despite the reopening of the activities in April 2020 and the start of the so-called Phase 2 and 3, mobility on the metro network has returned to growth but with levels that remain substantially low compared to pre-Covid 19 measurements. The latest data reported from the analysis of daily admissions and related to the measurements of last December 3, parameterized with the date of March 2, 2020, respectively indicate a decrease of -34% for metro line B; for metro line A of -47%; -66% for Line C and -54% for Rome-Lido line.
For the full report, click here.
Source: Clickmobility |
Safety: from Autostrade per l'Italia a new advanced monitoring system for bridges and flyovers
The new digital system for monitoring motorway infrastructures is operational, based on IBM Maximo and developed by Autostrade Tech, a technology company of the Autostrade per l'Italia Group (ASPI), and TTS Italia founding member, together with IBM and Fincantieri NexTech.
The new monitoring platform, which will use IBM's artificial intelligence, will make use of drones, IoT (Internet of Things) and 3D digital modeling of Fincantieri NexTech to radically innovate the surveillance and monitoring activities of over 4,500 works on the ASPI motorway network, greatly increasing the efficiency and transparency of these processes.
The multi-year collaboration signed between Autostrade Tech, IBM and Fincantieri NexTech also provides that the system can be made available to the market, both in terms of service as a service and on premise.
The innovations brought by the new system are numerous: the inspectors - with high professional qualifications and belonging to third-party engineering companies of international level - will be able to carry out checks on the conditions of each work by accessing in real time, via a tablet, all the information that characterize it: calculations and drawings of the original project and subsequent interventions; scheduled checks and maintenance; material investigations and tests; outcomes and details of previous inspections. A real digital archive, which collects information classified by type and can be consulted through an app for adequate usability in the field. Using the same tablet, the inspector will directly insert all the details and photos taken during the inspection into the new digital system, making them immediately available to the appointed company structures.
The new software tracks and manages all the various steps necessary for the maintenance of infrastructures: from the organization and conduct of inspections, to the planning and implementation of maintenance or adaptation activities, according to clear priority criteria shared with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The system is also introducing advanced technologies made available by Fincantieri NexTech, never before used on Italian motorway networks such as the possibility of analyzing a work through a three-dimensional "digital twin", which faithfully reproduces all its characteristics with the '' use of drones equipped with topographic laser-scanners and very high resolution cameras, which create real "tac" of surfaces. A specially developed system will support technicians in the recognition and classification of defects and in scheduling maintenance activities.
The platform is now in use on the 430 infrastructures of the two motorway sections of Cassino and Bari and will be progressively extended by the end of the year to the totality of the 1943 bridges and 2,000 overpasses of the Autostrade per l'Italia network. During 2021, its application will be extended to the maintenance processes of bridges and overpasses and to all 587 tunnels of the network where, thanks to the Digital Twin, it will be possible to implement an innovative instrumental monitoring model, performed with Industrial IoT sensors by Fincantieri NexTech and state-of-the-art technological solutions, which will make it possible to analyze the progress of the structural engineering parameters of the work, both static and dynamic, and the construction of algorithms for evaluating behavior in operation and during maintenance phases. In the same year, dynamic weighing systems will also be introduced, which will allow both to verify, upon entering the motorway, compliance with the weight limits authorized for Exceptional Transits, and to monitor in real time the behavior of the infrastructures when heavy vehicles pass.
The technologies deployed by Autostrade Tech, IBM and Fincantieri NexTech will also make it possible to experiment, on a scientific level, new models, algorithms and parameters in terms of infrastructure safety. For this purpose, a Technical-Scientific Committee has been set up by Autostrade Tech, in which the Polytechnic Universities of Trento, Turin, Rome, Naples and Milan participate, which has the task of coordinating these experimental activities, defining new operational procedures that will be subsequently agree with MIT. The first research project will be dedicated to the use of the most modern sensors for monitoring the behavior of infrastructures.
The total investment for the new system is over 60 million euros, entirely allocated by Autostrade per l'Italia.
Source: www.trasporti-italia.com |
Scania partners with ENGIE and EVBox for charging solutions
The French global energy and services group ENGIE, and its subsidiary EVBox Group, are joining forces with Scania, TTS Italia ordinary member, to offer transport providers in 13 European countries a customised and complete e-mobility solution.
Charging is a prerequisite for electrifying transport. For transport providers in urban and some regional applications, depot charging will in many cases be sufficient. Many transport providers are therefore examining depot charging, but discovering that finding the right charging solutions is a complex matter. For more advanced routes and as the electrification journey progresses, there will also be a need for more advanced solutions as well as for destination charging and public charging, which today is extremely limited.
“A complete charging solution encompasses energy supply, charging hardware and software as well as installation, maintenance and other related services adapted to each customer’s specific needs. This strong partnership with ENGIE and EVBox Group will simplify the transition by our customers to an increasingly electrified fleet on the journey towards more sustainable transport,” says Alexander Vlaskamp, Head of Sales and Marketing, Scania.
ENGIE stands out in the energy sector with international reach as well as strong local partnerships. It has a capability to provide both the energy system and, through EVBox Group, intelligent and scalable high-power charging tailored to each customer. ENGIE’s brings extensive experience of electric vehicle charging and energy systems and will design, offer, install and maintain the electric charging solution and related services.
“The electrification of transport is one of the key initiatives for reducing emissions—especially since transport represents almost a quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions. This partnership poses new opportunities for EVBox Group, and with over 10 years of experience, we’re confident that our expertise and competitive offering will support Scania in achieving its business and sustainability goals,” says Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO of EVBox Group
“Scania and ENGIE are sharing the same vision and ambition to drive the shift towards sustainable transport solutions. This European partnership on electric trucks and buses mobility is the result of mutual trust developed through our historical collaboration on gas mobility. We are proud, to join force, on this new electric truck segment offering promising potential on urban and peri-urban uses. ENGIE will be glad to design, offer, install and maintain leading charging solutions and related services to Scania customers, benefiting both from own European network of qualified technicians and from partners regional networks” says Shankar Krishnamoorthy - ENGIE Group Executive Vice President
“The charging solution will profoundly affect range, flexibility and the battery health of an electric vehicle, and will thereby significantly impact the Total Operating Economy for our customers, says Vlaskamp. “We are on a learning journey in electrifying heavy transport and it is through partnership such as this, and by working closely to our customers, that we together are identifying the best way forward.”
Scania believes that transport can only be transformed by exploring a broader ecosystem and collaborating with new partners in order to catalyse change. The partnership with ENGIE and EVbox Group is yet another venture into the energy sector for Scania, following an earlier announcement on battery supply. It focuses on depot charging for customers and will initially cover 13 European countries with a further expansion towards the end of 2021.
This partnership also constitutes an important building block in Scania’s commitment to science based climate targets, which also encompass helping customers decarbonise their operations.
Source: Scania |
Scania sets Green Bond Framework in support of sustainable transport
Scania, TTS Italia ordinary member, has successfully qualified for issuance of green bonds to accelerate decarbonising the transport system, following an independent assessment of its Green Bond Framework.
“We’re very proud to join the group of forward-looking companies that qualify for green bond financing,” says Scania’s Chief Financial Officer Johan Haeggman. “Scania is fully committed to driving the shift to a fossil-free transport system and green bonds will enable us to accelerate change. We recognise that decarbonising transport systems throughout the world in the forthcoming years will require partnership efforts across many sectors, including the financial community.”
The Green Bond Framework constitutes the basis for identifying, selecting, verifying and reporting projects that are eligible for financing by green bond proceeds. Well-established Norwegian CICERO Shades of Green has rated the framework ‘dark green’, which is allocated to projects and solutions that correspond to the long-term vision of a low carbon and climate resilient future.
Scania has set ambitious carbon-reduction goals as underwritten by the Science Based Target initiative. These include that from 2015 halving carbon emissions from its own operations by 2025 as well as reaching a 20-percent reduction of CO2 emissions from its trucks, buses and engines when in use, which constitutes more than 95 percent of Scania’s environmental impact. Scania has already reached its 2020-target to transition all its ten major production facilities worldwide to fossil-free electricity.
“The entire transport ecosystem has the monumental and unprecedented task of – in one single generation– shifting from total dependency on oil to fossil-free transport,” says Andreas Follér, Scania’s Head of Sustainability. “While this may seem daunting, it is also one of the most exciting challenges of our times. We are now inviting investors to join us on this journey.”
The proceeds from Scania’s green bonds will be exclusively channelled to projects that will have a profound impact in reducing CO2 emissions. These might include boosting the performance of heavy electric trucks and buses, e-bus based public transport systems and establishing an efficient charging infrastructure for electric trucks and buses.
In accordance with the Green Bond Principles, proceeds will be managed in separate accounts and the allocation transparently reported with the obtained carbon savings.
Source: Scania |
SINELEC wins 5T tender for WIM system
SINELEC S.p.A., supporting member of TTS Italia, has been awarded the tender issued by 5T S.r.l., on behalf of Piemonte regional government, for the realization of a weigh-in-motion system, by proposing the LIBRA/S solution. The contract calls for the design, installation, calibration, commissioning and maintenance of a WIM system to support the monitoring activities of heavy traffic and dangerous goods’ transport on the network in the Piedmont region, Italy.
Source: SINELEC |
Smart Road: Anas invests a billion
One billion investments in the Smart Road project. This was announced by the CEO of Anas, TTS Italia ordinary member, Massimo Simonini in a speech on the “Riparte l'Italia” think tank magazine. It is a "preparatory technology for the development of Smart Mobility and future scenarios of autonomous vehicle driving" and is aimed at improving road safety and making traffic flows more efficient. As Simonini explains, "it is based on a complex digital platform that is articulated on the road network like a 'nervous system' with the support of technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big Data and advanced sensors through development of the national ultra-broadband network". The goal is to "equip the country with an efficient road network, which is progressively improving and open to the new challenges of the future: from electric power to assisted driving and beyond, as in the case of autonomous driving vehicles. 'smart roads' will be supported by the infrastructure of roads with fiber optic networks". The overall investment of the Smart Road Anas program is 1 billion euros and a first phase is underway with an investment of approximately 250 million euros, also thanks to European contributions, as part of the Operational Program PON Infrastructure and Networks 2014 -2020 of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, and of the Connecting Europe Facility for the Trans European TEN-T networks 2014-2020. The future, however, "is not only smart, it is necessarily also sustainable. This is why Anas is involved in various green projects. The company has decided to accelerate the decarbonization process envisaged by the European Union for 2050", added Simonini.
Source: Teleborsa |
Targa Telematics: direct line with car dealers thanks to the phonocar partnership
Targa Telematics, TTS Italia founding member, has signed a partnership with Phonocar, an Italian distributor of innovative automotive products for the marketing of Stolen Vehicles Recovery (SVR) solutions based on the use of telemetry. Through its consolidated sales network, Phonocar will promote Targa Telematics’ Internet of Cars solutions to its car dealers and car manufacturers throughout Italy and Europe.
With over 45 years of experience and 4,000 customers in Europe in both the After Market and Car Manufacturer channels, Phonocar distributes products mainly in the multimedia, Hi-Fi, car accessory and electronic anti-theft device areas. Thanks to the partnership with Targa Telematics, the company will expand its product offering with a value-added stolen vehicle recovery service, through innovative satellite trackers and the availability of operations centres cooperating directly with the police.
In fact, Telematics' GPS trackers transform the car into a connected vehicle, allowing monitoring throughout Europe and a drastic reduction in the risk of theft and, should it occur, a higher rate of car recovery. This cutting-edge solution made it possible to achieve a recovery rate of over 90% in the first few months of 2020.
The car dealer sector has been undergoing important changes in recent years, in the wake of what has already happened on the other side of the Atlantic. In Italy, 30% of car sales are managed by 20 dealer groups and 60% of new and used car trade in Italy depends on them. A rapidly evolving channel, which in certain cases is also organizing itself as a car rental and sharing operator and could significantly benefit from a greater level of innovation in terms of additional services at the time of sale.
“We are proud to collaborate with a historical company with an established business like Phonocar” says Alberto Falcione, Targa Telematics Vice President of Sales. “Thanks to our expertise in the telemetry field, we can offer car dealers services that are increasingly innovative and in line with the needs of their customers in the coming months. Today, the agreement signed with Phonocar concerns SVR solutions in particular, but our technology allows the development of services that can help car dealers increase the value of their sales, not only in financial terms, but also in terms of consulting and increasing customer loyalty".
“Our company has grown significantly in recent years, thanks to the development of innovative products targeted at each specific country and exploiting new sales channels.” underlines Guglielmo Bagnacani, Phonocar Chairman and CEO. “The collaboration with Targa Telematics allows us to offer our customers a cutting-edge and complete product. Furthermore, we can ensure excellent conditions for those who adopt this solution, thanks to the agreements in place with the major car manufacturers and with leading insurance companies. Lat but not least, we want to position ourselves in a distinctive manner in the European market and to grow, accompanied by a partner such as Targa Telematics, which has consolidated experience in connected mobility”.
Over the last few weeks, the more than 20 Phonocar agents have followed training sessions to learn more about Targa Telematics technology and its Stolen Vehicles Recovery solution, so that the partnership can get underway in earnest in December.
Fonte: Targa Telematics |
Viasat RunTracker 6.X obtains EASA Certification
Satellite telematics is certainly a precious ally in the management of private aircraft and fleets of Flight Schools or Aero Clubs, which also meets the traffic safety requirements of General Aviation (AG) and light aircraft (ULM). In this sense, it is no surprise that the Viasat RunTracker 6.X, a satellite device widely used in the management of freight fleets, has obtained the Certificate/Approval Minor Change (viaair.it - 10074465) from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), together with the Proximity Reader, the badge reader that identifies the Pilot on board. Thanks to the collaboration between our Group and viaair.it and the certification obtained, valid throughout Europe and compliant with American FAA regulations, it will now be possible to install the device, named LDL Live Data Logger in this specific area of application, on 154 types of aircraft certified General Aviation (ELA1, ELA2) as well as all ultralight aircraft (ULM). "Our solution - comments Domenico Petrone, President of Viasat Group - thanks to the GNSS/GSM network, allows the location of all those aircraft that typically fly at quite low heights that traditional radar cannot detect. In this way, it is possible to improve flight safety and control of airspace, not only for commercial use, such as the delivery of goods or the control of fields and crops, but also for the management of public safety, urban security or territorial tracking". LDL Live Data Logger, distributed by viaair.it, allows knowing the status of the entire fleet of aircraft in real time, through the WebDataMap platform. Equipped with accelerometer and gyroscope, it is able to record and transmit to the Operations Centre 24/7 the position of the aircraft, flight parameters, unusual operations, Heavy Landing or crash, all useful information to understand the landing dynamics, enabling Flight School Instructors to improve feedback on students, increasing "Safety". Viaair.it is a company specialised in the development and management of aeronautical platforms for the aircraft's maintenance oriented to CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation).
Source: Viasat |
Covid-19: the OITA event for effective vaccine distribution models
On Monday 30 November, the reserved event organized by OITA - Interdisciplinary Food Transport Observatory on "Vaccines Covid-19. The great challenge: how and where? " was held.
The approach of the availability of anti-Covid vaccines makes it urgent to develop analysis and evaluation tools to identify effective distribution models. These tools must take into account all aspects, from those strictly medical to those relating to the availability of space and means, to the reduction of costs and waste, to the guarantee of safety and equity.
OITA, thanks to professional contributions to be collected in a close series of on-line meetings, aims to create a qualitative-quantitative grid of parameters to be applied in the development of the best solutions to manage every aspect of this great social operation.
OITA provides decision makers with a matrix of choice and subsequent optimization to select or develop a distribution system capable of reaching each citizen.
Olga Landolfi, Secretary General of TTS Italia, was among the experts who took part in this first event, together with representatives of Cybersecurity and security of warehouses and transport; Refrigerated storage and transport (-70 to +8 Celsius); General and territorial medicine; Distribution logistics of the drug; Preventive Medicine and Public Health; Geography of populations and services. |
FENIX: TTS Italia and Ministry of Transport at the forefront of logistics
FENIX (A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics) is the three-year project coordinated by ERTICO and in which TTS Italia is engaged as an implementing body of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) in project management activities at national level. The activities managed by MIT include two pilots with related use cases. The pilot from Trieste (Mediterranean & Baltic-Adriatic Corridor and Southeast Sea Highway), which will contribute to the federation of the IT platform with that of the AEOLIX project developed as part of the H2020 program, of which Trieste was a test site. And the pilot from Genoa / Milan (Italian pilot of the Reno Alpi - Dynamic synchromodal logic modules), which will provide various tools to optimize the planning and real-time operation of the logistics and transport operators in the maritime and air sectors of the northern Italian regions. westerners. In the context of the Italian Reno Alpi pilot, thanks to FENIX, commercial exchanges continue between the two airports of La Spezia and Casablanca where an international logistic corridor will be created. In addition to the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, the Tarros Group and Circle are involved. |
TTS Italia reconfirmed in the Board of Directors of IRF Global
IRF Global (International Road Federation) has recently elected the new Directors to its Board, for the two-year period 2020-2022.
Olga Landolfi, Secretary General of TTS Italia, was reconfirmed for two more years, after the first election in 2018, among the members representing 27 countries.
IRF Global is a Washington-based non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage and promote the development and maintenance of safer and more sustainable roads.
For the complete list of Board Directors, click here. |
MaaS: a wide-ranging discussion in a a joint event, TTS Italia among the organizers
The event "Interregional mobility: the different approaches and solutions of cooperation" was held online on December 2 and 3, jointly organized by TTS Italy, the Liguria Region, the Tuscany Region, the University of Aveiro, Liguria Ricerche, the Municipality of Genoa and TBridge, and in collaboration with the MOBIMART and MOBIMART PLUS projects, as part of the PriMaaS project, of which TTS Italia is a partner.
During the event, passenger transport and wide-ranging innovative solutions were discussed, focusing in particular on:passenger mobility; role of ICT in the governance of the passenger transport system; MaaS and low carbon mobility services; data standardization and interoperability; business opportunities and prospects. |
CityVision: telling the future of the intelligent city in the post-Covid world, TTS Italia among the protagonists
Sponsored, among others, also by TTS Italia, "CityVision" was held on 2 December, an international event that compares experts and the solutions on display, to tell the future of the intelligent city in the post-Covid world: technologies, opportunities and best practices at European level.
City Vision is a digital event, hosted by the online portal of Fiera di Padova, which allowed the public to participate remotely while maintaining an active interaction.
TTS Italia was among the speakers of the session on “Digital architecture for smart cities. How to build the infrastructures at the base of smart services”, a comparison between technological enablers of the smart city. The panel aims to illustrate how the technological architecture is composed to infrastructure the intelligent city and what are the quality standards to be respected. TTS Italia's intervention focused in particular on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Smart Mobility: what they are, the impacts, the regulatory framework, the main trends with a focus on MaaS and autonomous driving.
CityVision also included a virtual exhibition part and TTS Italia took part with its own stand. |
“Beyond the Pandemic: Building the Transport Infrastructure of Tomorrow” – TTS Italia at IRF Global Conference
The Secretary General of TTS Italia, Olga Landolfi, was among the speakers of the virtual R2T Conference organized by IRF Global “Beyond the Pandemic: Building the Transport Infrastructure of Tomorrow” which took place from 17 to 20 November.
IRF Global's R2T conference has quickly established itself as a premier meeting place for global innovators and decision makers from over 50 countries in the road and mobility sector. For road and transport authorities, the conference is the ideal place to learn and share best practices on the latest technologies and solutions. For researchers, it is an ideal platform to share their research with peers and the industry as a whole. For the private sector, it is an opportunity to establish the right business contacts and to show their services.
The conference focused on:
– Impact of Covid19 on Road Agencies
– Equipping Roads for Connected & Autonomous Vehicles
– Future of Mobility Pricing & Road User Charging
– Road Safety: The Forgotten Pandemic
– Predicting & Preventing Road Crashes with GIS & AI
– On the Road to Energy Efficiency in Pavement Design
– Using Visualization and Intelligent Technologies to Manage Road Networks
In particular, Olga Landolfi took part in the November 18th session on “impact of COVID-19 on Road Mobility”. |
TTS Italia at the Mobility Academy Master Executive 2020 by ASSTRA
For the second year, ASSTRA Service - with the collaboration of Mobility Academy (a brand owned by Conerobus Service srl) and the scientific support of professors from the "La Sapienza" University of Rome, the Polytechnic University of Marche and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - organized a training course on the evolution of digital technology and the consequent impacts on collective transport services.
The topics covered within the different modules are:
• Cybersecurity policies and practices and risk management;
• The evolution of digital platforms;
• Fleet control.
TTS Italia, represented by the Secretary General Olga Landolfi, participated on November 10 as a teacher in the second of the three modules of the master, dedicated to "Digital Platforms". In particular, Landolfi's speech will focus on "ITS digital platforms for the integration of mobility services". |
Smart mobility, how to make better use of funding: the article by TTS Italia on Strade & Autostrade
Making the most of the resources available for the digitalization of transport. National and European funds under analysis with the aim of bringing the Public Administration and companies into dialogue: offer and demand together to accelerate the arrival of smart mobility.
This is the goal of the working group launched in recent weeks by TTS Italia, in collaboration with Roma Servizi per la Mobanza which coordinates the work.
We talk about it in our new article on Strade & Autostrade, read it here. |
Big Data: speech by TTS Italia President now available
On September 2020, the event ”BIG DATA, SMART CITIES EAND SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY” was held, organized by The Innovation Group.
If you missed it, the speech by Rossella Panero, TTS Italia President, on “Data value in mobility” is now available herel |
TTS Italia among the sponsors of Genoa Smart Week: Regeneration and development of the City at the center of the 6th edition
Renewed and completely digital version for the sixth edition of Genova Smart Week, also sponsored by TTS Italia, took place from 23 to 28 November 2020. The event, promoted by the Genova Smart City Association and the Municipality of Genoa with the organizational support of Clickutility Team, confirmed the territorial and national reference appointment to talk about livable cities, innovation and resilience. The best practices of companies and institutions were presented and the development models of the smart city on a human scale were analyzed, involving professionals and operators in the sector. A week of interactive live streaming events to discuss policies, technologies and infrastructures for the regeneration and development of the City, the leitmotif of the conference sessions and the scheduled webinars. There are many issues on the agenda: digital solutions and infrastructures for the smart city; policies and interventions for urban revival; circular economy; regeneration of the built environment; smart mobility and micromobility; environmental monitoring and control of the territory; technologies for the blue economy. The past edition involved over 300 speakers and saw the support of 81 sponsors and partners: a participation that emphasizes the importance of projects and the creation of Smart Cities in a context of profound social, demographic and economic changes. Also this year, on the occasion of the Genoa Smart Week, the 8th edition of Move.App Expo took place, the most important event in Italy dedicated to technological innovation in public transport by rail and road and to mobility policies of people and goods. Organized by Columbia Group in collaboration with AMT Genoa, it will address industry experts and will be an opportunity to discuss the strategic function of public transport, technological innovation, infrastructure and logistics. |
• Italia – Ciriè
Infringement detection systems
• Italia-Brescia
Electric vehicles
• Italia-Civita d’Antino
Public services
• Italia-Napoli
Engineering and planning services
• Italia-Roma
Communications control system

The Government of Innovation: planning and investments at the time of digital ports
27 January 2021 - WEB EVENT
For further information, f.meini.ext@portialtotirreno.it

13th European Space Conference
12-13 January 2021, Brussels, Belgium + ONLINE
For further information, click here →